4—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, -lune 12, 1975 LYONS Sally Jenkins To by Eva Bressler Fire Season Now In I^ÄmÄ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wll- Leave For National I Hams of Salem were Tuesday At the meeting visitors at the home Conference Wed. LYONS Effect For Loggers of the Lyons City Council afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. I I I i Acacia Assembly Rainbow Girls Honor Fathers Acacia Assembly, Interna tional Orler of Rainbow for Girls, met last Wednesday evening at the Stayton Mason ic Hall with Sue McClintock, Worthy Advisor presiding Fathers were honored by the girls. Each one present was presented with a vegetable plant for their garden. Mrs Barbara Symington, mother addisor of Barzillia Assembly, Albany was escort ed and introduced. Entertainment was furnish ed by Barzillia Assembly of Albany. Guests were present from Albany, Aumsville, Turner, Mill City and Stayton. During the summer months the girls will not hold meet ings. The next stated meeting will be Sept, 3. The girls will be attending Grand Assembly at Corvallis the latter part of June The Founder’s Day picnic will be held July 6. The time and place will be announced later Following the meeting, re freshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. James Strout honor ing their daughter Julie on her 15th birthday. Birthday cake, sandwiches, punch and coffee were served. Car-Pickup Collide On Highway 22 On the way to Salem last Sat. afternoon, the Charles Kellys came along the highwuy just below the bend of the river right after an almost head-on collision had totaled a large station wugon which liecame involved with a pickup pulling a boat and trailer when the steering mechanism failed They were surprised when, upon stopping, their friend Jay Headrick, assistant postmaster at Stayton, came up to the car window and said the station- wagon was his. Luckily, no one was seriously hurt when hit car went out of control und struck the trailer, sending the small boat over the bank. The two young fellows In the pickup hud minor injuries, but an ambulance took them in to the hospital to be checked over. The Kellys took Myrna Headrick mid her young dau ghter, Michelle, who hud a slight cut upper lip, to their home in Stayton then continu ed their journey. They were concerned alxjut Mr Headrick, who hud suffered a severe heart uttack last winter und who just went buck to full time work at the Stayton Post ■ , Office three weeks ago, but upon calling them thut evening I everyone wus reported us do-' ing well. Jones Home Scene Of Reception Friday Mr. and Mrs. Perry (Casey) Jones entertained at an after graduation reception honoring their son. Brian, who was a member of the Santiam High School graduating claws Out of town guests included Brian's grandmother, Mrs. June Devore of Salem, his two brothers and their families, Mr and Mrs Nick Jones, Rick and Kimberly of Eugene, and S/Sgt and Mrs. Mike Jones. Craig and Michelle of Ft. Bliss, Texas, Mr ami Mrs. J. N. Thiessen and Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, all of Dal las. mid Mi and Mrs Virgil Hlnchsllff and Peggy. Eugen. Mr and Mrs. Bill Cowdry and Shannon. Idanha. Mr and Mr i. Boy Holbrook, Mehama, Mi ami Mrs Bernard Bennett, Mill City, and the hosts. Mr, and Mrs Jones und the honored guest, Brian. Tuesday evening, liquor li-| Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grimes* Sally Jenkins of the San- ‘ * Lyons have returned home after a tiam Chapter of FBLA will censes were renewed ' for Tavern and Lavenders Market. three month tour of the leave on June 18 for Miami Two camperships were Southern and New England Beach. Fla., to attend the 24th awarded: $80 to Girl Scouts States They spent some time Annual FBLA National Lea- and $80 to Cub Scout, Pack 98. with their son in Texas and dership Conference. FBLA Is for day camps. ¡daughter and family at Mary- the national student organi- Westech Engineers of Salem land. ' zation - for .............................. high school students Johnie Schnackenberg from who plan to enter career* in were engaged to prepare sur- face drainage maps for the Senior Estates in Woodburn business or busirsess educa was a Wednesday visitor at tion. The national orguniza- city. _ Bicentennial prizes for pos- (the home of Mr and Mrs Alex tion has chartered over 6.500 Mr Schnackenberg ters will be presented at Mari- Bodeker ** • • chapters in the United States i is a cousin of Mr Bodeker. Linn school Friday. and has membership of 12o,(XM) The playground equipment! Mr and Mrs. W L Kimery students Approximately 2.300 were recent visitors at the that was to have been used in high school members and ad Lyons City Park has been home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace visors from all over the United presented to Linn County Ogden at Seaside. Mrs. Ogden States are expected at th.s Parks Dept, for use in the will be remembered as Mrs. year’s comerence. Mabel Spa, a former Lyons John Neal Memorial Park. The major business of the Building permits for May resident. meeting is the election of na- Mrs. Katie Skillings, Mrs. tional officers from the 1975- were $25,636 00. Hazel Wirth, Mrs Viola Hel- 76 school year and a series of sei, Mrs. Hlva Kuiken and competitive events between Grange Hears Speaker Mrs Mabel Downing were chapters and between state Tuesday evening dinner guests delegations. Events include On Camp Taloali at the home of Mrs. Ethel Wy LYONS — Guests at the man and her sister, Mrs. Mil public speaking, typing, no- The Santiam Chapter, a394, spelling relay, meeting of Santiam Valley dred Thompson in Albany. The counting. a \ \nr. held «hen monthly Grange Friday night were Bill ladies making the trip as well parliamentary procedure de meeting on May 27, at the Cardwell .¡nd wife Jennifer of as Mrs. Wyman are all retired monstrations, and the selection Eagles Hall A jxitluck dinner of a Mr. and Ms. Future Busi Salem He was the speaker at teachers from Mari-Linn ness Leader. Awards for na was enjoyed by all Following the meeting He told of Camp school. the dinner, Wes Juhn of the tional winners will be present Taloali which is a camp for Mrs. Lola Gerkey from ed at a formal Awards Ban Mill City school spoke to the hearing impaired children lo Walla Walla, Wash., and her group in regards to the budget cated on the Santiam River, son. Bud Rose from Hillsboro, quet on June 21 Sally will par , that is to be voted -n Tu<*» — two miles east of Stayton, on were Wednesday visitors at ticipate in discussion groups, June 17. business meetings and general Summer Basketball Highway 22 Improvements are Shriners Initiate the home of her sister. Mrs. sessions. Follnwirg the flag salute, being made at the camp ..nd Flora May Shucks Schedule Released * , the meeting was called to or- Following her Miami stay, Local Members many things can be done to i _____________ Following is the summer Pre-School Graduation dvr by President Percy Mulli- Mr. and Mrs. Chester Roy she will accompany around 20 Paul X. Smith was initiated help the non-profit organiza-1 were weekend guests at Prine- basketball schedule which' Held At Mari-Linn gan. The minutes of 'he pre other Oregon delegates on a into the Ancient Order of the tion. -- home of ... ‘ ville at the their son, cruise of the Bahamas. Ports Santiam will be participating' LYONS — Pre-School gradu vious meeting were read. Mystic Shrine, Al Kadar Tem The meeting was called to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roy and in. All games will be played ation was held Thursday, May Mrs. Edith Kellis of Tin- of call will t>e Nassau and ple, Portland, on Saturday. order by Master Robert daughters. Freeport. Sally will return to at South Albany High School 29, m the gym at Mari-Linn Golden Age Club of Stayton June 7. Mr. Jerry Goddard, a Thacker. Reports were heard Sunday visitors at the home with the exception of the June .school followed by retfresh- talked about tours which she former resident of Gates, now on Agriculture by Lloyd Slet- of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker Portland on June 25. 17 game when Santiam will inents at the school cafeteria has arranged. The information living in Salem was initiated to; Legislature. Gene Fief; In were Mr. and Mrs. Norman play Stayton at Santiam and Graduates wore red clown and is as follows: at the same time along with 74 surance by Thurman Smith Garrison of Sisters, Mr. and Bridal Shower Honors the July 15 game, Santiam white caps. Safari, Winston, June 18 others. The new initiates go and Charolette Thacker on Wo Mrs Douglas Hampton and plays Stayton at Stayton. I Pre-school graduates were Trip and admission $9 95. Take Vickie Moore Saturday through an entire schedule of mens Activity. i Game time for all games is son Casey from Molalla and Debbie Ayers, Kevin Barlow. your own lunch or plan to cat Miss Vickie Moore was hon 7:00 p.m. events the entire day. One of Delegates elected to attend Mr and Mrs. Earl Hampton of Jodi Brown, Greg CllpfeU, at one of the snack bars at ored with a bridal shower the highlights is a conducted State Grange in Klamath Falls Salem. June 17, Santiam versus Freddy Vaiai ii- your expense. Cusimano, Load at the tour of the Shriner’s Crippled are Robert Thacker, delegate; Mrs. Gladys Kuiken of Sa Saturday, June 7 at 3:00 pm Stayton at Santiam, Tues.; Deister, Lori Etzel, Danny Slayton Plaza at 7:00 a.m. Children's Hospital that John Schweer, alternate and lem was a Monday guest at at the Gates Church of Christ June 19, , Jefferson (lower) Gregory, Bill Hartman, Greg Maryhill, Wash., June 2.3 Shriners everywhere support. Thurman Smith, Master of fellowship room. Thurs, Albany; June 24. Sweet Corey Ketchum, Eight dollars per person for Virgil Lewis, Vernon Kea- Linn County Pomona Grange, the home of Mrs. Katie Skill i Thse present were Mrs. Mur Home (upper) Tues, Albany; Jennings, Manning. Mathcu the trip and admission. Take len, Vern Rush. Shrine mem also a delegate as Insurance ings. ry Moore. Sue Moore and Nan June 26, Crescent Valley (up Richard , A family get together wxs Dusty Philippi, your own lunch Load at the bers from this area, were in agent. cy of Scio, Mrs. Ernest Presley per), Thurs., Albany; July 1, Philiber, itiated into the Camel Herders | Womens Activity Club will held Sunday at the home of and Pam of Idanha. Mrs Wil Philomath (lower) Tues, Al Stacy Reeves Jalanea Runion, St.iyton Plaza .it 7:00 a m. For during the morning of the 7th hold their meeting at the hall Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mowry and liam Lyness, Mrs. Danny bany; July 8, West Albany (up Nicky Sinclair, Fahce Soears, fuAher informaton call Ednh The Santiam Shrine Club ■ Monday, June 16. at 1:30 pm. son Jimmy, Jr. honoring her Moore, Mrs Velma Harrison. per) Tues., Albany; July 10, Luke Stinson, Jesse Stutzman, Kellis at Stayton, 769 2295 Maggie Shaw announced that Seth Wallen and Heidi Wil held a hospitality hour after I Social night will be a potluck parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mrs Ken Harrison and Kathy. S Albany (lower), Thurs., Al Hutchinson of Lyons on their Kathy I yness was chosen f >« the Ceremonial Members and dinner on Sunday, June 29 Mrs. Gael Cutsforth, Debbie bany; July 15, Stay ton. Tu s , liams. 25th wedding anniversary. At Nursery school graduales princ-.is for Uie 41.« of Ju«y new initiates were joined by : Barnhardt, Mrs. Dave Born tending were Mr. and Mrs hardt, Mrs. Melvin Newberg. Stayton; July 17. Jefferson were Josh Bellik, Rhonda C« iebral <>n. several members of the Chan (upper), Thurs , Albany; July Bilyeu, Laura Jean Boedighci- June 17 at 9:30 a.m a meet ters, Al Kadars choir, and Detroit Students Travel Jerry Hutchinson and daugh Mrs. Cress Cullison, Toni 22, Sweet Home (lower) Tues., mer, Kim Clason, Scott Heat ing fui officers and ccmml.t«' ter Donnelle of Gates, Darrell others from all over the state To Jr. Olympics Newberg. Mrs. A T. Barnhardt. Albany; July 24. Crescent Plotts of Mill City, Mr. and chairman is to meet nt Percy Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Lewis the guest of honor and the Valley (lower) Thurs. Al er, Amy Hershfelt, Mary Ellen DETROIT — Two students Mrs. Delmer Skillings of Moule, Melanie Philippi, Carl Mulligan's home. Th«- slate of joined their husbands during; from Detroit School represent co-hostesses, Mrs Frank bany; July 29, Philomath Schiewek, Jason Weltman, Ann ficers will be there to check Gates. Mrs. Katie Skillings of the hour. ed their school in a track meet Lyons, Karen Hutchinson of Baechler and Mrs. Floyd (upper), Tues., Albany; July, Yost, Traci Davidson and Ka on the chapter. Shriners from this area at Saturday at Franklin High 31, West Albany (lower). Lyons, Mr and Mrs. Mowry Swaim. The June meeting, Wed., Uie tending were Vern Kealen. School, Portland. Sending gifts, but unable to Thurs., Albany; Aug. 5, South trina Wilson. 25th, will be at the Civillr and Jimmy and the honored president of Santiam Shrine attend, were Mrs. Glen Hen- Albany (upper). Tues., Al David Hill, son of Mr. and Downing home with a 12:00 Club, Dale Howell, Vern Rush. Mrs. Jules Hill of Detroit, guests, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert ness and Mrs. Esther Kepping- bany. Bear Creek Park potluck. Hutchinson. Joe Bowes, Virgil Lewis. Pat I er. placed sixth in the mile walk.; Mr. and Mrs. Jule Johnson Orville Downing gave a talk Dedication To Be Moore. Jr. and new member. He is in the sixth grade. I and family of Escondido, Calif. • Miss Moore is the bride Competes In Midget on old times in Mill City and Paul Smith. Wednesday, June 18 Jeannie Sullivan, daughter were recent visitors at the elect of Lynn Cutsforth of Chester Roy gave two readings Marion County's new Bear honoring Mother’s Day. of Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Sullivan home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gates. Her parents an* Mr. Races At Tacoma and Mrs. Murry Moore of Scio Mr. and Mrs Walter Thomas, Cr«-ek Park will be dedicated of Idanha, participated in the Schweer. They were in the The meeting was adjourned long jump and “shot putt” area to attend graduation cere and he is the son of Mr. and Jr. and Tony were in Tacoma on Wed., June 18 at 2 p.m, events, but did not place in monies of their daughter at. Mrs. Gael Cutsforth of Gates Saturday and Sunday where according to the regional park Stange Compete* At either event. Jeannie, is a OSU at Corvallis. I .. , ... . c . Tony competed in quarter mid-1 and recreation agency. The 15 acre park Is located Willamette Speedway seventh grader I Mr. and Mrs. John Schweer [ Vacation Bible OChOOl get races at the Little Wheels Track. They were met there between t he BUM Canyon Bill Stange was among those Boots Champion Some 2,000 students report- went to Beaverton Sunday to' \A/*II A by Gene Wilson and his son, Creek and the Elkhorn Valley competing in races last Friday llv from ____ Here on a weeks visit at edly from Oregon and South- visit their son, Mr. and Mrs v»eii Anenaea IDANHA -Some 50 children Billy, and a friend, Brian Campgrounds on the Little and Saturday nights at Wil the home of Mrs. Edna May em Washington, participated K Schweer and family, lamette Speedway in Lebanon is her brother, Roy Mason of m the day long events. j Mr. and Mrs Victor jorgen- attended the opening of the Wilson, and Harry and Jay ¡North Fork. Jim Fisher, chairman of the The races were held in con Union. Here, also, on a extend Coach tor the Detroit par- sen returned Thursday after a annual Dally Vacation Bible Hindeman Tony had 4th fast time out'Marion County Park and Re- junction with th«- Lebanon ed visit at the May home is ticipants was Peter Howard, three weeks visit with their School Monday at the Idanha Festival and Mame Stegman of Galt, Calif Detroit School. daughter, Mrs. Gloria Thom- Community Church. Sessions of ten competing in the "junior creation Commission will be StrawbrTry novice stock” on Saturday and master of ceremonies for the Stange won the "stawberry ~ berry, and her daughter, Viki, begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at on Sunday he placed fourth in event, with Pat McCarthy, cup" trophy for the most at El Cajon, Calif. I 11:45 a.m. June 9 through June the main event. This qualified chairman of the Marion Board points for the main event. T““------ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Grosso 13th. All boys and girls ages him for the states race in of Commissioners giving the George Bradburry of Stayton were in Corvallis to attend four through the eighth grade July. are welcome to attend. dedication. tied for the B main on both graduation at OSU to see their Mrs. Thomas worked ln the Sunday, the Bible School Refreshments will follow the nights. daughter, Mrs Helen Satterlee, will present a program in lieu timing shack on both Satur- i dedication, with Robert Maxey, Other canyon area drivers receive her masters degree. day and Sunday. of Sunday School service. I director of the parks agency, placing tn the weekend racing Delmer Culwell also received Tony will be racing again concluding the event. A baby dedication will be were George Fuller, Jerry Pay- his degree in computer science, held during the 11:00 a.m. this Sunday at the Alpenrosc The public is encouraged to seno, Sr. and Jerry Payseno, and Mr. and Mrs. Orville track. church service on Sunday. attend the dedication. Jr. I Downing of Lyons and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carleton of The Dalles attended the cere monies to see their daughter, Carolyn Carleton, get her de gree in pharmacy. She is a granddaughter of the Down ings. Larry Carleton of Portland was a weekend guest at the home of his grandparents, Mr. 1193 4 5 , w and Mrs. John McClurg. All of Oregon, with the ex ception of the extreme north west area, the northeast area and the coastal strip is under fire season restrictions effec tive June 9. according to State Forester J. E. Schroeder. Proclamations effective June 9 add to the list of counties al ready under fire season, the following: Malheur, Harney. Grant. Polk. Benton. Clacka mas, Marion. Linn and parts of Multnomah. Yamhill, Lane. Lincoln. Coos. Wheeler and Morrow Counties Declaration of fire season means that forest workers must have fire equipment at all active operations sites. -We've already had report ed over 50 fires on state and private lands in Oregon," Schroeder indicated “Most of these have been small. How ever. the forests are drying out quite rapidly. This drying trend brings w-ith it a poten tial threat of larger fires. The declaration of fire season throughout most of Oregon should remind all of us that extreme caution with fire is I once again necessary to pro- tect Oregon forests." DETROIT IDANHA I FathotDay SPECIAL Now*163«. < United Methodist Women to Hold Rummage Sale July 8 STItil s fathers Dry Spec<a) mcAxte«.' SJ ihl 015 w«t»' 14* sprocket bar Handsome. d»> awe carry- nq case * E>t»W I4"cu»trnocha-n Grease quo ’or sprockr- nose car ’ Sx rack of 8 Irg. <xt *L>teandrMnolefcrç»?’in«acha^ ^■b«ratKXio<Wrerx.hanrj^»ewcrnref -nstructKX) rrwMxO with Sparr- pan 3 Hst Total 1Î95 3^5 jpe i.ao . 3 45 JD0 llSGlf. RAYMOND BRANCH IT CO. Ph. 8» 2244) LYONS — Ellen Whaley was hostess for the meeting of the United Methodist Wo men held Tuesday afternoon in the fireplace room of the church. The meeting was open ed with prayer by Reta Cru- son. It was voted to have their July meeting on Tuesday, the first, and set up the rummage ready for opening Tuesday, July 8, for their basement sale. Friday, Oct. 24, was the date set tor their annual bazaar. It was voted to send a donation to the Methodist Home in Sa lem. Devotions were by Lois Schweer on Revelations. Attending the meeting were Leora Stevens, Reta Cruson, Eva Bressler, Lulu Cory, Car rie Osburn, Evelyn Julian, Helen Johnston, Lois Schweer, Florence Naue, Peggy Wright, Willameane Johnson, Dorothy Downer and the hostess, Ellen Whaley. AARP Chapter Holds Potluck Dinner