"YOUR LAND AND MY LAND" LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Locot osu student» Cake Decorating 3 Honored tor Scholastic Accomplishments Workshop Planned Miss Linda Long and A work hop on "cake decor Cynthia Nelson were among ating holiday foods,” spon the 295 OSU juniors honored sored by Chemeketa Commun- for cholastic a<< ompllshments ity College, will be held at at a banquet heid earlier this Stayton High School Dec. 4, month at the university. from 6:30 to 10:30 pm. The instructor wjl) be Lynn The juniors were recognized for having out landing grades Bishop, who this year won during their first two years at first place and grand champion the university. The Junior honors in cake decorating at Accolades program is sponsor ’he Oregon State Fair. This ed by Phi Kappa Phi, national is the thjrd year Mrs Bishop has been teaching Chemeketa honor society. Miss Nelson I in the chool classes. The workshop will include of liberal arts and Linda is in , basic knowledge of cake decor- forestry. Dear Editor, The Drama Class really en joyed doing "Headin’ For A Weddani’," <in Friday night But. there’s a problem we have. There was a person who created most of the stage, by Jlazei Hayes I I taught us how to act, spent A Woman of Courage many hours preparing us for the play, and helped put make “She is a woman of up on. He worked very hard strength and dignity.” "A woman that fears and and deserves 99 5/6% of the credit for the production of reverts« God shall be the play. But he only took greatly praised." 1/0% of all the credit His Among the women of the name is Mr. Snider, our Drama borderland, nothing was mure Class director, and we would remarkable than their belief | like to exptend our apprécia* in the efficacy of prayer. They tion, for without him, we prayed for safety, They prayed couldn’t have done the play, i lor crops, for peace, for deliv THANK YOU for the hard | 15 YEARS AGO — I960 I erance from then emmii■ , for work Mr Snider. Tiie North Sanliam Cham- health in their forest-girt Sincerely, I ht of Commerce had gone on I home Drama (lass record a being m favor of .11 in the Revolutionary change in the exit sign at the J War the inhabitants of the junction of Highway 22 and ■ frontier of Burke County If the number following Inleistute 5. They wanted the Nortli Carolina felt apprehen names of the towns up the sive the Indians had been loo your name on The En-i cunyon to be added to the quiet lately. terprise label reads It was determined to gather sign. Ph. 897-2185 I hinny Moore of Mill City at the fort. And besides it was I 1-75 it’s time to send, had won the $100 at the fire Thanksgiving time and they a check for renewal. 1 liked to get together. A parly men’s benefit. It was announced there | of soldiers was sent to protect would be no more Saturday them on their retreat. banking hours in Oregon after I The Indians had watched ■ these activities und had laid January 21 Thanksgiving Dinner, with a plan The road passed through a all the trimmings, was adver tised at $1.50 per plate at the dense forest and then across a meadow. Suddenly a war Last Frontier in Gates whoop sounded. Everyone dropped flat in the tall grass 10 YEARS AGO-1965 The soldiers and the men Mrs. Elmer Shaw had in jured her head and back in a had plenty of guns but not too fall down a flight of stairs, much powder. With rifles while visiting in KLnsli’y, ready they started crawling She had entered the towards trees. Kans When the children began to Kinsley Hospital. Bol> Kelle, Ole Knutson, cry, grandmother Anna crawl Francis Bodeker, and Frank ed among them "Hush, hush, Thompson had returned from G<»d knows we are here. Be hunting in Eastern Oregon still and say your prayers." The braves would rush out, with four elk U S Good grade beef roasts tomahawks in hand, but they were selling at 49c lb., bacon were repulsed by the cool- at 79c and Cheddar cheese at headed buckwoods riflemen. Hours passed and still they 59c. Detroit Ranger District had fought on. There ore o lot of things you con do Then came an appalling caU, finished seeding 210 acres of forest land by helicopter "Powder! pow—der— our pow to save electricity this winter without Fifteen acres of this was land der is giving out” Grand spending a bundle. that had been denuded by the mother Anna took off her big apron, wiggled through the 1. A fireplace looks pretty . but it can early 1965 floods. grass, collecting all the pow suck a lot of warm air right up the der, from the women, pouring 5 YEARS AGO—1970 chimney And that’s air your furnace Bert Wells, teacher at San- it Into her apron Now for the not your fireplace, hos heated. So, dash to the trees to find the Ham High, was sworn In as before burning, close off the fireplace councilman for the City of men “F*ut down your hat. I’ll area as much os possible possible. And for Gates, to fill the unexpired pour you n little." She went the round of the line of de sure, sure, close the damper when the term of Fred Woods Mrs. Charley Stewart flew fense. fireplace is not in use. At last the painted warriors to Denver, Colo to assist Nancy, in her move to a new gave way and were driven off L Inquiries were made as to who job in Los Angeles. Mrs Gale Dorothy had won was killed and one, running a turkey at a drawing at up, cried, “Where is the wo man who gave us the gun GirixTs Hilltop Market. The local school district had powder? I want to see her. received $23.114 78 from th'1 Without her we should all have basic school support fund. been lost." “You are looking In th» Why don’t YOU wubncribr wrong place." "Oh, she is killed We were to The Mill City Entnrprize? afraid of that,” exclaimed many voices. "She was very alive when 1 ED LEWIN saw her last " When the In Auctioneer, Inc, dians ran off, she was on her in Prayer. To their Complete Auctions knees 2. Set the thermostat back at night. great joy they found her »till Phone 7H9-MBR on her knees in prayer. Keep it os low as comfort allows Oonaignmeate Welcome Thinking not of herself, she Each degree over 70 degrees F costs Male almost every San. received their thankfulness about 3% more without manifesting any other 10 A. M. on your electric 10A0 WUco Road Stayton feeling that gratitude to bill Each degree heaven for their deliverance. 20 YEARS AGO — 1955 Heavy ruins hud cuused the culvert on Highway 22 to I m - come inadequate und water poured over I he hill Into the street and buildings below The Enterprise office lost con .sideruble paper stock, and about two inches of water and silt hud to be cleaned from the floor. An uncxpj'ciiKi cold struck the Mi-htiniu area and caused cars and tractors to freeze up, many water pipes burst, und all logging opera tions had been halted. Schools were also dosed due to Icy conditions We Now Carry Levi Struass Clothing I 3—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Nov. 27, 1975 uting supplies , cookie, cup DATSUN SERVICE cake and cake decorating with AND REPAIR foods. No previous knowledge of cake decorating i neces ary AU Work Guaranteed and yaa SAVE 39% on Salem Price» Interested persons should Call 897-2062 pre-reg ..ter by calling Carolyn ELMER TRIFP Butters at 769 2171. PRE-FINISHED PANELLING We Have Many Different Patterns To Choose From PRICED FROM and up We Also Have A Wide Selection Of Moldings To Coordinate With The Panelling. KELLY LUMBER SALES, INC. Stewart’s Grocery — Hwy. 22 East City Limit* PHONE 897-2363 Mill City, Ore. Pull the plug on six big energy wasters this winter. (And save yourself some money.) INVENTORY REDUCTION Including Tax Mounted FREE Balanced at 1 Price R&R Chevron Service Phon* 897-2786 SM N. R Baatfaun Blvd FREE Pick Up and Delivery Service POOR GAS MILEAGE? Bring Your Car In for a Tune-up today 5. Keep your heoting system in top shope. Have on expert check it out before eoch heating season. And clean or replace filters regularly. 6. Grab a few bags of insulation when you find a bargain. Insulating the whole house is best...if you can afford to spend the bucks. Otherwise, go slow and do what you can over a longer period of time. Steel Belted Radials Prices On Tires In Stock Only ity lets your body hold heat better. You can buy a humidifier... but, why not try a pan of water In front of heating outlets? Another inexpensive way is to grow lots of houseplants which not only give off moisture.. .but look pretty too! below 70 degrees saves about the same. If need be wear a sweater and save TIRESALE AS LOW AS 4. Humidify. Higher humid 3. Storm windows. Permonent storm windows are one thing, but even those not-so-pretty plostic kind con cut heat loss through glass by as much os 50%. And simply pulling the drapes over large glass areas puts an insulating layer of air between you and the outside. The important thing is to do some thing. Winter s higher electric use means higher costs Act now, save later. The People at Pacific Power