4—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, April 24, 1975 "YOUR LAND THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Completes Training P. O. BOX 348 PHONE 897 2772 MILL (TTY, OKE. 972M Published at Mill City. Marion County, Ore. every Thursday. AND MY LAND" Entered as Second Class Mail Mattter at the Post Office at Mill City, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. The Mill City Enterprise assumes no financial respons bility I for errors in advertisements. It will, however, reprint without ' charge or cancel the charge for that portion of an advertise­ ment which is in error if the Enterprise is at fault. An Inde­ pendent newspaper, dedicated to the development of the timber industry and agriculture in thia area. NOTHING SMALL A BOOT SMALL BUSMESS by Hasel Hayes H1BÜÜW » 95 PEP CENT OF THE ¿USiMESS UNITS IN THE U S AKE SMALL i JSli.ESiii, jROSSING LESS THAN $10 MILLION ANNUALLY I $soo VhtY ACC0ÜKI MR 37 FEKENT ÔK$4?S BHUÛH OF THE US. GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT - MORE THAN TWICE THAT OF JAPAN S FOR 1970. $MALL BUSINESSES EMPLOY MORE THAN M MILLION PEOPL E - MORE THAN TWO AND OWE-HALF TIMES THE 13 ? MILLION EMPLOYED BY THE GIAMT CORPORATIONS THAT MAKE UP "FORTUNE'S SDO l ’* SX SMALL scs/wess *ub HONOR THE BEST 5MALL BUSINESS PERSON IN THE ILS.,ZURICH-AMERICAN INSURANCE COS. HAS ESTABLISHED THE ALBERT GALLATIN AWARD. 6ALLATIN WAS SEC. OF THE TREASURY UNDER. JEFFERSON AND MADISON. IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO QUALIFIES, ASK FOR AN ENTRY BLANK FROM THE ALBERT GALLATIN AWARD PROGRAM, COMMUNICATIONS DEPT.» ZURICH- AMERICAN INSURANCE COS., Ill W JACKSON. CHICAGO,ILL.GOGO4 HOYSENPAI H- Ik DREEM INTERIOR LATEX FLAT & VI-KO LATEX EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT Buy first gallon at reg. price SECOND GALLON ONLY ie KELLY LI MBER SALKS, INC. Hwy. 22 East City Limit« PHONE 897-2383 Mill City, Ore. GATES — The regular meet­ I =*{■■ Oregon ing of the Gates City Council 1||E Nuwspapet was held Thursday, April 17,1 J HO Publishers When you visit Williams­ at the Gates City Hall. Pres-1 I burg. Va., please do pay espe­ ent were Mayor Art Skinner,' ilaèiMbÎMs Association Association cial attention to the restored councilmembers Bob Johnson SUBSCRIPTION RATES house of George Wythe and and Art Sowie. Guests includ­ Marion-Linn Counties, per year .... . . to think about George himself. ed Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Swaim, Outside Marian-Linn Counties, per year He ranked with George Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin. Outside Oregon, per year ................... Washington, Thomas Jeffer­ Emil Wentz, City Recorder GEORGE LONG Editor and Publisher son, Patrick Henry, and all of Alexis Winn. Oliver Winslow Richard A. Mentir i RAYMOND E. PRESLER ............ Printer the other greats. and Joyce Presler, represent­ NORMA LONG ................... Society and News Editor In his quiet way, he taught ed the press. ROSE CREE ...... Local News Editor his law classes at "William Mayor Skinner opened the' Airman Richard A. Mentze, MARY KELLY .................................. Local News Editor and Mary College." meeting at 7:35 pm. and ap­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. CORRESPONDENTS In the evenings he gathered pointed Oliver Winslow to the Mentze of Lyons, has been se­ Detroit-Idanha . Boots Champion into his study in the northeast council as a protem member lected for technical training In Gates ............. ___ Joyce Preeler ._ _ Eva Brevier corner of the brick colonial so a quorum could be establish­ the U. S. Air Force civil en- Lyons ........... Mrs. John Teeters house, many people with good ed. Mr. Winslow was asked if gineerng mechanical and elec- Mehama ____ minds. Conversations there, he would like to sit on the trical field at Sheppard AFB, influenced the men who later council and fill the vacancy Texas. COSTLY AND HEAVY-HANDED shared in the formation of the left by Jack Chappell, who The airman recently com- United States. CON I ROLS! was voted to the council but pleted basic training at I-ack- One thing that bothered had never assumed office af­ land AFB, Tex., where he George was the fact that no­ ter the election. Mr. Winslow studied the air force mission, thing was being said about agreed and the council voted organization and customs and slavery. Though some of the to accept him. City Recorder received special instruction in men owned slaves, most of Alexis Winn then swore Mr. human relations them disapproved of slavery. Winslow in as a new council Airman Mentze, a 1972 gra­ One evening when the group member. duate of Stayton Union High had gathered in, they threshed The minutes of the March 18 School, attended Northwest out the whole question. Emergency Meeting and the College, Kirkland, Wash, James Monroe. “Slavery has minutes of the regular March ' --------------------- to go or none of the northern 18 meeting were then read and ' colonies will ratify a constitu­ approved. | Mari-Linn Students tion. Art sowie reported that EnjOy Care of Animals George Mason, “I agree with gravel •» vr I and grading ffradinff had been 1 < you. But how alx>ut the taken care of on Maple and LYONS - Mari-Linn Land southern colonies? Their Garner Streets. He also said Lab has a new attraction. economy depends on the the grading on streets in Lynn­ Born Saturday night at the slaves. We’ll have two nations wood and Riverview Terrace land lab was a thoroughbred instead of one.” Additions was donated by Mr colt to Edwina, an ex-race Edmund Randolph, “If we Gillespie The council was ex­ mare. Mare and colt are doing ‘write in’ freedom for the tremely grateful for the con­ fine despite all the attention slaves, we’ll create more prob­ tribution and It is hoped that they have received from over lems than we have now.” residents will take care of the 200 students and many adults. Tom Jefferson, “Would we streets, as it is very difficult Lori Kokstis discovered the make them citizens with the to keep working on them. new foal Sunday morning as right to vote?” Correspondance was receiv­ she was doing the chores. Patrick Henry, “That would ed for the Gates City Planning Other projects this year have mean schools to educate Commission. It was noted that included taking care of two them.” I there had been two resigna- baby pigs, learning to milk and When it came time for the I tions. One from Jim Carey and care for goats, caring for two signing of the constitution, ' the other from Gary Peterson. doe rabbits and the litter of George Wythe said, “Oh, no. I The council approved Richard one, a poultry project that shouldn’t sign it I haven’t I Martin to fill one of the vac­ currently produced two eggs done anything.” daily from two hens and a ancies. James Madison, “Come on A letter was received from baby calf raising project that Now! You have < done more Davis and Corderman noting Gary Neal completed this year. than any of us.” that, for the mayor and each Plans are now being made for Wythe finally signed it. council member, another per­ a racing pigeon project before Now if you have wonder­ son was also needed to be on the school year is out. It has ed why nothing was done I the budget committee. Cotin- been an educational exper­ about slavery — consider the . cilmembers should be asking ience for a great number of problem so great that it took [to find someone to come and students. Government Specifications Slow Progress a Civil War to work it out. I let the council know who will But I started out to tell you | be attending the budget com-, The government has taken over another area f down the street from William mittee with them. No date has. Women’s Fellowship experts. The field of product design, and the cost to consumers about the Wythe House, just yet been set. of this takeover is many millions of dollar < and Mary College. The kitch­ A question has arisen con-' Members Elect New Consider the auto industry. It’s been discovered that ens are separate buildings to cerning a contract wi... with Vern mandated head restraints interfere with driver vision to the ----- Officers For 1975-76 the right of the house. Next Kealen and the city about I MEHAMA - Sixteen mem- rear. And consider the heavier bumpers mandated for cost came the smokehouse, laun­ lower water rates for his trail- bers and one guest were pres- effectiveness ln insurance claims. They proved o expensive to dry, lumber house, stables all er park. The council will ask ent for the meeting of the Wo- repair and wasteful of fuel of their added weight that the strung out toward the back Mr. Kealen to attend the next' mg Fellowship of the Me- standards have now been modified. Although the proper chore of regulatory agencies would fence—all separate buildings. council meeting with his con-1 hama Community Church On the opposite side of the tract so it may be cleared up. Tuesday evening April 16 The seem to be setting performance standards for industry to meet, the agencies are going even further and setting design stan central bowling-green were The council decided to check meeting was opened with a dards herb and kitchen gardens and into getting another electri­ prayer by Loretta Emert and i The federal bureaucrat, alias product designer, is usually fruit trees. Oh, yes. Must not cian to install the heater in the fellowship’s new mission a lawyer, accountant or political science major In short, he1« forget the fowl house, dove­ city hall. daughter was introduced. She generally someone with no experience In business, design or cote and the necessary out A discussion concerning the is Jewell Hirrle and is a stu­ engineering And the quality of his work doesn’t have to com­ with others in the marketplace Consequently, cost and houses. installation of water meters dent at Western Baptist Bible pels efficiency are not his concerns, much less his speclalt'e* The The mansion itself is digni­ on new hookups in the city College ln Salem. She gave a result? The consumer pays more for a less efficient product fied and unpretentious with took place next between the talk and showed slide picture« The use of non-designers and non-engineers to design four rooms upstairs and four council and guests present. It she taken during her stay products Is juzt one more example of government inefficiency downstairs with wide halls was felt by all that, if the city last had financed by taxpayers. summer ln Venezuela. 1 running from front to back. It went to water meter« for A short business session was < is furnished in period. everyone, they would prob­ held when new officers were Stork Shower Honors Two lovely ladies in colonial ably lose money because of elected. Birthday Dinner Honors Jeanette Bult was re- re­ costumes will show you having to hire someone full elected president; Kaye Cra- Adeana Tompkins Charles Cruson around. time, etc. It was felt that since ber is vice-president; and IDANHA — The club room You will surely agree that Gates has first water rights Judy Fief is the secretary­ of the Idanha Fire Hall was LYONS Charles Cruson the Geo. Wythe house is one of from the Santiam River, and treasurer. 1 the setting _ _____ _ for a was the honored guest at a recently the most interesting of the re­ can get all the water they The hostesses, Mary Slater “stork shower" honoring Mrs family gathering held Sun­ stored buildings in Williams­ want at any time, that resi­ and Judy Fief, served refresh- Adeana Tompkins, day in .Salem at the home of burg. dents should be encouraged to ments and a social hour was Hostesses were Mrs. Marcia his granddaughter, Mr. and use more water in order for enjoyed. Guerin and Miss Patty Tower Mrs. John Bryant and Gary, Gates to maintain this water Following the opening of helping him celebrate his 75th status. The council decided to gifts, refreshments were serv­ birthday. install base boxes but to leave ed to the honored guest, Others present for the occn- out the water meters. How­ Adeana, and to Mmes. Laura sion were Mr and Mrs. Ed­ WEDDING ever, the disconnection for the I Young, Debra and Gara ward Cruson from Woodburn. STATIONERY water to the property will be Guerin. Rachael Music, Jesse Mr and Mrs. Rodney Wilson installed in the base box. This Saner, Delva Chuculate, Mona of Salem Gerl Wright from will reduce the cost of water Boots Champion Fritz, Lillian, Sandra, Eloise, Seattle, Wash., Mr and Mrs. hookups from the present $125 Angel Tompkins. Ada Tomp­ David Rcnnett, Joshua and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn William­ kins (grandmother) to $100, plus the $15 water de­ Teresa Marcv of Beaverton, Mr. and son of Idanha will drive to posit. and Alice (grandmother) and Mrs Buz Bryant of Stayton. Mayor Skinner appointed Portland International Airport Denise Ammon. Carol Renton. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cmson, Mr Dave Cook to the position of, Saturday where, they will Verna and Cindy Spier, Sarah and Mrs. Ix>nard Cruson, Mr I board a plane for Grannis, Ways and Means Councilman.' Benton, Nancy and Vickie and Mrs. Charles, Mr. Winslow was appointed to I Ark. for a ten day vacation. Monroe, Ellen, Martha and Jr., Ronelle and Leo Cmson, Cary all of fill the position of Water Com­ 1 They plan to attend the an­ Barbara Rogers. Lyons. nual Memorial Homecoming at missioner. ' Stub To Be Tom Off By The Ballot Box Clerk Emil Wentz reported on his Grannis. Margaret McQuirk of Burns i recent water superintendent Ballot Stub No. school at OSU. Many unusual| and Micky Stahlman of Mill Code 59 OFFICIAL BALLOT City called at the Lynn facts were found out. Mill City Rural Fire Protection District 2-303 The minutes of the special Williamson home on Saturday Linn and Marion Counties, Oregon April 3 meeting were read to visit with Sherry Hamper MAY 8, 1975 and approved as were the who is making her home with the Williamsons. THE LEGAL QUESTION TO BE VOTED UPON IS bills A self-help housing project ralltw* The second and final read- Ci£ Rur:" rh* Protection ing of the new Planning Com is slated for Tuesday, April piatrict, y‘nn and Marion (Munties, Oregon be authorized to 29, at Detroit Patio A- Gift levy for the operation and capt.il outlay for the district during mission Ordinance was read. HELIOGRAVED* It was passed by the council Shop at 7:00 p.m. The project the year 1975-78 the sum of $7,244 31 In excess of the limitation by Ih» errato» ■ of and is now in effect and re­ operates under a government ^tatedo,fdOmgonr?,Cle X' Sectlon 11 of lhr Comtltution of the Tb» Flower Wedding U m places the old ordinance. The grant. Interested persons are If this measure is approved the operating budget to bo flnanc only changes between the two being urged to attend the Cd by local taxes for the tax year 1975 7« will he $2 720 13 were the changing of the meeting. greater than the operating budget financed by local’taxes The Frank Hancock home for the preceding year. words mayor to council and was the setting Monday eve- I an added section in regard to n YES, I vote for the levy, real estate persons on the city ning for a family dinner' □ NO, I vote against the levy. honoring Mr. Hancock on his planning commission. birthday anniversary. The meeting was adjourned Mrs. Betty Nightingale, Mark (X) or ( 7) In the square of your choice. at 9:35 pm. The next meeting Election of Director for Position No. 4 for a four (4) year will be May 15, 7:30 p.m. at currently employed as deputy term clerk with the Detroit School the Gates City Hall. Everyone I has been hired ... in - a VOTE FOR ONE is welcome to attend. . District, <•«»■ mww ». ....^- □ ADOLPH BRUNNER The next meeting of the I similar post with the Mill City Gates Planning Commission School District. She will re­ □ ____ will be on Tuesday, May 13, at place Edna Roes, who is re- 1975>),S,h