Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1975)
3—The Mill City I'jilerprise, Thiinwluy, June l!>, 1975 ES Joyce Preslrr — 897 2707 (Crowded Out Lust Week) Velma Carey returned home on Suturduy, Juno 7 after s|>en<ling several days in Stay ton at her son's’ home, Don and Helen Carey. She enjoyed a shopping trip und dinner out to help her daughter-in-law celebrate her birthday. On Sa turday they stopped at Harold and Mary Wilsons for dinner and again to celebrate Helen's birthday with her parents. Mr and Mrs Paul McDonald of Gates are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary at a gathering at their home on Sunday, June 15 from 2 until 5 p.m All of their friends are invited to attend the gather in*. A potluck dinner was held at the Gates Community Church on Sunday evening, June 8 Missionaries from Pal mer Alaska, Laddie and Glen da Elliott were present and showed pictures and talked of their country and missionary school A large crowd attended the gathering. Ansel Hayward called on Mary Stafford on Monday, June 0. Graduating on Friday, June 13 from OCE at Monmouth was Melody Barnhardt. She gradu ated as an honor student with an elementary education ma- JOT. Congratulations! Funeral services were held on Wed., June II for Ruby Urubin, a longtime resident of Gates She passed away on Saturday, June 7. Ruby wax born on March 13, and was 89 her last birthday Her passing will I m * a greut loss to our community. Lisa Barnhardt will be at tending Girls State this coming wack and will leave for the United Nations Tour on July 11. Mary Stafford received word this week from Rex und Nancy Britton of the birth of a son on M.iy 31. He weighed 7 lbs. 5 Vi oz and was named Shane Christopher Rex is a former resident of Gates and now re sides in Milwaukie Staying this past week with Cress and Edna Cullison wax their grunddauughtcr, Christa Nyberg from Salem. Harold and Mary Wilson. Velma Carey and Nellie Allen traveled to Stayton on Satur day, May 31 to attend the graduation of Steven Carey, son of Don und Helen Carey, al Stayton Union High. The graduating class had a class motto which was quite unique: "Rivers lielong where they ramble, Eagles belong where they can fly; Pve got to be where my spirit can run free, Got to find my corner of the sky." Afterwards everyone went to the Carey residence for cake and ice cream and to watch Steve open his gifts. Sarah Rains, former Gates icsident of 40 years, who now lives in Foster, attended church Sunday, June 1 with Mary Stafford and Nellie Allen. Afterwards she visited with Harold and Mary Wilson and Mrs. Fritlie Ward. Mary Stafford then took her to Mill City where she spent two days with her son Bud Cline before going on to kern Ridge where she visited with her daughter, Marie Toepfer. Ed and Dorumue Kudin re turned from visiting Ed's cou sins in Sweden on May 15. They left for their visit on April 22 and landed at the Stockholm airport after a non stop flight. They spent much of the time sightseeing by car and visited points in Norway, Denmark and Finland. Melvin anil Dorothy New- berg had a busy weekend with the visit of their daughter Toni from Salem who arrived for the bridal shower of Vicki Moore on Saturday, latter in the afternoon their son-m-law and daughter, l*ete and Penny Peterson, Butch, Tina and Mary Ann and their friend Angie arrived for a visit stay ing over for Sunday. Arriving on Sunday for dinner and to spend the day was Dorothy’s father, P L. Mulligan from Mill City. Glen and Lola Henness had a birthday celebration for Lola's step-father, Ron Taylor of Sublimity on his 90th birth day, Sat., May 31 Arriving for the event were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Henness from Albany, Mr and Mrs Earl Henness and M irk from Beaverton, Mr and Mrs. Clare Henness, Susan and Pedro Galveax, Gary Hen- new and his roommate Dick from Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tuers, Scott and Kevin from Gladstone, Lola’s cou sins, Mr and Mrs. Arden Hall from Sacramento, Calif. Those slopping by for a brief visit included Edith Stafford, Car man Barnhardt, Arlene Neu- !. hl and her friend from Dallas Several phone callers includ'd Mr. and Mrs. Barrel C nd Mr and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd both from Mill City. A busy mid enjoyable day was observed by all. Gue: Is at the home of Glen und Lola Henness have iieen Lola's cousins Mr. and Mrs. Arden Hall from Sacramento, Calif They arrived on May 27 und returned home on June 4 Gates Christian Church holds services each Sunday. Church services begin at 10:00 am. and Sunday School at 11:00 a m. Dean Cade Is minister. Mr. und Mrs. Paul X. Smith were hosts for a dinner at a Portland restaurant on Satur day evening, June 7, celebrat ing Mr. Smith's affiliation with the Shrine that day. Joining them were Mr. und Mrs. Vir gil Lewis, Suzie and Paul, the Smith's daughter and her fam ily, and Mr. and Mrs Walter Hegg and Ron of Milwaukie, Mrs. Smith's sister and family. After dinner, they all gather ed at the Hegg home for a visit. Gates Budget Committee meeting meets on Thursday, June 12, (tonight) 8:00 pm at the Santiam Higli School. Gates City Council will hold ' .. . rrn June 19, 7:30 pm. at the Gates City Hall. The Gates Budget Committee meets tonight, Thur»., June 12, at 7:30 p.m. nt the Gates City Hull. Everyone Interested in the city budget is welcome to attend. Don’t forget to vote on Tues day, June 17 in the school election. Thought for the day; A gem is not polished without rub bing, nor a man perfected without trials. Riddle of the Week: If you throw a blue stone into a Red Sea, what will it become? Wet. If the number following your name on The En terprise label reads 6-75 it's time to send a check for renewal. uifien you ccu>l come m /fave bu flìoil SALEM FEDERAL SAVINGS 4 LOAN ASSOC. Salem, Oregon 97308 P.O. Box 430 MO . Name Name TöA JÒINT ACCOUNT Address City Robert W. Crist State Detroit H. S. Grad Completes Air Force Academy Training fiate Robert W. Crixt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne B. Crist of De troit, has been award«! a hachelor of science degree and uuiniiiiwiuiivu commissioned <i a Nxunu second lieu- lieu-1 the U. S Air Force Academy, June 4 Lt. Crist, who majored in international affairs, has been selected for pilot training at Laughlin AFB, Tex. While attending the acade my, he received special recog nition by being named to the Dean’s and Commandant’s List for academic anl military ex cellence. Approximately 70 percent of the graduating class the 17th in the 20year history of the Academy have iieen select ed for pilot or navigator train ing. The remaining 30 percent will pursue graduate degrees at universities throughout the country or be assigned to operational air force units for duty. Lieutenant Crist is a 1971 graduate Detroit High School AmQunt $ Ut« CMC* or mofwy order Social Security # TYPE OF ACCOUNT Annual Rsta Minimum Account Minimum Term Effect hr« Annual Vl«ld Daily Passbook 5.25% $1.00 1 Day 5.39% Special Passbook 5.75% $1.00 Cal. Qtr 5.92% Certificate Account 1 6.50% $1,000 1 Year 6.72% Certificate Account 2 6.75% $1,000 214 Years 6.98% Certificate Account 3 7.50% $1,000 4 Years 7.79% • Deposits in by the 10th earn from the 1st exceot Deify Accounts which earn from date of deposit to date of withdraw*. • Interest penalty for premature withdrawal on all Certificate Accounts. Provisions for automatic renewal on all Certificates Salem Federal Soring/ SALEM - Main Office - 399 2300 • SALEM • Candalaria Office , 399 2352 SILVERTON -873 6351 • MOLALLA - 829 6125 • WEST LINN - 635-4381 • WOODBURN • 981-3051. Where ìhere s / Zm tòte PRICES are always relative... whether they’re actually high or low depends on what we get for our money. Locai business and service establishments offer the same goods for similar prices ... or less... that we can get in some distant city or town ... plus ... at no extra charge... more con- .• venience, quicker service in times of emergency, more per sonal interest in our needs and problems, important help in the financial support and upbuilding of this area in which we live... and upon which we depend for a living. These extras, and many more are ours ... no extra charge... when we patronize our friends and neighbors in business here at home These Firms Are Genuinely Interested in the Future of Our Community and Your Welfare / Distributor of Shell Products Knit Knack Depot Anne Mueller, Owner 134 Wall St Ph. 897-2592 Jerry Pittam Insurance Santiam Cable Vision Phone 897-2413 or 897-2754 Mill City. Oregon U.S. National Bank of Oregon Girod's Hilltop Super Market Head Office Portland S & H Green Stami» Larry's Phillips 66 Mill Gty Pharmacy PROPANE - KEROSENE - STOVE OIL U-haul Trailers 654 Santiam Blvd. Ph. 897-2321 Frank Stromquist. Owner Kelly Lumber Sales Building Supplies, Paints, Plumbing Supplies, Electrical Fixtures Sears Authorized Catalog Sales Merchant Phone 897-2348 160 N. 1st St Less Body & Fender Repair Complete Body Repair & Paint Service