^1 ’! LYONS I I "YOUR LAND AND MY LAND' CHURCH HEWS Give us 7—The Miì City Enterprise, Thiirstiav, Octobers, 1975 MEHAMA by Eva Bressler Mrs Ruth Meek is employed at the Murl-LInn School as a Mrs. John Teeten« teacher's aid. She replaces Mrs. Mrs. Mervin Mitchell I Lois Bilyeu who resigned to Springfield and her son and | accept state employment in Sa- da ugh ter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. 20 YEARS AGO — 1955 | lem. Santiam Chapel Gary Boring of Eugene, were I The first snow of the season ____ ,_____ Amenably of God Mrs. ____ Frank Cook, Emma guests Saturday, Sept. 27, at Phone 859-2844 Lyons I um I fullen on the hills above Carol, Billy Reeves and Jean the home of Mr. and Mrs Al­ Mill City, but the much up- ap- Krzmardick of Portland were Hobert Harkins, . ..... Pastor vin Griffiths. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. predated sunshine was melt- dinner guests of Mrs. Bea Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tinney, Ing it uway, Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. i Hiatt und Mrs. Gladys who were married recently are C. A. (Youth) Service Thurs ­ A sudden storm had plunged Nygaard at the Hiatt home by llasel Hayes now at home in the old Ed days at 7:00 p.m. the City of Detroit Into dark­ Tuesday. I Taylor house where Mike has Royal Rangers and Misslon- The Pedlar ness, when a tree toppled on Rev. and Mrs. Arthur llan­ been living for some time. the powerlines about 4^ mtLes sen were called to Ventura, Harvey Birch trudged along ettes Family Night, Wednesday Jean Kimsey of Portland, at 7:00 p. m. West of the city. The power Calif., Monday, due to the the street, whistling to him­ Elizabeth Hughes and Clara- Anyone desiring counsel and outage lasted about 3',i hours. death of their brother-in-law. self a happy song It was good edna Frame returned Thurs­ Koffee Klatchers FCS announced there would Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Buchan to be in Trenton with his pack prayer may call Pastor Robert day evening, Sept, 2, from a Name of Team W Harkins. be an examination for a substi­ on have returned from a full of goodies for the ladies. few days camping trip in the Diner's Market ___ 12 tute clerk for the Mill City months visit in Hampton, He had a fine assortment, just Strawberry Mtn. area east of Earl’s Chevron 12 LYONH UNITED Post Office at a wage of $1.71 Iowa, at the home of their off the ship from England. He the mountains. Bob & Bill’s ARCO 11 METHODIHT CHURCH per hour. ■ son-in-law and daughter, Mr. must work fast while daylight Mr. and Mrs. Don Bomber- Ray’s Drug .............. 11 8th and Ash St ' and Mrs. Gene Harper and lasted 15 YEARS AGO — I960 ger and children Carrie and Freres Lumber Co. 10 Phone 859-2540 The Gates City Council had family. They also got to see "Ribbons and buttons have Darrell of Tualatin were week­ Girod’s Market Rev Arthur Hansen met und voted to insulate the their first great grandchild, a I to sell.’’ he sing songed down end guests at the home of her Les’s Tavern dà ' Welcomes you to OOttK water pump house und to In­ son liom to their granddaugh­ King Street. The ladies came mother, Violet Wallen, while Dick & Carol’s . you are. stall a heater to protect it ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. out by the dozens. "Yes, yes, I Mr. Bomberger did some Frontier Inn from freezing Ed Blanchard. have shoe strings and hair hunting. Also at the Wallen Philippi Ford Mehama Community Church The Detroit church had Mrs. Anno Pictrok and pins, and lace, lots of lace. You home during the weekend High individual game and Charles Emert, Pastor started a Junior choir, The Louise were Sunday dinner must be having a party," sug­ were Mrs. Allan Choate and series Donna Schuetz, 199 Sunday School ....9:45 a.m. group had chosen the name of guests at the home of Mr. and gested Harvey sons David, Roy and Terry of and 573; high team game and Morning Worship ... 11 a m. U hen yuu give blood through Red Crosv, “Ambassadors ” Mrs. Clarence Pictrok and "Oh, yes, what a party! On Stayton. series Freres Lumber Co, Evening Services ..7:30 p.m. >ou>e giving le« than 1 pint family of Aumsville, who were Christmas Eve" chorused the Mrs. Mark Ader and daugh­ 988 and 2865 And your body contains over ¡0 pint1 IO YEARS AGO — BMif, celebrating their 25th wedding ladies "We’re having a Hall ters, Amber and Audra, re­ Yet your gift of one blood donutr Princesses selected for the anniversary with all of the for all the fine British officers, I Mill City (ommunHy Ch arch processed into various component-, n turned home Sat. Oct. 4, from Tuesaay Pin Pals Homecoming Dance at Santiuni family present. Rev. Donald L. Dishong, Pastor such as they never saw, even help up to file of noire different people a three weeks visit at the home Name of Team W High School wcr«- laiuru Ram­ Full Gospel I 'I hinkof it. About an hour of your time Sunday dinner guests at the in England." of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Round & Sons 14 2 bo, Vickie Rush. Patti East­ home of Mr and Mrs. Alex Sunday School 10 00 A. M. gives life to more people than you may ever "And there will be much Wallace Robertson in Akron, Park ‘N Shop 4 „...10 wood and Jeanette Herron Morning Worship 11 00 A. M have imagined. Bodeker were Dr and Mrs. drinking’” asked Harvey i Colo. Pats Pill Box ... io 4 And iti so easy to donate you'd think Mr and Mr-. Fred Herg had Earl Hampton Evening Service 7:30 P. M. of Newport, Oh yes. Even Cognac from Mr. and Mrs. Bert Surry of Philippi Ford 10 4 announced the engagement of David Hampton of Corvallis, France. Wednesday Evening 7.30 P. M. lhered be more than enough blood Io go Atlanta, Geo., his sister, Mrs. Highland Trk. .... around 9 7 their daughter, Sharon, to Shelley Hampton of Salem, Everyone welcome. When they had gone back to But there tint. H. C. Cadwell, of Lincoln Girods Hilltop ... 9 7 Ronald Bassett, son of Mr and Mr and Mrs. Douglas Hampton There» not near enough their houses laughing and all City and a cousin, Mrs. Glenn G & B Trk. ......... 7 9 Mission of Wisconsin Mrs. Art Bassett tali your Red Cross or other volunteer and Casey of Molalla and Eva Darling, of Albany were Stayton Bowl..... 7 9 The Boniface Parish of Sub­ Bressler of Lyons The occa­ talking at once. Harvey picked Evangelical Lutheran Synod blood bank today. up his pack, much lighter now Worship Service _ 7:00 p.m. guests Sat., Oct. 4, at the home Bug A Boo Timber 7 0 limity was having its annual sion honored the birthday an­ And give a little of your life toMtncone He made his way to his little of Mr. and Mrs. John Teeters CaU Us Upholster/ 6 10 Sundays «ho needs it. turkey dinner at the parish niversary of Mr. Bodeker. boat hidden in the bushes. It Temporary Meeting Place — and with Mrs. E. J. Hughes State Farm Ins.___ 4 12 hall There were fancy work, r * and a I Mr Mrs. John Schweer was getting dark — he must and Mrs. Max Frame. Plaza Restaurant_ 3 13 a country store, fish pond and rcturned iviumnl home Wednesday hurry. Over on the Jersey side, Home Federal Savings & Loan Mr and Mrs. Paul Mullican High individual game and a runny booth Stayton, Oregon [ from Beaverton spending two he hid his boat again. Red Cross. i and family are moving into the series — Ronni Wright, 214 William Bernhardt, Minister 5 YEARS AGO — 197« i days with their son, John K. "Halt,” "Give the password," Information — Ph. 859-2869 ' ney house they have just and 582; high team game — The Good Jean Davidson had become Schweer and family They had sang out a sentry and Birch . completed. Park 'N Shop 79« and 2239 a new member of the Bld or left Lyons on Sunday and dug into his pocket Neighbor. Idaaha Community Chore* went up the coast to Astoria "Here it |r. 'Three shillings for Rev. Larry M. Goin, Pastor where they spent the night. the King’.” "I have a message I Sunday School, 10 0 a. m DETROIT COMMUNITY TTiinking About A New On Monday they toured the for General Washington, Morning Service 11 o’clock. NOW IS The Time To Get Your Fell CHRISTIAN CHURCH visitors center of the Trojan where can I find him?” ROOF — CaU Evening Service at 7 o’clock I Sunday The sentry eyed the raggedy VERNON BLAYLOCK ! Nuclear Power Plant, before Bible Study, Wednesday 7:30 10:00 a.m.. Adult Bible Study Cleaning Done with Blue Lustre Shampoo going to Beaverton. pedlar. "Follow this path to the p. m. 743-2834 at the church The Lyons Fire Department main road, turn left to some or the New Easy Way with the new Free Estimates Gladly 11:00 a.m., morning worship was called Saturday to the tents in a grove . "Too dark to Hint ChrlKtl«» tharrh and children ’ s church I home of Mrs Ione Davies to see anything,” grumbled Har Rev. Richard L. Halstead 5:00 p.m. youth Bible study put out a fire which was start- vey. Bible School 9:45 a m. for grades 7, 8 and 9 ' cd when a can of Paro-Wax on He found a tent with a light Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. evening senri.es . the stove exploded. Much dam­ in it and scratched on the Youth meeting at 6:00 p.m. CARPET CLEANING SYSTEM Richard Norris, Pastor age was done to the house al- canvas “Come in.” Harvey Evening Services 7:00 p.m. J though most of her furniture slipped in and closed the flap Adult Bible study each Thurs­ Easy Carpet Cleaning that keeps carpets Free Methodist Church I was saved. quickly. General Washington day at 7:30 r.m. Youth Bible greeted him quietly Birch study each Wednesday at 7:15 N. E. 7th & Santiam Blvd. i cleaner longer. For so little. Mill City. Oregon dropped his pack In a corner, p.m. Santiam Searchers each Bunch Pinochle Club. See Our New Dan Hardy, Pastor The new portable steam type cleaning Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. have you been. The Rainbow Girls were -- . "Where ? PHONE 897 2640 Merchandise making plans for their annual 1 system by BLUE LUSTRE. SUNDAY Mill City Prrebyterian r . Trenton They’re --------- having candy »«. sale Karen Davis was w to .. 10:00 a m. ___ Sunday School Arriving Daily Rev John Heidbrink be captain of one team, and )|g do*ngs there on Christmas ALSO OTHER RENTALS AVAILABLE: 11:00 a.m. .. .Morning Worship Phone 897-2291 my pack for 0:30 p m. „.Evening Worship Daftntohod to 824.00 Nancy I^alack, captain of the PVe; 1 second team They were com-. pr*t,y JdrM«e’ a ball Cog- Morning Worship _ 11XX) in. WEDNESDAY • Lawn Mower and Edger Mrepera — Steck Table» peting for “mori sale«.” I "ac and whiskey will be flow- Adult Bible Clare _ 10X10 a.m. 7:00 p.m. . .... .Prayer Meeting Rocker», Sofaa. Chair Nursery for young children Mr and Mrs. Terry Drake ln* Sanders • Hedge Trimmer and Ottoman», Recliners, had spent a weeks vacation Washington sat with his under competent supervision. Choir unflniahed furniture Rehearsal _ 7:30 p.m sightseeing as far south as he®d 1T1 nis hands — whiskey • Roller • Fertilizer Spreader Gun Cabinet* Tijuana. Mexico. They also ^Kn,^cLani1 Pretty ladies! ED LEWIN ST CHRISTOPHER MISSION visited Disneyland I Tneyni »H be drunk. He jump- Adjustable Plant Stand Auctioneer, lac. Detroit , ed to his feet "We have boats • Pump and Other Rentals Sunday Mass 10:30 ajn. r . . ...----- . I enough and ammunition, now Complete Auctions If tne number following if we could also have a storm ” Holy Day and First Friday Phone 709-5466 530 P M. Detroit Pn He shook Harvey's hand. BankAnreicard Welcome OonaigaBMnte Weloome your name zvn on Tka he En | my force eoU]d cros, RaMbnMy- Aumsville Gates Csrereaatty Sale aim—t every S ul terprise label reads the Deleware north of Tren- Church of Christ 10 A. M. Phone 897-2977 Mill CHy. Ore 10-75 if» time to »end . men with the cannon could Pastor — Dean Cade 1060 WU co Bead Stayton Phon« 749-2975 Phone 897-3266 3 I cross directly and Sullivan and a check for renewal. his Pennsylvanians could cross Morning Worship lOrOO a.m. Wednesday Evening south of Trenton.” Bible Study 7 XX) pjn. "Your greatest problem" said Birch, "will be to keep the We Now Carry Unleaded Gasoline secret until Christmas eve and 1 Canyon Conservative Baptist Rev. Don Prortiw that is only eight days away.” 5th & Cedar, Lyons “With your pack on your I Sunday School 9:45 a.m. back do you think you could KEROSENE STOVE OIL PROPANE Morning Worship 11 a.m. circulate in Trenton and keep Training Hour, 6:0u p.m. U-HAUL TRAILERS me informed?" Evening Service, 7:00 p.m. "I’m such a scuffy old ped­ Wednesday evening Bible lar. no one will guess.” study and prayer time 7 p.m. You know the rest of the PHILLIPS PM I II I PS ALL THE ENERGY story Washington did cross • Ht. Patrick's Harisb the Deleware on Christmas! Rev. Bernard Ncoman. Pastor CONSUMED BY I eve. Lyoao GROINING TREES Maas: 1st. 2nd and 5th Sunday COMES FROM THE SUM'S RAYS at 10-30 a. m. Officers Elected At BUT THAT'S ONLY PART OF WOOD'S Mill City 897-2321 Blvd 65-1 Santiam Mass 3rd and 4th Sunday a» Grange Meeting ENERGY-SAVING ADVANTAGES - «•30 a. m LYONS Election of offi­ cers was the main business at The Church of Jesus Christ Í the meeting of the Santiam Of Latter Day Saints WOO REQUIRES Valley Grange Friday night President David L. Cook Electronic Servicing And Sales at LESS ENERGY FOR Elected were Robert Thacker, Phone 897-2129 Reasonable Rates MANUFACTURING Master; Leo Pinkston. Over­ Meetings at American Legion' Hall in Gates seer; Ellen Whaley, Lecturer; BUILDING MATERIALS Katie Wagner, Chaplain; Don­ Priesthood Meeting THAN .ANY OTHER. .... ................. Sun. 9:00 a.m. ald Bult, Stewa-d; Thurman RESOURCE Smith, Assistant Steward; Sunday School Sun. 10:30 a.m. 1 Sacrament Meeltng Olene Smith, Lady Assistant _____ ___ Sun. 12:15 p.m. Steward; Fern Sletto, Secre­ i PHONE PHONE tary; Ada Plymale, Treasurer; Fast & Testimony Meeting 1st Sun. 12:15 p.m. Clara Wizer, Musician; Mel­ vina Pankratz, Ceries; Cricket Relief Society Wed. 10:00 a m. IK) HOMES SALEM OATES Pinkston, Flora; Charoletta A.P M I A........ Wed. 7:00 pm. OR OFFICES, VMOOO 581-4047 897-2777 Wed. 4:30 p.m. Thacker, Pomona and execu- Primary IS THE 0EST IMSULATOR i tlve committee, Giles Wagner, » OF ALL BUILOlMO MATERIALS. Calvary l.stheran Charrb Elmer Taylor and Sam Wizer. THIS MEAKJS COOLING EFFICIENCY Stayton A good report from the fair was given, and other reports First Ave. and E’ern Kldxe Rd AMO HEATING ECONOMY. Rev. Norbert Dry, Pastor were heard. Salem, Oregon 973(11 3882 State Street, Plans were made for a cus­ Worship Service ... 10:30 a. u> ...THRIFTY AND THRIVING tom party to he held Friday FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS! night. Oct 17, with each one to Our Ia»dy ni I «ardes Pariah Jordan bring a can of fruit or vege­ Masa 3rd and 1th Sunday at tables to make up Thanksgiv- Canyon Area Every Thursday ing baskets to be given to the I f'ay a* •• m- From Mehama To Idanha needy. j ’■ Lyons U. S. Plywood-Champion Papers, Inc Frank Lumber Co The Women’s Activity group i Mass: 1st. 2nd. and 5th Sun Idanha—Lebanon, Oregon Mill City, Oregon SYLVANIA and ZENITH SALES will hold their meeting Mon- I day. Oct. 20, at the grange ST. CATHERINE'S hall. Young & Morgan Timber Company Stout Creek Lumber Co. CATHOLIC CHURCH Mill City—Idanha. Oregon Lyons, Oregon—Mill at Mehama Of New or lined, Color or Black and White TV ’s at Sunday Mass 9:00 a m. C.C.D. immediately following HARDWOOD COMPONENTS Holy Days 7:00 p.m. The Mill City Enterprise Mehama — Phone 859-2145 Father Norbert Fritz, Advertising — Commercial Printing Officiating SANTIAM HARDWOODS and Sale» Ine. Phone 769-5532 897-2772 Mill City, Oregon Salem — Phone 585’2262 z (fl a little of what you’ve got a lot of. RINSE-’N-VAC Ann’s Furniture Mill City Hardware OUR FflBUIOUS FORESTS Ä LARRY’S Phillips 66 CAPITOL SERVICE No Mileage Charge GOOD SELECTION REASONABLE PRICES Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise!