Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1975)
2—'nie Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, July 81, 1975 Eagles Auxiliary Plan Rummage Sale For Fri. & Sat., Aug. 15-16 % ornarti Paye The North Santiam Eagles Auxiliary is sponsoring a Rummage Sale on Frl., and Norma J. Long, Woman's Page Editor Sat.. Aug. 15 & 16, at the Santiam Memorial Hospital Eagles Hall, Sixth and Broad-1 Stayton way. Mill City Anyone having good, use Howsden’s Return From I STEELMAN—To Dana and Deborah Steelman, Lyons, a able clothing or other items Vacation Trip Wed. | they would like to donate may daughter. July 18. 1975. Mr. and Mi's. John Howsden ROSSITTO — To Joseph and ' contact any of the following returned Wednesday evening, auxiliary members: Mrs How- Patricia Rossitto, Stayton. a lard Morrison, 897-2173; Mi's. July 23 from a two weeks va daughter, July 20. 1975. 1 l*aul Mizell, 897-3159; Mis cation trip to Idaho, Kansas ...................... I Ervin Peterson. 897 2576; Mrs. and other points. They visited Mr. Howsden’s Thomas's Attend Stock Frank White, 859-2316; Mrs. brother, Marshall, and other — _ a . il I Jerome Grossman. <b9-2512 or Car Races At Lebanon Mrs. Mike Pollreisz at 769- relatives and friends of the Gooding and Wendell. Idaho On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. 2516. Walt Thomas. Jr. and Tony at-, The sale will be open 10:00 areas. From there they travel tended the stock car races at a m. to 4:00 p.m. on both days ed on to Norton. Kans, to at the Lebanon speedway. and refreshments will be tend the Howsden family re On Sunday, they enjoyed served. All proceeds will go union at the home of a sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ace breakfast in Salem before vis to the auxiliary charities. Rogers. Also attending the re iting with Mr. and Mrs. W. F union were Mr. Howsden’s 89 ; Bartlett. Later in the day they year old mother, his brother, drove to Portland a here Tony Thursday Pinochle from California and participated in the races of brother Marshall of Idaho. the Quar Midget Assn, at Al- Parties At 1 P.M. The Thursday afternoon penrose Dairy. Tony had last time, won the trophy dash end pinochle party was held July won the main event. Mrs- 24 at the Mill City Eagles Hall. Thomas worked in the snack Winning high score for the bar and in the timing shack. women was Maude Flatman with Joyce Dewhurst placing They then returned to Le second. Percy Mulligan was banon where Mr Thomas pit the winner in the men’s divi I ted for George Fuller in the sion with George Arthurs Wooden clothespins have Silverton Family Festival of 200 lapper. Starting this Sat- scoring second. Gwen Swope Arts. Aug. 9 and 10. is finaliz many craft uses besides their practical, intended use. Two ing plans for a weekend of turday they will be partici won pinochle. Anyone enjoying an after clever ideas are clothespin triv pating in the Grand Nationals noon of card playing and family fun, dancing, games, ets and letter or napkin holders. music and art appreciation at Portland. Between 500 and visiting is cordially invited to Colors arc obtained, quick and There is still time for ar 600 quarter midget racers from attend these parties. The tists, artisans and craftsmen easy, by using dye solutions. Supplies: Wooden clothespins various parts of the U. S. are Eagles Hall is located at 6th to register to display ar.d sell ( and Broadway, Mill City. The their art objects at the Silver- (trivet requires 18 flat type expected for this event. | parties start at 1:00 pm. each ton Art Center at 205 Charles clothespins, holder requires 12 I Thursday. spring type clothespins), liquid St. Interested parties should or powder Rit dye, white glue contact Silverton Art Assn. or all purpose cement. 4 Vi x 2 x President Mrs. Richard F. Rainbow Girls Hold Gentzkow, 1525 Pine St., tele ■'■i -inch piece of wood for hold er, clear shellac or varnish. phone Silverton 873-5682 as Founders Day Picnic soon as possible. General directions: Remove Marilyn Assembly, Interna Plans for the weekend in-' metal spring clip from the tional Order of Rainbow for dude Lions Club Pancake. clothespins. Decide on color Girls, held their Founders Day Breakfast, 7 to 10 am, both| combination to be used and pre ! picnic at the home of the Saturday and Sunday, Arts Sc I pare dye solutions. For each Worthy Advisor Debbie Mc Crafts displays at the art cen color, mix Vi cup of liquid dye Few openings only Lain’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ter both days. 9 a.m. to early or 16 package powder dye in | Scotty McLain on the Little evening, picnic food booths remain for Fall one pint of hot tap water. Di- ; North Fork near Mehama on operated by service and fra side clothespins or clothespin classes at ! Sunday. July 20. pieces and dye an equal num!er ternal clubs, 10 a.m. 'til dusk The day was spent playing on Saturday and 12 noon ’til in each dye solution, stirring 5 games, with a picnic lunch and dusk on Sunday. Kid’s games to 10 minutes. For the trivet, then swimming. • in a red and blue color and horseshoe tournament Sa Attending were Donna Quin turday morning and afternoon, i scheme, six clothespins were lan, Verlene Peterman. Clary Rainbow Girls "Dunk Tank” 1 left undvi-d for natural color Pederson, Cindy Hamilton, both days from noon 'til dusk, | c<> tr.i't 1 novc clothespins Ages 3 and 4 Sherry Blaylock, Debbie Mc musical entertainment by the I Lain, Jack Loftin, Mr. and Barbershop” quar-| Call: Diane Quinlan Mrs Bob Akers from Albany "Basically tet from Molalla, and other and Mr and Mrs. Scotty Mc musical groups. Saturday night 897-2237 Lain. the rock group "Windfall” will play for a youth dance at the 1 11 j i f i Phone 897.2772 ^Dqe Cftajt Silverton Festival Set For Aug. 9-10 Making Things With Clothespins REGISTER NOW The Wise Owl PRESCHOOL SPECIAL THIS WEEK BRAZIER BURGERS Wednesday through Friday ORDERS TO GO Phone 769-5311 Stayton, Oregon Scrumpdillyishus Electronic Servicing And Sales at Reasonable Rates CAPITOL PHONE PHONE GATES SALEM 897-2777 581-4047 SERVICE 8882 State Street, Salem, Oregon 97301 No Mileage Charge Canyon Area Every Thursday From Mehama To Idanha SYLVANIA and ZENITH SALES GOOD SELECTION Of N«W ar Uwd, Color or Black aad White TV*« at Trivet: Arrange clothespins in groups of three in the same color; place groups together to form rectangular shape. Glue sides and tips of clothespins to gether where they touch and press into position. Allow to dry flat Letter or napkin holder: Dye the wood block a color to match or coordinate with clothespin pieces to be used. Immerse the block into the dye solution or use a brush or sponge to apply the dye. If color appears too light after drying, reapply dye; allow to dry completely. Aprly glue to side edges of wood block and to bottom tip of flat side of clothespin pieces. Alter nating colors, press 12 clothes pin pieces onto each «id- of wtMxl block; allow to dry thor oughly. Mr. and Mrs. B L. Kirsch (Barney) celebrated their anniversary liotii wedding with an open house at I heir home Sunday afternoon, July 13. Hosts for the day wriv their children, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kirsch of Mehama and Mr and Mrs. Walter Benterou of Heuldsburg, Calif , und two granddaughters, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Unruh and Mr und Mrs. Lannie Anderson of Salem. Mr. Kirsch homesteaded near Akron, Colorado, in 1912, and was married to Nellie Mae Andrews in Akron on July 12, 1915. They moved to Oregon in 1935 und Mr Kirsch worked for Crabtree Lbr. Co., Mehama Lumber Co and Freres Lum ber Co., from which he retired in IMS They have two children, four grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. About 85 friends und neighbors called during the afternoon to con gratulate the couple. Relatives and friends from 1 throughout the, .i. well i as from California, gathered Sunday, July 27. at F is I ki men’s Bend Park for the Poole family reunion The unnual re union has. In previous years, been held at Bell Fountain Park A special guest was Ron Peters of Zaire, Africa, who is the houseguest of Mr. and Mrs Stanley Brown, l’aul, Jon and Tim of Lebanon. Others attending were: Mrs. Grace Francis, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Poole, Salem: Mr. and Mrs Clarence Buhler, Glnnie, Clare. Robin, Tracy and Melody, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Poole, Jeff, Kim. Tani and John. Mr. and Mi i Phillip Poole, Sue, Sony and I Leslie Anne, all of Milwaukie; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bridges, Janie, Dan and Tim; Mr. and Mrs John Herring. Diana, Johnny. Steve and Linda; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keim, Gates High School Richard, Lori and Michael and Mr. and Mrs. Scott McCurdy, Reunion set for Aug. 17 I all of Salem From Portland came Herbert Poole und Mr. I The annual Gates High and Mrs. Rodell Poole, Camer ■ School Reunion will be held on and Grunt. Attending from I at the old Gates High School California were Mrs. Florence ’on Sunday, Aug 17. A potluck Russman, Ronald and Randy dinner will be served at noon of Big Oak Flat; Mr. and Mrs. The classes of 1925 and 1950 * David Brown, Tom. Debbie, ure sponsoring this year* get- Kimberly, Dave and Charlie I together und anyone who at of Happy Camp and Mrs. Mir tended the Gates school and iam Maltbie, Loren, Cindy, and their families are most cordial From ly invited to attend. Kristine of Stockton. Roseburg was Nettie < Jurgens, Ben Wrigglesworth from Miss Gloria Poole of Eugene, Montesano. Wash., is secretary Miss Sally Poole, Grants of the group this year Pass, Gold* Webster of Cor- I vallis. Mr and Mrs. Larry I Poole, Todd, Chuck, Janis and ( Ginger, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown, I x; ba non, Mrs. Agnes Perkins. Kelli, Kevin, and Kandec, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Poole, and Mr. and Mrs Alfred Poole, all of Stay ton. Attending from Mill City Tharsday, July 31 Card Party, Eagles Hall, were Mr and Mrs. James Poole, Mr and Mrs. Robert 1:00 p.m. Pratt, Sharon and Margaret, Wednesday, August 6 Mr and Mrs Al Sherren and Santiam Rebekah Ixxige Danny. Mr. and Mrs. James meets at IOOF Hall, 8:00 p.m I Storey, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Poole and Kevin, Leo Martin Poole Sponsored as a public service and Mrs. Cedardell Byrdsong By Calendar Of Events i Mr. and Mrs. C. French I Return From Missouri Mr. and Mrs. Charlie French returned Saturday af Darby Reunion Held ternoon from Jamesport, Mo At Winnie Ray Home (They left Mill City July 7 and 1 took her sister and brother-in- The Ben and Ella Darby re law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mc- union was held at the home of Debra Carnes, daughter of Mrs. Winnie Ray in Mill City. Neeley and their nelce back to Sunday will see the official their home in Jamesport. They kickoff of the Silverton Bi Mr. and Mrs. George Holmdahl Attending were Mrs. Nina centennial Celebration and of Salem, became the bride of Peters of Prineville: Mrs. visited their relatives in Mis dedication of the Silverton Terry Savage in an afternoon Maude Donaldson of Caldwell, souri before returning to Mill Country Historical Society outdoor ceremony at Deep Idaho; Mrs. Violet Kuenzl, Mrs. Cl!y They reported extreme heat building on S. Water St. oppo wood Mansion on Sat., July Venita Kirk, Karen, Darin, and and dry weather back there. site the armory following the 26. with Rev. Charles Shorow Christina Butts, Richard, On their return trip they de Silverton Old Timers’ picnic officiating. Jackie, Sandra and Curtis veloped car trouble at Poca-1 Mr. Savage is the son of Shultz and Vera George, all of at the Coolidge-McClaine Park Pavillion. The "Basically Bar Mr and Mrs. Athel Savage of Salem; Shirley and Lane Mc- tello, Idaho and had to remain there for a day and a half bershop” quartet will again Mill City. • Clelland of Stayton, Linda, while their car was being re Matron of honor was Mrs perform at the dedication. This Scott and Lacie McClel- will be followed by “Water Richard Holmdahl, sister-in- Und June and Cecll Leffler, paired. rbrld5_and beSt man ^r<Z&fo;“H~r^M and Fera Bail” contest between Silver- ton, Mt. Angel, Scott* Mills was Mike Logan. Darby from Lebanon; Mike. Cutting the wedding cake Helen and Tommy Dayton of Dennis McLain Is and Drakes Crossing Volunteer Fire Depts. Next will be an was Mrs. Wayne Bartow with Gates; Winnie Ray, Leila Ware, Promoted To T/Sgt. exhibit of the "Capital 8’s” Mrs. Ryan Swan presiding at Bob, Gini, Lyle and Steve; Mr and Mrs. Scotty McLain Square Dance Group at the pa- the punch bowl. Miss Rebecca William, Frances and Alace villion. The festival will close Savage passed the guest book. Ray; Lyle Ray, Floyd and Lucy have word that their son, Den-1 with a performance of the The new Mrs. Savage is em Shepherd, Mill City; Carl nls has been promoted to Willamette Valley Lab Band ployed by the state dental lab Cartwright and Jean, Dan, Rob, T/Sgt in the U. S Air Force. He has served in the military , and Mr. Savage is employed Tim, Nathan and Becky Ges- at the pavillion. i the past eight years. Of that i by Salem Iron Works. ner of Gates. I After a brief honeymoon to I time one year was spent in [ Vietnam at Pleiku AFB and at two years in Puerto Rico. < Cree's Spend Weekend T/Sgt. McLain and his family are ------ now * stationed . , _ . I --- ’*“---- ' at Grand ---- ‘ With Seaside rnends Forks AFB, N D. Class Reunion Held Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree The family gathering of Al- At John Neal Park spent the weekend at Seaside bert and Emma Morris, origin LYONS The class of 1937-38 where they were house guests If the number following ally from Mehama, Ore., was of Mill City High School held of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore your name on The En held at the home of Fred and their reunion at the John | Schaer of Portland. Eva (Morris) Duffy on July Neal Memorial Park in Lyons j The Schaer’s were hosts for terprise label reads 27, 1975. on Sunday, July 27. Attending the officers and their spouses ’ There were thirty-six family were Mrs. Barbara Casciato of the Double W’s 1971-72 Ma- 8-75 it's time to send members in attendance with (Barbara Allen), Mrs. Sue tron’s and Patron’s Club, OES a check for renewal. Effie Morris Smith being the Casciato and Tina Brusasco of Mrs. Cree has served as the oldest at 90 years of age and Portland, Mrs. Lois Beisell club’s treasurer the past year, i the youngest, Rachel Morris, (Lois Fleetwood) of Eugene, I Saturday evening other just under one year of age. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wachter of | members joined the group for' The family members came Klamath Falls, Mr. and Mrs. a beach party and Sunday a i from Oregon City, Portland, Wm. Henderson of Spring potluck dinner was served to. Bonneville, Lake Grove, field, Mr and Mrs. Earl Bas them at the IOOF Hall. Prineville, Salem, Eugene and sett of Stayton, Mr. Rex Julian A short business meeting, Roseburg. 1 of Washougal, Wash., Mrs. was held with Harold Prosch There were also six guests Edith Mason of Mill City, installed as president, Mrs.' attending. They were Mr. and Mrs. Claudine Knutson (Clau- Ione Goodenough, vice-presi Mrs. Ralph Cannon, Mr, and dine LaVine), Seattle, Wash , dent, Mrs. June Johnson, sec Mrs. Kenneth Corning and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs Elmer Cui- retary and Charles Hogan, Rex Ohmart and son John. i well of Lyons treasurer. All arc from Port I The hosts for this occasion’ land except Mrs. Goodenough were Fred, Eva and Raymond who is from Eugene. About 60 Duffy. Mr. and Mrs. C. Powell people attended. The group will meet next Bates Reunion Held At Announce Son's Arrival October 18 in the Portland area; Dec. 6 at Hood River for Fishermen's Bend A boy was bom on July 21 the annual Christmas party; The annual reunion of the at Good Samaritan Hospital in March 6 for a business meet descendants of Isaac and Lucy Corvallis to Mr. and Mrs. ing and election of officers, . Bates was held at the Firs Clyde Powell of Mill City The place to be announced later, | Shelter at Fishermen’s Bend baby, their first child, has been May 1 in the Eugene area and Park on Sun., July 13. named Casey Taylor and the annual picnic will be July Robin Godwin was the out weighed 8 lbs., 2 ozs.. 25 with the place to be an going president. A picnic din- Mr. Powell is the head foot- nounced later. her was served at noon with ball and baseball coach, P. E. The Cree’s stopped in Salem games and visiting In the af instructor, senior claw advisor on their way home to visit ternoon. as well as being a classroom Mrs. Cree’s mother at the St. I Wendell Bates from Scio was teacher. Timothy’s Nursing Home and elected to serve as president Maternal grandparents are at the home of her naic«, Mr. for the coining year. Mr and Mrs Taylor Ramsey and Mrs John Wehrli where The reunion next year will of Eugene and paternal grand they visited her brother-in-. be held the second Sunday in parents, Mr and Mrs Clyde law, O. W Gorton, who recently had hip surgery. | July at the same place Powell, Sr. of Oregon City. Carnes-Savage by' Wed In Salem Eat Drink and Be Merry from dye solutions and rinse in cool water, then let dry thor oughly on paper towels. When clothespin creations are thor oughly dry. finish by coating with clear shellac or varnish, if desired. Open House Held At B. L. Kirsch Home ' Poole Reunion Held i At Fishermen's I Bend Park Sunday 36 Family Members Attend Reunion I I ”H * J BEAUTY CENTER Phone 897-2137 239 S. W. Broadway s:00 a m. to 5:00 p.m. Evenings by appointment MOJUD Sheer Support (Supp-hose) PANT SOCKS Dick and Carols SHOES APPAREL Phone 769-2762 •ftwr BAN k A m I »ICARQ 100 3rd Avenue Stayton, Oregon