I <ow 6—The Mill City Enterprise, Thttixlay, Nov. 20. 1975 CLASSIFIED RATES 1976 Model Miscellaneous I Churches, bazaars, suppers, AUTHORIZED CATALOG bake sale, etc., will be run FOR SALE — 700x13 snow tires with studs, mounted MERCHANT STORE under special announcements classification with a mini and balanced on chrome wheels. Fits Falcon, Cbrvair, mum charge of 75c per In or foreign models. Ph. SOT- sertion. SIS^ 47p Fifteen cents per line each .1 insertion, No advertisements WHITE interior La ______ ’ex wall V A . accepted for less than 75c finish $3.9S gal. Sublimity per week, Minimum charge Building Supply, Sublimity ' for Cards of Thanks $1.00. Ph. 769-2)74. 3tf Count five words to the line With The Purchase Of in ordering your ad. Telephone CARPET CLEANING $10.95 897-2772, Mill City or mail any size living room, hall A Micro-Wave Oven your advertisement to The Mill way. Carpet-guard extra. During Week of November Citv Enterprise, Mill City. Call Glenn 749-2989 any time. 17 through November 22. 1 Oregon 97360. • Quasar QS3000 46tf FREE TURKEY ¡Quasar s 18" PORTABLE COLOR TV Solid i At Your Home Owned State Modular Chassis • SEPTIC TANK and drainfield I “ Insta-Matic" Color Tuning! SEARS STORE installation. Gravel. Topsoil, Bulldozing, rototilling. Low Ph. 897-2348 160 N. 1st •Plug-in Circuit Modules^ Bright Picture Tube • In- rates. L. M. Walker, Lyons. Mill City 1 stant Picture1 & Sound • Phone 859-2436. 50» f Energy Saver Switch £ OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT — WOOD STOVES — Franklins, Concealed carry handle Pot Bellies, Parlor Stoves, $3.98 per gallon. Sublimity For Rent HIRTE’S MARKET | Telephone 897-3133. 844 1st St., Mill City. Open 8-6:30 every day. Closed Sundays. legitimate needs of justice For example: A woman witness in a homi cide case was a ked whether she had been quarrelling with her husband a question that had no connection at all with the trial. The court threw the question out us improper. As one judge put it: "Witnesses have a right to be protected from abuse by im- proper questions mid gratui tous attacks on (their) charac- Public Notices INFORMATION Furniture on "persuader Baha'i Faith I court's power to hold him ini See Our New PHONE 859-2943 I contempt. But beyond that, if I Merchandise I Jone's refusal should ruin your I I claim, he may even have to Arriving Daily Help Wanted ! pay you the damages himself ' Most states now huve sta i Unfinished Cheat« $24.00 HELP WANTED Woman for lutes allowing damages against Sleeper« — Stack Table« part time help. Wilson's the unwilling witness. Rockent, Sofivt, Chair Thus, one court imposed and Ottoman«, Recliner*, w Trade Hatchery, ph. 859-2134. damage's on a businessman unflniahed furniture For Top TV or Radio who was "I too busy" to testify Gun Cabinets at a shopper ’ s lawsuit against a SALES or SERVICE CARDS Adjustable Plant Stand supermarket. Conceding that Call 769-2451 the duty to testify is ”i rarely ■ OF Bi Open Evening* By We Repa'r All pleasant or desired by th* Appointment Brands and Models witnesses themselves," the BankAmericard Welcome court addl'd: RICHARD "Public authority has pre- Sublimity-Aumsville SCHUMACHER ference over private interest.' •* Junction The work and planning you Distributor Approved On the other hand, a witness must have done nis-d not submit to embarrass Phone 749-2975 The steps and miles you mu.t ment or hardship beyond the have run To plan a party that waa so grand Bank Terms Available Electronic Servicing And Sales at You ’ ve got to be the best in i On Approved Credit the land. Sublimity, Oregnn Reasonable Rates If we were to fashion a bracelet with jewels so THE DONUT HUT fair Now Open Each of you would be a link Tues., Wed., Fri. & Sat included there. Special Orders of 2 Doz You made us so happy, and or More Taken Anytime pleased too PHONE PHONE Thanks to all and may God Ph. 897-2751 bless you. OATES SALEM Superior Refrigeration Dave and Carmen Barnhardt FOR RENT — 1 bedroom du- plex-partly furnished. $75 North Santiam Real Estate, Phone 897-2497. 47 FOR RENT — Furnished 1 and Building Supply. Phone 769- Thermostadt controlled wood 2 bdrm. apts. All utilities 2174. 3tf Heaters, Fireviews, Box Heaters, Trash Burners, Con incl. Cable TV available. Ph. 897-2961. 22tf CUSTOM GAME PROCESS temporary free - standing Fireplaces. We stock stove ING—cooling, cutting, wrap OFFICE SPACE for Rent or ping and freezing. Also game pipe, stove pipe fittings and Lease. Inquire at The Enter sausage and bologna made. stainless steel chimneys. prise. Ph. 897-2772. 41tf Free estimates provided on Hirte’s Market. Ph. 897-3133, 844 S. First, MUI City. 40tf all installation and masonry FOR RENT — Lot rental and work. Smith’s Hardware, brand new 3 bdrm, mobile home for only $159.00 per CUSTOM MOBILE SLAUGH 140 Candalaria Blvd. S., Sa lem, phone 364-5661. 48 month after small down pay-! TERING — Call 897-3133 for ment. Phone 769-5330 days. appointments. Canyon Mo Or 769-3103 evenings. 46tf | bile Slaughter and Hirte’s FOR RENT — Lawn mower and garden UUer. Western Market, Ph. 897-3133, 844 S. HAVE LOTS OF JUNK laying Auto Associate Store, phone First, Mill City. 36tf around the house, in the gar 897-2785. 17tf age or in the attic. Why not NEED CASH? Loans available get the most out of it with on older homes and ranch- ATTENTION SPORTSMEN — a convenient Want Ad in the We are now stocking Reload ettes. We purchase contracts. Mill City Enterprise. A call ing Supplies. Kirsch True Call DEBENTURE MORT to)897-2772 will change your Value Hardware, Mill City. GAGE CO., Stayton, 769- unwanted items into cash. Ph. 897-2785. 37tf 5445 40tf Real Estate WE HAVE Maytag Washers, NUMBER ONE prefinished Dryers and Dishwashers that BUYERS we have paneling. All 4x8 sheets are quiet and dependable Listing» we need $3.99 and $4.99. Sublimity and available at Kirsch True Offices Coast-to-Coast Building Supply, Sublimity. Value Hardware, Mill City, I National Advertising Brings Phone 769-2174. 3tf 897-2785. 34tf BUYERS from everywhere Call today FOR SALE — 1964 Biltmore FOR information regarding Vivian M. Kealen, Manager cemetery space or cemetery Mobile Home—10x15, $3,900. & Air Conditioning P. O. Box 516 markers or monuments, Call Take over contract with Gajes, Oregon 97346 Service small down payment, if re Evelyn or Wilbur Harlan, Phone 897-2124 4> Domestic 897-2682 at 235 S. E. King- liable party. Contact North wood. Mill City. 48 <8» Commercial Siintiam Federal Credit LISTINGS WANTED ♦ Autos Union, 1005 N. 1st Avenue, Trucks Stay ton, Oregon. Ph. 769- 4> Electrical Appliances 2146. 48 Wanted Miscellanous Washers 4> Dryers WANTED — Customers. Fire FOR SALE — Electric dryer, AL HERRMANN wood for sale, 2 cord, $70; trash burner, single bed, 4 Bus 769-6918 Res 859-2402 1 cord $40; cord $25; V 4 chests, 2 dressers, 5 chrome 244 N 4th Street cord $15. Thompson-Engel- chairs, 2 small refers Phone STAYTON, OREGON horn Enterprises. P. O. Box 897-2770. 47p think of 97, Gates, Ph. 897-3215. 39tf Selling DRUSHELLA'S TIRED OF WAITING Months TIMBER WANTED: all spe Drushella Real Estate for your business forms to cies. Stevenson Logging. Ph. Elydia E. Smith 897-2460 1005 N. First Ave., Staytoa Salesman — Gates, Oregon Call day or evening FOR SALE — Try 1700 sq. ft. of spacious living in thia all electric 3 bedroom one and a half bath home. Has large living and dining room »nd Franklin fireplace. Stove, re frigerator., curtains and drapes incl. Also has large shop and fenced yard. What more could you ask for, may be a view in the country? Well, it has this too. Phone 897-3102. 43tf come to you. Try the expert printers at The Mill City Enterprise. Just a telephone call to 897-2772 will put the efficient and fast printers at I your service. See The Mill City Enter prise. Top Quality Printing priced right Fast, service too. Phone 897-2772 Rte. 1, Box 168, Lyot» PHONE 897-2097 All Types of Roof Repairs FREE ESTIMATES MANY BU Y ERS for home« with «mall acreage. LIST NOW. STROUT REALTY, INC. Gates, Ore. - 5 Bedroom LGE. OLDER HOME, living room, parlor, dining room, 2 bedroom«, kitchen, utility and bath, downstairs. 3 j bedrooms up. Needn work. Huge lot. $13,500.00. NICE NEAT 2 bedroom home, carpeted throughout, playroom, Franklin fireplace, single garage with stor age. Fenced yard. 90x130 ft lot. $20,000. LISTINGS NEEDED North Santiam Real Estate Phone 897-2497 Days or Evening«. Mabel or Al Yankus 675 N. E. Santiam Blvd. 52p ALLIED ROOFING Join your friends and save with safety at the North Santiam Federal. Accounts insured to $40,000.00. 1005 North First Avenue, Stay ton, Ore. Phone 769-2146. Vivian Kealen, Mgr. 244-1308 Portland. Services COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 44x24’ DOUBLE WIDE, all electric, 2 bedroom Mobil home situated on corner lot approximately 85x100’. Large living room, separate dining room with built in China Cabinet. 1 and % bath. Kitchen has harvest gold built-in oven, range, dishwasher and refrigerator. Har vest gold counter tope, light panelling and natural fin ish cabinets, separate utility and service area. Fully carpeted and drapes included. Separate storage shed with cement floor. Lot is fenced and nicely landscaped Full Price ----------------- ---------- _----------------- $18,000 Ph. 897-2124 ■ GALVANIZED ROOFING matter of choice but a matter 2*4" corrugated, 4V corru-1 of civic duty. The citizen who gated custom cut to length. | has useful information in a Ask about our new lower, lawsuit must tell what he prices, Subltmlty Building knows, willingly or not, be- Supply, 769-2174. cause justice i.s entitled to his assistance. Need Drycleaning Agency for Salem Laundry and Drycleaning. Pick up and Delivery on Mondays THANKS CAPITOL 897-2777 581-4047 the ITi F'AM i nni ILYÄ, ii * X LAWYER A SERVICE 3882 State Street, No Mileage Charge “I Refuse To Testify" Grouchy neighbor Jones, sit ting on his front porch, sees a reckless driver plough into your parked car, Later, trying to collect damages, you need MACHINE WORK Jones to be a witness for you ' in court. But he balks. Valves Refaced "I refuse to testify,” he Brake Drums and Rotors says. "The whole thing Is none Turned I of my business.” Tune-Ups Can you force him to take the stand? Indeed you can. Riverbend Welding & Testifying in court is not a Salem, Oregon 97301 Canyon Area Every Thursday From Mehama To Idanha SYLVANIA and ZENITH SALES GOOD SELECTION Of New or Used, Color or Black and White TV*« at Repair, Inc. On Linn Blvd. 2 mi. W. of Mill City — Ph. 897-2580 STAYTON SMALL EQUIPMENT Homelife Sales & Service ALUMINUM Screen Doors complete with hinges, latch Open Tuesday Thru Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. set, grill and door closer, $14.50. Sublimity Building 393 E. Florence Supply. Phone 769-2174. tf Stayton, Oregon BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL ------- 9 DIRECTORY <- — 4 ( Weddle Funeral Home PERSONAL STATIONERY LETTERHEADS C&H FURNITURE Upholstery ENVELOPES ”24 Years Experience” CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Commercial, Home, Auto«, Oregon Beat«, etc. "Chuck does them all” Free Estimates, Pickup and delivery. D D ELECTRIC IM N. First Avenae, Stayton Motor Service 519 Center BL, Sublimity Ph. 769-5427 All Makes motors Serviced, Repaired and Rewound. Irri gation and House Pumps in JOHN W. REID, M. D Phone 769-2042 eluded. SERVICE CALLS MADE Physician and Surgeon ENCLOSURES BUSINESS CARDS BOOKLETS ACCOUNTING FORMS u __ __ RULED FORMS INVOICES Mill City, Oregon Oil Burner Service Now Serving Mill City and Vicinity Prompt Service & Dependable PHONE 789-M99 Cy'i Furnace Repair Cy Hilton, owner GRAVEL OF ALL KINDS The Mill City Enterprise Phone 897-2772