P my (>«■ nel I'nrt U o’ • icon » C lass P ost a »I paio . M ill C iti . VOLUME XXXI MILL CITY ENTERPRISE oaiaoN ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY OREGON’S FAST GROWING VACATION WONDERLAND Nl .MBlJí >5 $5.00 a YEAR — 15c a Copy Queen Kathy All Roses City Council To Help Steering Com Youth Drowns I New Owners After 28 years of owning and operating Cook’s Grocery in Richard Sune, 18 years old Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, John Cook have sold their business and an OSU student from Hong Monday, Gov. Bob Straub to Bob and Marge Smith of the Kong, but residing in Corval signed a MU that the legisla lis, drowned about 4:35 p.m. Los Angeles area. ture had pawed earlier in the The meeting was called to Miss Kathy Lyness, daughter Sunday, June 15, while play month which will ban the use of Mr. and Mrs. William order by Mayor Donald Huck- I They are having an Open ' House Tuesday. June 24, at the of some aerosol cans now in eby at 8:00 p.m. Councilmem- I store to show appreciation to ing in the river with friends Lyness, was crowned “Queen beneath Gates Bridge. Accord use. b<-rs present were: Ann Carey, Kathy” for the 1975 Fourth of their many friends and custo- ing to authorities, Mr Sune All of the literature that I Warren Goffin, William Wal July festivities at the annual entered water have read on this aerosol bill ker and John WilLs. Charles i mers and to welcome the new apparently coronation ceremony in San owners. The public is invited deeper than he had anticipated does not have enough facts to Wirkkala absent. Also present tiam High School Auditorium to attend. and was not an experienced grant a Iran. If we are going I was Mick Davis, city attorney. on Saturday evening, June 14. on the probability factor, and The mayor led the pledge of j The new owners took pos- swimmer. Sponsored by the local chapter i session of the store on Friday His parents in Hong Kong err on the side of caution, as allegiance to the flag. AARP, the winner appeared the governor says, then we The minutes of the regular and unfortunately were called were notified by Western should maybe look at a lot of as the final number in the tai- | monthly council meeting and back to California Monday, by Union Cable and his brother, ent contest with a clever tup-i the death of Mr. Smith's Gary, of New York was noti things, . such us . electricity. . . to .. budget meeting of May 14, dance- the well-known tune' i . . .. '(lance well ... known . tune rhere is a chance that the sys- ■ 1975 were read and approved grandmother Sunday. Services fied by phone. of "Yankee Doodle Dandy”; were held in California Tues Marion County Divers en tern could go wrong in a large Walker moved to pay the day. Her colorful ri-d, white, and tered the river at 5:50 p.m. Industry and electrocute em bills in the amount of $1,- blue satin costume was fash Mr. Cook said, “he and his and recovered the body at 6:05 ployee«. A natural gas plant 448.34, seconded by Carey, ioned by her mother, and her I wife Doris, plan to do some p.m. in about 16 feet of water. could blow up and injure many passed with all votes. -u- escort was Fred Apadoca. „ ,, . ., ,■ traveling once things are run- The body was taken to residents. Coffin read the police re- ■ „ . .u . Mike Wilson, the emcee for , i nrng smooth at the store, Weddle Funeral Home in Stay As we advance in our way of port. |__________________ the post several years, intro- ton pending further arrange living and want the easier and I duced all six lovely con The mayor read letter from | ments. more modern methods of liv testants, the others performing Oregon State Highway Divi- ing, there is going to be some as follows: Lynn Bodeker, in sion stating that on Dec 10. 1954, the city agreed to main-1 fraction of the products we use terpretive dance to “Alexan tain the lights and pay the that Is going to have some der's Ragtime Band," sponsor- hazard to it It seems strange ed by Jr. Woman's Club, es powi-r if the highway division would pay the entire cost of | to me that all of a sudden wc corted by Mark Moffatt; Linda have all these questions to Rahm, gymnastic routine on the original installation of the; Lions Club members and lights on Hwy. 22. This was whether this product is harm the bars, sponsored by Odd their guests are urged to at in le-ply to a letter written by fui to the earth's ozone layer fellows and Rebekahs, escorted the city requesting the high tend the installation dinner when the scientists have been by Rick Lady; Sue McClin- way division share in some of meeting Saturday evening, studying this for several years tix-k, interpretive dance to June 21, 6:30 p.m. at the Fron the power costs on Hwy. 22. already and come up with dif "You're a Grand Old Flag.” Wills moved to contract with I tier Inn. ferent reports, so what makes sponsored by Garden Club, es The Queeners School Home- & Johnson to do the' Officers to be installed are coming will be held on June the governor think that by corted by Jim Cline; Debbie Kathv Lyne«», 17 year <>’<1 daughter of Mr. and Hunsaker Charles Tate, president; John 1977 they will know for sure. McLain, vocal solo, "Sunshine Mrx Wm. Lyness, was named the 1975 Fourth of July 1974-75 city audit, seconded by 22, one mile out on Scio Hill Fohl, first vice-president; on My Shoulder,” sponsored Queen at Coronation Ceremonies Saturday evening, Goffin, passed with all aye Roger Rahm, second vice- Road. Potluck dinner will be votes. The U. S Labor Dept, has by Lions Club, escorted t»y 1:00 p.m. Everyone is to Stan Ogden Photo Carey brought up subject pf president; Vern Peterman, at announced that the new ‘'offi Jack Ixiftin; and Rene«- Brown, June 14. bring their own table service. park maintenance, also the third vice-president; secretary Coffee and punch will be fur cial" poverty level is $4,450 interpretive danre to “Down Fred Krecklow. nished. possibility of a new mower. I treasurer, for an urban fumily of four. at Papa Joe's," sponsored by Charles Tate, chairman of Lion Tamer, Dan Nugent and The new limit is $250 mon- American Legion Aux, es Following dinner, a short, the steering committee asked tail twister, Charles Kelly. than the annual earnings corted by Craig Blackburn. but very important business for donation for the Fourth of i meeting will be held. This which in early 1974 placed Grace Hutchinson played the July parade. Moved by Walker vestigated and reports made will be the first meeting since such a family in the poverty processional which was led by I to give the steering committee 57, money from municipal the Queener School Homecom category. Not so many years 1974 Queen Verlenr Peterman, $300 out of social services, re- court fines $853.00, juveniles ing Assn., Inc. has become ago, a family of four, with an who was escorted by David ( , venue sharing money, second- processed and cited 5. owner of the property, and annual income of $4.450, was Plot la, and was beautifully I Meeting adjourned: 10:45 future plans for the property I ed by Wills, passed with all thought to be pretty well off. robed Ln five red velvet. The There have been p.m. ; aye votes. will be discussed. All interest What with inflation, taxes and crowning of Junior Queen bicycles stolen in the local Respectfully submitted: ed persons are urged to attend, 1 Wayne Taylor of Clark and ( all today, that family, under Jennifer Wilson and Junior area since April 24. Three were especially those in the com Edna L. Moffatt Groff spoke on survey prob-' federal standards, is defined as King Bradley Morris took stolen from the school bike lems. City Recorder munity. poor 1 wish that some econo place after Introduction of the rack, one from the vicinity of Wills moved to square the mist would explain how it 1974 Junior Court made up the bridge and one from in northeast boundary of the city makes sense, on the one hand of Queen Heidi White and front of the Community In an unofficial vote count on Highway 22, seconded by to keep on increasing the fed King Kevin Wilson. church. Wednesday morning, the three Goffin. passed with all aye eral minimum wage until An entertaining tap-dance * theoretically everybody under number was put on by Robin ’ Four of these bicycles have school levies were passed by votes. Mrs Iris Rose brought up| the law acquires more wealth. Boester and Jill Girod to been recovered, one being local voters. On the general budget, the vote was Yes 222, While, on the other hand, the "Vacation Time,” the little picked up by the night deputy No. 160; the five-year serial discussion on establishing too1 The Mill City Steering Com- . nuts and a luncheon. In April. many businesses in residential labor department keeps on in girls appearing in clever mat where It hud lieen abandoned is sponsoring a “Name | 1972. the Salem U. S. Navy In most cases these bikes levy of $50,000 to build a new zones. There was much discus I i mittee creasing the poverty level until ching costumes the Park Contest” under the Seabee Unit assisted with their elementary school in the fu were parked and forgotten by sion on this subject. theoretically everybody will Following talent presenta of Margaret heavy equipment Their meals | Wills moved to adopt resolu chairmanship be poor. There is something tions by the princesses, a tap-1 the owners, making them easy ture, was Yes 222, No 198 . i Stromquist. It is hoped that all | were organized by Mrs. Don about the government's econ dance to "Best Friends" was for anyone to ride away with The kindergarten budget, tion »120. wheih would levy * j of the people of Mill City will ; Gillenwater and the city em- omic theories I just do not un presented by Gina Gifford, them. It is suggested that bike also passed with a Yes vote of taxes in the amount of $43,- take part in this contest and ! ployees. assisted by M C. Jr. 061.00 for the year 1975-1976 derstand. 218, No. 186. Tami Moberg. Sheryl Swigart, owners do not leave their Woman’s Club, AARP and the in bikes parked overnight seconded by Goffin, passed become acquainted with this Shellie Morris, and Tami I scenic piece of land within the Garden Club. public unattended areas. with all aye votes. | This vote count w-as without Tuers. ,' city boundary, Much work has been accom No Vote Needed For ..... „I j the absentee- votvs counted, | Police report for month of| The park has a total of 10.75 plished. There are 1061 feet of The question and answer Detroit City Budget but officials .. ................... felt there were May, 1975: traffic citations 22.1 acres and 1900 ft of river established trails, three parking section of the program for the Municipal citations 2, court re-1 DETROIT A city bu.lg.-t princesses was smoothly con not enough ballots out to cord cases 24. accidents inves- frontage. It is located off Fair I lots, a water system, and a of $45,709.54 with a tax levy ducted by the emcee, with euch ' restrooms with pit toilet. The change the vote tigated 1. complaints, cases in- view Street west of the Wills Seventh Day Adventist Church of $2,677 54, all wiithin the girl giving a short response. Bros. Shingle Mill. The land six percent limitation, was ap While the judges were mak by the city' donated the merry-go-round was purchased proved by the Detroit City ing their decision, another en from Mrs. Edith L Kanoff in I and 540 ft. of irrigation pipe To Reign Over Lyons Bicentenial Parade Council Tuesday night of last tertaining dance act was put December, 1968. The railroad has been donated by the school wick No public vote will lie on by Ann Marie Moore, right-of-way was acquired by , district. The picnic tables were required. Michelle Snider, and Jennifer built by the Santiam High Shields ReMine. On June 24, the Linn Count) The 1975-76 budget compares Wilson, also students of laiuri. In 1970 the planning com School shop class students un to a current figure of $42, Wilson, the tiny performers Health Dept, will be holding mission chairman, Carl Kelly, der the supervision of Mr. Ray. 187.50, which has a levy of dancing to the tune of "Come vision and hearing clinic assisted by Pete Adair, pre The material was purchased the Santiam High School i $2,515.98, all within the limi Yout, My Pretty Kitty.” sented a five-year development by the city. There are future tation. Gracious Queen Verlene Mill City, from 1:30 to • .3 and maintenance plan to the plans for two drinking foun Copies of the budget are then gave her "farewell ad p.m. No appointment is nec< tains donated by the M. C. Wo council. available at the city hall be dress,” expressing her appre sary. These tests will be give In October, 1971. the city en mens Club, a heavy timber tween the hours of 10:00 a m ciation for the honors confer to ’.ill children from thro tered into an agreement with structural piece of playground and 3:00 p.m. on Thursdays. 1 red upon her throughout the through six years of age. the U. S. Bureau of Recreation equipment donated by Mill Many eye and ear problem past year's activities. of the State of Oregon and City Jr. Woman’s Club, three Mr$. Farmen Joins It was announced that Renee can lie treated successfully i Linn County, to use federal fireplaces, signs and benches Brown was to be given the detected and diagnosed early matching funds for develop to be installed by the city. Enterprise Staff Don’t miss this opportunity t< ment of the park. For every After the completion of the Mrs. Howard (Alice) Far- award for selling over $150.00 help your children dollar spent in development east boundary, the park will men has joined the stuff of worth of tickets to the corona there would be a 50% return. have much to offer for the tion, the most by any princess. The Mill City Enterprise. A This agreement is still in ef fishermen and boaters alike. Thank yous were extended lifelong resident of the area, M II City Weather Ths park belongs to the peo fect but will close in Septem Mrs. Farmen is no stranger to J to Brunner's Florists for the ber, 1975, when development ple of Mill City and is for Max. Min. Pep Date and ■ the business world, I having —,.... lively - . flowers . . , , corsages . should be completed for the the enjoyment of everyone in worked at the U S s Maiionai Natmn.il t | whlch th‘‘X furnished f=r forjhe i..o OOC ...... 73 35 June 8 the surrounding area as welL j usable park. Bank here for a i number of'occasion- and to MarV You- June 9 LJ 84 40 0.00 Many people and organiza Only by the continued efforts years, the most recent ones, on Imans, Margaret Snow, Ruth June 10 48 ..... 87 000 tions have taken part in the and interest of the entire Cummings, Alma Beyers, Myra a part time basis. 81 48 0 00 June 11 park development In April, community can the beauty of Mumey and Margaret Strom- Mrs. Farmen will be writing 46 0.00 June 12 82 1972, OCI donated nursery this park be preserved. It is news articles and assisting in qurat for the reception to fol June 13 81 0.00 49 stock and landscape materials. the last piece of river frontage low in the commons honoring the general office work. 0.00 46 83 June 14 Those assisting with the available for the public to en the queen and her court. LYONS An outstanding corted by Dale Bilyeu, assist planting were the Mill City joy. Finally the announcement i Al Kader Chanters There are drop-boxes for of the judges came and Queen chasing outfits for the court’s event was the coronation of ant fire chief; and Kathy Womens Club, Boy Scouts, your contest entry forms lo the queen for the Lyons Bicen Kathy was crowned by outgo- public appearances; Kevin Mill City Firemen and the Barnett, daughter of Mr. and Bring Home First ing Queen Verlene and pre- , Long for valuable assistance tennial Parade Aug 2 sponsor Mrs. James Barnett, escorted Jaycees. The use of a truck cated in the Mill City Phar Place Trophy sented with a gorgeous arm- backstage; Craig Blackburn ed by the Indies Auxiliary of by Ward Slover, battalion was donated by Carl Kelly. macy and The Mill City En The Al Kader Chanters Cl from bouquet of red roses and given for help in decorating; nnd and the Lyons Rural Fire Protec captain. Several individuals and or terprise. The contest closing the Portland Ti-mple attended I a gift. After circling the audi-lMrs. Margaret Stromquist, also tion District. 1 Mrs. Richard Music was furnished by ganizations served rolls, do- date is June 23. the Pacific Northwest Shrine torium, the queen led the re- ' for her help backstage. Lindemann was chairman of Randy Cogar and his Famine Name The Park Contest Now Underway auditorium stage win the event held at the Mari- Creek Rock Group. Assn. Cc nvention in Reno, cessional out to the reception. I The — decorated this Linn school gym I Friday night, Members of the steering beautifully Nevada, (une 12 through 15. The girls each gave a short A “Name The Park Contest” is now underway to select a In ur arm competition, the ’ committee, headed by Charles year, with hundreds of pastel June 13. speech on "What the Bicenten- name for the new City Park and all entries will be voted on Col. Thurman Smith was mal Menns To Me.” Al Kauer Chanters brought j Tate, wish to extend their paper napkins giving the back Kathy Barnett was crowned by the public for the final selection of a name. home the first place trophy for thanks to the many helpers ground a soft, floral effect, master of ceremonies and their chorale presentation at1 who made the coronation pos- showing many hours of work judges were members of the queen. She an.l her court will Please complete the following entry blank and deposit it | sible through the time and ef-1 The judges, who were thank fire department. reign over the Bicentennial at the Mill Citv Pharmacy or The Mill City Enterprise office. the Pioneer theatre. Entries must be in no later than Monday, June 23. Three young ladies were Parade Aug. 2. Attending from Mill City, fort donated: Mrs. Grace But- ed for having given their time Flowers and corsages were were Mr and Mrs. Vern Rush, I chinson for providing the mu to do an important and very competing in the event: Lori service, included: Rolleston, daughter of Mr. and the c -urtesy of Mrs. Ednah Dale stoni background; Brunner's difficult Vet non Kealen nnd PARK NAME Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley for all donations to the courts; Mrs. Marvin Champ, Harold Mrs. Roland Rolleston. escort Tye. Refreshments were served in YOUR NAME Chance and Mr. and Mrs Joo Mrs. Elvana Keerings, repre Johnson, Mr. and Mis. James ed by Kenneth Lewis, fire . ... Tele....... ....... ft Io writ. Also, Mr and Mrs. sentative for Bee-Line Fash- Tiger, and Mrs. Lloyd Fery, all chief; L>ri Davis, daughter of the school cafeteria following Sponsored by the Mill City Steering Committee. Entry dead i Mr. and Mrs. Loren Davis, es- the coronation. , , n -.d Myers from Stayton. ions, for her assistance in pur- of Stayton. line, June 23, 1975. (by George Long) Over July 4 a Aff- T rj Ul llCCrS I 0 DC Installed Sat. Night Homecoming Set For Sunday, June 22 Roon Ronnrfodlu School Gets Been Reportedly Stolen Recently Yes Vote On Budgets Steering Committee Sponsoring ’Name The Park Contest' Vision - Hearing Clinic Set For Mill City Tues., June 24 1 V ,11 I Bicentennial Parade Queen Chosen At Lyons Friday. June 20, 1975