2—Ute Mill City Enterprise. 'ntursday, Nov. 6, 1975 Holiday Gift Gallery At Silverton Nov. 7 Hall-Bethel United At Halbert Mem. Womans Page, Providence Church Scene Of Wedding Former Marine* To Celebrate 200th B.rthday Saturday Former Marines living in the A group of women who have Providence Church in Scio I area have lieen Invited to cvle- worked together on crafts and ' was the scene of the wedding < brate ihe 300th birthday of the arts for 12 years will hold its of Melissa Lorene Etzel and Unit«>d States Marine Corps 10th Annual Holiday Gift Gal­ William R. Martine/ on Oct. with an anniversary ball start­ I Norma J. Long, Woman's Page Editor Phone 897-2772 lery, Fri., Nov. 7 at Chan’s ing at 8:00 p m Nov 8 in the 25 Banquet Room in Silverton, I The bride is the duughter of Black Angus restaurant in from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Sid Etzel of Rte Salem. Miss Cindy Sue Bethel of I During the day, Don Pettit, Wed In California 1, Box 90, Lyons, and the par­ Sponsoring this event is the of Silverton, will demonstrate Turner, and formerly of Mill1 ents of the groom are Mr. and Service Company of the Sixth City, became the bride of Mar- , glass blowing. Mr. Pettit, a Mrs. George Martinez of Al­ I Engineers Battalion which is junior in chemical engineering tin Douglas Hall on Oct. 25,' headquartered in Salem After bany. at the Halbert Memorial Bap- j at OSU, studied glass blowing a no-host cocktail hour, dinner Rev. Harold Brown officiat ­ tist Church. in order to make some of his ed at the 10:00 a m. ceremony. will lie served with dancing The rites were read by Rev. I needed equipment. Miss Alice Smith played the following. I and Charles W. Reagan at 7 pm. Showing porcelain Colonel Hubert J. Fultyn, wedding music at the piano. The bride is the daughter of I I Cathy Shelton, granddaugh- I handpainted china is Mrs. USMC, Ret, from McMinn The bride ’ s floor length Mr. and Mrs. Darrel E. Bethel I ter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pettit. Miss Betty Kleinsorge the ’Pt-uker. Col ' Loucks, was recently married gown was of natural color I vil|p- w111 and Alma Beyer, of Mill City, of Turner and the groom is the _____ accented with fail| Kul ‘ y n wa * «warded ‘he Navy cotton. son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard to Gregory Jasonides, son of will also show china painting colors. It was made for her by ( ’ r ‘ ,sx ' ,hv highest decoration M. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jasonides and other small gift items. Mrs Carol Etzel of Scio The'“lv'‘n ,h<’ navy f,»r his uc- The bride chose an old-fash-1 of Antioch. Calif., in a double church Flodene Jarvil will display was also decorated |h ' Hon on Iwo Jima during WW1J, ; ion styled gown of white satin . ring ceremony at St. Nicholas tole painting and Betty Nie­ His citation reads, "When all flowers and color> I Greek Orthodox Church in San fall Maid meyer. who teaches at Chema- | brocade made with empire, of honor was AnitaIcompany officer hud been Jose, Calif. Cathy is the daugh­ wa. will show “Cone Crea­ 1 waist, high necklne with sa-1 Hutchinson, of Lebanon. Best kill<*d or wounded, he reor- tin buttons down the front of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert tions.” __ ganized the unit and led it Martinez was Shelton < Vera Loucks) of 1220 man for Mr There is no admission fee I the bodice and bishop sleeves j fellow against the enemy " Col. Fal- Mike Coddington, a i ____ 1 with deep cuffs. The full skirt 1 for the viewing and coffee will > Patio Court, Campbell, Calif., classmate of OSU. Corvallis | tyn was wounded twice and both of whom graduated here be served throughout the af- j ended in a chapel train. ......... for _ the newly- | was given a battlefield com- A reception from the old Mill City High I Her tiered floor length veil I temoon. weds was held at the church ' mission. School in 1952, of illusion was edged in lace. ■ " I^ocal residents interested in Wearing a white silk organ- before they left for a wedding buying dinner tickets may con­ She carried a colonial nosegay trip to the coastal area. They | of yellow sweetheart roses. ' za gown with a long train and Pinochle Winners tact the local unit at 1015 Air­ carnations. chrysanthemums j j floor length veil, the bride will make their first home in port Road SE. Salem or tele­ Lebanon. One thousand aces were held and gypsophila. I carried pink rosebuds with Mr. Martinez is a third year phone the U S Marine Corps by Lorraine Bibler and Maude I Maid of honor was Miss j 1 white and pink carnations and student at OSU and Miss Etzel Reserve Flatman during play at the Dawn Thomas. Flower girl was , (baby’s breath. For something has attended OSU for two pinochle party held Thursday Tracie Warde, neice of the I old, she wore a string of cry- afternoon. Oct. 30. at the bride, and Trina Bennett was ’ . stal beads belonging to her years, but is currently employ Rainbow Girls To Eagles HalL grandmother, Mrs. Earl ed at the Stayton Canning Co Sponsor Benefit Drive ring bearer. Winning high score for the Loucks. She was given in mar ­ Lighting the tapers were | ladies was Dorothy Newberg, Saturday, Nov. 15 riage by her father. Miss Laurie Bethel, sister of and Lorraine Bibler placed Attending the bride were Local Women Attend Marilyn Assembly »60. Or­ the bride, and David Peterson. , second George Arthurs won her sister, Lori Shelton, as Woman's Fed. Meeting der of Rainlxiw for Girls is cousin of the bride. high for the men. with John Miss Cathy Shelton was married recently to Gregory maid of honor, and brides- ponsorlng a drive to liencflt Standing with the groom as Jasonides in a double ring ceremony at St Nicholas Greek "iMniw ' "rfstriti< and Swan taking second honors. The fall meeting of the the Goodwill Industries of I best-man was Sam Kidd. Ush- ----------- Jeanne Efstratis Orothodox Church in San Jose, Calif She is the granddaugh­ Valarie Morgan, sisters of the | Marion County Federation of The pinochle prize was won by Oregon, on Sat, Nov. 15. ers were David Peterson and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Loucks of Mill City. Dorothy Arthurs. groom, Jamie Carroll, Nancy' Woman's Clubs met Oct 28 at Goodwill uses useable and the These card parties are being Donald Bethel, cousins of Carter, Rosemary Carter, and I McNary Golf Club in Salem, repairable items; such as toy», each Thursday at 1:00 p.m bride. Raye Loucks, cousin of the1 with the members of the Sa­ clothes, small appliances, fur- with everybody welcome A reception followed in the bride. Karen Shelton, sister f lem Woman's Club as hosts. mture, knick knacks, etc fireside room at the church. I President, Mrs. of the bride, was junior brides-1 County For pick up of large item.s, 1UU>U ’s » neice, Clyde Tays presided Commit- contact 897 2131 and arrange­ Leola Delker, Evelyn Davis ¡ Later the young couple was Marilyn Chapter -145, OES, maid, and the groom DATSUN SERVICE , honored with a wedding party will hold their regular meeting and Marion Dorothy. flower- . ! reports were received from ments will be made to have Katy Efstratis. i was -------------- Dominick, them pick«! up by the truck I at the Turner Community on Monday. Nov 10. at 8:00 tn girl. | j Civics. Mrs. Floyd - ------------- AND REPAIR i MUI City IOOF Hall Carrying the same nosegays of Hubbard. Conservation, Mrs j AH Wart Gaanateod and yea . center. as the bride, the attendants j James Bright, of Woodburn;! SATE 30% an Salem Fries» 1 The voung couple flew to! John DavLs, chairman of the Rainbow Grand wore gowns of dark pink and Education, Mrs. Walter Tho­ | Disneyland for their honey- Home Endowment Fund of the Worthy Advisor to Call 897-2062 mas, Mill City; Legislative, I moon. and. upon their return. i Grand Chapter of Oregon. wiU maroon voile. ELMER TRIPP The bride’s mother wore a Mrs O. W Lindqui st, Aurora; 'they wiU live in Salem. ™akln* bls °«‘cial visit Make Visitation Here ' _________________ __ ' Mr. Davis is from Vista Chap- • Members of Rainbow. Ext­ peach chiffon floor length International Relations. Mrs. I ter »184 in Salem He will be ern _______ ____ __ __ ___ ________ __ an _ orchid I Judith Hill. Detroit and Farm adorned by Stars ___ and __ Masons are _____ be- * gown showing slides and telling ing reminded that on Sunday,1 corsage. The groom’s mother ■ Home. Mrs. Glencard Denny. about the work of the Eastern Nov. 9. Miss Suzanne Judah, wore an orchid corsage on a Aurora. Guest speaker- were Mr». Wednesday, November 5 Star-Masonic Home at Forest Grand Worthy Advisor of pink chiffon floor length gown. For Your Forest Service Land Use Nancy Bishoprik, Director of ___ __ in ________ Grove. What the local chapter ! Rainbow for Girls Oregon. I A brother-in-law of the Meeting, Santiam be'will 1» making moL-ir.« her official i ' groom, Nick Efstratis, was best District Four, and Mrs. I. O Timber can do for the home will wUl be ' will be High Schoo], 7:00 p m. outlined and needs of the home visit The meeting will be in man Ushers were Steve Shel- Wilmunson, past president. After the luncheon, recess Thursday, November S will be presented. It is import­ the Mill City IOOF Hall with | ton, brother of the bride, Ron Card party. Eagles Hall. 1:00 ant that all members be pres­ assemblies from Stayton, Sil-, Denevi, Bob Klyce, Chris Mill­ entertainment with music, ent to hear about this work. verton and Mill City taking ias. Mark Amollas, and Hector song, and readings were pre- pm. Garden Club dessert lunch­ sented by A1 Torgensen. Members of Marilyn Chap­ part Miss Judah comes to Mill | Enriques. ter that serve on the Home City from Forewt Assembly Father John Berns officiat­ Stayton Woman's Club U- eon, 12 30 p.m., Evelyn Pfoert home. Endowment Fund Committee »34 at Forest Grove ed at the ceremony, which was sued an invitation for the ner j ‘ _______ Monday, November 19 . * ____ al _ U _ O/V) spring meeting. are Marilee Lyness, Leora Rainbow girls will hear of. followed by a reception for 300 Mens — Womens and Childrens Lions Club dinner meeting, Attending from Mill City Stevens and Muriel Phillips. the projects the grand worthy at the Saratoga Country Club Kate Doble will be in charge advisor has chosen for the year A six-tiered cake was served, Woman's Club were Mrs O. 6:30 p.m., Frontier Inn OES »145 meeting at IOOF of taking donations for the and will make donatons to­ and music was provided by K DeWitt. Mrs Laurence Hall, 8:00 pm Doble. Mrs. J. Kimmel. Mrs. banquet size table cloth which ward these. Fun-type skits Rhythm and a Creek band, Harry Mason. Mrs Ben Saal- Tarada y, November 11 has been donated by Mrs. will be included in the pro- Yasoo. Steering Committee meeting. Lowell Cree and embroidered gram. Cathy attended Del Mar feld. Mrs. H Schultz. Mrs. 8:00 pm at Margaret Snow Arthur Snow, Mrs. Walter by Mrs. Nettie Gawley. The It is hoped to have a good High School, San Jose City linen cloth has been done in attendance for this meeting, College, and Son Jose State U. Thomas and Mrs Ralph You­ home Wednesday, November 12 400 3rd Av«. 769-2762 shades of blue by Mrs. Gawley. which is one of the big events She lj employed at Security mans. City council meeting, city She is a resident of the home of the year for Rainbow Girls. National Bank in Walnut Stayton hall, 6:00 p m. at Forest Grove and was 81 Creek. Marilyn Assembly *60. years of age last February A graduate of Antioch High Woman's Golf Club Rainbow Girls meetng at IOOF Still an active person, she does School and San Jose State U., Closed Season Oct. 28 7:30 p m beautiful handiwork. This is Greg has a B. S degree in phy­ Tuesday, Oct. 28. the San Hall. November 13 just one of her projects for sical education. He is head tiam Woman's Golf Assn. 18- Thursday, School District 129J Board raising money for the home pro at Tennis Town Racquet hole group closed the 1975 sea­ meeting. 8:00 pm., Santiam I this year. The table cloth wUl Club in Pleasanton son with a 9:30 a m breakfast, be on display through April The couple's wedding trip cards, and a 3:00 pm luncheon High School. '12. was to Sunriver, Ore. and Lake (at the Santiam Golf Club. Sponsored as a public eervir« Also on display, and for sale The benefit box supper Tahoe They will make their • ■ New officers were introduc- Broad 897-2291 following the meeting, will be social held Oct 30 at the IOOF home in Dublin, Calif. led and awards presented. Those attending the wedding Heading the 1976 season will handmade pictures. Anyone hall received very light public wishing to donate a picture support and only $80.50 was from Oregon included Mrs. be Mrs. Luther Guest, captain. may bring them to the meeting raised for the _ Ministerial Earl Loucks of Rte 1. Lyons, Mrs Jack Evans, co-captain. BEAUTY CENTER or give it to a member of the Assn. Christmas Basket Fund, Mr and Mrs. Tom Shelton and Mrs. Al Dye, secretary, Mrs. committee. All proceeds will Numerous canned food items family of Eugene, Glen Shel­ Paul Galloway. treasurer, Mrs. Phone 897-2137 go to the Home Endowment were donated to the Christmas ton of Gates, Mr. and Mrs Don ' , Ron Hendricks, social chair­ 239 S. W. Broadway Basket. Lambocker and family of Sun man, and Mrs Vem Chamber- Fund. •:00 a m. to 5:UU p.m. Special guests will be mem-' Following the supper, bingo river, Mr and Mrs. Harold Pas­ lin, tournament chairman. Evening, by appointment bers of Adah Chapter -34 from ' and pinochle were played. At i ley and daughter, Robin, of ( Independence. one table two 1000 Ace hands Hillsboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Garton, were held in consecutive Don Porter and family, Mr. associate patron and associate games, Albert Harris and and Mrs Ralph Jull and fam­ matron will have charge of in- — Percy Mulligan were the play­ ily and foreign exchange stu­ stallation of officers. Greeters ers. dent from Sweden, and Mr. for the evening will be Mr. j Albert Harris was the auc- and Mrs. Lyle Mason, all of and Mrs. Verne Clark ! tioneer for the supper boxes Salem. The refreshment committee and Glenn Anderson was the is Else Allen. Gladys Lake, bingo caller. Round Robin Club Baptist Church Jasonides-Shelton Married in California Ceremony Marilyn Chapter 145 To Meet Monday Calendar Of Events RUBBER FOOTWEAR Check Our Selections e Dick & Carols Shoes and Apparel Turnout Light For IOOF Benefit Social Oct. 30 J LUNCHEON SPECIAL Five Days A Week Electronic Servicing And Sales at Reasonable Rates CAPITOL PHONE PHONE GATES SALEM 897-2777 581-4047 SERVICE 3882 State Street Salem, Oregon 97301 No Mileage Charge Canyon Area Every Thursday From Mehama To Idanha SYLVANIA and ZENITH SALES GOOD SELECTION Of New or Eeed. Color or Black and White TV’» at REASONABLE PRICES Meets At Bornhardt Home Monday Eve. The Round Robin Pinochle ' Club met at the home of Car- ' men Barnhardt, of Gates, on Monday evening. I Winning high score wa» Lor­ raine Bibler and Shirley San­ ders took low Marie Stewart won pinochle Guests for the evening of play were Glenda Roten. Lor­ raine Bibler, Shirley Sanders, and Lois Gruver. Betty Pittam Hosts Bid or Bunch Group Betty Pittam was hostess for the Bid or Bunch Pinochle I Club at her home Monday eve­ ning, Nov. 3. Edna Ross, ' Guests were Anne Mueller, and Sharon Blaylock. Winning high was Carol Cree; low by Joyce Trout. Betty Clark won pinochle. Edna Ross and Carol Cree held a 1500 trump hand during the evening The Nov. 17 meeting will be held at the home of Joyce Trout at 7:30 pm. Stop in and try our Luncheon Special BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER VIV’S STEAK HOUSE —OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK— MUI City \ NOW IS The Time To Get Your Fall Cleaning Done with Blue Lustre Shampoo or the New Easy Way with the new RINSE-’N-VAC CARPET CLEANING SYSTEM Easy Carpet Cleaning that keeps carpets cleaner longer. For so little. The new portable steam type cleaning system by BLUE LUSTRE. ALSO OTHER RENTALS AVAILABLE: Mill City Hardware Phone 89 7-2977 Mill City, Ore.