I Rebekah Lodge Holds 2—Hie Mill City Enterprise, Thursday. Sept. 25, 1975 Legion Auxiliary Plans Potluck Local Residents Attend, Rebekah Meetings Womans Paye Lisa Bernhardt Gives Nomination of Officers Talks At Rebekah The first nominations of Reception Sept. 18 officers for Santiam Rebekah I Lodge «166 was held at the Representing the United Na meeting of Sept 17, 1975, No tions Pilgrimage Tour for minated were: Mi's. Tom Dau Youth at the reception for the gherty, Noble Grand; Mrs. i teachers und school personnel, Phone 897-2772 John Childress, Vice Grand; given by the Santiam Rebekah Mrs. Velma Harrison, financial Lodge «168, on Sept. 18. 1975, secretary; and Otto Koeneke, were Santiam High School YOUR LAND treasurer. Dun Hoover, tour winners, A communication was re 1973; Jim Rose, 1974; and Lina AND MY LAND" ceived announcing that the an Bernhardt, 1975. nual meeting of Dist. 7 would Miss Barnhardt showed her be Nov. 15 in Stayton. slides of her tour and gave a Mrs Dave Barnhardt, Noble talk on her experiences and Grand, announced that the impressions. meeting of Oct. 1 would be Coffee, punch and cookie* officer turn around night; Mrs. were served. Music was pro- Tom Daugherty would be act vided by Glenn Anderson The ing Noble Grand; Mrs. John rest of the evening was spent Childress, acting Vice Grand; stx'lalizing Mrs. Velma Harrison, acting Financial Secretary; Mrs. Jack by ilaiel Hayes Stoddard. acting Warden; Mrs. Albert Harris, acting Paul Luurence llunbar A musical sort of name fur Conductor; Mrs Dean Chil poetical sort of person. But dress, acting Inside Guardian; i Janoscck, acting • had the disadvantage of Mrs Fred Outside Guardian. being a negro, the son of slaves. Dayton, Ohio was home * Mrs. Waiter Tiionuus, by- to him; there he managed to 1;lws chairman, presented the rhuraday, September 25 : second reading of the amended get some education. Card Party, Eagles Hull, 1:00 Recently the post office de | by-laws and the balloting to p.m. partment created a stamp for publish will be Oct 1. Virgil and Julie Show, High Mrs. Eldon Hutchinson an him but I'm not going to say Jr. Woman's Club To much about it because it’s not nounced that beginning Oct. I. School Auditorium. 7:30 p.m. IOOF «144 meeting, 8:00 p, Assist Cystic Fibrosis containers will lie placed in a very good picture. m., ut Hall. the hall to receive donations He first gained recognition Foundation With Sale by his dialect verse and for the Ministerial Assn’s food« Friday, September 26 A baked food sale will be stories. When ol i ’Mam said: baskets. Mrs. Thomas announc- j held on Sat.. Sept. 27 at Girod’s American Ia'gion Auxiliary “ Dat was de powerfulles' •■d that the steering committee , Market from 9:30 a.m. until potluck dinner, 6:30 p.m., Le will meet at Mrs Margaret semont ah ever hyeahd in all Santiam Memorial Hospital the store closes. Snow’s home at 7:30 p.m on gion Hall. my bon days," it was some- This sale is being sponsored (Stayton) Booster Club meeting. Room thing to laugh at. because Oct. 6 VAN SANTEN — To Roger by the Mill City Junior Wo- 3, Santiam High School, after A cash donation was voted every one had known a black K. and Karen J. Van Santen, man’s Club with all proceeds the football game for the IOOF Rebekah Home's Mammy or someone who talk Salem, a son. Sept 12, 1975. to be donated to the Cystic Fi- Ha rvest Festival and a cover- j Wednesday, October 1 ed that way. Or “ You, Nelli's, VAN ATTA — To Richard brosis Foundation. This foun- don’ you let me ketch you ed wagon Is to be made and North Santiam Canyon C. and Elsie J. Van Atta, Al- dation is dedicated to the th’owin’ sticks at OFMis’ entered In the craft contest; Jaycecs meeting, 8:00 p.m. bany, a daughter, Sept 18, fighting of children’s lung di- guinea hens. No Mo’, you’ the entries to be judged by the Fire Hall. ¿eases. 1975. hyeah me!" Everyone could residents of the home. Santiam Rebekah Lodge Everyone in the community Whether to have a Hallo-, «166, meeting at I OOF Hall, Mrs. Robert Straub. Oregon’s Honorary "Breath of-Life” screech with delight Or i is urged to enjoy the good ween party, Oct 15 will be de- I 8:00 p m foods prepared by the mem Campaign Chairman, gives the first donation in the annual i “Bettah tek keer daih, Lucy cided at the meeting of Oct. 1.' Jane, Gawd's »-watching you bers of the club, and in doing drive to Cystic Fibrosis Poster Child Doug Moreton Dist Deputy Pres , Mrs. Albert bettah tek care ” so, also help a very worthy Sponsored as a public servir« But as that generation Carr; Past Dist. Presidents, cause. »y wound to a close, people stop- Mrs. Walter Thomas and Mrs. Otto Weidman, reported on ped laughing at the funny If the number following things negroes said because no their guest attendance of the one knew about guinea-hens International Assn of Rebekah your name on The En being th’owed at by little black Assemblies in Portland on BEAUTY CENTER boys, or Lucy Jane being Sept 16. terprise label reads , | ivLiss wins, uau&nier Miss ncitane Natalie Wills, daughter , , dues Blues Song,” a jazz routine, by I watched-at by Gawd • Following the meeting, Phone 897-2137 9-75 its time to send of Mr and Mrs. John Wills, ¡Patti ‘ ‘_ ~.'.L “_L_1 Richardson and Lisa' Then what happened7 Paul freshments were served I 239 S. W. Broadway I was installed as Worthy Ad-1 Barnhardt, after which Joel Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Anderson Laurence began to be unpopu a check for renewal. »:00 a m. to 5:00 p.m. visor of Marilyn Assembly, | Hamilton sang several num- j lar, because he was ahead of Evenings by appointment £60, Order of Rainbow for bers, accompanying himself on his time. People were not Girls, for the fall term at im- j the guitar. Included were ready to admit that a negro of ■ ■ ---------------------- pressive rites at 7:00 p.m., I “Poems, Prayers, and Promi- pure African blood could Presbyterian Deacons Authorized Catalog Monday evening, Sept. 22, at ses,” “I Am the Eagle,” an or- climb up the ladder of success the lodge hall Her theme of iginal number, and "Annie’s so far. As a matter of fact he, Begin Fall Meetings "Friends are Flowers In the Song,” on which he was joined was as much surprised as any-1 Sales Merchant Store The Deacons of the Garden of Life,” and i color by Debbie McLain They also|onP at his SUCCMS A1I he had'.-J?* ChuT^’met In Presby- scheme of green and yellow sang "Goodbye Again, were used throughout the eve- other John Denver tune, ning; a basket of kaina yellow ’_ ___ ___ __ ■— _ t«_ i •_ '_ first tbn«P this tall yprMsnt. first time this fall. Present, chrysanthemums being the on an addenda, called "Rain form besides Rev. John Heldbrink. center of attraction. bow Mortuary,” for Natalie But now (1975) when we Installing officers included: Will«, after which she was come across Paul’s story of the were Katie Ewell. Mary Tuers, Mother Advisor, Mrs. Janet presented with a stuffed ele •’Strength of Gideon" we laugh Faye Verbeck and Mary Kelly Let Us Help You Select A The minute« of the previous Lewis; Worthy Advisor, phant that she promptly nam again and say, “That’s one of meeting were reed by the Debbie McLain; Chaplain. _ ed ’Tat.” A clever addenda < the best storlea I ever read.” Clary Pedersen; Marshall, Ver was also put on for Debbie Me I We can acclaim him a top «ecretary, Katie Ewell, and the treasurer’« report wax given lene Peterman; Recorder, Jill Lain by another group of of-' notch >tcn writer, writer by Mary Turns , Krecklow; and Musician, Bon ffeen, and sha received sever In all. he wrote four collec A report on cards and nie Shepherd. In charge of the al small gifts for remembrance tions of stories, four novela, flowers that sent was IvrlA. «„_ nuwrr» Kiwi had rua been uecn irni guest book and programs was of past event« iSiU"SSi ,1 ** "”T Kelly. who .1«, Pam Krecklow. Natalie Wills introduced her | Escorting the installing of grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Del them in the negro dialect) and read a poignant letter from AT YOUR HOME OWNED Dr Robert Sandilands, a medi ficers were members of the Murray of Sweet Home, and „„„ poems by the dozen cal missionary, whose wife, Silverton Chapter of DeMolay two sisters, Chriatie i and I wanted to write about for Boys, who later performed Diane the [after a second year th* struggles of negro people Maria, recently passed away. letter told of thp memorial Great for the the crowning ceremony for the | student at OSU The worthy to become real people and not The 160 N. 1st. service for Mrs Sandilands, new worthy advisor After advisor abo pr„pntpd t0!just slave-people Outdoorsman or Phone 897-2348 her installation, Miss Wills Patti Richardson and JoeIl In 1887 he was appointed * to and thanked everyone for their Mill City, Ore. thoughtfulness, cards, flowers, made a short speech outlining Hamilton for performing " ’ In the " Library “ | a position of and best wishes. her plans for the coming term Congress, and I suspect he and introduced her parents; I At the close of the evening’s worked hard at it. To live with i The session's nominating committee was mentioned, and her father presenting her with festivities, a beautifully decor books! How wonderful! ated cake was served in the. — .... , In the rotation of members on a gavel. Also Introduced was dining room, along with deli- I He dl^ in ,9W? consump the board of deacons, Mary SHOES APPAREL Mrs. Agnes Carlson, grand de tions punch, coffee, mint«, and ,lon finn af at the age e of 34 34 the a* Tuers and Mary Kelly will go puty for the Rainbow Girls, •H» SktMMMY nuts. Presiding over the serv- off the board in January After and Clary Pedersen, grand Ing 4MDCBS table were Mrs Vernon rldOChle Party neld a 3-year term. It Is required to representative to Louisiana 8âN«tM(RICMt) take a "sabbatical” for a year. from Oregon. Among past i Peterman, Mrs. Vem Shaw, ftTMR WQRLO FAMOUS Elma ’ Stewart and George Each lady has served several worthy advisors asked to stand and Mrs John FohL STAGE PtHSUCTOI were Debbie McLain, junior I Making the attractive draw Arthurs took high honors, and terms Money-raising projects were past for Marilyn Assembly;. inKs for placards at each of- Joyce Dewhurst and John Phone 769-27(12 GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! Sue McClintock, junior past fleer’s station with individual Swan placed second at the discussed, with international 400 3rd Avenue for Acacia Assembly at Stay names was Miss Diane Wills, pinochle party. Thursday, Sept. or progressive dinners more in Stayton, Oregon adding greatly to decoration of 18. at the Eagles Hall In Mill approval than a bazaar. There ton: Sally Jenkins, and Verlene Jncx«ao i The City. Shirley Saunders won might be an international Peterman, both of Marilyn. the main lodge room. I TO TUE AMP Ixioth In conjunction, however. , JuMfc ON& FANTA* Past grand officers introduced theme was also carried out in pinochle. Blanche Swan served the re were Verlene Peterman, past large letters in the proper grand Immortality; and Debbie colors on a wall-hanging be freshments. These afternoon card parties McLain, past member of the hind the worthy advisor’« sta are held each Thursday, and executive committee and of tion. Officers installed included: anyone wishing to enjoy an af Grand Choir. Mrs Evelyn Davis, past mother advisor, Worthy Associate Advisor, ternoon of pinochle and visit Charity, ing is cordially invited to at was also asked to stand up and Patti Richardson; Nancy Sharp; Hope, Judy Ro- tend. They begin at 1:00 p.m. take a bow. Janet Lewis, Mother Advisor, ten; Faith, Susie Lewis; Chap presented the service award on lain. Cindy Hamilton; Drill ver, Debbie Golden; and Mu behalf of the advisory board to Leader, Donna Quinlan; Ixrve, sician, Tami Payseno; Cindy Nancy Sharp for her hard Sue Wright; Nature, Sherry Delay not being present to be Dear Customer | work and past performance Blaylock; Confidential Obser- installed as Nature. during the last term A cup Due to the recent increase in fabrics and saucer with the proper em lumber and freight, our prices will be in blem will be presented at a later date to the worthy advi creased with the arrival of all new stock. sor from Marilyn Chapter, Or Come in now and SAVE on furniture der of Eastern Star Grand Deputy Agnes Carl Broad rd already in stock. We have a large supply 897-2291 son congratulated the new to choose from. Worthy Advisor as did Clary DUL’ >IBLE CL. ,n Pederson, Debbie McLain, and Top Quality furniture for the price. Janet Lewis. f/ MOJ^NINiP^VORSHIP Worthy Advisor Natalie Sincerely, Wills thanked the DeMolay group for taking part in thei I Ann ISITORS WELCOKTE^ ' j You ceremony; presenting them with a gift. She also presented Adults $2.00 Children Under 12 $1.00 gifts of potted plants to her Furniture & Antiques I John C. I, niini ter installing officers and Pam On Highway 22 at Sabllmlty-Anmavllle Jet 7194975 ( Tickets Available From Lions Club Or 5.A.G. Krecklow, and a larger one to OPEN Tues, thru Fri. 10:00 ’til 8:00; Sat. Close at 4:00 ♦ Janet Lewis, Mother Advisor. Convenient Terms On Approved Credit ( All Proceeds Go Towards Canyon Scholarship Entertainment for the eve- niny opened with a elever cos Fund tumed dance to "The Last The 149th session of The Sovereign Grand Lodge of the , The American Legion Aux Independent Order of Odd iliary Dist. 2 President, Eve Fellows and the 59th Session _ ________ lyn Meredith, from Canby, 'of the International Assn, of Óre., will pay her official visit Rebekah Assemblies and re to the Mill City-Gates #159 lated orders was held in Port- American Legion Auxiliary on kind. Oregon. Sept. 15-19, 1975. Fri.. Sept. 2«. , This is * There will be a 6:30 pm. no- s'on host potluck dinner. All post Frank and auxiliary members are re- Fr::r..t Shrivies, Sovereign minded to be there on time and Grand Master of Portland, to bring any guest who might Oregon, and Glenys Ray, Rosetown, be interested in joining the Presiden. t from Saskatchewan, presided. The American Legion Auxiliary. Speaker for the evening will session was held at the Hilton be Lisa Barnhardt. who spent Hotel Bob Straub, Gov. of a week at Girls State, at Wil Oregon, and Neil Goldschmidt, lamette U., in June. Girls State Mayor of Portland, welcomed is sponsored by The American the members to Oregon, and Legion Auxiliaries and a Jun the “Citv of Roses.’’ Mavis Pauli, past president ior Class girl is chosen each year from our local high school of the Rebekah Assembly of to represent the Gates-Mill Oregon, was elected Warden of City unit. Lisa is the daughter the IARA for the 1976 session, of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Barn to be held in Denver. Colo. Attending the session from hardt of Gates. The meeting date of Oct. 26. Santiam Rebekah Lodge £166 mailed cut to members, was in were past district deputy error, but is. instead, this Fri presidents. Mrs. Albert Carr, Mrs. Walter Thomas and Mrs. day. Sept. 26. i Otto Weidman. Of Events Natalie Wills Installed As Worthy Advisor Of Marilyn Assembly Monday Evening J Sears CUSTOM BATH MODERNIZATION Waterproof and Insulated ij Leather Boots $39’5 New Vanity-Cultured Marble Lavatory and Wall Mirror System SEARS MERCHANT STORE ONE FMWTlC MHT > WHY WAIT ? BUY NOW First United Presi Thursday, September 25 7:30 p.m. Santiam High School Auditorium Ian Church ANN’S