I? I I A 1\1 A lTh’' Henry Sch’f'-rs he Wednensday evening. May 14, I cost is tremendous |L | fl /\ IVI /A looking after their place while from several days visit at the We should say something home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. here about the greatly admir Mrs. John Teeters Giles Wagner also left on the Hughes and family at the Big ed Bald Eagle and its danger AND MY LAND" Creek Fish Hatchery near As I of being killed otf. You will Mi .and Mrs. Jerry Coffman ' same flight and they will be by Eva Itressler | find his picture on the back and their son-in-law and spending some time with their toria. Guests Friday and Saturday, Mrs Harold Duncan of the dollar-bsll. Farmers daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- sons family, the Richard Wag May 16 and 17, at the home turned home Monday after a have killed them to protect don Peterson and Brian from ners at Frankfort. weeks visit at the home of I their stock, trophy collectors Oregon Barbara Orr, leader of the of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor the spent their son-in law and (laugh and zoos want them. Their Mother's City, Mehama Tops Club #700, was were her brother-in-law and Day weekend at ter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klim and feeding territories are being Ocean Shores, Wash .enjoying in Salem May 9 to attend state sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph family at Woodland Hills, | curtailed as farms and ranches some clam digging. They were recognition day She made a Ellis from Portland Calif The Kinns are moving i squeeze into their hunting joined there by another daugh report to the club at their May Hayes to Sherburn, M iin . s , where he grounds. ter’s family, Mr. and Mrs Ron 15th meeting The club is spon See The Mill City Enter will be employed. Forest fires are a great prob Cozzens and Bradley of Seat soring a car wash at Harold's (.'onnervation? Who Care»? prise. Top Quality Printing Koffre Klatihrrw Mr. and Mrs. John Smith I lem. Some of them are neces Texaco on Saturday, May 24 There are places in Egypt tle. W L that priced right Fast service and Mrs. Anna Richards of Name of Team sary to clear away the low Mrs. E J. Hughes and Mrs. were once verdant and Mr and Mrs. Roger Dunn 22'4 9'.s productive but have been laid bush so the animals can Portland were Wednesday Ditters too. Pilone 897-2772. Max Frame returned home and Arlynn went to Sand Lake 21'4 10'4 guests at the home of Mr and Frontier Inn to waste by people. Could it be brouse. But most need work for a family reunion and pic 11 21 Mrs Floyd Bassett. Mr. Smith Earl's Chevron ing on — such as closing the 15 I that the wasting of our natural forests in the dry seasons, be-' nic on Mothers Day. is a brother and Mrs Richards Bob A Bill's ARCO 17 resources will, in generation:, Mrs. H. W. McCarley and 17 Aumsville Tavern . 15 a sister of Mrs. Bassett come, bring such a condi ing prepared with men and daughter, Mrs. Leonard Am 14'4 17Mi to Lily Faris was in Woodburn Dick & Carol's machines, etc. All told, we are , mons of Kelso, Wash., were 13 Mi IBM. tion to parts of this country? making progress. Wednesday afternoon to at Girod’s Mkt Our forestry deportments luncheon guests Tuesday, May 13 19 tend funerul services for Gus Philippi Ford are taking a new view about' We have done much in the 12, at the home of Lilly Wolf Ray's Drug 12 20 Croisant. what we will have for lumber last few years to understand kiel and also visited with 20 10 Mrs. Helen Salchcnberger Freren Ian hr. Co. aid conservation. A decade other friends here. Ditters were 2nd half win- one hundred years from now and and granddaughter, Tracy Something has gone wrong ago, people left it to the gov Mrs. Don Stensland of Mc ners. Harmon, from Paradise, Calif., It was too big and Minnville visited Tuesday, Rose Marie Ba.ssett convert in Idaho, Eastern Washingnton ernment are visiting at the home of her and Eastern Oregon. The tus technical for plain folks. We May 12, at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs John Kun ed the 3-6-7-10 split. finding out there are prob parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris AS LOW AS • IVpk High individual game und sock moths are killing the are kle. They will also visit rela- plus F.E.T trees. Could it be that we have lems tliat must lie the concern McDonald. series Fran Garsjo, 223 and lives in Mill City. of all of us and can be solved ignored the means of keeping Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shafer 613. Team high game • Mrs. William Grimes and 1 those larvae in check We have only by the help of you and of Alameda, Calif., came her mother, Mrs. Effie Nydeg Philippi Ford, 952; and high now been using DDT, but it me. Thursday, May 15, to the home team series Frontier Inn ger of Salem were weekend 1 kills fish and birds, too Generous old mother nature of his brother and sister-in- guests at Seattle, Wash , at 2752 ■ (You are saying: fish don't has been immeasureably lav law, Mr. and Mrs. John Shafer, the home of Mr. and Mrs, Chip plus F.E.T AS LOW AS ish in bestowing her gifts upon The John Shafers left Sunday, The Tuesday Pin Pals Bowl live in trees!) Sharratt and son. There are minerals, streams, us. How can we be careless May 18, for Germany where ing League held their annual Mrs Katie Skillings with they will be guests of their and awards night at a lakes, alpine meadows, wild with them? her M>n and daughters law, dinner 1 flowers, wild animals, forests, son-in-law and daughter, Maj Mi and Mrs Delmer Skilling Salem restaurant Tuesday eve ■ fish and birds to be consider- Why don’t YOU subscribe and Mrs. Nicholas Raffaele May 6 of Gat«-., spent four days lust ning. 1 Receiving awards for t,lt. I ed Your neighbor says to you to The Mill City Enterprise ? and daughters at Wiestaban. week at Ocean Shores, Wash i were: first "Try my huckleberry jelly. I Mrs. George Johnson with 1974-75 season Teds ‘___ Drive In picked the berries over aganist their son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles I place team GAB w,e mountain last week.’” Johnson and family of Salem, J second place team Neighbor: "Oh, I didn't Trucking; high individual spent Saturday at Dorena near Shirley Sharp know there were huckleberries Cottage Grove They were series scratch anymore. When high Individual serie: m - u «^ around here ------ ---- ------- ------ I guests at the home of another •05; 1 handicapped Judy Holman was a little girl, my mother uman ---- --- ----- son. Mr. and Mrs. Sam John *,«* huckleberry U8, 'd to 10 tak* lak '' u ua * marn son They also visited Mrs. 630; high individual game | I “ ntrslrirtcf Tkorn 1 lots r>ic of scratch — Dodie Stormer 228; Peking There were Sam Johnson's parent», Mr. fhnm ilinn ** ” them then. and Mrs. Charles Tuttle, who high individual game handi Stop in and try our Luncheon Special Phone 897-2786 Our streams and lakes are capp — Sandi Trussell 25«; were there from California., t a source of never-ending en BREAKFAST Ce- LUNCH DINNER Mrs Leora Stevens spent most improved bowler joyment to all lover’s of the culla Lyon 10 pins. several days in Portland, a ' Officers elected for the out-of-doors. What has hap guest at the home of Mrs 1975-76 bowling season are pened to Lake Erie? — no Edna Courtemanche Alice Morrison, president; fish, no swimming, not even Mrs Katie Skillings was a any boating Its clearing up —OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Yvonne Hills, vice-president; Sunday guest at the home of now with great effort on the Shirley Sharp, sgt -at-arms and her brother-in-law and sister, Kantiani I part of many individuals, or- Mül City Mr. and Mrs. James Toomb of Mary Tierce, •ecremry-trea- ganizations, government. The •uru*. 1— 'Hin Mill ïïtj lin tir prise, Thursday, Muy 22, 1975 M "YOUR LAND TIRE SALE 4 Ply Polyester. $1095 Radials s39 POOR GAS MILEAGE? Bring Your Car In for a Tune-up today LUNCHEON SPECIA Five Days A Week R&R Chevron Service Chevron VIV’S STEAK HOUS FREE Pick Up and Delivery Service McCully Mtn Mr. and Mrs John McDou-, gull and son from Myrtle. Creek were weekend guests at , the home of his parents, Mr. , and Mrs. Joseph McDougall. . Sunday dinner guests at the' home of Mrs Bea Hiatt were i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elmer of i Albany. Mr. and Mrs Gail Elmer and family and Mrs. Gladys Nygaard of Lyons The occasion honored the birthday I anniversary of Mrs. Nygaard ( Sunday dinner guests at the Etc ve ns home of Mrs. Leora — were her grandsons and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Toman and daughter. Amy, and her grandmother, Mrs Bering, who is visiting here from St. Ixiuis, I Mo 1 Miss Cheryl Lierman of Slay ton and Mrs. Leota Wor 1 den were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Earl Allen. Additional after noon guests were Mr. and Mrs George Cummings of Philomath, cousins of Mr i Ó ?'<»' Allen Mr. and Mrs Paul Voltin are announcing the birth of a' daughter, Georgia Florence, born Friday, May 16, at the Salem Hospital, General Unit. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs. Ben Voltin of Lyons and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Poppe of Redmond. Mrs Alex Bodeker with Mrs. Albert Carr and daughter, Mrs Delmer Syverson of Mill City, were in Tillamook Saturday to attend the wedding of Allen Berry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Berry, a nephew of Mr. Bodeker. Mrs Gladys Kulken of Sa lem was a Monday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Kuiken. you and for all of us who live here. ^RADE built this community homes, its churches, its schools, its busi y&izr 'taae ness houses, its jobs, its pleasant way of life the exchange be Without Trade tween neighbors of labor’s fruits for goods and services ... none of these would nor could—exist here. fer Y«» ? Rebekah Lodge 92 Entertains Valley Lodges Tues., May 13 Eva Rebekah Lodge #92 of Stayton entertained the valley Rebekah Lodges at a friend ship meeting May 13. The members of Santiam Rebekah Lodge #166 honored Mrs. Lee Lightfoot, District Deputy President of District 7 A, with a «kit and a gift in * -Ì Quite naturally . . . more trade builds better communities. Every single ad ditional dollar that is spent here at home does its bit to bring greater prosperity for Asa matter of fact, Trade builds wher ever it exists. Spend your money at home, the trade it creates builds here. Spend it in the city, the building takjes place there. There is contentment, security and op portunity in a growing community. These are the most important things that your dollar buys . . . but they can’t be up and taken home with you wra from a city store. appreciation of her services while in office The Swing Choir from Stay ton Union High School direct ed by Forest Daniel, enter tained with several selections from their award winning te- Those attending from per ty were Mr. and Mrs. Mil Glenn Anderson, Mrs Dave Barnhardt. Mrs Clyde Berry, Mrs. Alben Carr, Mrs. John Childress. Mrs Velma Harri son Mrs. Eldon Hutchinson, Mr and Mrs. Irl Plymals, Mrs. Walter Thomas and Mrs Otto Weidman. If the number following your name on The En terprite label reads 5-75 it’s time to send a chock for renewal. These Finns Are Genuinely Interested in the Future of Our Community and Your Welfare Knit Knack Depot Distributor of Shell Producta Jerry Rtf am Insurance Phone 897-2413 or 897-2754 U.S. National Bank of Oregon Head OM m Borttaad Ann® Wnrilnr. Owner 134 WaD St Ph. 897-2592 Larry's Phillips 66 PROPANE - KEROSENE - STOVE OIL U-haul Trailers 654 Santiam Blvd. Ph. 897-2321 Kelly Lumber Sales BuDdtng Supgtaa. Paints, Plumtoto« Supplies, Electrical Fixtures Santiam Cable Vision Mill City, Oregon Sears Authorized Catalog Sales Merchant Phone 897-284« 180N.1M.8L Grad's Hilltop Super Market Less Body & Fender Repair SAH Green Starmi» Complete Body Repair A Paint Barviec