Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1975)
. The 17th annual reunion of ' the dexcendants of Alonzo and Louisa Shepherd wax held July 20 ut Fisherman's Bend Park About 45 attended the picnic dinner with a short business meeting following. Officers elected for next year were Mrs. Dorothy Stevens from Dallas, Sunday dinner kucn U at the president, and Mrs. Marianne home of Mr. und Mrs. Ervin Shepherd Fields from Forest Peterson were their cousins, Grove, sec re la ry -1 rea s u re r. Mr. and Mrs Fred Blaisdell from McMinnville. Guest» this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett John Mrs. Sybil Wilson from ston are their son, Everett,1 Brooks, Alberta, Canada, spent * Jr. and his wife Toni, and a week ut the home of her, their two children, Chris and uncle tind uunt, Mr and Mrs., Jennie, from Ontario, Canada Floyd Shepherd Mrs. Wilson Also visiting are their daugh-i is the daughter of the late ter, Donna ami sons Bob and' Kilis Shepherd. She came for Mark and daughter Kim from 1 the 17th unnuul reunion of the. Sun Valley, Calif. Shepherd f.irmly. ........... — I Mr. and Mrs. Herb Peck were very pleasantly surpris- ed by an overnight visit from Mr and Mrs. John Blackwell of Boulder City, Nev. There was much reminiscing us Mr. ' 1 Blackwell und Mr. and Mrs 1 Peck were co workers for the Nevada Power Co. of Las Ve(;., . ------------ The Mill City Volunteer Fire i>pt held their annual picnic Sunday, July 27, at the home (,f Mr and Mrs Haymond Por- | ter. Approximately 75 peopli were in attendance. Games were played und door prizes >•>■><• f/liiri ’ The 1*1 > nlntiin ‘.nrl ta/ ' ■ awarded. picnic and wa- termelon feed were thoroughly enjoyed by all. ---------- Members of the Mill < ity I Garden Club will hold their annual picnic next Thurs., Aug 7 ut the Santiam State Park near Mile Post 2« on Highwuy 22 west of Mill City starting at 11:30 u.m. The Lyons Gar den Club members have been invited to attend Those at tending are asked to provide their own table service and bring a dish for the picnic lunch. Car pools are suggested. 5—The Mill City Enterprise, Thiir««iay, July 31, 1975 Tips For Working Women When »ho gets home from work each night, the working woman doesn't have time to slave over a hot stove, scrub floor» and clean the house. Yet like the full time homemaker, she has to face those same chores every day. The Home Service Center at Scott Paper Company h is come up with some horncrnaking short' uli will help work ing women, or busy, lull time ho me in a kirs reduce the drudgery of household chores: To .peed up ironing lime, put heavy foil un- der the ironing board cover. Av you iron a garment, the heat from the iron will reflect from the foil and you'll find boning goes twice as fast I his tip should also save on energy and electricity. Break a glass on your clean linoleum floor? For quick and effective cleanup, use a damp Scott paper towel to sweep up the elusive glass slivers. Paper towels are also ideal for carpet spills. Quickly blot up excess liquid with a paper towel. Next, apply cleaning so lution with a soft, white cloth or another clean paper towel. To dry the carpet, cover the spot with a thickness of white paper towels and weigh them down with heavy books. I he carpet should be dry and stain-free in about 45 minutes. Around the kitchen if you'll place a dampened paper towel under your mixing bowl or board, this will prevent it from sliding around when you mix ingredients or knead and roll out dough. Another tip use a higher temperature when cooking in the oven I his makes it p<> . siblc to cook a four-pound chicken in one hour. Or, by laming chicken first, you can cook the same chi.ken in about 15 minutes. And after you've cooked din ner and have a p.m encrusted with food, sprinkle the hot pan with dry laundry detergent, cov er with a dampened Scott paper towel, and let the burned-on food steam while you cat. When its time to wash the dishes, the pan should require little or no scouring. A real time and hand saver! CHURCH HEWS Mill City Comm unity Church Rev. Donald L. Dishong, Pastor Fun Gospel Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Evening Service 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Evening 7.30 P. M. Everyone welcome. DETROIT COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday 10:00 am., Adult Bible Study at the church 11:00 a.m., morning worship and children’s church 5:00 p.m. youth Bible study for grades 7, 8 and 9 6:00 p.m. evening Richard Norris, Pastor ST. CATHERINE’S CATHOLIC CHURCH C. C. D. Immediately following Holy Days—7:00 p.m. Santiam < ha pel Calvary Lutheran Church AHHi-mbly of (.<>d Stayton Phone 859-2644 Lyons Flint Ave. and Fern Ridge i*<l Robert Harkins, ...... Pastor Rev. Norbert Dey, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service ... l(k30 a. ui Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. HT CHRISTOPHER MIHHIO> C. A. (Youth) Service Thurs Detroit days at 7:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 10:30 a m. Royal Rangers and Misslon- Holy Day and First Friday ettes Family Night, Wednesday 5:30 P M. Detroit at 7:00 p. m. Anyone desiring counsel and Free Methodist Church prayer may call Pastor Robert N. E. 7th & Santiam Blvd. Harkins. Mill City, Oregon Dan Hardy, Pastor PHONE 897 2640 Find Christian Church SUNDAY Rev. Richard L. Halstead 10:00 a.m. . Sunday School Bible School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 am. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 pm. Evening Worship Youth meeting at 6:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY Evening Services 7:00 p.m. Adult Bible study each Thurs 7:00 p m.........Prayer Meeting day at 7:30 p.m. Youth Bible study each Wednesday at 7:15 pm. Santiam Searchers each Wednesday a- 3:30 p.m. Gates Community Church of Christ Pastor — Dean Cade Phone 897-3266 Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening Bible Study 7:00 p.m. WEDDING STATIONERY Idanha Community Church The Mill City Garden Club Rev. Larry M. Goin, Pastor is having the “Murigold Con Sunday School, 10:0 a. m. test" again this year. All those Morning Service 11 o’clock. Canyon Conservative Baptist wishing to enter please call Evening Service at 7 o’clock. Rev. Don Prorciw Mrs. Jennie Cauble, 859-2802 Bible Study, Wednesday 7:80 5th & Cedar, Lyons or Mrs. Doris Rogers, 897-2012, p. m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. or any member of the garden Morning Worship 11 a.m. Larson Family club. There will be prizes and Mission of Wisconsin Training Hour, 6: Ou p.m. the judging will be the middle Evangelical Lutheran Synod Evening Service, 7:00 p.m. Attends Services of September, notification of Worship Service _ 730 pm. Wednesday evening Bible IDANHA — Rev. and Mrs date later and anyone in the Sundays study and prayer time 7 pm. Ken Larson and children 129 school district may enter, IDANHA — The Idanha Debbie and Beckie of Redland, Temporary Meeting Place — except garden club members | home of Mrs Lynn William (near Oregon City) attended Home Federal Savings & Loan Mr». Verna Mueller, Leban- Stayton, Oregon „ ___ - -__ . I morning worship at the Idan Mr». Roger (Eilenl Lund- on, Mrs. Elma Stewart, Mrs. son was the setting Wednesday ha Community Church, Sun William Bernhardt, Minister qiusl returned to her home Ardlth Brusasco and granddau evening of last week for a Information — Ph. 859-2869 here after several months visit ghter, Tami, spent several stork shower honoring Mrs. day. Rev. Larson is a Village Co-hostesses in Rosemead, Calif. Accom days recently in Eastern Ore Mike Monroe Mission Minister, with his pas LYONS UNITED panying her were her brother gon. They spent some time at were Mrs Mike Williamson, torate at Redland. He and his METHODIST CHURCH Jr. and Mrs. Gordon Plotts, and wife, Mr. and Mrs Al Camp Sherman and points of family are on vacation and are Sth and Ash St Mrs, Tom Spiers. Petterson of Monterey Park, interest South of Bend. Phone 850-2540 | For the occasion, the gift camping at Detroit State Park. Calif, and a granddaughter, AMUR Mta Rev. Arthur Haaueo —“v a “ Mrs. Larson, is the daughter of Jody Lundquist of Hacienda Mr. and Mrs. Was. McClin table was centered with Mrs. Emma Schroeder, who Paul Haynes, Pastor Welcomes you to come paper as stork. Pink crepe Heights, Calif. After a few tock and Sue spent the week taught school here a number you are. Morning Warship 1130 am. days here, the Petterson» went end in Vernonia where he streamers completed the de of years ago. Tuesday Evening Prayer on to Seattle to visit friends drove a self-loader logging cor Following the opening of Service _________ 730 p.m and relatives They plan to truck in the Vernonia Jam spend more time in Mill City boree Parade, winning second gifts, refreshments of colorful Large Attendance at Mm CHy Presbyterian before their return to Cali place. Theme of the celebra petits fours, Jello cake, punch Reunion Dance Sat. Rev. Jeta HeMbrtnk fornia Jody Iamdquist is stay tion was Faith, Fun and Fan and coffee were served to the DETROIT — There was a Phone 897-2291 ing with her grandmother for tasy. They also attended the honored guest, Cathi Monroe, large attendance at the Detroit I Morning Worship _ 1130 am. several weeks visit. , art show, "Mutl" Show and and to Ms Sarah Benton, Joyce High School reunion dance Carol Benton, Ruth Crist, Adult Bible Class _ 1030 am. flea market. They returned Thomasson, Martha Taylor, Saturday night at Detroit City Nursery for young children Mr. and Mrs. Ij-e Barnett home Sunday. Hall Eddie Moore's band fur- I I gjIZ. vv 1 J I I ci 111 “ 4/1 1 1 v<.'*lt OOilvi I * »•»■•». — - Liz Williamson, Jessie Saner, under comptent supervision. were dinner guests Tuesday j nlshed the music, a social nour . . r ‘Susan Spiers, Sherry Plotts, i nished music. A hour The Church of Jeans Christ Choir Rehearsal _ 7:30 pm. Telephone 887-2772 evening, July 22. at the Salem . . of I jitter Day Saints Mpu/ rACTiW* AT i TPA Nancy Monroe, Helen Lichly-I | preceded the dance at 7:00 o’- home of Mr and Mrs. Don I1CW I GO I in a I I llv ter 0^,3 chuculate, Teresa. . clock. Frederick C. Rudy Moffatt Also present were A family picnic was held Telephone 859-2025 .1 J. . /Vi l_ i Wilde, Elaine Hopson and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Rambo of ii I on the school grounds Sunday. Meetings at American Legion, MPtnOdlST Lnurcn Gina Slayden of Salem Salem. I riciiiuuidi vjiuiLii I Scndlnj g(fis buf unab)e to, Mrs. Donald Zurcher, the Hall in Gates A newcomer to this area is attend were Colleen Stalford former Alice Fry, was general Sunday School___ 9:15 a. m Mr. and Mr». F. C. Finkum chairman of the affair. Sunday School _____ 1030 of Carmicacl, Calif, have been the Rev Dan Hardy, newly ap und June Mennis. The reunion was for all for- Sacrament _____ ______ Meeting . 6:00 visiting this week at the home pointed pastor of the Free M<- [ ~ - - . ..10:00 mer students of Detroit High Relief Society Tuesday of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. thodlst Church in Mill City. ! Sacrament Meeting School. ..... 12:15 John Howsden. I Rev Hardy is joined by his Dinner Guests At Primary Tuesday _ _ 430 1 wife Janet, and four children Carrie Storey Home MIA Tuesday ____ __ 7:30 Spending the weekend re Sharon, 8. Lana, 6, Gayle 4, and IDANHA — Dinner guests I Sunday at the Idanha home of cently at the home of Mr and Stephen. 3 The Hardy family is former ‘M"r"‘ca?rie‘ storey' ‘ “we7e~hei Mrs. Floyd Shepherd were his Mehama Community Church in Gates Ashland, Ore., granddaugbter Mrs. Linda sister, Mrs. Viola Trefry from residents of Charles Emert, Pastor McMinnville, Archie Reames having been pastor there for ’.Wilt and children Larry and I Sunday School___ 9:45 a m. from Prineville and Mr. and about two years. Sherry and four friends from Morning Worship__ 11 am. Now Featuring—- >7 Mrs Don Reames from Post | Eugene, granddaughter Sarah Evening Services _7:30 p.m. All attended the Shepherd re Benton and husband Dallas 4 BREAKFAST — STEAKS — SEAFOODS union at Fisherman’s Bend and daughter Virginia of Idan Park ha, and son and daughter-in- GOURMET SANDWICHES law, Mr. and Mrs. Buck Storey Joyce Premier — 897-2707 OF WAITING Months Dinner gueut» at the home f\ ( I TIRED of Corvallis Arriving on Sunday, July far your business forma to of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd John 27 to enjoy a weeks stay with Another recent guest was come to you. Try the expert son at Gates last Saturday his grandparents, Ed and Dora- her neice Evleyn Brubaker of printers at The Mill City evening were Mr. and Mrs. Er mae Kadin is Gary Conrad Bellevue, Wash., who visited Enterprise. Just a telephone vin Peterson of Mill City. The from Portland. k. ■ ■ her aunt Monday through Fri cell to 897-2772 will put the ■* "t— ■ - ■ » evening was spent playing pi day of last week. Miss Bru Traveling to Portland on efficient and fast printers at A Unique Eating Experience nochle with Floyd Johnson Sat., July 26 was Harold and baker also attended the Arkan your service. holding 1000 aces, 300 double Mary Wilson They picked up sas picnic held at Avery Park, pinochle and 1500 trump. their son-in-law and daughter, Corvallis, July 20. Dannelle Rose Alban from Don and Helen Carey in Stay Tigard is visiting her grand ton. The couples attended the 50th wedding anniversary of parents. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Mc Guy and Lena Spoelstra, close Clintock for a few days Dan friends of Harolds, nelle came to Mill City with The Ray Preslers visited her paternal grandmother? with Joyce's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Alban who was Mrs. Mike Porter in Salem on on her way home to Bend after Sunday. and Kira also spending the weekend with traveled Joyce with her parents to her son annd daughter-in-law, Vancouver. Wash, where they Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Alban visifed with her aunt and II at Tigard. uncle, Al and Ann Gaub, and cousins, Mrs. Deloris Williams, Mr*. Milton Rolen and her Joey and Sheril Lynn and Mr. granddaughter, Tami Morley and Mrs. Vern Coffman and USDA Good from Oregon City, took her daughter Rena Also accom- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd paning them to Vancouver was Shepherd to the coast last Mr. and Mrs. William Bozarth Wednesday. While there, they and Mrs. Christina Gaub, I 25 lb. average Lb. also visited Mrs. Shepherd's Joyce's grandmother. A five PERSONAL STATIONERY brother and sister-in-law, Mr. generation family picture was Cut & wrapped & frozen and Mrs. Eldon Bates of Depot I taken. Bay. LETTERHEADS Arriving on Tuesday, July 29 to spend until Sunday with S/Sgt. and Mrs. Russell Page Mary Stafford is her cousin, ENVELOPES from Tuscon, Ariz., have been Flossie Garner from Jackson Grade 'B‘ ___ visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Peterson while ville. ENCLOSURES Ray and Joyce Presler and on vacation from the U. S Air Kira traveled to Salem on Force. Part of the time they Tuesday evening. July 29 to BUSINESS CARDS spent camping with the Norval make a surprise birthday Richards family on the Alvin greeting on Joyce's mother, BOOKLETS Bueneman property on the Mrs Martha Porter. Box your own & Save! Little North Fork. I Thought for the day: Sin is ACCOUNTING FORMS _ J. 41.. ... ..k.nH .« th.. not hurtful because It Is for- Spending the ■» bidden. bul it is forbidden lie Sharp or Mild RULED FORMS home of Mr. and Mrs /X,| is hurtful Yankus were her two sisters,. ‘ Rjdd)e of thp WM>k. wby „ Mr* Violet 1?<’nul^<’n frJ,’n' It dangerous to leave a clock INVOICES Mayfield, Y" h | ■< the hend of ,he ”airs? Be" sie Adams from Por land. Sun-1, R run down day evening they visited their] brother, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomas at Gates. The ladies left for their homes on Monday If the number following morning. Ph. 897-3133 844 8. First Mill City your name on The En* Marilyn Clnb will have Jim Dolby, Proprietor their annual yard sale on Fri-I terprise label reads Groceries—Meats—Lockers—Feed and Seed day, Aug 15, at the home of Phone 897-2772 Mill City, Oregon OPEN 8:30 nan.—6 pan. daty—Closed Sunday Mr. and Mrs Lowell Cree at The Little Store That Offers So Much More! 8-75 it'i time to send 218 S. E. Kingwood Details We Gladly Welcome USDA Food Stamps will be announced in next Stork Shower for Mrs. Mike Monroe Mill City Enterprise EAT My Neighbors At Uncle Tom's Restaurant GATES Open Daily -8 a.m. to 11p.m. Summer SAVINGS Fine Printing FRONT QUARTERS Ground Beef Regular Grind lb. 79c Kffi Doz. 59C Longhorn Cheese Lb. ’1.39 Bar-S Bacon Ends & Pieces lb. 79c HIRTES MARKET weeks Enterprise. a check for renewal The Mill City Enterprise