4—The Mill City Enterprise. Thttrxlny, Nov. 13, 1975 Reptile Show Held At Detroit ^¡||jQQ]JOn-RobCftS Visitation Team Visits Detroit Schools THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE P. O. BOX 348 PHONE 897 2772 MILL (TTY, (IKK. 973M Published at Mill City. Marlon County, Ore. every Thursday. Entered as Second Class Mall Mattter at the Post Office at Mill City, Oregon, under the net of Congress of March 3, 1879, The Mill City Enterprise assumes no finnneial responsibility for errors in advei t I m nicnts. It will, however, reprint without charge or cancel the charge for that portion of tin advertise- ment which is in error if the Enterprise is at fault. An inde- pendent newspaper, dedicated to the development of the timber Industry and agriculture in this area. Exchange Vows | DETROIT — Miss Ariene I Loraine Roberts and Ricky I ’ Lynn Williamson exchanged j their marriage vows at Grace Baptist Church, Salem, Satur MFMBfR day afternoon. Rev. Larry Goin, pastor of Oregon the Idanha Community Newspaper Church, performed the 2:00 Publishers ceremony which was followed hs î Association j by a reception in the church parlor, SUBSCRIPTION RATES j Tiie bride is the daughter of Marion-Linn Counties, per year ........ ....... Outside Marion-Linn Counties, per year Mr. and Mrs. Keith Roberts of Outside Oregon, per year Salem, and the bridegroom is | the son of Mr and Mrs. Lynn GEORGE LONG ........... „..... Editor and Publisher I Williamson of Idanha. RAYMOND E. PRESLER Printer NORMA LONG ............ „..... . Society and New» Editor | The bride wore an empire ALICE FARMEN Society and Editor stylo gown of white satin and Superintendent Bill Hili answers questions of Frank Fnzzio ROSE CREE Local N-w« Editor > Alencon lace fashioned by the during the Orientation se-..ion <>f th<‘ Visitation team. MARY KELLY Local New» Editor I bridegroom’s mother. The CORRESPONDENTS Second grader Jill Hopson looks relaxed as a friendly bodice was overlayed with re- Detroit-Idanha . Boot» Champion snake introduces itself to her during a recent assembly at '• embroidered lace with satin Gates . ... Joyce Presler the Detroit Schools. The assembly featured naturalist Kit ’ and leg-o-mutton sleeves. The : ....... Eva Bressler Beecher who has spent 25 years providing audiences with skirt was of chiffon over satin Mehama Mis. John Teeters thrills and unuerstandmg reptiles. with a wide ruffle at the hem- • line enhanced with lace and Career Education Program Discussed Boots Champion pearls The detachable train was of satin bordered with The St. Chistopher Mission I lace. Altar Society wishes to extend i Her waist-length veil cas their appreciation to all who ■ DETROIT A 28 memlx r caded from a Juliet headpiece participated in their recent delegation from the Ore Stat.* of lace and pearls and she raffle to raise much needed Dept, of Education were guests ■ f carried a bouquet of pink roses money. Winners in the draw of the Detroit School District J -, and yellow chrysanthemums. ings were Duane Greese, of on Tuesday, Nov. 4. The De Miss Carolyn Roberts was Stayton, who was awarded the troit School Disirict was select- her sister’s honor maid, Mrs. Fisher Boy, Helen Lopeck, of i ed by tiie state board of edu- Donald Richter and Miss San Idanha, who received the af ■ cation to participate as one of dy Moore were the brides- ghan. and Gloria Sanders, of the seven pilot districts for the maids. Shannon Lyon was the Idanha, who won the Madonna. new minimum standards for A group of family members elementary and secondary flower girl. The maid of honor wore a attending the wedding of Miss schools in the State of Oregon. floor length empire gown of Ariene Roberts and Ricky Each of the seven districts candy pink cotton accented Williamson Saturday afternoon will receive an unofficial re with lace and ribbon at the in Salem, drove to Portland port from the accreditation neckline, waistline and on the after the wedding to observe team that will provide Infor short sleeves. She carried a the forthcoming birthdays of mation about existing educa single pink rosebud. The Mrs. Lynn (Dorothy) William tional programs The delega bridesmaids wore similar son and Fred Taylor, a brother, tion was under the direction gowns of floor length yellow with a dinner at The Rhine of Dr. Clarence Mellbye. Dele lander. Family members were: gation specialists visited with cotton. Elaine Hopson discusses Detroit’s career education Three year old Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Lynn William district employees and atu- with Mrs. Howard Brock, state department specialist in forest pro Lyon, flower girl, wore a long; son. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor dents during the day long ducts pink dress of cotton accented ’ and daughters Sharon and visitation. with a ruffle arcund the hem Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Detroit Students Participate In Clinic line and appliqued flowers on . Lichlyter and Mr. and Mrs. Assorted geometric shapes add an artistic touch to this man the bodice. She carried a bas (Johnson, Portland. Mrs. John- ufacturing photo taken at Detroit Diesel Allison Division of ket of flower petals. Mrs, j-on is a sister of Dorothy and General Motors in Indianapolis. Featured is one of the firm’s . Gordon Plotts and Mrs. Mike i Fred. new V-730 automatic transmissions for transit coaches. This .Monroe, accompanied by Mrs. I Visitors at the Champion transmission is the latest technological entry into the burgeon ' Gina Slayden at the piano, | home on Wednesday of last ing mass transit industry and represents the first phase of a presented song selections, j week were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff major expansion effort at the company. Each of the new Michael Williamson acted asj McMillian of Gates While in DETROIT — Highlighting thrcc-speed automatics goes through a series of static and best man for his brother. , the area, they also visited at the Detroit Womans Civic Club Ushers were James Pirtle and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud meeting on Nov. 5 was a pro operational tests by technicians such as Charles L. Acton to gram presented by Joyce Sav Stanley Williamson, a brother Logsdon. verify quality and reliability before shipment to the coach of the bridegroom. The newly Vem Berggreen was releas- age, Marion County Health manufacturer. Fluid flowing under pressure through the in weds will spend their honey- ed from St. Vincents Hr>spital, Nurse. Mrs. Savage gave an In tricately carved channels of the valve body (in front of Acton) moon at home in Salem. Mr. Portland, F_..l—:, Z_. __ Saturday and has re- teresting and informative talk activates a series of valves. These in turn control the auto Williamson Is employed at the turned to hi» home in Rose- on free civic and health pro matic-shifting components. Completing the picture are the burg. grams available to commu North Salem Fred Meyer. roller conveyors and perfon-ted walkways covering the pro At the reception. Miss Col Mr. and Mrs. Lynn William- nities through Marion County. duction floor. Following her addresK a leen Stalford was in charge of son hosted a pre-wedding the gift table and Mrs. Gina turkey dinner following re motion was made, seconded Slayden the guest book. Ihearsal Friday night at their and carried to sponsor health Mrs. Ron Dixon of Albany, home in Idanha at 8:00. Fam- clinic programs available to and members of her family, ily members and guests pres- this area. Final plans were made for served at the reception table.! ent were: Bride-elect, Arlene Out of state guests were Mr. Roberts, and her fiance, Ricky the clubs annual Christmas and Mrs. Arnold Fox of Shel-1 Williamson; her parents, Mr. bazaar to be held Wed., Nov. ton. Wash. Other out of town and Mrs Keith Roberts and 19, from 2:30 to 7:30 p.m. in Detroit Elementary Students reporting to the well-child guests were from Portland, daughters, Carolyn, all of Sa- the social room of Detroit City I Grants Pass and Albany. | I lem, Sandy Roberts, Albany, Hall Anyone may donate item* clinic under the watchful eyes of Mrs. Edith Bittner and Mr» James Pirtle and Gina Slay —craftsmen may exhibit, sell Dorothy Wdliamson as Mary Hucka watches den, both of Salem, Mr, and or donate crafts at the bazaar, i-------------------------------- ... . First Snow Arrives In Mrs. Mike Williamson and However, the club asks ten ... .. Trash Fire Causes Wp I hi d I nip Announcing daughter, Trisha, Stanley Wil- percent of any sales Upper Canyon Area Those wishing to enter items ’»VII VIIHU VIIIIII liamson. Shannon Lyon, Mr Concern To Reporter DETROIT - “Old Man Win and Mrs. Charles Lichlyter, are being asked to bring them th. DETROIT — This reporter to the city hall on Nov. 18 be ter” sneaked into the Upper Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor and (Boots) got quite a scare Sun tween the hour of 7:00 and daughters, Sharon and Ann. North Santiam Canyon late day night about 3:00 p.m. when good Saturday afternoon and pelted Colleen Stalford, Rev. and 8:00 p.m., or on Nov. 19 from | DETROIT — The Marion the emergency phone rang the area with snow showers, Mrs. Larry Goin, all of Idanha 10:00 a m. to 2:30 p.m. In other business, plans were , County Health Dept, in co and a neighbor reported my the first of the season in the and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon newi? made for the member’s annual operation with local Detroit- house was on fire. Plotts, Sr. and son, Gordon Detroit-Idanha areas. The I'm happy to report It was I Christmas dinner, the date be Idanha community volunteers snow showers later turned to Dale, Detroit. Grace Baptist provided the community with not my house, but a large ing set for Dec. 3, tentatively Church in Salem was the set rain. the annual well-child clinic on I barrel of trash in the back According to a report ting for the wedding on Satur at 7:30 p.m. at the city hall Oct. 28. The clinic was held at yard of my next door neighbor Smart brides always choose ottr famoue Members may invite lady Sunday, packed snow was re day. guests. There will be an ex Detroit High School with the that had been touched off. In ported on roads in the Santiam change of unmarked gifts not aid of community volunteers. the darkness, the reflection of and Willamette Pass areas. They were Mrs. Tina Michael the fire appeared to be my to exceed $2.00. Better get those long-han son, Mrs. Margaret Feyerherm, house. I want to thank the Hostesses will be Ruth dles and stocking caps out of Thomasson, Caro) Benton and Mrs. Ginny Goin, Mrs. Edith firemen of the Idanha Rural the mothballs. Marcia Guerin. The Woman Bittner, Mrs. Juanita Wiley, Fire District for their quick Monday, snow showers re of the Year Award will be Mrs. Merelene Ableman and response The community can occured throughout the day in DETROIT There are prob presented at the Christmas Mrs. Dorothy Williamson. Due certainly be proud of these de the Upper North Santiam Can ably elk hunters galore, but (to illness, Mrs. Barbara White- dicated men. I al o extend my yon covering the area with a not all of them are successful. dinner. ley and Mrs. Judy Olivera appreciation to the neighbor Maryellen Hancock announc light blanket of snow. Most Three hunting parties were were unable to help. who turned in the alarm. It er! that there is a fund for fed Featuring 5 new scripte» of it is gone, as this is being successful recently when they Physical exams and innocu- gives one a warm feeling to eral grants to help those with written Tuesday. f went after the big game in low Incomes to make their lotions were provided tor Dc- know there are neighbors who Ea-tern Oregon. homes warmer. Interested troit School students and local are watchful, and I am great Stanley Williamson bagged persons may contact her by community children by Joyce ful, even If it was a false Idanha Rural Firemen a five point bull elk near cow calling 854-3351. I I Savage, Health Nurse for alarm. Again, my thanks to , Called Out Saturday camp while hunting with his Carol Hamill announced she Marion County, and her staff. all. IDANHA — Idanha Rural father, Lynn, and a brother, would like to start classes in of the typing and sewing. Interested Fire District was called to the Mike, the weekend Athel Savage cabins located opening of the season. All are persons may contact her at The Enterprise Prints Wedding A ouncements the school for further Informa about two miles East of from Idanha. Tom Leming bagged a spike tion. Idanha just off Highway 22, Expert Craftsmanship—Fast Service Too The raffle gift was won by about 7:40 a m. Saturday morn last weekend near Enterprise ing. The bedroom of the third while hunting with his father, Maryellen Hancock. Guests were Joyce Savage, j cabin in the string of four Jeff, and Stan Gable. Mrs. units was gutted. Fire Chief Leming and Patty Tower went JoAnn Toleman and Carol . along on the trip. The families Hamill Hostesses for the eve- j Presley said. ning were Rachel Music and The remainder of the four reside at Idanha. TlCr <in</ TlCr» Tiri Amr H Timiirki room cabin sustained water Dallas Benton, Idanha, along Phyllis Hill. damage as did the household with his brother, Etsel, and a furnishings that were remov friend from Kansas, and ed from the burning cabin. Ferris Benton, Burns, were FOR SALE — Rubber Stamps Mora and more brides are finding they can have the htxury Driven* who qualify save with special lower ratcn . . , made to order at the The people were not at home hunting near Enterprise last took they love and still keep oo the sunny side of their Tuesday. Mill City Enterprise. Come for non-ainoker* and driven* age 30 to 60. and the fire is under investi bridal budget with exquisite Regency stationery. It few in and see us or call 897- I Brother Etsel and the friend gation, Presley said. turae Hellograving* — an amazingly rich, raised lettering 2772 Names of the renters were pach bagged a spike, with all the good taste and distinction of the finest craft», CALL not learned. 2 3 $ ŒÎZ DET ROTI ' Detroit Schools IDANHA Visited By Oregon State Ed. Dept. Health Nurse Talks To Womans Club Held In Detroit Flower Wedding Line Canyon Hunters Bring Home Elk Invitations Farmers Insurance Company of Oregon manship—yet costs so little. Do see our exciting eelectioa st contemporary and traditional type faces...one, perfect tor you) *H«liotrsvin^—not to be confused with engravtr^ The Mill City Enterprise Telephone 897-2772 769-5240 Advertising in The Mill City Enterprise 830 3rd St. Stay ton DENNIS HUBER WAYNE Brings Results—Try It Every Week LIERMAN 709-5240 EVENINGS 760-6431