;srxrr 2—The Mill City Enterprise. Thtiraiay, July 17, 1975 Announce Daughters Upcoming Marriage Mrs. Leo Poole Returns .5. Paye From Colorado Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hopper of Stayton recently announced the engagement and forthcom-i Painting Workshop ing marriage of their daughter, | Mrs. Leo A Poole recently Miss Carol Ann Hopper and returned from a two-week oil toOU »'V jn'Q-i Kurt Carpenter of Mill City. painting workshop held in the The young couple is plan­ Colorado Rockies. Her instruc- ning a garden wedding for I tor was John C. Pellew of Con­ Aug. 16 at the home of the necticut who is internationally Honored On Fift. bride elect's parents in Stay­ known for his watercolor, oil. ton. and acrylic painting. Miss Hopper is a graduate of Mrs. Poole stated that she Stayton High School and also had a fantastic trip with a attended Linn-Benton Com­ marvelous group of about 40 munity College. She is a part people who represented about time employee of the Stayton 24 states. She said "We work­ Canning Co. ed from 9 in the morning until Mr. Carpenter is a graduate of Santiam High School and 7 at night in all type's of wea­ Iànn-Benton Community Col­ ther. The Colorado landscape lege. He is now employed as a is breathtaking and we enjoy­ mountains, painting mechanic with Bird Chevrolet- ed towns, or streams, ghost Oldsmobile in Lebanon. whatever si truck our interests.” She also mentioned Presbyterian Members "our lodgings were locate the 11,000-foot level, Invited To Camp Members of the Presbyter­ were near Aspen where ian congregation are invited Winter Olympics will be held. to Santiam Lodge on Sunday j I gained much from the work­ afternoon. July 27. at 4:00 o’-1 shop and hope to capture in clock, with dinner to be serv­ oil some of our own spectac ed at 4:30 (Adults $2-Chil­ lar scenery.” dren age 4-11 Sl.iO), then to attend a Vesper Point Wor­ ship Service at 5:30. It is hop­ JV Rally Sponsors ed that several couples, at Car Wash Saturday least, will go. Others are ex­ The Santiam High School pected from the Bend Presby­ JV Rally Girls will be sponsor­ terian Church. Purpose of the get-together ing a car wash this Saturday. is to see the camp and what it July 19, at the high school has to offer, and to share in parking lot from 10:00 a m. to discussion of the future of it 4:00 p.m. The charge will be as a conference center. Per­ $1.50 per car. Proceeds from the car wash manent closing is being given consideration. Make reserva­ will be used to send the girls Mr. and Mrs. James E. Poole were honor- tions with Bob Hayes — 897- to cheerleading clinic in Ash­ 1 ed ! Sat.. July T 5, with ___ ________ ___ at the a family r party land. 3189. home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert - Phone 89/2772 Farewell Reception i Callers at th«* home of Mrs. i Charles Kelly Monday after I noon were Mrs. Mellxirne Rumlio and Mrs Clayton On Tuesday, July 22 at 7:00 Baltimore, Ixith of Salem but p.m. a farewell reception wilt former long-time residents honor Rev. and Mrs. John De­ hen*. They also called on the Main. Rev. DeMain is leaving la*<* Bassetts who recently re­ the Mill City Free Methodist turned from a trip to Coos Bay Church to take th«* job of Di­ to visit their son. Maurice, and rector of Visitation for the Sa family. i lorn Free Methodist Church The Baltimore* had just re­ loeuted on Winter and turned from a stay in Astoria Market Sts. They will live in when* their elder son. Bob, Salem, where Rev. DeMain is and his family are located at also employed for the City of nearby Warrenton. Salem Finance Dept Monday evening the Kelly* The DeMain family moved enjoyed a visit from their sis­ to Mill City eight years ago ter-in law, Mrs. Max Kelly from Newberg They have four t Virginia Jepson), and ■< children Matt of Coquille. friend, Mrs Betty Dilling, both Mrs. Jeanne Farmen, who will of Barstow. Calif They were remain in Mill City, Gary, who accompanied by Mrs. Sig Jep- will enter Warner Pacific (’->1 sen of Stayton. Mrs. Kelly’s lege in Portland this fall, and mother, whom they were visit­ Becky who will enter the first ing grade. The two California women While living in Mill City. had been on an automobile trip Rev. DeMain served on the to Victoria, Canada, and Mill City Council and was al o other points of interest and a city police officer. were on their way buck to The reception is open to the Burstow, where Mrs Kelly is public and the many friends employed us a supervisor on of the DeMain family an* in the murine has«*. vited to attend The event will , be held in the social rooms of I Rev. Heidbrink Returns the church. To Honor DeMain's Home Monday It was announced at services McClintock of Portland at the Presbyterian Church M rs. Merle Garton present­ Sunday morning that the Rev. ed the worthy mutton a gift John Heidbrink was i*xp«'ct«-d from her officers. to return h<»m<- Monday H<- Escorted to the east by the has spent several weeks In conductress were Mrs. Merle ¡ Missouri where his father has . i 1 ____ iieen ________ critically ill ----- and in a i Garton, A M . Mrs. Clyd«* . dk Phil- , — 1 lips, marshal and Ervin Peter- i coma a good deal of the time, •nn treasurer. traaeiiror The Th«« noArlku rata. , QlinrlkV son, worthy ma- Sunday mnmlBl/ morning till» the congr«- Iron presented each with a gift 1 gation heard an interesting Pratt, observing their golden wedding anni- ___ versarj Mr. and Mr« Pool«* were married for their birthdays which are cassette tape by Dr. Cynthia July 3, 1925. in Newport. Sue Pool»* Photo in July. It is customary for the Wedel whose topic was worthy matron to present gifts Life Styles for Women" Un­ to her officers at the end of der leadership of Robert the year, but Mrs. McClintock Hayes, the worship commitUf chose to present them their chairman, several question* and dlacussxm gifts on their birthdays instead. were raised Mrs. William McClintock patron. Ronald Craven. P P. of held. A number of these tap«* The installing matron spoke was installed as Worthy Ma- Chadwick #37 of Salem, sang are available, as the csasette Is briefly. tron of Marilyn Chapter #145.•"Faith Unlocks the Door" property of the church. Mr. The Worthy Matron and Hayes had made numerous at­ OES Sunday afternoon at 2:00' — - - 1 The following elective offi- Worthy Patron escorted by the at the I OOF Hall. Setving as tempts to call Santiam Lodge 1 cers were then installed, as­ i The fiftieth wedding anni­ versary of Mr. and Mrs. James Wolthy Patron will be her fa- sociate matron, Mrs. Merle Jr Past Matron and Patron to obtain a speaker, and had expected another tape directly Garton, associate patron. Merle 1 signed the Bible. E Poole, who were married in •’>rr Lowell O. Cree. This is the second daughter­ Garton; conductress. 1 Mrs. ___ _ | Following the Mizpah Bene- from Mr. Heidbrink as was Newport, on July 3. 1925, was dirt kin and and the the officers officer« retir- retir- done previously, but it did not observed Sat., July 5, with a father to serve the chapter as Lowell Cree; associate conduc- * diction family party at the home of Worthy Matron - Worthy Pa­ tress. Mrs Jack Gulliford and [ >n« nwrch, a reception follow- arrive in time to be used. j ed ”J in the dining room. Serv­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pratt tron. Mr. Cree is also the pres­ treasurer, Ervin Peterson. Appointive officers instilled ing were Mrs. Karl Wipper, (Kathleen). Hosting the anni­ ent Worshipful Master of Mill were, chaplain, John Schweer; P.M of Victoria Chapter, Tur­ If the number following versary event were the six City Lodge #180. AF&AM. Presiding officers were Mr marshal, Muriel Phillips, mu­ ner; Mrs. Charles Hecht, I’. children of Jim and Ruth a d >’rs. Mutrv Moore, outg • sician. Mrs. John Schweer; M. of Acacia Chapter, Stayton; your name on The En‘ Poole. Those who helped celebrate ing worthy matron and worthy Adah, Mrs Al Yankus; Ruth Mrs. J. C. Kimmel, P.M. and terprise label reads Mrs Murry Moore; Martha, Mrs. .Sadie Anderson. the special day were: Mr. and |*atr:*n Th • 974-75 oi.'.cers enter'd Mrs. William Walker; Electa, Mrs. Kate Doble, Mr and 7-75 it's time to send Mrs. Lester Poole and daugh­ ters, Karen and Diane of Seat­ the ' i apter room wearing light Mrs. William Lyness and Sen­ Mrs. William Walker and Mr a check for renewal. and Mrs. Merle Garton were tinel, Danny Moore, Sr. tle .Wash.; James I. Poole, Pt. due ftrmals. Sue McClintock, th*? Worthy The Worthy Matron and on the refreshment committee. Townsend, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. John Fields, P.M of Mrs. Richard Corbett (De­ Matron-elect’s daughter and Worthy Patron each gave their lores) and children, Brian, Worthy Advisor of Acacia As- acceptance speeches thanking Acacia Chapter, Stayton was Debi, and Bruce, of Portland; sembly #40, International Or- the chapter for electing them at the guest book and pro- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Poole der of Rainbow for Girls, WBS to head the chapter for the grams. I Al Yankus P.P. and Vern and children, Todd, Janis, and the Bible Bearer and give the I year. [Clark W. P. were ushers. i Virginia of Detroit; Mr. and tribute to the Holy Bible. The Worthy Matron has The Lord's Prayer was giv­ Mrs. Leo A. Poole and chil­ chosen for her theme for the i The hall was decorated in Tharsday, July 17 dren .Leo, Gloria and Kevin en in unison followed by the year "The Way to Peace, the J red, white and blue as were Card Party, Eagles Hall. 1:00 serving tables using the and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pratt Pledge of Allegiance to the Road is Love.” ’ The ___ emblem _______ the [rtltriotlc theniP A whlle dove pjn. 1 and children, Margaret and Flag and the national anthem the dove; colors, red, white and was sung followed by the Tri­ on a red velvet background Wednesday, July 23 1 Sharon, all of Mill City; bute to the American Flag by blue with gold accents; the was in the east. i Mrs. Nettie Jurgens, of Rose- Santiam Chapter, AARP, flower, blue bachelor button; Qver 1 burg; Mrs. Grace E. Francis of Mrs. Frederick Alban II of and the honored station. Ruth. • ~ • 100 attended with potluck picnic. John Neal Tigard, daughter of the Wor ­ guests present from Platts- ' Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Thom­ matron-elect and Past i Entertainment was furnish- mouth. Nebr.; Auburn, Nebr.; Park, Lyons as A. Goble, Portland; Stephen thy Worthy” AdvtoT of MaAlyn by Ron®ld Cn,Y,c“ who Escondido and San Diego, Sponsored as a public aarrtrs Beck and Roger S. Beck, Le­ Assembly #66. Order of Rain „ «,,O"*1U1‘ ^edeT«^’ Calif.; Woodbum, Salem. Tur­ By banon; Mrs. Ruby Heinz, Sa- bow for Girls and also Past Holy Bible, and This I lem; Herbert Poole. Portland; Grand Outer Observer, Order,1’ My Country which carries ner, Scio, Dallas, Stay ton. J Cresswell, Springfield, Port­ i William Poole, Jr., Portland; of Rainbow for Girls. |«« the patriotici theme for the land, Albany, Silverton, Ti­ ! Mr. and Mrs William W. Mrs Moore gave the wel-1 whlch *> lx*ln« jwed by gard and Mill City. Poole, Salem; Miss Carole Mc- ’ all the chapters throughout the. On display in the entry room BEAUTY CENTER come. i Curdy, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Escorted and introduced I state. were a variety of items which Alfred Poole, Stayton; Mr. and Phone 897-2137 The worthy matron intro-1 Mrs. Roscoe F. Poole, Stayton; was Mrs. William Connor. P. i duced her family, her husband, will be sold during the year 239 S. W. Broadway ! Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sherren M. of Naomi Chapter #22 of William McClintock; her dau­ to raise funds for the various •:00 a.m. to 5:60 p.m. and Danny, Mill City (Chris Dallas who was installing ma­ ghter, Sue; her son-in-law, projects sponsored by the tron. Mrs. Connor then intro ­ chapter. Evenings by appointment Story); Mr. and Mrs Scott Mc­ daughter and granddaughter, Curdy (Kathleen Story), Sa- duced the other installing of­ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Alban1 ", ! lem; and Mr. and Mrs. James ficers: Floyd Johnson, install­ II and Dandle Rose; her par­ ing patron and P. P. of Mari­ | Story of Gates. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Members of the immediate lyn Chapter #145 and the Cree, her uncle and aunts, Mr Worthy Matron ’ s uncle; in ­ family unable to attend were: and Mrs Floyd Johnson and Mrs. James I. Poole (Lloyd) stalling chaplain, Lavern Tor- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kimmel, her and daughter. Melissa, of Con­ gison, W P. of Cedar Chatper sister-inlaw, Mrs. Sadie An-, cord, Calif.; Miss Sally Poole, #171, Scio; installing marshall, derson from Cresswell and her Grants Pass and Chuck Poole Ralph Watts, P. P. Marguerite neice, Mrs. Sheila Goff from Chapter #60, Lebanon; and of Detroit. Springfield. Also, Mrs. Larry The three-tiered cake, creat­ installing musician, Mrs. Ron­ Doble, who was chaiman of ald Craven, P. M. of Chad ­ ed by Josephine Hampton of the reception which followed. Gates and served by Mrs. Al­ wick Chapter #37, Salem. After thanking those who The 1974-1975 officers retir ­ bert Sherron, a granddaughter helped on the committees for Sofa & Love Seat in Herculon or Velvet ed for the preparation of in ­ $169 of the honored couple, was de­ the installation, the worthy corated with an impressive stallation. During the intermis­ patron presided for good of the Sleeper Makes full size bed $199 sion, Mrs. Connor gave a short talk followed by a musical in­ order. 5 piece Maple Dinette Set $139 He Introduced Mrs. Warren terlude. • • $395 The 1975-76 officers enter­ Pahl, Estarl Fund Committee 7 piece Dining room set ed wearing gold formats and for Dist. #14, and Ralph Watts China Cupboard F Priced from $179 and up carrying red velvet bags to of the Youth Committee of the * r $229 which were pinned corsages Grand Chapter of Oregon; Mrs. Bunk Beds complete in maple, sturdy by the Worthy Matron elect Ralph Watts, Grand Represen­ Dresser with mirror, 5 dr. chest commode, beau­ tative to the State of Florida for her year. tiful bed with high foot end Only $359 Following the installation of in Oregon and Mrs. Lloyd the worthy matron and worthy Lyon, Grand Representative Unfinished Chests and Desks $59.50 to the District of Columbia in Full and queen size headboards in Stock Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. Lavern display of yellow roses, gold- Torgfson, Worthy Patron and LAMPS and PICTURES edged wedding bells, white Worthy Matron of Euclid USED ITEMS doves, and golden rings. Yel­ Chapter #70. Jefferson and low roses added an elegant de­ Acacia Chapter #63, Stayton; Gas Range (used one year) . $60 corative touch to the special Vern Clark, Worthy Patron of John Schweer, president of Used Double Dresser with mirror occasion. $29.50 Mrs. Poole, who retired after Marilyn Club; Lavern Torgi- many years as a clerk in the son, Worshipful Master of Used Refrigerator —Dble. Oven Elec. Range OFF Reg. Price U. S. Poet Office here at Mill Scio Lodge AF&AM and Ralph like new. Also 30" Elec. Range, like new. City, wore a corsage of coral Watts, Worshipful Master of colored carnations, yellow Lebanon Lodge AFAAM, also, Maytag Washer (square tub) like new. roses, and yellow chrysanthe Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brummage. Many Other Items. Come in and Browse mums. Mr. Poole, a retired from Daphne Chapter # 139, logger, wore a coral colored Portland. ?S Furniture & Antiques Danelle Alban, granddaugh­ carnation. i Photographs of the event ter of the Worthy Matron, pre­ Stayton were taken by the honors«**’ sented her with her gavel, a O b Highway 22 at SsUlmJty-AmnovfUa Jet 74MT78 daughter-in-law, Mrs. Leo gift from her family and made OPEN Tues. thru Fri. 10:00 *U1 6:00; Sat. Close at 4:00 | (Sue) Poole i by her brother-in-law, Jack Convenient Terms On Approved Credit Mr. And Mrs. Poole Marilyn Chapter Installs Officers VACATION SPECIAL Celebrate Fiftieth Oil and Filter Change . . All Passenger Cars $895 10-40 Motor Oil LARRY’S , , Phillips 66 03. PHILLIPS 654 Santiam Blvd MID City 897-2321 Eat Drink and Be Merry SPECIAL THIS WEEK BRAZIER BURGERS Wednesday through Friday ORDERS TO GO Dairqx Phone 769-E3II Stayton, Oregon Wedding Anniv. FINAL 3 DAYS Of July Clearance Sale $j|00 Dick & Carols Shoes and Apparel 400 3rd Ave Come In And Get A Load Of Unbeatable Values at FURNITURE Scrumpdillyishus All Sandals REDUCED Calendar Of Events Phone 769-2762