Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1975)
•KOO CUM .IB, mill v\ILL CITY ENTERPRISE Cm. OataowON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY volume xxxi I i I All Roses (by George Long) OREGON’S EAST GROWING VACATION WONDERLAND THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE—MILL CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1975 yLoselo Scholarship Comp. ('If «5.00 a YEAR — 15c a Copy For'tonight'Thurs., Sept. 25 “An Auckland audience fil- duction “One Fantastic Night.™ An editor’s dream is to see [ Burton Boroughs, ]~ Prin- ed from His Majesty’s Theatre Upon returning to the Unit a story covered well and cipal of Santiam High School, ', on __________ r night ________ Saturday bewitched ed States Virgil and Julie pre The Santiam Wolverines, af- anyone having a part in the j has announced that Lisa Barn- and bewildered” ... so began sented their production to ca project, or projects, getting ter playing well in the first hardt has been named a semi- a New Zealand Herald Report pacity business in New York’s hulf, lost to the Vernonia recognition Iaist week, when finalist in the 1976 National er’s account of a performance famed Academy of Music and, the article was written on the Loggers 22-13. The Loggers Merit Scholarship Program, of Virgil and Julie. Such com- later, were engaged to perform were paced by senior halfback park dedication, a citizen who She is among 15,000 who will ments were repeated over and on the stage of the Ed Sullivan has done much for the com Bill Buckner, who scored all of continue in the competition for over and from city to city and Broadway Theatre CBS flew munity wns unintentionally Vernonia’s touchdowns. The about 3,800 Merit Scholarships country to country during Virgil and Julie 6,(XX) miles for Loggers also scored a safety in omitted. Barney Scott has to be awarded next spring. I their fabulous five-year tour a national broadcast to a tele spent many hours making signs j the last quarter. 1 Over one million students completely around the world vision audience of over 30 I The Wolverines' effort was and driving his motor home from more than 17,000 high with their original stage pro- million people. around town with a public ’ paced by Ted Moreland, who Kbooll entered the 1976 Merit'. . .----------------- The Mill City Lions Club is scored a touchdown on a ten address system, announcing Program by taking the 1974 happy to announce that it has yard run, and David Etzel, who This pony, won by Mrs E<l Bell of Stayton. never got Preliminary Scholastic Apti the time and place of the arranged to bring Virgil and I special event Barney has l>een scored on a pass from Maurie lon<tome at th.- S,,ntiarn Grange Fair in Lyons, Sat., Sept. 20, tude Test/National Merit Julie to Mill City, (tonight) ■ as lie attracted youngster of all ages and eagerly ate up the in, harefa a real help in many of the Scholarship Qualifying Test Thurs.. Sept, 25. 7:30 p.m. to After a poor first quarter, pettings and handsful of gra-s. community’s affairs and I feel | (PSAT/NMSQT). The semifi present their world famous the Wolverines snapped out a deserves a great vote of thanks nalists are the highest-scoring i production. quick 13 points in the second from all of us. students in each state; the Virgil and Julie describe I Barney also took many quarter, falling three yards number named in each state is their "One Fantastic Night” as The Oregon Jaycees held colored pictures of the dedica- j i short of another TI) at the end proportional to the state’s per a mystery revue comprising of the first half. their fall board meeting in tion They are on display in centage of the nation’s gradu Spirit Seance numbers, ESP, The Enterprise office window 1 A poor snap from center ating high school senior class. Corvallis cn Sept. 19-20-21. Clairvovance and Masterpieces I Those attending from the for the public's viewing | while in punt formation during , The semifinalists, most < North Santiam Canyon Jaycees of Illusion, all presented with i the fourth quarter went over whom will t __ ____ _ kiik complete high _. .. - .A .. beautiful costumes against a were Jim Dolby, President; the punter’s head for a safety, school and enter college in Gene Allen, State Director; background of special music, It seems to me that a part putting the game out of reach. 1976, represent the top half of lighting and stage effects. of our society is becoming very According to Coach Powell, one percent of the nation’s Bob Netter, Int. Vice-Pres.; The production is said to be Randy Moberg. Secretary; and sick; when a public official Vernonia was a quicker team most academically talented one long incredible happening Charles Tate. Acc. Member. cannot walk freely in this i than they had expected, which young people The local Jaycee group came filled with surprises, comedy, country without being shot at helped Vernonia outflank San- To continue in the competi thrills and excitement I might not agree with the ' tiam with their sweeps. The tion, semifinalists must ad home with two honors; the • The Mill City I jow Club membership growth for the person that Is president, vice- I coach also said the fact that, vance to finalist standing by wishes to remind everyone to president. or whatever, but I we did not adjust was a coach- > (meeting a number of require month of July and admission get their tickets early tc avoid feel we should have respect ing mistake. Offensively, in ments that include being fully to the newly formed Presidents disappointment as only as for the office he or she might experience resulted in several endorsed and recommended for Club. This club is made up of many tickets will be sold as chapters with over 30% grow hold. If we do not agree with plays that led to poor Santiam scholastic consideration by there are seats in the audi the way they are running field position, the coach con- their secondary school prlnci- th. The North Santlam Can torium. things, there are certain other eluded. . nals, presenting school records yon Jaycees are number two, ways to remove them from of-1 The Wolverines open league that substantiate high school out of seven chapters, that are flee other than taking pot-shots play this Friday at home The lull before the storm. This tabled room was destined academic standing, and con I members of this club. at them. against the Colton Vikings at to be over flowing with people and heaping plates of turkey firming their high PSAT/ and all the trimmings at the Santiam Grange Fair on Saturday NMSQT scores with equivalent. Look at all the money that 8:00 p.m. is spent on these few; by the' Santiam 0 13 0 0--13’ evening, Sept. 20 scores on the Scholastic Apti-, time they are tried for the Vernonia 14 0 6 2 22 tude Test (SAT). Over 90% of crime they attempted, a good ' the semifinalists are expected Fishermen's Bend To many of our dollars will have to qualify as finalists and to | been wasted It seems that no Alb GATES — The meeting was 1 Word received from Albany receive certificates of merit Cloie For Season Mon. matter what, or how had the next February All winners of caHed to_order on Thursday last week says Mill City’s tax crime is. the one charged The closing o* popular Wild merit scholarships are chosen evening, Sept. 18. at 7:45 pjn,, | rate will be down for the com- Jumps on to the plea of tem wood Recreation Site near 'from the highly able group of by Art Skinner, mayor. Coun- i ing year The city tax is $16 09 porary insanity. Does that give cil members present were Art; compared to $17.89 last year, Sandy and Fishermen's Bend finalists. a person the oxcuse to kill or | GATES — A special meet- I LYONS — The 36th annual Recreation Site near Mill City Every finalist competes for Sowle and Dave Cook. After . per thousand dollars valuation, Santiam Valley Grange Fair mame another person Mavbe , ing of the Gates lies yny City Council uouncu [ wa> hp|rf 20 wUh for the season on Sept. 29, has one of the 1.000 national merit the meeting was opened, the | The school tax rate of levy we should be a little stiffer : was held on 1 Monday evening, I OVPr 3(X) jn attendance. been announced by B. T. Vla $1.000 scholarships. A finalist mayor appointed Ora Brum-J for this year has went from with our penalties and the one Sept. 22, at the Gates City i The annual turkey dinner dimiroff, BLM Salem Dist. competes with all other final baugh as a council member ; 3.02 for the 1974-75 school year considering this offense would_______________ _______ Hal). The meeting was opened was served to a large crowd. Manager. ists in a state for the scholar pro tern; in order to have a i to 5.72 for the current school think tvrice before he or Art — SUnwr. He -H- ap” | | by “■» Mayor ...» ... ships allocated to the state I quorem. i Also present were year for 1975-76. The LE D. tax John Shafer gave the welcom The closure of the two re goes off wielding a gun _L.„_2 J. _ 7__ _ i The allocation procedure is the' Alexis Winn. Genevieve Brum- >rate^of levy has, however. DE- 1 pointed Joyce Prosier as! _ Take the case of Sara Moore, eouncil member pro tern in ing address and Ed Bell, of creation sites is necessitated by same as the method used to baugh. and Joyce Presler. CREASED from 6.37 in 1974-75 If the law would have been j order to have a quorem and Stayton acted as emcee. W. C. winter maintenance require name semifinalists. The Na- The minutes of the Aug. 22 or last year to 1.98 for the cur ments and needed repairs. Harris. Master of State Grange, stiffer for the Illegal weapons conduct the meeting Council tional Merit $1.000 Scholar- were read and the rent year or 1975-76 In addition to the closing of ships are one-time, nonrenew- council approved them as they charge, she would not have members present were Bob was the guest speaker for the Therefore there is an in been out on the street com- ; Johnson and Art Sowle. Also evening. Ir] and Ada Plymale the Wildwood and Fishermen’s able awards supported bv buri- were presented Bills for the crease in our local rate of levy King and Queen, were intro Bend sites on Sept. 29, Vla mltting another crimp so soon, present were city attorneys, 18 meeting were then of 2.70 for the current year ne« and industrial sponsors Sept. • duced and welcomed. They included but a DECREASE in the LE D. *•>— I Dennis Corderman and Mick | There were many interest dimiroff announced the ter I and hv NMSCs own funds A presented mination for the year of the The big question today la and C*ty Recorder ing items on display, which campground fee program at ’election committee of profes- *283.30 from the general fund; rate of levy of 4 39. Therefore, will the judge set a ball for W,n" were judged by Mrs. Dorothy Yellow Bottom. Elkhorn Val sionals in college admissions I $152.56 from the street fund; it is in total, that the com Patty Hearst She has been' A"* O’Wing was opened at I Christiansen and Jim Hay, ley and Nor:h Fork Eagle and counseling is convened to and $370.92 from the water bined rate of levy for both time blds • from the Marion County Ex- select the 1.000 winners na fund. The bills presented were I E.D and local district tax running for 17 months One | ' ^_ P j Creek Recreation Sites on the I tionwide approved for payment. levy has DECREASED by 1.69 were opened for the resurfac- wonders what has come about , tension office. district. These sites, he said,! Mr. Brumbaugh asked the per thousand of true cash that she would change In a , ing of Oak Street. One bld was '■ Mrs. Robert Thacker held will remain open during the’ Finalists who meet the council if the council member value for the current vear. i Qualifications that sponsors of few short days With all the reived from Young A^halL ' th;\‘ winter, but with reduced The reason for the difference great amount of publicity of Stayton. for putting a 2’ho |ket fined with fancv work maintenance and service. The I four-vear merit schoalrships for health and sanitation designate for winners of their. cou'd help him in resolving * is because District 129J is a C °J t! ' ’ n d household articles; Mrs. given to the S L A. and Patty won the af. fee system will be resumed awards will also ho considered 1 problem arising from his large contributing district to Hearst over the past months, of $2 300 00 for the 18 foot wide Fl rf street one block long. A bid { M „ Ed B „n won the next April or May. for .about 2 890 of those awards I neighbors’ septic tank drainage I.E.D. it is hard to sec why Miss TAX RATE LEVY t was also received from the- |)Cnv; and Hpnrv j Horn cor. | to be offered in 1976 The list' fleld Ma>’or Skinner said that Hearst or the other S LA FOR MILL CITY of sponsors includes corpora-1 hc would look into the matter members should be released on i same firm for putting down a;£.tl p,lesspd the wp!rM of 74-75 75-76 'surface of 2 gravel with a buU othpr izp winners colleges. | and see ** Marion County could tions. foundations. ball. The amount of money - __ J help. 4 42 Mill City 4 82 ; unions, and professional asso- • | seal pack of tar and gravel will be announced at a later that the FBI spent on their .96 1 02 | A special meeting was called Fire District I ciations. capture would make a tre i chips, at a cost of $1600 The date 572 ’__________________ I The 1976 competition Is thei for the evening of Monday, School Dist. 129J 3.02 mendous amount of bail. May- i council members felt that for , „....» the ,,„ judge ...... ,be difference the hot as- twentv-first NMSC has con-! Sept. 22. in order to open the LED. e that is what 637 1.98 Linn-Benton ! ducted since 1956 In the twen- | bids for the resurfacing of Oak si hould take into consideration.; pbaJ* sur^f* wou,d lasl ,wice I IriAl ifhofil 1 43 1 27 Street and to accept or reject Chemeketa as long Therefore, the coun- Ul lOU 11 IUl l¿vU tv annual merit programs com- ' Chan Bunke, District For them. The meeting was set for Linn County Tax I cil passed a motion accepting n • i nleted to date, over 41.800 stu- rester of the Clackamas- 17 89 Rafe 1609 7:30 p.m. at the city hall. the bid from Young Asphalt | X A Iflf Ififi Kpinfl Marion District of the Oregon ; dents have won merit scholar , for the hot asphalt surface. The JOIIVI III ly Uvll ly The meeting was adjourned Tax Rate Decrease ships valued at more than $113 i r State Forestry Department, 1 80 For 1975-76 1 job is to have a 30 day com- IX _ I _ II . at 8:20 p.m. The next regular , asks hunters and other recrea- | million. meeting will be on October This is for Linn Countv tax piehon date tionists for their continued 16. 7:30 pm. at the Gates City payers and the rate of change The meeting was adjourned i , , , 7 in preventing to Thursday evening, Oct. 2,1 . 11 ,has b<Tn reported that . cooperation Hall. Everyone is invited to for Marion County should be when they will hold a meeting!lwo boys, about 12 years of forest fires. attend. little if any. It has not rained since the The free classes, sponsored ' to complete the authorization; °Ke\ art* ca'linff door-to door by Chemeketa C.C., to prepare of the sale of bonds. The in this aren- ,o co,,ect money end of August and hot. dry east winds have dried the for- one for taking the G ED. tests, meeting Is scheduled for 7:30, for the 8°? Scouts est lands. This is especially p.m at the Gates City Hall I Th( ' P ub,i <- should aw;,re will start on Monday evening, DETROIT — A search re-1 I that these boys are not mem- true above the 2000 ft. eleva- Sept 29 in Room 3 at the San "Name That Theme” and members of the steering com I hers of the Boy Scouts, nor tion. Some logging companies sumed at daybreak Tuesday tiam High School The classes | the money intended for their voluntarily closed down their for a 29 year old West Salem win $10 cash. Contest closes at mittee or their immediate fam will run from 7 to 10 p m. ily. use. The Boy Scout Troop does operations at times because of man reported missing Monday 6:00 pjn., Thurs., Sept. 25. The area coordinator will be I noon in the Mt Jefferson Wil You may submit as many No entries will be accepted not solicit for money; but when the high fire danger. there for the first class. There they do offer merchandise for I Bunke wishes to thank in- derness Area. Missing is Ar- entries as you wish during the other than by ballot boxes lo must be at least nine persons stile are required to be in full | dustry and the pubic for their thur Allen Coleman, 571 King- contest Each entry must be on cated ss follows: Mill City registered for the class before Pharmacy, The Malt Shop, uniform, with their campaign cooperation A Conversational Spanish in preventing wood Ave., NW, according to an entry blank published in Kirsch’s True Value Hdw.. Mill the course may be conducted. Cpt. Richard Bay of the The Ml11 cit Y Enterprise or a ( well advertised in advance. fires and also their continued Anyone wishing to earn class will be offered this se City Grade School. Girod’s Marion County Sheriffs Dept. like. size facsimile. cooperation. their high school equivalency mester In Mill City under the invite student Hilltop Grocery. Stewart's He said Coleman left Salem | We especially - direction of < At present, there is a "Regu certificate is urged to attend. Grocery, Santiam High School, lated Closure” in effect on for at 3:00 a m Saturday and was i participation The Them® Everyone may study and pro-| The class will 1 not and Viv’s Cafe. resound in the many Mill City nnmnsunl. ' to have been home by Sunday . credit, but will offer communi- est lands in the Clackamas- gress a1 their own pace. The winning theme and win 1976 July 4th activities. night. He was carrying few I cation skills for the student, Marion District. For more information call | ner will be announced in the Any person in the canyon supplies and had no previous 1. Smoking is prohibited Mrs. Rich Moore, who will he| especially a working vocabu-, Oct. 2 Mill City Enterprise. area is eligible to win except climbing experience. Bay said. The Santiam Boosters will ¡while traveling in timber. conducting the classes. She * larv In areas where Spanish Is The man was climbing alone, spoken. I have a meeting following the , brush or grass lands except in-1 4 may be reached at 897-2733 according to Cpt Bay. The Instructor for the class Colton-Santlam football game, side vehicles on roads. I BICENTENNIAL THEME CONTEST I is Robert Valdez, a local Friday, Sept 26. They will 2. Campfires arc prohibited ‘ ■ school teacher. Registration meet in room 3 at the high except at improved camp- Detroit Dam -Weather ENTRY BLANK M il City Weather I will be at 7-00 p m , Thurs., school. grounds or locations designat Pool All members arc urged to ed by the Forester. Date Max Min. Pep .Oct. 2. 1975 In Room 7. Mill 1 Date Max Min Flo Pen My Proposed THEME is: .. ' City Elementarv School. Class attend. Any person desiring to The district experienced 11 Sept. 17 70 49 1540 90 o.ot Sept 14 81 54 000 fee will be $15.00 for the 10 become a member will be forest fires by Sept 6. and as Sept.18 69 51 1540 38 0 00 Sept 15 82 Entrant’s Name 0(10 week course. 52 cordially welcomed. sisted the Rural Fire Depart Sept. 19 80 56 1539 41 0 00 Sept. 16 ooo 74 51 Subject matter and materials The Santlam Boosters Club ment on ten fires. Ten of the Sept 20 84 45 1538 42 0 00 Sept 17 45 72 0 00 will lx* discussed In the first is the only organization dedl- forest fires were man-caused Sept. 21 85 42 Address 1538 06 000 S< pt 18 81 ooo meeting For further Informa cated to supporting various and one by lightning There Sept 22 86 41 54 1537 48 0 00 *’ nt 19 82 51 000 tion, call Robert Valdez, Mill school activities and promo were 29 man-caused forest Sept. 23 75 48 1536 48 0.00 Date Submitted Phone : Sept. 20 83 42 ooo City, 897-2720. tlons. I fires in the district last year. Total Picp. for Week 0.01 Local Jaycees Attend Meeting In Corvallis ! Mill Qty Taxes Gates Council I Large Crowd At Citizen Asks Gates T n n Council For Help 10 d 6 UOWTÌ i Bid > Grange Fair Sat. District Forester G.E.D. Classes To Begin Monday Done Locally Salem Man Missing j In Wilderness Area Spanish Class To Be Offered Locally Booster Club To :| Meet Friday Night