Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1975)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE lUMiCUK Pö . HW, Mm cm, 0—— ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY OREGON S EAST GROWING VACATION W<)NPERLAND_________________________ Voll Vil XXXI MM BER 42 TUE MILL CITY ENTEKl’KlSE—MILL CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, (MTOBER 16, 1»75 $5.00 a YEAR — 15c a Copy Up and Down The Avenue It) l>on Moffatt School Board Changes Bus Route NOTICE The recycling cintrr is now cloM-d due to circum stances beyond the Jr. Woman’s < lub’s control. The club Indicated that no re-opening date for the center Ls anticipated at this time. Land Use & Timber Management Plan Now Being Aired Heidbrink Named Local United Way Chairman John Heidbrink, Mill City over $28,000 in United Way I The second series of meet Presbyterian Church minister, aid Girl Scout;, alone through 1 suppose most of you good ings called by the Willamette, is the local chairman this year the Santiam Council of Ore people have read the report | National Forest concerning its for The United Way. Hs area gon, Inc. received $17,000 from made by the Ei’A This survey I The iiourd meeting of the i Draft Environmental State I will include the canyon from The United Way The YMCA was conducted by one person.' Linn County Administrative ment on Lind Use and Timber I Idanha to Mehama. 1973-76 and the YWCA together re Dr. Ben-Chieh Liu. It was done School District #129J was held Management Planning, will be I goal will be $1910.00 but Heid- ceived $130,000. Foster Parents for the Midwest Research In- | | on Thursday evening, Oct 9. gin Oct 14. At this series the i brink insists that $2,000 is not in Marion and Polk Countie.-, stitute under an EPA grant 800 p.m. ut the Santiam High i forest will listen to public I too high for such a large area receive $3, (MX) Children, es Now isn't that just dandy I School. Present was chairman Students from Santiam and and the people served by The ' pecially through the various guess a lot of citi«-s who didn’t i Martin Hansen, members Rex Detroit High Schools will go to comments on the plan and its United Way. He believes the [Catholic and Protestant agen- get a good rating sort of lost ‘ Davis, Ray Porter and Fred OCE for a meeting with repre management alternatives. greatest need lies in informing cies which seek to help them "We are holding seven lis their tempiTs and EPA sent Krecklow Also present were sentatives of the tat«- col all of the people who live ini (broken homes, runaways, some letters of apology Wes Jahn. Betty Nightingale, leges and universities on tening sessions in an effort to the canyon about how The' crime and deiinquincy, recrea The whole thing boils down' Ixniix Hampton and Joyce Thur», Oct 30, 1975, at 9:00 ,ecure maximum public par United Way i- used, who uses tion, vocational help centers), ticipation in helping us to de to what in '<•11 is the report ( Presler a m it, and what sort of basic serv receive a large portion of the good for! Why doesn’t the, Th«- meeting was called to j Unique throughout the U S velop management direction ice it provides $590,000 budget this year as government quit this damned order and the minutes of the is the Oregon State System of for this forest,” said Supervi Many people remember The Marion and Polk Counties sor John E. Alcock foolish spending of our lux Sept. 11 meeting were approv- Higher Education f z 11«z».-« ♦ i« »r» **< "visitation Steven Schwindt United Way as Good Will, raise the -.upport money need The meeting in Mill City dollars This is probably only ed as corrected. Rex Davis was team" which rnei-ts with high goofy government piddling sworn in as board member by school students from every will lie held Wed., Nov 5 at | Announcement is being United Good Neighbors or The ed. What is the United Way. The Santiam High School at 7:00 made of the association of United Fund Some confusion away our hard earned cash. i I chairman Martin Hansen. ; high school in the state The President Ford has asked for . Louis Hampton presented team impii1 se» upon secon- p m. Two meetings were held .Steven Schwindt with the exists because of the name United Way is one of the old a huge cut in taxes, some 18 | . his views concerning the dary «tudvnts the need for Tues., Oct 14, at the state falr- i Duncan Duncan and Tiger changes. But now, Heidbrink est, self-help organizations givers may believes, the name will stay through which billion 1 believe, to lie accom ( ’ change of the bu, rout«- of the some type of education or grounds at 3:00 p.m and 7:00 i Law Firm in Stayton, make one pledge a year to pro panted by a like reduction in morning run up th«- North training beyond high school. pm. Other meetings are I Mr. Schwindt was associat- I fixed as The United Way. In a time when government vide much needed financial as government pending I’ll not Fork. Th«- board and Mr. Jahn • The visitation supplements scheduled beginning Thurs, • ed for two years with the argue whether or not it is explained th«- purpose of the the guidance programs of San Oct. 16 at 6:30 p.m. at the S. ’■ Stayton firm as a law clerk welfare, the dole, and a grow sistance to 48 health. Welfare, feasible but I'm sure it is [ change was due to the loss of tiam and Detroit High School- Albany High School; Oct. 21. while attending Willamette ing bureaucracy threaten so and Character Building agen more feasible than a lot of, student« in the area und that (students will be given first 3:00 and 7:00 pm.. Lane Co. University College of Law. A much of the old-fashion indi cies. The United Way is oper other plans that have iw-en if the student population, hand information about course Fairgrounds, Eugene; Oct 28, Phi Beta Kappa at the U. of vidualism, the pioneers knew ated by county people and sup placed before Congress. The would increase th«- run would I offerings, admission require- McKenzie School, Blue River, O., he earned his political and the western part of the ported the same way. People congressmen, who do not like b«- re-instated After a lengthy mentx, housing, cost« to at- 7:00 p m . Oct. 29, Central Ele science degree Ln 1972 and republic symbolizes, Heidbrink Helping People is the best way describe The United Way. mentary School. Oakridge, 7:00 graduated from to cut out any of the social discusxion, the board agreed (tend. Willamette* feels, that The United Way to financial aids and basically represents people, on Heidbrink believes that people programs because it will cost that they could not justify a ' scholarships and other infor- p m and Oct 30, Sweet Home this year. them their precious vote», bet | bus on the morning North I mation pertinent to planning High School. 7:00 p.m. Mr. Schwindt was raised in their own, helping one another in the canyon area will over "The meetings will be re ter wake up to the fact that a Fork for the pick-up of one for the college experience the Stayton area and is a 1968 according to need at the local subscribe the $1910 goal once lot of people are getting a child when another bus rout* | Purent» «re invited to attend corded and, in order to receive graduate of Regis High School. level For that reason, he says, they realize how deeply The bellyful of government waste came within 4/10 of a mile of!the visitation and are urged to as many comments as possible, His parent« are Mr. and Mrs. he does not mind working on United Way and its agencies The professional politicians that one child's house Th* af discuss post high school plans each speaker will be asked to Fred Schwindt of Stayton. His such a project or asking others effect our area and our efforts state that such a cut would | ternoon bus run will continue with their sons and daughters limit their comments to five wife, Annette, is the daughter to do the same And this means to help people. The first week of November giving from our pocketbooks. minutes,” Alcock said. Written hurt a lot of people I guess as ( always before and after the confer statement» may also be sub of Mr and Mrs William Lu- Heidbrink indicated that will be the special collection probably they are right, but I ’ The board decided to wait ence. lay, Jr. of Jordan. mitted at these meetings. at the »»me time their reck-1 •until next board m«?etmg be- . Steven and Annette are now Mill City alone last year re time for The United Way in Written comments may be living in Stayton They have ceived over $1.000 in help from the canyon The resumption of 1«M t’ore' finTlizini' the'budget cl- The United Way The Christ door-to-door collection by sent at any time to Forest Su one son, Brandon certainly isn’t making • lot of. endar. Thig WM pgrtjy due to mas food baskets directed and young people will be schedul pervisor, P. O. Box 10607, Eu folk* happy either About the i a new Oregon Statute in the | supported by the local church ed Businesses, »chools, and gene, Ore. 97401. The record only way we will ever get rid law which states that each es receives close to $300 Rec individuals will be canvassed. will be kept open until Nov of excessive governmi-nUl board must pa»» a motion I reation and Youth Assn in Special programs on the work 10. control of buslnen» «nd every ax to whether they wish the | Mill City receive* $700 for a of Th» United Way have al thing else 1» just to stand up TED to have an election to ap year-round youth recreation ready occurred John Clement. and be counted »nd put men In propriate equalization fund* program An emergency fund Salem coordinator for the two office who will do our bidding, I for the following year The for Mill City, to provide emer counties, spoke before the At the Wed . Oct 8, council instead of doing only that hoard did not want to vote at gency assistance as needed in Jaycees a week ago along with members which will keep them in office the same time the IED did. Thel™"ln“; council DETROIT — The new Tum the medical care, food, cloth John Heidbrink. If clubs and I also read this w«*ek where board members passed a mo were informed that the costs ble Creek Power Station west ing, etc area, is budgeted for organizations are interested in a black parent-teacher asso tion that they thought the IED at repairing and upkeep on the of here started up Friday, ac- $350 Besides this, our area is special programs on The ciation is up tight about a slave should vote This would give central »ewer system were not cording to BPA officials. The helped through other United United Way, please call John auction held to raise money the people a chance for a say sufficient to cover all the up coming costs The city re station is being completed Way agencies: American Red Heidbrink at 897-2545 or 897- for a high school homecoming in the matter. corder had records of paying about a year . later than initial Cross, Catholic Center for 2291. Lois Scott, last year’s activity, was classed as de A motion was made by the Attending the Oregon Scho planning. It was announced Community Services, Family United Way chairman, through meaning and degrading Bush- board to officially hire Mrs. out over $780 00 in the past wah' We’ve had slave auc Harvey Ford as the kindergar nine months for repairs and lastic Press Conference in two years ago and work start Counseling and Homemaker the U. S National Bank of i Eugene Oct. 9-11, were two ed in the spring of 1974. Services where families in Ore?on, Mill City Branch, will tions in our high school tn Mill ten Aide She works 5H hours new pipe contributions and Rate increases will be dis- members of The Santiam Bui- The station was built with stress and conflict can receive receive City, and I certainly didn’t per day. cussed and acted upon at the letin staff: Sally Jenkins, edi- $360,000 of BPA funds and guidance. Last year 27 familiei; handle receipting. Idanha, De Of get any such a f<-eling The board decided to pass a , tor, and Jill Krecklow. feature about $200,000 from Consumer from the canyon alone made troit. Gates, Mill City, Lyons, course, we had no black stu- motion that teacher négocia- November meeting use of this agency. The Salva and Mehama will have United Councllpcrson Ann Carey editor While at the conference, Power Cooperative dents there and if we did. I tions would be discussed in The station was constructed tion Army receives over $46,- Way coordinators. can't aeo what the difference executive session This is in suggested to the council that the girls attended numerous is Of course many years ago. accordance with the new law the federal contract be clotted journalism workshops, includ to increase power available to 100 from The United Way for on Kimmel Park The contract ing developing interviewing this area where Consumer their work with the poor, the blacks were slaves — but passed ha» been in effect »Ince 1971 skills, preparation for college Power serves about 650 custo handicapped, emotionally dis- [ that was a long time ago I The bilh were presented think the blacks are over-re and a motion was made to pay and the city feels they have comp, courses, newspaper lay mers and to provide protection turbed and others in need. Boy | completed their part of the outs, and writing critical re against outage-; during the bad Scouts receive, in Marion and 1 acting. just as they have in them Polk Counties, over $43.000 in agreement It now ha* to go views. All of these will aid in many other instances They are The board then went into to the auditors to determine if future issues of the Bulletin weather period. United Way Monies. Camp The station taps a 230.000 better off now than at any executive session Following it;thp city has performpd enough They also had the pleasure volt line running from McNary Fire Girls last year received other time in history, and they was reported that a letter had The Red Cross Bloodmobile should he glad they live in a been received from the teach improvements to receive a of hearing two Pullitzer prize Dam on the Columbia River to will be in Stayton Mon., Oct. country which gives equal op ers staging that they did not settlement on the agreement winning guest speakers. Brian Eugene It will allow removal 20. 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Stayton Iris Rose was appointed to Izanker, currently employed as of about seven miles of line Rack Meeting Set For Elementary School across from portunity to all people, pro wish to re-open negotiations photographer for the Eugene I fill a vacancy on the planning between the new substation viding they can cut the mus- for the coming 1978 77 school Stayton Plaza. commission. There Is also an Register-Guard, gave a slide and the Detroit Dam said Con- Wed., October 22 tard Anyone between the ages of year. The board agreed to this. other vacancy on the plannnig presentation composed of 16 and 65 in good health may The contract will receive commission which the mayor photos he had taken. Included sumer’s operation supervisor. Dean Johnson Mill City Cub Scout Pack I give. Seventeen year olds may Seems as though the high the cost of living increase. hop«-» to fill at the November in this was his award-winning The old line will be left in *49 will hold its monthly pack donate with parent's pernus- way department, and other was closed meeting. The meeting entry on natural childbirth for backup this winter and meeting Oct 22. 1975 at 7:30 sion and consent forms are h gh officials are crying the Next board meeting will be Shields ReMine spoke to the At the banquet Friday night, then probably will be removed p m at the Scout Cabin on Re-1 available at Stayton and Regis blurs because they didn’t get Nov 13. 8:00 pm at the San- council about the possibility I George Weller, a former for- next summer. Johnson said Mine Road High School offices. a chance to tack another one tiam High School. for the of installing a sewerage treat I eign correspondent All interested boys, 8 to 11,1 The minimum interval be- The new substation should cent a gallon on the price of ment plant for his proposed Now York Times and the greatly reduce the number of and their parents are invited tween donations is eight already overpriced gasoline development just outside the Chicago Daily News, spoke on outages, he stated. to attend. The group is still weeks. There is no longer a That is Just too bad. Maybe if the future of the foreign cor city limits. The station is located just desperately in need of a leader restriction of limiting the the highway department respondent and ways to be above the forest service work for the ten year old Webeloes 1 number of blood donations to would sort of cut out some of come an overseas reporter center and is not visible from group five times a year. their frills on the main Inter-1 If the number following During their stay in Eugene, the highway. Any donor who has received state highwrfys like the one Oregon’s typical fall, rainy your name on The En the girls were able to view the blood, or any donor who has between Salem and Portland, U of O campus where the con been tattooed, had their ears they would have a little money weather has finally relieved terprise label reads ference was held Sally and New Sidewalks Due pierced (except if performed left to patch some of the out fire conditions throughout the Jill were guests of the Alpha To Be Built In Lyons by physician or R N. using lying road systems I'm all for state. The rains came as a wel 10-75 it's time to send Phi sorority house during LYONS The Lyons City sterile technique) or who has highway maintenance, but I come relief to the department a check for renewal. their stay. Council met Tuesday night, received acupuncture treat- still think they have enough of forestry fire fighters after with the usual business con money to do it if they cut out one of the driest Septembers on ment, must be deferred for six ducted. months. After this six month some unnecessary frills Every record. I To Appear At Lyons Church The weather has resulted in New concrete sidewalks will interval, any such donors one in Washington is yelling be built on Main Street from may about shortage of fuel Bull! the removal of many forest The Detroit District in the otherwise acceptable, Sixth to Ninth Street New Willamette National Forest. again donate, if they have had If they are short of fuel, and use restrictions throughout the street lights have been Install has set aside four areas for no symptoms suggesting a energy, why do they continue state. Fire season has been of ed from the East city limits to people wishing to obtain free diagnosis of viral hepatitis. to put up the high priced ficially declared over, as of Fifth Street. lighted highways To mo the 12:01 a m.. Oct 9, in Benton, Known existing pregnancy firewood for their own use. lighting is a foolish expendi Clatsop, Clackamas, Colum- Designated areas are Marion (and the six weeks immediate bia, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, ture Forks, Brietenbush, Kay Creek ly following delivery) shall ex- Multnomah, Polk, Modern vehicles have ample Marion, and Monument Peak Detroit' elude a donor. Following lights to see by The only thing Tillamook, Washington and Ranger Station began issuing Caesarian Section delivery. I can say is it is a rip-off to Yamhill Counties permits Mon , Oct. 13, and the i waiting time is three months. Oregon's fire record on state 1 spend all this money on light is open Mondays | Individuals will not be ac- _ station ed highways, especially when and private lands this season | The Scio Loggers edged the | through Fridays from 7:45 am 1 cep ted as blood donors after we are short of energy. I know has been excellent The 1,380! Wolverines 12 9 last Friday to 4:30 p.m Permits will be heart surgery This is because those remarks will fall on deaf , fires reported is Just slightly ' evening in Tri-River Confer- mailed along with instructions. of the severity of the heart The 3,270 a» far as the politicians i ■ "bove averaage oars r~ * ~ «-nee action The Wolvet rines if people wish to call the ran disease of those who require . • . . . • ■ tir» nr»« Ktit-wiorl i are concerned, but why should acres burned is half of the ! •remed to falter when they ger station. 854-3366. forestry heart surgery during surgery we cut back on lights, keep our five-year average may increase their likelihood officials said. would get close to pay dirt thcrmostarits set at 88. when Ted Moreland provided the' Cutting areas will be mark-1 of being hepatitis carriers. the government literally long ns we continue with the scoring punch for the Wolver ed with signs, and that people: Come in on Mon.. Oct 20. throws money away like this” ' socialistic Idea that social ines with a 26 yard field goal cutting in unspecified areas and receive your mini-physi- The Rev. and Mrs. Nulte 1 at 7:00 p.m through Oct. 26 and a five yard touchdown or cutting for resale, can be cal. Those who cannot donate programs and reform will S’ oner nr later people will solve our troubles, we’re in for meier will be speaking at the with the exception of Satur-1 run. I prosecuted. Fire regulations at this time can contribute by r*< me to their onses and real- a had time No politician dares Santiam Chapel Assembly of day evening. Oct. 25. The Mis- j The Wolverines will travel require that people using recruiting other donors. ” th it they have let their mention cutting back on any God in Lyons beginning Sun •ionary Evangelists have just , to JFK this Friday to play the power • equipment have an | Anyone with questions, ■■ vernment ge* so large that it thing nr they are politically day morning. Oct. 19. Meet | recently returned from Teh- Trojans at 8:00 p.m Santiam axe, shovel and fire extin- please call Mrs C. W Cathcart. is impossible to control. As dead Maybe they should be. is now 2-1 in league play, guisher | 769 5817. ings will be held every evening | ran in the Middle East. Canyon Students Visit State Colleges City Council Discusses Sewer Problems; Costs Power Station Started Up In Two Local Students Tumble Creek Area Attend Press Conference Bloodmobile To Be In Stayton Mon. Weather Brings Fire Relief Permits Being Issued For Free Firewood Wolverines To Play J.F.K. Friday Night