3—The Mill City Enterprise, Tliiinulay, 1- would take it, but could not Free Estimates Gladly pay enough for it, so they would have to haul it in at their own expense Catching them at the right time is a problem as sometimes they will pay and at other times they cannot pay anything The recycling center is a service project of this club, only bringing in enough money to help pay for the transporta­ Chevron tion of the recyclable mater­ Phone 897-2786 ials What Is stored now will be 508 N. E. HantUm Blvd. taken to Salem at their ex­ pense. but the real problem is Min City whether to continue the cen­ ter. taking all materials, or only to accept tin and glass, (which might become a prob- lem in the near future), or to shut down the center. The club feelt this project has been a very good one and in time this process will be very important to our environ­ ment. I Not knowing how the rest of , the community feels Is also a problem, so if anyone would I like to respond, either through a letter in the paper or by writing: Mrs. Steve Jeters. Box 782. Mill City, or Mrs. Larry LUNCHEON SPECIA Five Days A Week Stop in and try our Luncheon Special BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER VIV’S STEAK HOUS —OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK— Santiam Hwy. Mill City \ I anda Hunting Season Is About Need Tires or A Tune Up For That Big Trip See R&R Chevron Service MID City, Oregoa FREE Pick Up and Delivery Service We Do Air Conditioning Repair POOR GAS MILEAGE? Bring Your Car In for a Tune-up today A HELP WANTED I* STAYTON CANNING COMPANY Stayton, Oregon Registration Is Now Being Taken For All Shifts At The Personnel Office. Washington Street, Stayton, Oregon Wages Paid As Per Union Contract For Information Call 769-6361 On December 23. one of our Personal Service Representatives. Norma (>reen. helped balance 2 checkbooks, initiated 4 personal loans, opened 6 new Only Accounts and served 1S2 of her own homemade Christmas cookies. There s a PSR like Norma inside every branch of U S. Bank. Exclusively. Because we think money is awfully important But it isn't everything Office Open 9 a.m. — 4 p.m An Equal Opportunity Employer Scott