•tea R** *1'"' Nms»pai','r-” U Mi o laui.u' THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE •..... • I . 'A..! PAU, Mm ( in OHK.ON ON 'HIE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY VOLUME XXXI OREGON’S EAST GROWING VACATION WONDERLAND THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE—MILL CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER IK, 1975 up «nd Down PP&L Asks ¡“g” “ 'RexDavisTo rhe Avenue Water Rate $5.00 a YEAR — 15c a Copy Meeting Scheduled For Comprehensive Land Use REGULAR MONTHLY COUNI n. MEETING, Sept 10, 1975. H> Iloti Mutiliti I The meeting was called to | A special joint meeting of I on this property. Another proposal was made order by Mayor Donald Hucke- the city council and planning Never in my lifetime have by at 8:00 p.m. Councilmem commission of Mill City will that large acreages near the I ever witn<-ssed so many bers present were: William be held on Sept. 24, 1975, at city be designated so that no strikes and just, plain old I PP&L filed application Linn County Administrative Walker, John Wills and Char 8:00 p.m. The meeting will be I future development would be bellyaching as I have during Fri., Sept. 12 with the Oregon School District 129J held their les Wirkkala. Ann Carey and to discuss the Comprehensive allowed in those areas. these past couple of years. It PUC seeking approval for wa The Law allows the plan to regular board meeting on Warren Goffin excused. Pres- j Land Use Plan. seems th-’H our country just ter rate increases. At last Wednesday’s City control development and Thurs., Sept. 11. The meeting 1 ent also was City Attorney cannot do enough to satisfy, I Council meeting, Mayor Huck- growth in areas inside as well was opened at 8:10 p m. by i Mick Davis. L operates water sys the blacks and the Chicanos.*,___ in Albany, Lebanon, Mill Dave Barnhardt, chairman. I ’ Thcma __ ’y’or led the Pledge _ of ' abr reported that at a recent as outside the city limits, de They are always demanding tems meeting with an official of the pending upon what the city Board members present were . Allegiance to the Flag. City, Independence and Prine- something They state they are i vllle, erving some 13,000 ctis- Ray Porter, Robert Levon and i The minutes of the regular I Land Conservation and Devel- presently feels might be trcat«*d badly, and that they , toméi s. If approved, the rate he was told brought within the city with Martin Hansen. Others present council meeting of Aug. 13, | opment . Comm., , have loss opportunity to suc increae would produce an ad in the next 20 years or so. were Wes Jahn, Betty Night-11975 were read and approved I 2,'.'v £U1 e 1™“; per amino ceed than any others. I don't ditional $586,000 in annual In this respect, areas such as ingale. Charlotte Blumenstein.' Moved by Walker, ------ ---- Cltlzen Involvement Commit- seconded think that is quite true. I still revenues based on 1974 year Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stafford, by Wills to pay the bills in the , tees for small cities had been I those around the mills west of i prepared and would be releas- the city could be effected. Al think that the blacks and end figures. M. W Stafford, Mrs. Kay amount of $2,295 60 Chicanos who really try, are so, the hillside property to the Syverson, Mrs. Marshall Brad The mayor brought up the j ed soon. The utility was last granted Under state law all cities are , north and the south of town getting along all right. There i water rate increases in 1972. ley and Joyce Presler. subject of widening Evergreen Is probably only a small mi PP&L division manager, Glen The minutes of the Aug. 14 Street, between S. W. 2nd and i required to adopt a Compre- will probably be covered by the plan as will the property nority of this section of our Spicer, said none of the water meeting were accepted as pub S. 1st It was decided to con- I hensive I-and Use Plan. Recent Supreme Court de up and down river to some de population who is raising all systems operated by Pacific lished The first action on the tack Kraus and Dalke to en the hell If they are so against are now providing an adequate agenda was the problem con ( gineer the street to determine cisions have indicated that a gree. The city attorney stressed our country, they certainly are earnings corning certain bus routes. The ' the exact footage that we ' land use plan will override level. "In fact, even 1 any zoning adopted if there is that under present court deci not bound to stay here. They with increased first discussed was the Staf-1 would have to purchase, rates as propos have the privilege to go back between the plan sions, no matter what the cur ford run Persons present ask- ■ The planning commission ' ' a and conflict we would still l»e receiving the zoning. rent zoning is of a person’s to Mexico, or to any other ed. ed if it was possible to extend gave their approval for the Proposals have been made piece of property, if the Com country of their choice Per a less than idequate rate* of the bus pickup from 4th and following variances: Mr. and | that return on the Oregon water some land in the city that prehensive Plan adopts the sonally, I think we’re spend properties,” he said. Myrtle up to the "Y” below the Mrs Donald Carlson, 1116 S. 1 is presently zoned commercial i long range view that that area Ing far too much government E 3rd St.. Mr. and Mrs. Tho Lee Stafford home Mr Jahn If approved by the PUC, the should be designated as “open I should be changed, certain money to keep this minority did not think it was possible mas Wilson. 1046 S. E 3rd space” and thereby essentially minimum monthly residential of development Ln those satisfied for the bus to turn around un St, Mr. and Mrs. Donald prevent further development | I types charge would go from $2.70 to areas could be prevented. I’m glad I'm not a farmer $4 05 in Albany; from $3 Ott to , Quinlan. 483 8 E. Hazel St A less some widening of the “Y” The council and planning I down Californio way where $4 50 in Lebanon, Mill City occurred The board members, I public hearing for these var- expressed their Chavez and his group of ban and Independence, and from and bus driver were to meet on I iance applications was set for I Yarn, Etc. Now Easily commission strong desire that as many dits demand that they have $2 80 to $4 20 in I*rineville I Monday to decide what could Oct. 1, 1975 at 8:00 pm. citizens and interested persons access to the farms of indivi A letter of resignation was Located On Hwy. 22 be done by accompanying the duals in order to organize la-, Anne Mueller, of Yam. etc., within the boundaries of the received from Joyce Trout, bus driver there. become involved in the bor Bull' If they want to or The board made a motion to she no longer wishes to serve wishes to announce to her plan planning process as possible. ganize these workers, and if on the planning commission. customers that they will now pay $2*X) for the rental of the Everyone is invited to attend the workers want to he or Wirkkala made a request to be able to find her shop more driver education car. This is this special meeting and the ganized, let them do it on pri new In the past the cars were buy a sweeper attachment for easily, as flags and banners meetings held hereafter. vate ground I read this sum obtained without cost from the the tractor. This will be dis , will be flying on the highway mer where one farmer blasted | making it more easily identi- cussed at the next meeting. i car companies. dis j . Plans arc already underway away at a group of these dis- The remainder of the meet I fied. The “Yarn, etc." sign has A date of May 25. 1976, the i fourth Tuesday in May. was ing was spent discussing the now been hung at the front of sidents with a shotgun, saying for the 1976 Mill City High that he was protecting his School re-union. This will be accepted by the board mem Land Use Plan and Citizen In- the shop. This needlepoint property, and I for one, feel held at Santiam High School, bers as the date to vote on the | volvement. A combined plan sign, made by Mrs. Mueller, he Is right Where do they get the second Sunday in August budget. The budget calendar j ning commission and city was modeled after an old sam- the authority to come onto pri- • at 12:30 and voting dates will now be I council meeting was set for pier. vale land, many times smash All former MSHS graduates Yarn, etc. will be open on prepared and presented at the Sept. 24, 1975. ing melon» and other pro and anyone that attended the It was decided to put up Wednesdays from 10-5, Fri- October meeting All board LYONS — The theme for duce? Wouldn’t you do some old school are cordially Invit signs, •'Children At Play” at days from 10-8 .and Saturdays the Santiam Valley Grange Thursday, Sept. 25. at 7:30 , I members will be elected on the different thing to defend your own ed to the reunion. .Several areas around town. J from 10-2, for the time being. | third Tuesday In April This Fair is “Through the Years." property? classes have indicated that they p m at the Santiam High i is also the day the TED budget Meeting adjourned at 9:20 i, If business warrants, another The fair will be held this ¡Saturday I got a glimpse of plan separate get-togethers on Schoo) Auditorium the Mill I will be voted on. I day will be added. p.m. Sat., Sept. 20, at the Grange news on TV where it is now the evening prior to the Sun City Lions Club will present Respectfully submitted I Mrs. Mueller will be teach Hall in Lyons. It was thought that last year what is probably the most fan unlawful for a resident to stop day event. ing several classes in Stayton Edna L. Moffatt the school had signed a con The flower’s schedule is as a prowler in his home. It says Anyone having addresses of tastic and entertaining stage tract with the IED to have the and Salem, starting next week. follows: City Recorder presentation to be seen in this he does not have the right to former students and teachers She will also be teaching in Division 1 — arrangements; The speech therapy teacher at the shoot such a person or persons. may contact Mary Kelly, secre area for many vears, the Mill City shop. For further class i school for three days each — Star Spangled Banner Why? Since when has it be tary, in Mill City; Marion Virgil and Julie Show information about these class Red. 1 White However, due to mixup & Blue, class 2— There will be something for week. come a crime to protect ones Todd, treas., at Aumsville; es, she may be reached by Freedom tn communications only two Ring Fruits & property from vandalism or Goldie Rambo, chmn , at 3100 everyone Demonstrations of days were received. Since the ‘ phone at 897-2592. Flowers, class 3—America the theft? Isn’t that a plain Invita Turner Rd S.E. in Salem. Dan Extra Sensory Perception. Mu kindergarten is tn operation, Beautiful Dry Arrangement, tion to allow prowlers to come Olin has been named co- sic, Illusionary Masterpieces. more helping time is needed. I Culber+son To Attend class 4—Home on the Range into your home’ These laws chairman replacing Ruth Lan- Hypnotism. Telepathy, and a The board passed a motion to Vegetable & Flowers arc, or ____ seem — to — bo, ----------- all in favor don, who resigned. Mr. Olin Spooky and Hilarious Spirit have the speech therapist for __ Seminar In Eugene Division 2—Horticulture. All of the crook. I do not think 11 may l>e reached at 4754 Seance. an additional day every other Cal Culbertson, manager of specimens must have foliage This show has been present week would stand Idly by and tell Rebecca N.E., Salem at a cost of about $1400. People’s Telephone Co.. Lyons, and should be labeled as to ed world wide and has been the person invading the pri Board members were in will attend the annual Traf variety, if possible. One entry universally accepted as a show formed vacy of my home to help him-1 that the boiler inspect ___ color. ___ Containers ________ ____ will self I’ve worked hard for the) Jr. Woman's Club that should be seen if it or had come and that the Santiam opened its football fic Seminar of the Oregon In- _ in each dependent Telephone Assn., to be furnished. things that I have accumulat-; appears anywhere within your boiler supplying the high season with a lopsided win over r-orn mo Christian vnrisnan Fri- r n- beId *8‘I9 at the. Class —Asters: 1—single, 3 ed, and I don’t see why ii To Hold Luncheon viewing area. school gymnasium was in need over Portland on the home field Ct^Jltry S<,uire Inn in Eugene, blooms. 2—doutfle. 3 stems: should have to be the one to Virgil and Julie have been | of immediate repair before the dav night g The seminar, which will deal! dags 2—Marigolds: 1—large. 3 An informal membership featured on CBS Television, break the law, when in reality I opening of school. Several with a 28-8 score. all I’m doing is protecting luncheon will be held by the have played to capacity au- firms wre suggested by him The Wolverines received the with dial office administration.[ stems. 2—French. 3 stems, 3— Jr Woman’s Club on Wednes diences at the Ed Sullivan as i--------------------------- part of the Dwarf. _ 3 --------------- stems; class --- 3— * Pe- that which is mine. opening kickoff and were halt- is conducted __ __ , , ——.. n ■ day. September 24 at 12:30 Theatre on Broadway and the. ! and a firm from Portland was ed on their first drive for a contnuin? education nrocvam ' tUtUaS: 1 - SingIe - 1 spray- 2“ I selected to do the repairs, touchdown with fumbles and at the home of Mrs. Larry Ur ‘ ndeph °" e , D« ubl e. 1 stem; class 4-Zln- Academv of Music in Ni w wnlt .n have nnvp nr)w necn compiet- . ■ This busing school children ban which now been complet- .. [ company employees and is ex- nias: 1 —Large, 1 stem, 2 — in some of our major cities The board carried a motion penaJ?":?anA,aJnJRot. °D.th! pected to draw t registrants small, 1 stem: class 5- Roses: All interested women are XOrk..Clt.y_ apparently has turned into a welcome to attend the lunch the Master Fellowship Award j to declare a state of emergency scoreboard first and was never from Alaska. ” Nevada and 1—Hybrid Tea. 3-5 stems. 2— costly nightmare. There cer eon and anyone needing trans from the Academy of Magical | according to ORS 332-290 to behind from then on. Santiam Washington. Florabunda. 1 stem; Class 6— Arts. This is the highest award ’ ’ maintained the ball a majority tainly must be a better and or additional infor- ever given hv the academy and I Day the bill of approximately. I of the game as they gained 202 Dahlias: 1—Cahlias Caca. 2 leas ex perwive manner in 1 portation, 1 $4500. A section of the boiler mation, may contact Cherry which to provide a decent edu I Jeter, club president, at 897- was given by the academy and [plates were there for board i ' yards rushing in 37 carries and Detroit Dam -Weather sterna, 2—Miniature, 3 stems, 3 —Pom pom, 3 stems, 4—De was presented to Virgil and | members to inspect. cation for everyone who really 3127 I I their passing was seven fori Pool corative. 1 stem: class 7—Fu- Julie at the annual awards wants to increase his know- Presentation of class sched-1 | eleven for 108 yards, Date Max Min Ele Pep schias: 1—Small Bloom, 1 banquet in the Century Plaza | ules j Portland Christian had 80 ledge If they took the money of the high school and I Sept. 10 79 54 1545.59 0.00, stem. 2—Large Bloom, 1 stem; they SX.S’ ™«'" p SS Preparation Classes To Grand Ballroom in Hollywood grade school were shown and • yards rushing in 29 carries Sept. 11 88 56 1545.20 0.00 class ‘ 8—Daisy: 1- Michealmas, Tickets for the performance Mr. Jahn explained why cer I and was zero for seven in the these Sept.12 91 62 1544.29 0.00 1 stem, 2—Others, 1 stem; class the schools which have a ma Begin Monday Sept. 29 are priced at $2 00 per adult. tain classes had been dropped. passing department. $1 00 for children 11 years and The teachers were placed in Coach Powell was pleased Sept. 13 95 60 1543.50 0.00 9- Gladiolus: 1 — Single, 1 jority of black students. I real Sept. 14 83 59 1543.19 0 00 stem; class 10—Potted plant; under, and may be purchas- ' ly think that ill students Classes will begin on Mon., ed from any member of the other classes where there was with the teams performance, Sept 15 80 60 1542.71 0 00 class 11—Cactus: class 12—Any would be better off. I don't Sept. 29 at the Santiam High an overload. It was noted that considering the amount of Sept. 16 80 55 1541.79 0 00 worthy exhibit think these black students be School for those persons wish Lions Club or S AG. Pro there were 49 students enroll new talent that is in the start ing bused out of their home ing to study In preparation for ceeds from the sale are to he ed in the kindergarten: 40 in ing line-up. He stated that he used for Santiam Canyon first grade; 49 in second: 47 in felt the squad turned in a fine area for miles to got an educa their G.E D. tests. tion like it any better than The classes will begin at Scholarship Fund. Don’t forget third;; 37 in fourth: 48 in performance, both offensive the whites I think that all 7:00 p.m. and end at 10:00 p m. the date of Thurs. Sept. 25 fifth: 34 in sixth; 5« in and defensive. Scoring for Santiam was schools should have an equal Any person wishing to attend Come and have the time of seventh; and 49 in eighth. The quality of education — but these classes, Is allowed to your life with an experience freshman class has 57; the Scott Stewart — 4 yard run that does not necessarily mean study and progress at their you will long remember. sophomores have 54; junior (Moreland kick); Ted More- | Don’t be a hold-out. You ; entry blank from The Mill On Tuesday evening. Sept. class sending kids to different own pace. seniors 52 This land, seven yard run. (Wright may be a winner. Write down , City Enterprise or on a like- Santiam High School SAG makes 48; a and schools, Why not improve the For more Information call 23, total enrollment of I run); Jim Wright — 50 yard your theme entry today and size facsimile members will be out selling quality of education in all Mrs Rich Moore at 897-2733. Contest closes 6:00 p m. 620. However, that could still punt return (run failed); Bill drop it in one of the eight bal- tickets to the show The S.A G. change during the week. Gabriel — 21 yard pass from lot boxes available in town. schools, then surely there Thurs., Sept. 25. Ballot boxes members will begin their Richards (Moreland kick). i You are entitled to as many 1 are located: Stewart’s Grocery, could be no reason for all this The kindergarten classes They are really digging around door-to-door selling at 7:00 p The Wolverines will meet individual entries as you de-1 Mill City Pharmacy. Mill City fuss. have increased to the point All this mileage and wear in their barrel, and still urn ¿/The S A G. (Student Action that a teacher aide is needed Vernonia here at 8 p.m. Frl., sire, and to win $10 00. Contest Grade School. Santiam High and tear of equipment is being to favor Ted Kennedy, who Group) students volunteer for to help out The board mem Sept. 19 This should be a not open to members of the School. Girod’s Hilltop Gro carried out when the govern says repeatedly that he will many community projects and bers passed a motion to hire an tougher opponent as the Log steering committee or their cery, Kirsch’s True Value ment Is crying about the short not run and not accept the residents are urged to welcome aide for 2H hours for the gers finished second in the immediate families. Entries must be submitted in Hdw, The Malt Shop, and age of fuel. Doesn’t make position, even If drafted. Why them at their door morning session and 2*4 hours Northwest League last year. one of the ballot boxes, on an Viv’s Cafe. sense to me. does it to you? cannot they let this fellow for the afternoon session The alone Personally T don’t think cost will be approximately Natalie Wills To Be he’s all that good, and besides Women's Golf Group The Democrats have had the Kennedy« have lost two _ r I $2 000 00 and was alloted for Installed As Worthy BICENTENNIAL THEME CONTEST this year only. It was thought their Demoforum, which is sons by assinatlon. Isn’t that Winners Told I that there would be only about well and good At one point In enough’ Evidently there arc Advisor Mon. Evening i ENTRY BLANK h's address to that group. Gov. kooks in the country who want "Most won Putts” was the 35 studuents in the kindergar- Natalie Wills, daughter of Straub said: ’it’s time to put (all Kennedy* dead. What a day's play Tues., Sept. 16. for Mr and Mrs. John Wills, of Mv Proposed THEME is: the Ford in the garage and shame. While I’ve never voted the Women’s Group of the San | The board was presented Mill City, will be installed as with facts concerning the find elect a Demo for president ” for any of them, they certainly tiam Golf Club. Worthy Advisor. Marilyn As Entrant’s Name That might be a good idea, but have the right to live their In Clnss A. Marie Galloway ing of termites at the Mill City sembly ~t»0, Order of Rainbow Elementary School The board ’ think the Democrats should lives ns they see fit. scored 7; class B. Pat Dye 4; for Girls, on Monday, Sept. 22 .Address first decide on an able candi-! It still is a long time before class C. Dorothy Nve fl Tirst d«’‘ded to wait and have the at 7:00 pm at the IOOF Hall date They have yet to come election, and it will be inter low net winner was Pat Dye cos* Ke, Ke, ting ting rid rid of of them them The date of her installation Date Submitted Phone __ im with a man who can come esting to see what develops In with 71, and second low net,, ”ext years budget has been changed from Sun , anywhere near Ford’s calibre, that time. Julia Bassett, 72. * (Continued on Page 4) Sept. 21. I The dedication ceremony for the new city park, "Kimmel Park,” was held at the park site on Sunday, Sept. 14, at 4:00 p.m., with about 60 per sons attending. The welcoming speech was gjven by Mayor Donald Huckeby, who also gave a very informative and Interesting speech on I the history of the land and the development park. He also of the elaborated on i the life history of J. C. Kimmel, r«*tired phar macist and former Mayor of Mill City, for whom the park was dedicated An acceptance speech was presented by Mr Kimmel, which emphasized the import ance of the giving of one’s self to his community and his country in order to have a true working Democracy. The invocation was present ed by the Rev John Heidbrink of the Mill City Presbyterian Church At a reception held imme- d lately following thc cercmo- nies, a beautiful cake, baked and decorated by Josephine Hampton, was enjoyed along with coffee and punch The cake was decorated in a life like scene of the park, com plete with the river, trees, logs, rocks and a grazing deer. Margaret Stromquist was in charge of the reception For Re union Lions Club Magic Show Wolverines To Meet Vernonia Fri. Bicentennial Theme Contest For July 4 Celebration Ends Next Week