Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1975)
2—The Min City Enterprise, Thursday, Aug. 7, 1975 t nmnwaw aw I Paye Kellys Attend Postal Convention Spaghetti Feed Nets Funds for Detroit Postmaster und Mrs. Charles | Kelly spent three day« last 1 week in Coos Bay, attending High Basketball Team the 4ist annual convention of DETROIT The spaghetti I Oregon Postmasters held at I a motel there. The six very feed .sponsored by the Detroit I special guests at the con- High School basketball team Norma J. Long, Woman * Page Editor Phone 897-2772 «nilM Ulwtt, N.H.F.L Iference were William Sullivan, Suturday in the grude school . ................ ■ ■......... Regional Postmaster General, cafeteria wax reported to have Kristin Elliott, a member of the National Home Fashions League, of San Francisco; Postmaster netted nearly $100. To boost is Floor hishton Specialist. GAF Corporation. Married in Outdoor Ceremony Mrs. Lowell Fleetwood Loise Copes of Brooklandvtlle, this fund, the team sold some kitchen and reseats every stain When was the last time you Md , un editor of the Postmast- 95 dozen homemade donut«, and scuff, fhe old-fashioned de gave your kitchen a much- ers’ Gazette; Postmaster De reportedly netting some $140. Entertains Guests To sign now casts gloom over every needed facelift? Muking the donuts were J«* lores Dumanch of Clam Lake, appliance and accessory. Wise.; John Flxa from San sie Saner, Caroline Smith, Jan Observe Anniversary Francisco, (retired); Postmast ice Higginbotham and Vince You’ll be delighted to k now sou can install your own cush- Mrs. Lowell Fleetwood en er Don Wheeler of Temple Drago, with the assistance of ioned vinyl floor covering. New. tertained with several inform-1 City, Calif., the national trans- the team. 9’ and 12’ wide rolls, say» GAF al events at her home over the P<> nation chairman, and Post Proceeds from the two Corporation, a major manufac '. B Martin from events are being used by the weekend in observance of her , J; turer of resilient floor cover 30th anniversary of coming Springfield, Ala. a regional team to attend basketball camp ings, now make this job pos to Mill City. She was assisted vlc’’ president, who represent • near Seattle, August 3 9 sible for a couple as a week their I **>ree southern states. by her husband and end project. Gay* h was announced that 140 daughter, Miss Mary i postmasters were in attend To install, cut the vinyl with Fleetwood. a knife or even scissors, against A graduate of George Fox ance, 60 guests, and lo Birthday Party a generous pattern you've made College in Newburg (formerly ciate members (retirees), mak- > r Jvg. '-'sf a total of 210 persons re out of heavy-duty paper. Extra Fetes Brian Mohr Pacific College). Evangelyn ing u Six vinyl around edges allows for “first-timers" * ** came to teach high school gistered. DETROIT The Detroit trimming once you move the English for two years, taught were present, it being their Slipcoicr Your Floor fl. or into the kitchen. (Most in Vernonia und Colton for a first convention witli the group home of Mr mid Mrs William j Mohr was the setting late rooms measure less than 1 It’s probably been awhil e. it total of another two years, then as members. wide, so you don’t have to c Charles Kelly, a former pre I Thursday afternoon for a you're like most women. So. returned here as the eighth ment any seams.) you’ll be pleasantly surpri-ed grade instructor for four years. sident of the Oregon chapter, 1 birthday party honoring their when you shop around ar.J dis Best of all. a colorful sele After spending the next five served as chairman for con 1 ll-yeur-old son, Brian, on his cover how many proiects — like tion of this Fall's gorgeous array years at home with her two stitution and by-laws, giving . birthday anniversary. Enter Debra Cames and Terry Savage were married in painting, wall papering and even of natural hues — blues, greens, children, Mrs Fleetwood re hts report on Thursday morn tainment was provided by the an afternoon ceremony Saturday, July 26. at Deepwood floor covering — you can tackle rich browns, and sunny yellow playing of games and refresh turned to the local high school ing. Mansion in Salem. The bride __ __ ____ ____ of _____ is the daughter Mr. and I Elected as new officers, and ments of truditionnl birthday yourself. Decorating tasks that — will make an initial impact on I as the English teacher. Mrs. George Holmdahl of Salem. T ” .. ’ _ __ L, ... — — L ..... The bridegroom's you Jo can be fun .and econom your whole room. From the She has taught at the Silver- installed by J. B. Martin at 1 cake, ice cream and punch parents arc Mr. and Mrs Athel Savage of Mili C?ty ical since there's no wages floor up. your kitchen will lock I ton high school for the past 12 , the final session, were the fol were served to the honored charged for your own time. lowing: President, Mary Fred sears younger. guest Brian and to John and years, the last 10 as Librarian rickson of McNary; 1st V. P., A visit to your nearest home Reception Held for And the facelift is no nuisance Meshelle Olivera, David, Julie On Friday, August 1, 12 tea I^iniar Zu ver of Winston; 2nd improi ement center will be prof- to keep shining and bright No cher friends from Silverton land Hill, Jeff and Mr. and Mrs. A. Cuff were guests of the Fleetwoods 1 V. P. Joe Dougherty of New I Steve Phillip i.ab’e. then, in more ways than wax floors mean just that . , . Lawrence, Teddy John- port; 3rd V. P., Robert Ricketts LYONS A reception was one. There, you’ll discover a sweeping, mopping with a mild for a barbecue, among them I son, Kim and Jim Kootz, Con held Sunday afternoon. Au being Ron Morgail, a former of Terrebonne; 4th V. P., Pat mjriad of buildtnx supplies to detergent and an occasional buf nie and Don Tolman. Sharon Hescock of Fort Klamath; See.- transform jour now-drab kitch fing. gust 3rd, at the Mari-Linn teacher here. He Is a teacher Taylor, Tommy and Amy Ca- en. Ask plents of questions, get school honoring Mr. and Mrs at OCE in Monmouth and pre treas, Florence Morrison of For your free bocllct, "Do A dola, Sharon. An gee and i stocked up on instruction pam- Albert Cuff who were mar sently is attending a session at New Pine Creek; and a« na Room Yourself It.ih GAF Glenn Hiebert, Dorothy John tional director«, Ed Spencer of p! ,t- nJ inquire about everting Santiam Memorial Hospital ried Wednesday, July 30, at the U of O in Eugene Cushioned Shett Vinyl" write: Salem and Ed Steinhauer of son and Sandy, Cindy and iurr«A.'m<.nt seminars. Stayton the home of her sister, Mr.'_________________ _ ________ Sunday afternoon, the Fleet- CARVER — To Daniel and and Mrs. Howard Naue. Rev | woods held an informal open Greenleaf, the out going pre Lola Mohr. Once i-ome. the best starting GAF Corporation, Floor Prod ucts. P.O. Box 1121. Code ARS, j-.ut ior cui kit h n Jo-over Cynthia Carver, Scio, a daugh Douglas Mentze officiated at house for local friends, with sident Plans for observance of the i .t ¡i si Icicl. re l’s yvur Radio Ci’y Station, ,V, h - York, ter, July 29 the 11:30 a. m. ceremony | light refreshments being aerv- nation”s Bi-Centennial in 1976 1 'i- t . ni token ..r^- in jour I N. Y. ICO 19. LUSH ENK OTo Arthur and Guests were preesnt from ed and the guests enjoying ED LEWIN Martha Lushenko. Stayton. a Bend, Donald, Brooks, Gaston, looking at old-time school an were reported by Postmaster Ethan Newman of Eugene, the Auctioneer, Inc. son, July 29. Dallas, Salem and Lyons. nuals, pictures, and scrap chairman, who heads his Sec books. Among those dropping Cutting and serving the cake Complete Auctions Sheythes Family tional Center Facility in that was Mrs. Paul Singer of Don by were Mr. and Mrs. Charles area. Phone 78B-5-I66 Weidmans Host ald. Presiding at the punch Dolezal, Miss Zeta Prichard, Recipient of the annua! Reunion Held Side almost every S ub . Mason, Mrs. Mrs. Harry scholarship awarded by the Annual Oddfellow and bowl was Mrs. Dean Cuff from Charles 10 A. M. Mr». Mr. and Kelly, Brooks and serving the coffee group to an outstanding stu Here July 26 I Mr. and Mrs Lee Ross, and Rebekah Picnic OonNignmente Welcome was Mrs. Dennis Johnson of dent entering college (a mem Mr and Mrs Donald Sheythe The Otto Weidmans hosted Dallas. Mrs. Terry Cuff from Gale Dorothy. 1050 WUco Road Stay ton ber of a postmaster”« family) hosted a reunion of 29 rela-' Mrs. Fleetwoods parents. Mr. the annual Oddfellow-Rebekah Gaston was in charge of the was Miss Judy I-anning tives, all members of the Shey and Mrs. Willard Shattuck of picnic at their home in Lyons guest book and. in charge of Friends View Manor in New daughter of Postmaster and the family, at their home on Few openings only Saturday, July 26, the lawn on August 3. The hosts were gifts, were Mrs Earl Cuff and berg were expected to bring Mrs Ken Lanning of Lebanon being put to good use. Those Mr. and Mrs. Otto Weidman Mrs. Roy Cuff, both from 32 friends from their living Postmaster Bob Landers o remain -for Fall Silverton was chairman. coming from the greatest dis- and David and Kathy Neal. Brooks. facility for an all-day barbe I Host postmasters for the sue Attending were Mr. and Mrs. tance to join Mrs Cuff, the group were the former Jes- classes at cue and informal visit. ' cessful convention were Ke Glenn Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. sie Short, is the daughter of I from Texas, Young of Coos Bay and In Dave Bamhardt, Mr. and Mrs. j Arrivng on Friday were Mr Mrs. Lydia Culweli. She is I Gregory of North Bend. Out- and Mrs. Lorain Hennig and Dan Botler and Charles and employed at the Salem Me- Farewell Coffee i standing events included a sal- ; three teen-aged children of April Botler, Mr. and Mrs. morial hospital j mon bake at Charleston State | I Wichita Falls, Texas. Mrs. Claudie Bruder, Mr. and Mrs. The couple has moved into Given in Honor of I Park, musical entertainment, ! Hennig (Marilyn is a cousin Albert Carr, Mr, and Mrs. Tom the Douglas Mentze home. i by the .Senior Citizens, and; Ages 3 and 4 of Mr. Sheythe. They had Daugherty, Nel DeWitt, Chris tours to a myrtlewood factory, Mr. and Mrs. Poole flown to Portland where they Emerson, Katie Ewall, Maudie j Weyerhaeuser sawmill, Simp-1 I Call: Diane Quinlan rented a car, enabling them to Flatman, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon DETROIT — There was a .son Park, and a t>oat trip up I also visit other relatives in Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. Irl good attendance at the after the Rogue River from Gold 897-2237 Newport. i Plymale, Myrna Schiaman, Mr. well coffee honoring Mr. and Beach to Agnes for lunch. On Saturday, others coming and Mrs. Glen Shelton, Mar i Mrs. Larry Poole at Berggreen Future mid-winter and sum- from Newport included Don’s garet Snow. Mr. and Mrs. Jack , Hall Wednesday evening of mer conventions have been mother. Mrs Ella Sheythe, Stoddard, Mr. and Mrs Walter By Bobbie HM» Q I last week Mr. Poole has been scheduled for Pendleton, Sea- who lives in the coast city; Thomas, Ruth Wirth and Mr ' named head basketball coach side, and Springfield. Mrs. Hennig's mother, Mrs. and Mrs. Luther Yates. If you plan to use cold water, 'at North Marion High School, Lorene Olson, visiting _ from. washing to conserve energy» itj ' Aurora, following ten years Kimmels Attend Wichita Falls. Texas, and two I - ... D may be necessary to take extra of successful coaching at De Sheythe brothers and families.1 OUCklmgs Ketum steps to achieve satisfactory re High School Reunion troit High School. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheythe From Vacation SHOES APPAREL sults. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kimmel See Our New The family ha« purchased a and two grandsons, Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Doug Suckling, Use at least the amount of Mrs. Francis Sheythe. From home north of Woodburn and attended a reunion for the 799-2782 Merchandise Salem came the Francis Shey- both teachers for Linn County detergent recommended on the is making preparations to 1916 graduating class of Es Administrative School District package, perhaps a little more tacada High school Sunday, the’s son and family,, Mr. and move in a week or two. Arriving Daily Mrs. Merle Sheythe and two 129-J, and their children have to compensate for the limita Attending the farewell cof- August 3. Mr. Kimmel reports that out daughters and their boy just returned from their sum tions of cold water. A bleach fee from Mill City were Mr. Unfinished Oenta $24.00 friends. substitute such as Boratccm Plus t mer vacations. Dee of a class of 17 members,, nine 1 Van and Mrs. Arthur is a big help, too. Sleepers — Stack Tables Mrs. Suckling and children Also joining their parents on Zande. The Poole’s were pre are still living. There were ( Do not overload the washer, the special day were Mr. and spent a month visiting at the Rockers, Soft», Chair sented with a ten command-- . six of the students attending , 400 3rd Avenue home of her parents, Mr. for that limits the cleaning ac and Ottomans, Recliners, Mrs. Frank Sheythe, their son farm ment plaque as a going away, (the reunion. tion of the machine. But do wait and Mrs. L C. Loomis of Pur and daughter, and Mr and Mrs Stayton, Oregon remembrance. 1 | The group met for the pic- , unfinished furniture enjoyed for full loads to accumulate to Mark Sheythe, their daughter cellville, Va. They The family will be missed,'“jc aJ ,th* ,h°rn?1 and son, all from Seattle. the horseback riding and all save energy. in Estacada but they are wished success Mr T*“ ” ‘ . Lloyd ’ ' ‘J Lovell ’ ” Open Evenings By Pretreating stains and heavy An outdoor picnic was the of the other farm type activi in their new adventure. | Appointment feature of the day, with the ties. Mr. Suckling, accompan soil on clothing becomes in BankAmericard Welcome weather cooperating beautiful ied by his father, Len Suck creasingly important in cold ly. Then on Sunday, the Texas ling of Vancouver, Wn„ drove w iter washing. Heavily soiled Sublimity-Aumsville relatives enjoyed a fishing ex to Nenana, Alaska where they or stained items may benefit Junction cursion at Newport. spent a little over a month, re from a soak before washing, The two sons, Frank and turning home by plane. He adding to the water ’/r-cup of Phone 749-2975 Mark, and their families re- reported having an enjoyable a stain fighter like the bleach substitute. I mained over the weekend. time, also. If cold water is used for pre soaking, a longer soak (2 to 3 Thursday, August 7— r hours) will be needed than if warm water is used. For difficult Garden Club Picnic, 11 a. m. stains, try rubbing in a few Santiam State Park (near mile Eat Drink and Be Merry pinches of the bleach substitute post 26 west of Mill City). b fore washing. Bring own table service and Since most powdered laundry picnic food. ‘ r‘ products dissolve slowly in cold Eagles Card party, 1 p. m., water, it would be best to add (’•’ ’ ' Eagles Hail. product to the wash water and let agitation start before clothes Friday, August 8— are added. If this is not possible, the product could be pre-dis Mill City-Gates Post #159 << • solved in a jug or bottle before and Auxiliary meetings • ’ Av 1 adding to the washer. Legion Hall, 7:30 p. m. ¥1 Ofc’ * •••? ì (Everything you neeJ to know 1 * Wednesday, August 13— about home l .undering is at tractively presented >n a new City Council meeting, City folding chart Send 25<* for post Hall, 8:00 p. m. age and handling to LAUNDRY Broadloom Carpets, I CHART, 20 MULE TRAM Thursday, August 14— I’r'xliicts. I’(I Box 75128. Sun- Linoleum and Formica School District 129-J Board ford Station, I_os Angeles. ( A meeting, 8:00 a. m., Santiam 90075.) SPECIAL SALE On High school. ouse REGISTER NOW The Wise Owl PRESCHOOL PRO-KEDS Washbasfcet Athletic Shoes s Furniture Dick and Carols Calendar Of Events Lloyd Center New At Dairy Queen FREE 7-Up With Every Purchase - Every Wednesday ORDERS TO GO Carpet and Linoleum Through August ITiftAUiF Phone 769-5311 Stayton, Oregon Scrumpdillyishus VAN’S CARPET STUDIO 134 W. Washington Stayton, Oregon Ph. 769-2483 Sponsored as a public «errici By Subscribe to The J Mill City Enterprise BEAUTY CENTER Phone 897-2137 239 8. W. Broadway Read it Every Week •:00 am. to d:uu pm. Evenings by appointment 112 STORES Park Free Under Cover ICE SKATING FOR EVERYONE