Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1975)
6—Ute Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, May 1, 1975 i Sears PUBLIC NOTICI Automotive P ,O Box 497, Stayton. Oregon 97383 Your rights may be affected by this proceeding and addi tional Infotmation may bu <* tained from th» records of the Court and Personal Itepr* tentative or the attorneys foe the Personal Representative. Dated and first published April 17, 1976. First National Bank of Oregon P. O ltoX JO49 Salem. Oregon 97301 Personal Represent stive NOTICE IS HEREBY GTV- KN, of a Public Hearing May IX 1975, at 7:30 pm at City __________ _ __ Churches, bazaars, suppers, SEPTIC TANK and drainfield Hall. Idanha, Oregon, on a installation. Gravel. TopsoL. AUTHORIZED CATALOG bake sale, etc.. wiU be run variance request on zoning or Bulldozing, rototilling. Low MERCHANT STORK under special announcements dinance to allow a boat shed rates. L M Walker, Lyons classification with a mini now under construction. 6 Phone 859-2436. 50tf S«y mum charge of 75c per in (six) feet from the beck pro section. Awaiting trial for assault, perty line to be comp!«»«*, st GLIDDEN PAINT now avail Fifteen cents per line each Fred confided to the man In the lot at corner of Main St able at Western Auto Asso insertion. No advertisements the adjacent cell that he was and Riverside Drive. ciate Store. Bring La year w accepted for less than 75c Indeed guilty as charged. To color, we will mix the paint JUNE MENNIS per week. Minimum charge Fred’s chagrin, a tape of his to match it Santiam Blvd.. Recorder Cor Cards of Thanks $4.00, confession was brought into (Published In the Mill City Mill City. Ph. 897-3785. 49tf With a Lady Kenmora Count five words to the line the courtroom as evidence Enterprise, Thursday, May 1, In ordering your ad. Telephone Beil A Ball against him. 1975.) 897-2772, Mill City or mai Attorneys at Law In due course, his attorney I want to thank all my many your advertisement to The MIX’ P. O Box 497 friends, neighbors and rela raised an objection: Citv Enterprise, Mill City. NOTICE OF ELECTION Stayton. Oregon 97383 tives for all the help and kind Oregon 97360. Attorneys for NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV ness I have received during my Personal Representative EN that MUI City Rural Fire .Published in the Mill City long illness. A special thank R0T0VATÏNG Service. Phone Protection District #2-303 Enterprise, Thurs. April 17, you to Mrs. Byrl Music. Mrs 897-2183. 31p For Reni of IJnn and Marion Countie«, 24 and May 1. 1975.) Ernie Granstrom and Mrs FOR SALE - 1968 AM Javelin Oregon will hold an election Gudne Geston FOR RENT -Furnished 1 and 290 V8, good motor, good on May 6, 1075 for the purpose NOTICE TO Mrs. Alhel Savage 2 bdrm. apis. All utilities body, like-new tires. 80,000 of submitting to the voters for INTERESTED PERSONS inch Cable TV available. Ph. mis. $800. Call 897-2707. 14tf approval of a budget tn the G. H Comer has been ap CARD OF THANKS 997-2961. 51 tf sum of $7444-31 in excess of pointed Personal Representa My sincere thanks and ap NEED CASH? Loan» available the limitation provided by tive of the Estate of RUTH FOR RENT — One bedroom on older homes and ranch At Your Home Owned preciation of my many friends Article XI. Section 11 of the L ALBIN COMER, Deceased, for flowers, cards, money tree furnished apt tn Gates, Ph. ettes, Call debenture mort Constitution of the State of by the Circuit Court of the and other expressions of kind 897-2966 or 897-2701. W gage co . Stayton, 789-6377 SEARS STORE i—->— --------- —------- >, .. Oregon; and for the electton of State ol Oregon for Marton ness extended to me during lltf 89#-©48 In one Director for Position No. County, under No. 27999. All my illness and the loss of my "Prison officials have no 4. MUI City 1® M. tat mother. 20 persons having claims agaioM business recording personal Each voter will vote to the th« estate are required to pre Mrs Barbara Davidson conversations between prison same voting place as they do sent the same within foair ers. it is an invasion of their in the Primary and General months from date of first pub CARD OF THANKS < your carpets wun new ugni- Wanted Miscellanouc to said Personal Election as established by lication | weight RINSEN-VAC steam 1 I would like to extend my privacy.” But the court held th« evi Linn and Marion County Representative at the office of FOR SALE — Approx. 800 sq j thanlc< to aU of the Individuals cleaner. Rent at MUI City ft. of new oak flooring, pa-! Hardware, Ph. 897-2977. 18 for their donations of used dence admissible and it helped Clerks. his attorneys at P O. Box 407, per and nails. Also, boat I items for Alpha House, the to convict Fred of the offense. Stay ton. Oregon 07383 Marilyn B. Larson motor. Ph. 859-2201. 20 FOR SALE — FUJIcaSSmm i drug rehabilitation center in The court said: Your rights may be affected Clerk “A Jail shares none of the w/case. Shutter Portland. A special thank you camera (Published in the Mill City by this proceeding and addi FOR SALE — Overstuffed of a Enterprise Thurs., April 24 and tional information may be ob speed from 1 to 1000th sec. to the Junior Woman's Club attributes of privacy Wanted to Rent platform rocker. Royal Like new. Reg $270. Will for tained from the records of the of home, an automobile, an office, May 1, 1975.) their contribution standard typewriter, chest-1 or a hotel room. A man de trade fur car at' approx, clothing and books. Court, the Persona! Repre WANTED TO RENT — 3 bed nut headboard. 781 S. E 4th,’ value. See at 651 S. ~ tained in Jail cannot reason- W. sentative or the attorneys for Lola Pollrelsz, room bouse. Must be within phone 897-2083. 18p1 Douglas, near | ably expect the privacy af- the high NOTICE TO the Peisonal Representative. Alpha Chairman city limite of Mill City. Ref “I 18p INTERESTED PERSONS Dated and first published N. Santiam Aux #3384 l forded to a person in free so erences furnished. Phone FREE TO GOOD HOME “i school. ciety.” The First National Bank of April 17, 1975. ^?If®_£e™i?_i.Sh^erd.rn'PAINTING and Roofing Con 897-2068 after 4 30 pjn. 18 | Still, wasn’t Fred's state- Oregon ha» been appointed G. H. Comer excellent watch dog. Not tractor. Free Estimates. Call i ment a kind of self-lncrimin- Personal Representative of the Rte. 2. Box 281 good with small children. Butch Aemi, 838-1215 week ■ bfciutt — uaiivu mx a Fifth »*«•» 1 Estate of FLORENCE BUR- Molalla. Oregon 97038 ation — — barred by the Box 160-D, Lyons, (on Rock Ry Sally Jenkins days and 859-2828 weekends. Services ' Amendment? what an MESTFR. Deceased, by the Personal Representative .------- ------- - That — ’s ----- u_. „ Creek Road). 18p Another busy week at San 20p other prisoner argued after Circuit Court of the State of Bell A Bell tiam has passed which began STAYTON SMALL Attorneys at Law CARPETS la fright. Make them MOVING AWAY GARAGE with SAG members collecting police taped a confession he Oregon for Linn County, un- | der No. 12723. A11 per ions hav- P O Box 467 a beautiful sight with Blue SALE — Riding mower throughout Mill City and had made to his buddy. EQUIPMENT But again, the court saw no i Ing claims against the estate Stayion, Oregon 97383 Lustre. Rent electric sham-( with dump cart, refrigerator, Gat« for the American Can Homelife Sales & Attorneys for pooer $1. Mill Cty Hardware, %-size roll-away bed, gar cer Society. Over $500 was re objection, pointing out that the are required to present the conf«sion had been made same'n four months from Personal Representative phone 897-2977. 18 den tools, tools, housewar«, ceived. Service I voluntarily. What the law ab date of first publication to (Published in The Mill City etc. 405 bedding, clothing. Wednesday saw the follow Open Tuesday Thru Saturday A TERRIFIC DEAL Fern Ridge Rd., Mehama, ing candidat« emerge from a hors, said the court, is a con said Personal Representative Enterprise, Thursday. April 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 pjn. SOFA AND LOVESEAT Sale starts May 5 and will primary election for student fession made under coercion at the office of its attorneys at 17. 24 and May 1. 1975.) 393 E. Florence run until all items are sold. body offices: Ted Moreland, | of one kind or another Upholstered in Herculon Stayton, Oregon On the other hand, the law 18 Lisa choice of colors Bamhardt, president; —7 not tolerate bugging $189.00 ALLIED ROOFING GALVANIZED ROOFING Bonnie Shepherd and Mike !! when the prisoner has been Rte. L Box 168, Lyons Morgan, vice-presidont; Renee’ deceived into thinking that his ANN'S FURNITURE 2’4” corrugated, 4V corru Brown and Vicki Burge, secre conversation will be private. PHONE 897-2997 gated custom cut to length And Antiques tary; Mariane Apodaca and For example: All Types of Roof Repairs Ask about our new lower Open Evenings by Kim Kirsch, activities coOrdin-1 FREE ESTIMATES embezzler and prices. Sublimity Building ator; and Kevin _ Long and . . Lori ,i A suspected Appointment wwe aJcnr tn a Supply, 789-2174. Lawrence, publicity manager. BankAmericard Welcome CoHing's Small Engine prison office with the under- Main elections wiU be Friday. a standing that they could con- Need Dryeleanlng Subl mity - Aumsville Jet Repair Both track teams visited »ul .. with each other in Agency for Salem Laundry and PHONE 748-2975 LAWNMOWERS A SAWS Drycleaning. Pick up and JFK for a track meet Thurs-. l private. There talks too were STOP IN and pick up your All Makes and Models day. Delivery on Mondays secretly recorded by the. garden seed now. All var A huge crowd attended the poBc*. HIRTE'S MARKET Call 897.2212 For All Domettic and Imported Cart ieties — flowers and vege ________ Telephone 897-3133. 844 1st annual athletic banquet that But in this case, . _ a ______ court table seeds available at MUI and Trucks St, Mill City. Open MJ0 evening with featured guest held the tapes not admissible, aomisaiDie. Real Estate speaker Jim Boutin. . _ such . eavesdrop City Hardware. 18 every day. Closed Sundays. I The court said Class meetings were held the ping. after the prisoner had A View Homesite on 7.7 acres, FOR SALE — 2 stud snow following day during activity been led to be 1 eve he was Custom Rototilling tires 2 regular, all mounted I 3 miles from Lyons. Shop period. speaking in confidence, went GARDENS — LAWNS plus chains. Fits size 6.95x14 with interior finished for Jill Krecklow. state parlla- beyond the bounds of fair Phone 839-2019 for *72 Maverick. Ph. 897- temporary living quarters. mentarian, and Sally Jen Play. After 6:00 pan. 2890. 18p 268 ft. well 6 gpm $20,000 kins. district HI vice-presi- Lyons, Oregon terms. dent. attended the FBLA- OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT - 3 Bedroom Home in Jeffer DECA State Officer Training $3.98 per gallon. Sublimity Public Notices son. Double lot with walnut Conference at OSU on Friday Building Supply. Phone 769- i and fruit trees and garden and Saturday. 2174. 3tf Circulating fireplace. $18,- Bringing home a first place 500 .terms. WHITE interior Latex wall in the JFK Invitational was finish $3.98 gal. Sublimity Informative discussion fire the boy’s track team of San Building Supply, Sublimity. sides, 8:00 p.m. every Wednes tiam. The meet included 13 NOTICE OF CHANGE Ph. 769-2174. 3tf day. 428 13th St., Lyons. Tele. schools, some of which rank OF MEETING DATE 859-2943. ed high in the state. It was C&H FURNITURE The regular monthly meet CARL'S UPHOLSTERY NUMBER ONE prefinished All Welcome quite an achievement! ing of the Board of Directors 488 Center Street, Sublimity Uphol$tery paneling. All 4x8 sheets 205 E. Ida St. — Stayton of the Lyons Rural Fire Pro I $3.99 and $4.99. Sublimity Ph. 769-5883 “ 24 Years Experience” F Ph. 769-3366 or 769-5716 tection District will be held Building Supply, Sublimity. We Upholster Furniture, CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Louise Patterson ___769-5716 May 13, 1975, Instead of May 1, Phone 769-2174. 3tf Commercial, Home, Autoa, Boats, Cara and all Jack Marshall ....... 859-2027 —--------- --------- — ,— , 1975. — , Boats, etc. Farm Equipment CHESTER L. GRIMES “Chuck does them all” FREE Estimates tsd COMMUNITY Secretary Free Estimates, Pickup FREE Piekup and (Published in The Mill City CREDIT UNION and delivery. Delivery Service Enterprise, Thursday, May 1, IM N. Flrat Avenue, Staytea 30 Years Experience Join your friends and save 1975 ) Ph. 769 5427 with safety at the North NOTICE OF SCHOOL Santiam Federal. Accounts BUDGET BEARING insured to $40,000.00. 1006 ’74 CHEV % «Od pickup, 13,000 mllm____ M350 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV Weddle Funeral Home EN that a meeting of the gov JOHN W. REID. M. D North First Avenue, Stay- ’74 CHEV Caprine, 4 (ir., air, power ncs U .. $4,295 erning body Of Administrative ton, Ore. Phone 709-2140. 10,000 moii-s School District No. 129J, Coun i Physician and Surgeon ”78 BUICK Regni, air con. 17,000 mite» .. $3,995 ty of Linn, State of Oregon, will be held at Santiam High “ JZZT 4x4 1x4 OI5 *73 JEEP 015 Model V8 Eng. _......... $4,195 MUI CHy. Oregon School on the 8th day of May, 19,000 miles, extra sharp r ACREAGE 1975 at 7:3$ o ’ clock for the *73 DATSUN 24OZ air con., 4 speed, 1 owser $4,595 SECLUDED 10 Acres—4 bedroom home, 2 bedroonui, purpose of discussing with in ’72 Cbev LUV Pickup A Canopy, 26,000 ml. $2,395 on main floor and 2 in full basement Wood furnace. terested persons the budget for Fruit trees, garden, bam. Big, dbLe. garage and shop the fiscal year beginning July *71 CHEV 2 seat wgn., auto., P. S. ______ $1395 WAYNE’S GARAGE Call 769-5757 1, 1975, and ending June 30, Also, small house on property could be made into rent 28,000 miles 1976 The budget summary was Ph. 897-2246 al Full price $30,500,00. ”70 BUICK Skylark, 2 dr. hdt., air eon. .. $1,850 published in The Mill City En Chuck Osborn Highway 222 on Old Road Vinyl Top terprise on April 24, 1975. A MILL CITY To Lyons 1025 W. Wash St *67 BUICK Electra, 4 dr. hdt full power, air $1,195 copy of the budget document LOVELY, 4 bedroom home in first class condition l’/2 Moo., thm Frl. R — 7 may be inspected or obtained Stayton, Orrgon 97383 ’65 FORD 2 door ....................... ....... ........... -......... $195 hath« lge, living room with fireplace, carpeting through Saturday 8—5 at the superintendent’s office out Dblc. garage. Beautifully Landscaped lot within SEVERAL MORE TO CHOOSE FROM AU, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. D D ELECTRIC waLking distance of school. $31,000. and 4:00 p.m. PRICED FOR ACTION Motor Service ATTEST: 519 Center St., Sublimity FRED N. KRECKLOW G R A V I L All Makes motors Serviced, Chairman OF ALL KINDR Repaired and Rewound. Irri WESLEY JAHN Cail HUGH JOHNSTON gation and House Pumps in- BUICK OPEL Clerk 859-2222 Mornings er (Published In The Mill City Phone 709-2042 Salem, Ora. Ph. 581-4242 Evenings Enterprise, Thursday, May 1, eluded. SERVICE CALLS MADE 1975.) CLASSIFIED RATES Miscellaneous FOR SALE — 1962 Lincoln Continental Clean imide and out Excellent motor and body. New tags. $300 897-2438. "Happy Mother's DISHWASHER SaveS60 Compactor SaveS40 Santiam Ripples Now Open In Stayton FOSTER’S UNLIMITED BAHAI FAITH SUREWAY REALTY Company BUSINESS 8 PROFESSIONAL - - - - - - ► DIRECTORY 4- - - - - - TRACHSEL BUICKS Gigantic USED CAR 24 hr. Towing TRACHSEL