. è ‘ 'f ■ ■ WIWB WiW FOOD BUDGETS GET A HERE! J 1 I We Are Open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday Sundays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. — For Your Shopping Convenience Nalleys Lumberjack Sunshine Crackers 16 ounce MJB Tea Syrup Ä* With Coupon 100 Bag Count Without Coupon 24 Ounce Perma Roll Pens E Qc Regular 89c Good Only at Girod’s Hilltop Market General Mills Golden Grahams October 9 through 12, 1975 9 Ounce .... New Concept for the S-M-O-O-T-H-E-S-T Writing Pen. 53* 4 Ounce Cheddar Cheese 9^ 2 Lb. I FOR E Ocean Spray Cranapple Juice 48 Ounce ♦ 38 Bandon Medium Ground Black Pepper CQc Crescent ^8 W .... Graphi 500 by Lindsay Underwood Roast Beef Spread Wide Felt Markers 4% Ounce Regular $1.49 89' Gold Medal Flour Blue Bell 25 Lb. Bag Potato Chips Kelloggs Poptarts $J89 59* IO’/ j Ounce 3 Bagger Blue Mt. Dog Food t £/$100 ■■/ 15 Ounce Nalleys Beef Stew M Chunk Chicken and Liver, Beef Burger, or Chopped Liver Patties 15 Ounce ♦ Walter Kendall 5's Dog Biscuits E Qc 3,/i Ounce Bar 26 Ounce .... Girod's Hilltop: The Small Town Store With Big Town Prices asm- S AT/SFAC7/ON GUARANTEED "Service With A Smile" Beef Sirloin Tip Steak OREGON GROWN Whole Bagged FRYERS $|79 Lb.................................... Armour $129 Corned Beef Rounds Great with Cabbage Lb. Lb. . ■■ Oregon Chief Old Fashioned Dinner Franks Lb.......................................... STORE HOURS: 98* Swifts Hams 5 Lb. Cans Reg. $11.99 $098 Sale EaA^ Open 8 A. BL to 9 P. BL, Monday through Saturday —Sundays 9 A. M. to 8 P. BL Girod s Hilltop Super Market PRICES PRICES EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE THURSDAY THURSDAY THROUGH THROUGH SUNDAY, SUNDAY, (MTOBER (MTOBER 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 1975 1975 829 S. 1st Avenue i 2S2M »«Mj ««»1 Mill City, Oregon I