2—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Sept. 18, 1975 —r7 Dr. Evans To Speak ^¿¡ 4f Woodburn Church j BIRTHS Alta Moffatt Hosts Round Robin Club 'UJamavá Paye » ar Of Events The Round Robin Pinochle Club met at the home of Alta Moffatt in Salem, on Monday, Sept. 15. Before the evening of cards, Thursday, September IB the ladies enjoyed dinner at I Card party, Eagles Hall, I.(HI a Salem restaurant A dessert p.m. wils served by the hostess, at Monday, September 22 her home, during the businviw Lions Chib dinner meet ting. meeting. 6:30 p.m, Frontier Inn. Winning high score was Mabel Yankus, with Marie Wednesday, September 21 Marilyn Assembly Stewart placing low Evelyn #00. Davis won the pinochle and R. i I u I miw Girls, meeting 7:30 Carmen Barnhardt and Mari p.m. IOOF Hall. Santiam Chapter, AARP, lyn Drynnn won the door 7:30 p.m . High School Com prizes Also attending were Marga mons. ret Boroughs, Lu MacGregor, Jr. Woman's Club member Agnes Carlson, Kathlix-n Pratt, ship luncheon, 12:30 p.m , Esther Chailender and Irene Gloria Urban home. Podrabsky. The next meeting will be Sponsored as n public servir* »y held at the home of Lu Mac Gregor <>n t)ie evening of Oct. (I It was announced Sunday morning at the Presbyterian _______ ______________ I Church that Dr. Louis Evans, Nori Norma J. Long, Woman s Page Editor Phone 897-2772 Santiam Memorial Hospital former pastor of the Holly- MILLER — To Ronnie and I wood Cal. Presbyterian • —•V—'- ZZI ::: 1«îî«7! Mary Miller, Aumsville, a i Church, will I m » leading two daughter. Sept. 6. Married in Church Ceremony services a day at the First American Legion SANTIBANEZ — To Rudy United Presbyterian Church in and Sherry' Santibanez, Aums woodbum beginning Sunday, Holds First Meeting ville, a daughter. Sept. 10. Sept. 21-25. Evening services President Clara Daugherty1 on Sun. S. pt. 21. and break fast and evening services presided at her first meeting J throughout the week are for the fall term of the scheduled. Anyone needing a American Ix*gion Auriliary on ride to the Sunday evening Friday, Sept. 12. American Legion The auxiliary will be hav service. Sept. 21. contact Carl Auxiliary Kelly, and anyone wanting to ing a rummage sale on Oct. attend a morning service at 2-4 Anyone having rummage LEGION HALL. Gates 9:30 am. during the week to donate is asked to call (Monday), contact Bob Hayes. Myrtle Bates or Maudie Flat- October 2. 3 & 4 Volunteer helpers, headed nian for pick-up. according to 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. by chief painter. Glenn Humes, the chairman. Kay Colburn Phone 897-2213 or 897-2464 have been busily painting the There will also be a baked new addition to the church food sale on Oct 4. For Pickups TIRED OF WAITING Months Anv person wishing to join manse. BEAUTY CENTER for your business forms to Th-- building program on the or visit the American Legion Enterprise Just a telephone Phone 897-2137 manse is in need of $600 to Post or auxiliary may do so call to 897-2772 will put the conclude the work It is hep- cn any second or fourth Friday 239 S. W. Broadway efficient and fast printers at 9 (10 U.m. to 5:0(1 p ill. el that special gifts and en of each month The time of your service Kvrnings by appointment larged pledges will be forth meeting is 7:30 p m , at their hall in Gates. coming There was a 100% collection 1 To be included in the next church news. John Heidbrink of dues from the auxiliary 1 / • is preparing a ministerial re members. 259 Santiam Highway Phone 897-2592 After the meeting, a potluck i view questionnaire which he TA4 A ' requests all people to fill out luncheon was served to those 1 BRUNSWICK YARNS ;• à í and return to him. An honest American Legion Post and SALE ONE WEEK ONLY appraisal of the work is re Auxiliary members present Acrylic Sport Weight 4 quested. including suggestions, Fore N'Aft Regular $ 1.35 Now 99c and general criticism, ideas, « Acrylic 4 Ply response t J- X * The beautiful arrangement Marilyn Club To Meet Windrush Regular $ 1.80 Now $1.25 of roses for the chancel last MACRAME SUPPLIES NOW IN At Vern Clarke Home Sunday were from the flower Open Weds. 10-5; Fris. 10-8; Sats. 10-2 garden of Katie Ewell. Broadloom Carpets, Marilyn Club will meet Sept. A deacons meeting Is1 Linoleum and Formica scheduled for 3 00 p.m . Thurs. 23 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Dennis Corning were united in marriage at , Vern Clarke. 1045 West Ida the Mr afternoon. Sept 18. Gates Christian Church. Saturday, Aug 30, at 1:00 pm | St., Stayton. Mrs. William Mc- Mrs. Corning, the former Debbie Barnhardt, is the daughter of SPECIAL SALE On | Clintock will be co-hostess for Mr. and Mrs David Barnhardt of Gates, and Mr. Corning Is Pinochle Party at Carpet and I the 12:00 luncheon. A meat the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Corning of Lyons. Ogden Photo Eagles Lodge Thursday dish, rolls and beverages will Linoleum Five tables were in play at be provided by the hostesses, Through August the Thursday afternoon pi-1 This will be the first meet- nochle party at the Eagles Hall ing for the fall and all mem- VAN’S CARPET bers are invited to be present. on Sept. 11. STUDIO ______ d_ high _______ Reports will be presented in I Winning score ___ for the Dear Customer 134 W. Washington women was Maudie Flatman. regard to the recent yard sale, GATES - Debra Carmen Esther Stafford and Ix-ah St. Stayton. Oregon with Rilla Schaffer placing turkey dinner and bazaar, Barnhardt became the bride of John, aunts of the bride. A Due to the recent increase in fabrics second. Pinochle was also won Plans will be made for the Dennis Richard Corning at a sentimental note being the Ph. 769-2483 bv Rilla Schaffer. For the men, Willamette Valley Assn which 1:00 p.m. wedding on Aug. 30. bride and groom decoration on lumber and freight, our prices will be in We install what uv Al Riddle had top score and will meet in Mill City on Oct. 1975 at the Gales Christian the wedding cake was the creased with the arrival of all new stock. John Swan took second place. 9. Church, with the Rev. Dean same one used on the wedding Cade officiating at the simple, cake for the bride’s parents Come in now and SAVE on furniture but impressive, ceremony. wedding 25 years ago. already in stock. We have a large supply Miss Barnhardt is the dau Elaine Moore, of ghter of Mr. and Mrs. David 1 Mrs. to choose from. Barnhardt of Gates, and Mr. Everett, Wash., passed the Top Quality furniture for the price. Corning is the son of Mr. and guest book and her small Mrs. Lee Corning of Mill City. daughter, Cathy, passed the Sincerely, The bride was given in mar scrolls to the guests. Mrs. Eda riage by her father. Melody Stafford, of Gates, grandmo Ann Barnhardt, sister of the bride, ther of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Corning, of Mill City, was maid of honor The brides maids were Lisa Barnhardt, and Mrs. Mary Miller, of Tor Furniture & Antiques 1 sister of the bride, and Kathy rance, Calif., grandparent» of the groom, were special guests Oa Highway 22 at SubUaUtyAanwvIUe Jet. 74M97S I Coming, sister of the groom. OPEN Tue* thru Fri. 10:00 111 S:00; Sat. Clow at tdXL Lighting the candles were of the bridal couple Convenient Term» On Approved Credit 1 Delores Drake and Cindy Nel- After their honeymoon, the •on. Serving as flower girl young couple will be at home wax Tara Coming and the ring in Mill City. bearer was Timmy Stafford. I Jeff Coming of South | Beach, Calif, was best man for, his brother. Groomsmen were Mike Coming, also a brother per yard Values To $5.98 SALE of the groom and Dennis Bud-: long of Mill City. Ushering One group knit or woven fabrics in assorted polyester Acrylic was Mark Lund of Whittier, or Cotton materials 60 inch width Calif. A reception was held at the' IOOF Hall in Mill City, fol lowing the ceremony The hall was decorated in the bride’s Regular $1.98 NOW colors of autumn tones Pre siding at the serving table Mid-Wale in assorted dark colors were Mrs Olive Barnhardt, Rummage Sale J’S YARN, ETC WHY WAIT ? Barnhardt-Corning Rites Held At Gates Christian Church Sat., August 30 BUY NOW ANN’S Friday, September 19 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. $|49 FABRICS Dick & Carols MOONLIGHT CORDUROY TAFFETA yard In assorted plain colors Men's "Thermal Knit" Cotton Underwear $050 Each Regular $2.98 NOW Medium Weight Shirts or Drawers Assorted Styles and Sizes Men's Coats Reduced Up To V2 Of Regular Price Snow Suits $EOO Values to $15.98 NOW................................ Toddlers Sizes — Limited Quantities ASSORTED STYLES and SIZES Ladies Dresses Reduced Up To V2OFF Regular Price Remnants Reduced To V2 Of Regular Price BARGAIN TABLE Many One of a Kind Items. All At Reduced Prices NO EXCHANGE ON SALE ITEMS BALDWIN’S 351 3rd Stayton, Oregon ■ Ph. 769-2926 Marilyn Assembly Holds Election Of Officers Rainbow for Girls, Marilyn Assembly #60, had their first meeting for the fall term on Wednesday evening, Sept. 10. This was the last meeting of Worthy Advisor Debbie Me- Lain. Election of officers for the coming term was held with the following offices filled. Natalie Wills, Worthy Advisor; Patti Richardson, Worthy Associate Advisor; Nincy Sharp, Char ity; Judv Roten, Hope; Suzle Lewis, Faith. Introduced were Miss Clary Pedersen. Grand Representa tive tn Iziuisiana, Miss Veriene Peterman. Past Grand Immor tality. and Miss Sue McClin tock. Worthy Advisor of Acacia Assembly in Stayton. Reports were given on the various activities throughout the summer months. Several new members were Initiated In June and n<»w members pres ent were Debbie Golden. Susan Wright. Cindy Hamilton, Sherrv Blaylock. Donna Quin lan and Tami Payseno. Miss Cindy Delay was unable to at tend this meeting. After the meeting, a surprise kitchen «hower, honoring Miss Debbie McLain, was held, at tended by all the members. Ice cream, cookies and punch was enjoyed 73 O l Q on Qi O —“t c V» KJ -O cn o L a J UJ O CD Athletic Sport Shoes “U Q» Regular $ 19.95 O'-) Womens Wedge Shoes —— • GO Regular $12.95 CO & NOW cr- NOW Mens Rain Coats O' cr- Reg. $32.50 to $42.50 NOW I MENS SHORT SLEEVE Shirts to ALL WOMENS o Robes & Sleepwear $000 OFF Reg. Price V) GO GO KEDSO—CHILDRENS £ Tennis Shoes Regular $7.95 NOW Dick & Carols Shoes and A pparel 3rd Ave. 769-2762 GO Si St "O <u