Mr. and Mrs. Al Yankus spent the weekend in Port- land wltii their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Bryan. Mr. Yankus bowled in the men's state bowling tournament Saturday evening and Sunday, Completes Training Posekany Featured | GATES In Salem Paper I Joyce Premier — 8*7 2707 5—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, April 10, 19"# Relatives Visit At The James Swan Residence LYONS by Eva Bressler Visit ori at the home of Ed Mr. and Mrs. James Swan I and Doramae Kadin on Satur- Mr. uid Mrs. Lyle Kinzer A special article and picture! day, March 22, were Mr. and have enjoyed a number of vis have received word of the in a Salem newspaper last' Mrs. Henry Kelland of Port-. iting relatives as house guests recently. Last Wednesday, Mr. birth of another great-grand- weekend featured Rick P om - *flnd “rd hls parent". Mr and : and Mrs. George Kalb of Port son bo, n to their grandson and Marine Staff Sgt. Michael P. I kany, former resident here and Mrs. Lynn Kelland and daugh- Friday noon, April 11, 1« Hagen, son of Mr and Mrs. j land (a niece of Mr. Swan), wife at Ontario. Paternal graduate of Santiam i High ,er Jolcna. They came to pick i accompanied by her uncle grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Hagen of Rte. 1, the time for the annual • School, who is making plans UP their children who had salad Lyons, reported for duty at "Double-dlme-a-dip” Bill Dunigan, and Mr. Swan’s Curtis Kinzer of Ontario. to climb Mt McKinley, at. «1»«»« this P“»1 week at their Camp S. D. Butler Marine luncheon sponsored by the sister, Mrs. Mary Lovet of Great-grandparents are Mr. . 20.320 feet, the tallest moun- I grandparents. , Woman's Club at Fellowship Corps Base on Okinawa. Salem, were luncheon guests and Mrs. Lacy Calloway of | tain in North America, next Walt and Toni Thomas tra- I Hall behind the Presbyterian Albany and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle at the Swan home. ' month. He will be a member | veled to Portland on Easter to Dinner guests at the home of I Church Proceeds go toward On Friday evening Mrs. Kinzer of Lyons. He will be •" mountain meet Walt Jr., Carol and son Swan's grandson, Ronald Cro greeted at home by an older of a “mail order" Mr. and Mrs. Cecil take on ' Crippled Children and Adult's climbing team that hopes to Tony at the Alpenrose Dairy foot, arrived from San Diego, brother. Easter Sunday were Mr. and Easter Seal C impships. Every- scale Denali, the Alaskan In where young Tony is learning Calif, on a 14 day leave from Mrs Terry Coryell and Alli | one Is welcome Easter Sunday guests at the to race midget racing cars. dian word for "Big One.” the U. S. Navy, He will serve home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd son from Beaverton, Mr. and I Mary Diane Will«, a freidi- A veteran climber of Mt j Velma Carey has been ill in Raio, Spain, for the next Mrs. Charlie French, Mr. and and Mrs. nnd and >nd Rainier, Ra‘nier; Posekany, ' wlth __ ner ____ heart __ and __ IS Staying two years. His mother. La- Bassett were Mr. Hood Mrs. Clyde Phillips. Mrs. Else I man in the school of business, Dale Bassett and Jerry, Mr. I and Bruce Roscoe, graduate 22, of 1495 Saginaw St. S. in with her son, Gale, in Stay- Donna Crofoot, flew down and Allen and Mrs Evelyn Pfoert- Haseman, Mrs. Dick | school, are among those stu- Salem says McKinley is the (ton. She has only slightly im- I from Alaska to meet him. Two Chuck, Sally and Scott from ner. Ronald Crofoot ' dents named to the honor roll big test of a mountain climber, j proved and it was not yet other sons, Larry Crofoot of Longview, Otto Witt from and he hopes he ll be prepared, known if she would be taken Salem, and Donald Roberts of Mill City, Vera Bassett from A senior citlaens bingo party I winter term at OSU. Students Ronald Crofoot, son of Mrs. will lie held Wednesday from must earn n GPA of 8.5 or Crofoot, has just re To get in shape for the ex- t0 the hospital. Lebanon, spent the weekend Salem, Mrs Cecil Bassett and Easter Sunday for Ed and with the family here. 2 to 4 pin at the Fellowship above to make the honor list cently graduated from boot hausting ascent, he has taken son David and their exchange Hall of the Presbyterian ing. The entire group, including student. Noritaka Isogoi from San Diego a year off from college studies Doramae Kadin was spent at a training at the ~ at the U of O. During this family gathering at the home Church The parties are free to Mr. ana Mrs. Gene Gibson, Japan, from Pierre, S. D. Af is currently Mr. and Mrs. John Swan re Naval Station and he has worked on the of their granddaughter, Mr. took Ronald to the Portland all senior citizens In the area with rela-, on leave visiting green chain at “ ceived word of the birth of a Frank Lmbr. I ,lnd Mrs. Walt Wilkins in Al- Airport Monday evening to see ternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen of Lyons. Paula lives here and in Spokane. Co. where his father, F' Mr. nnd Mr». Jack McClin, Dick bany. him off after having dinner Mr. and Mrs. Howard Naue A fotmer resident of Mill tock from Portland were Jo McDaniels, bom to Mr. nnd City, Ronald attended schools I Posekany, is employed. Three Pursinette, at a Portland restaurant Mrs. nad as their guests Mrs. Lydia Mrs. of 81- times a week, he sets out down Mrs tarry McDnnlels guests Sunday at the home of mother of Earnest Miller, pass Swan’s other daughter, Phyllis Culwell, Harlan Gibson, Mrs. her.1 and graduated from ills brother. Mr and Mis Wm. dell, 111, on Easter Sunday, Wrangell High School in Mission Street on a 30-minute, ed away on Friday night. April Gibson of Portland, also join Jessie Short, Mr. and Mrs. El five-mile run that will help 4, at her sons home in Sisters ed the family. McClintock und his uncle und ; March 30. The first child for Wrangell, Alaska. mer Culwell Delmer and him prepare for the assault. uunt, Mr. and Mrs J C. Kim the McDaniels, the baby girl of a heart attack. Graveside Ronald was to go by way of Donna, all of Lyons. His guide fcr the trek will is the first granddaughter of mel. tunerai sei vices were on Tues- Spokane, Wash., to visit an Easter Sunday guests at the be Ray Genet, world-famous aay, April 8, at the Fox Valley other brother, Kenneth, then Mr nnd Mrs. J. Estel (Brick) home of Mr. and Mrs. John McKinley climber. Posekany Cemetery. ____ _ ____ _ ____ _____ The Mill City Rural Area Swan of Fithian, 111., who have travel by way of the State of Kunkle were their children, had to undergo a rigorous propei ty owners will hold three grandsons, however On Monday, March 31, Toni I Virginia, before arriving at his Mr and Mrs. Floyd Chase and screening pr<»cess, including Thomas traveled to Salem to destination in Spain. their semi-annual meeting family of Sweet Home, Mr. references, to be accepted by a business luncheon of the past Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree Wednesday. April 16. at 7:30 and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Genet for the climb. He does were dinner guests at the home presidents of Marion County pm nt ihe Clyde Morgan family and Mr. and Mrs. LYONS A gold sprayed not know who will accompany Cable Award Winner Mr <>f her neice and family. resident e. Federation of Womans Clubs. Johnnie Kunkle and family of nd Mrs. John Wehrli in Sa mailbox with Orville and him, and he is anxious that he Ed and Doramae Kadin vis Lyons. Mabel and “ 50" on the flag will not fail the others on the ited with friends, Mr. and Recently Named tast Wednesday evening lem. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Tabias Miss Virgin.a Mason of Sa collected the many cards from mountain. Mrs. Carl Nylund, in Lebanon following Acacia Assembly's of Seattle, Wash., were week lem, formerly of Mill City, was the 245 frienus and relatives Presbyterian Wotn< n ’ s The Plans call for the party to be on Sunday afternoon, April Rainbow meeting, the girls end quests at the home of Mr. who attended the 50th wed named winner of the Cable honored their mother advisor, Assn will hold it» regular ding anniversary reception flown May 15 to the Kanilta 6 Award at a recent Delta and Mrs. William Grimes. Glacier at the 7,000-foot level. meeting at 1:30 pm. Thursday Mary Stafford spent Sunday, Mrs. Cory Frauendiencr on Mrs. Anne Pietrok and for Orville and Mabel Down Gamma Founders' Day gather her birthday The girls pre afternoon. April 10. at Fellow ing held Easte.- Sunday at the From there they will make the April 6, in the company of ing. The award recognizes Louise were Sunday guests in ascent that probably will take Mr and Mrs. Dean Cade. Af sented her with a bouquet of ship Hall, beginning v.-ith a Aumsville at the home of her Santiam Valley Grange Hall two weeks About six camps fresh flowers in Rainbow nessert luncheon. Explanation ter attending morning wor personal devotion and contin son-in-law ana daughter, Mr. ued service to the fraternity. in Lyons. will have to be made along the of the Apostle's shields, which colors, Birthday cake and The grandchildren served way. By the time the climbers ship at the Gates Community She has served as scholarship and Mrs. Francis Hendricks. grace the Sanctuary wall in punch were served. Approximately 20 from the throughout the afternoon; get through they will have Church she had dinner with advisor to the Willamette the church, will be given by , rhe Cades and then traveled to Maureen Brown at the guest climbed the equivalent of 60 Univei sity Delta Gamma Lyons Garden Club attended re those Indies who did the , Salem with them to attend a Attending the memorial book, Carolyn Carleton served Chapter, served as a worker the dessert luncheon as guests service on Maundy Thursday search and constructed tín- the coffee, Barbara Carleton miles by leapfrogging food and ipecial program at the Liberty at the workshop for the blind, I of the Mill City Garden Club equipment. More than 13,000 Christian Church where a -t the Scottish Rite Temple in colorful emblems. on Thursday to hear Mr. presided at the punch and ft is vertical, requiring ex group of young people from and has been publicity chair Hays, from the Marion Coun Salem included Mr. and Mrs. Nancy Wicki/.cr and Cathy man fcr the alumnae group. son Craig llumes. the elder tensive rope work by the Salem Academy presented the Danny Moore. Sr. Mr and Carleton served the cake. Un Miss Mason was the English ty Extension Unit, give a talk program. It was followed by a Mrs. Danny Moore, Jr , Mr of Mr. ano Mrs. Glenn Humes, able to attend were granddau i climbers. instructor here in the old Mill on gardening. Genet provides everything luncheon. Before returning and Mrs. Lowell Cree and served as acolyte during serv ghters Paula Downing of City High School in the the climbers will need except ices at the Presbyterian home, they stopped in Mill Stanley Chance Attending the Normal. Ill., and Donna Down- 1920’s, later teaching at Wood t rcakfust and Easter services Church last Sunday morning ,ng of Cambridge, Mass. As for personal equipment and City at the Christian Church burn High School. Her sister, Gilbert;, was the home econ omics instructor in the high gear. Cost is around $880 to view the winding up of the on Sunday n omlng included ' sisting the girls were Eilene Quality equipment is a neces Martha Mason (Mrs. Riley school here for several years. j Faith Promise Program. Mr and Mi Todd and Hazel Wirth. Claty sity on the Visitations Made To slopes - because --------- ( Mabie Devine, who has been Mr and Mrs. Urich, Shirley Grimes and Grange Meeting Fri. Effie Nydegger. Grandsons . fierce winds can < drive the ¡n -j,js past month, is looking Mr and Mrs t<> ’<> degrees be- for someone to stay with her inny Sr., Mr. and LYONS Visitation at Sari Larry Carleton and Dennis thermometer low zero High altitude sick- to help out. Moot•. Jr and Mrs tiam Va I Brown i also assisted, ness is the t gest threat to Tuesday, April 1. Walt and Muri y Moore, this rught. A] At t) lie guest book table was , the climbers. , Being in top [ I Toni Thomas vis isited in Van- area. tors and I an am mgement of antheriums ’ physic;; » shape should help to I coml>, L ginger, bird of paradise ti counter act that danger, how- I couver, Wash., with Toni’s | mother, Mrs. Jes.-ie Ziegler, Sue ('Unlock attended Scio, Wei ■ leaves and wood roses brought ever. who is ecovering from a bad church enicc. Sunday at the Hill Gru tiilar com- . from Hawaii by Orville's sis-i During early February, fail Aumsville Wesleyan Metho mit‘co re • heard. Iter, Effie, who flew home for I pt isekany ......__ reached the 9,000 Mrs. Wnth, from the Refer dist Church with Acacia A;.- r 5 program | :he occasion. On the table with I /( level At tin .—. < on Mt. Hood before he ral Center in Mill City, is in M-mbly Ha nlxiw Girls. Follow there we and skits j their 1925 wedding picture and , was “blown off" by a winter ing the set vice, the girls went with pa irts taken by Lois I 1975 picture was a gold can-1 >torm. a warm-up for McKin need of volunteers to help In to tile home of the worthy ad Schwcer, Elaine Duncan and ! die arrangement made by ■ ley. For McKinley, his party terested persons may contact visor, Tungyc Trcvena at Eugene Fief. Lacomb grange Evelyn Julian. The refresh will take the West Buttress her at the center. Mill City School Board has Turner, where her parents, also hud i skit entitled "The ment table had a yellow ar-1 appr<>ach. first attempted Mr and Mrs William Ttevena, CensusJTaker." Santiam Val rnngement of mums with cry successfully in 1913. Since a meeting tonight, Thursday, served thi girls a spaghetti ley Grange will go as a group stal candle holders sent from then, about 700 climbers have April 10. 7:30 p.m. at the Santiam High School. Inter dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Donald on April 12 to Western Star Finland by Hensu Manninen made the ascent. ested persons are invited to Grange Carlson also attended who spent a year with the “It's still a rigorous climb,’* attend. The womens activity group Carletons The candles were a says Posekany, who became On Saturday, April 12, fol Mrs. zlda Spear »nd her will meet Monday. April 21. gift from Nancy and Alan interested in mountain climb lowing the noon potluck din The charter was draped in Wickizcr. son and family, Mr. and Mrs. ing while on a back-packing Paul Spear from Washington, memory of Marion Withrow. The three tiered wedding trip daring 1968 in the Mt. ner, the World War I Auxil iary will hold their annual visited her cousin, Mr. and cake was decorated with gold Jefferson Wilderness. election of officers. Mrs. Paul Cree on Easter. The Ruth Tohl Wins Days daisies and gold leaves and A Japanese climber made The I OOF will be celebrat Spears were here to attend the topped with a large 50 and a history by reaching the Mc 50th wedding anniversary of Play at Santiam Course bride and groom representing Kinley summit alone Pose ing their 75th Anniversary at Small White Beans Lb. 39c‘ The 18 hoi? group of the the 50 years It was baked by kany says the U. S. Park Serv a reception on Sunday, April another cousin of Mrs Spear, Red Chili Beans Lb. 41c Mr and Mrs. Orville Downing. Santiam Women's Golf Club Hazel Wirth who also made ice, which administers Mc 13 The Gates City Recorder played Tuesday for "Low the corsages. Pinto Beans Lb. 49c Kinley allows a minimum of will be at the city hall on A tice decorated with seed four climbers. Spend ng Faster weekend Net." Yellow Pop Corn Tuesday. April 15, from 10:00 . Lb. 33c Ruth Tohl was class A packets and gold letters with at the home of her parents, May was „ejected because it am. until 12:00 noon. 50th Anniversary was given winner with a 76; class B. Mr. and Mrs. Wm McClintock. Long Grain White Rice . Lb. 35c will be colder and the snow Mr. and Mrs. Ray Presler Sue and Mark, were Mr. and Vivian Chamberlain, 81; class the couple. Each packet con pack will be deeper, covering traveled to Seaside on Friday Long Grain Brown Rice Lb. 45c Mrs. Frederick Alban II and C, Zelphia Downer, 77; class tained n money gift. dangerous crevasses. evening, April 4, to attend a Special guests were Claty Dandle of Tigard Dandle D A. Guy Coppedge, 38*4 and National Guard Convention IJrich from Olympia. Wash., took part In the Easter Egg B. Jean Lulay, 4114. the following day. They re First low net was Ruth Tohl and Effie Nydegger of Salem Beaverton Couple hunt and won first prize in the turned home on Saturday eve one year old class for finding and second low nd, Zelphia who attended the wedding 50 ning. I years ago. Greets Vienamese Boy Downer the most eggs. 75 ft. x 5/8 inch Reg. $19.0? Ill Walt and Toni Thomas and LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Ron grandson Chris traveled to Donaca of Beaverton are the Portland on Saturday. April hippy parents of Jeffery 5 to help Carol Thomas and David, an 11 month old Viet son Tony with the midget rac- namese boy ... who o ,, , arrived , . in ,,'ing, later taking in the Anti- Portlana on Wednesday, April, A,,to Shnw “’J1' "»iS °ni of ,he fou[i Did you know that the clep- children flown into the airport. SV1)ra water clock W;1S an from Saigon. Mrs. Donaca is ofher early way to teI1 UmP the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i yyafPr dropped through a hole I Mike Schwindt of Lyons. Th<'y (;n a bowl into a «mailer went to Portland on Wednes-i 1 one marked with 24 divisions. day to greet their grandson < ! one for each hour of the day. and welcome him into his new .Until this "water thief" was home. Mr and Mrs. Willard • 1 invented, man depended on I Donaca of Portland are the the sundial, which counted paternal grandparents. only daylight hours. Or . . . Lb. 15c Gates City Council meeting ALL PURPOSE will be held on Thursday. Detroit Lake Being April 17, 7:30 p.m. at the Readied For Opening Gates City Hall. All persons are invited to attend these Of Trout Season . . Lb. 15c Or meetings. DETROIT According to 1 Thought for the day. What Ray Stose, Statesman outdoor the fool does in the end, the editor. Detroit Reservoir look wise man does in the begin- ed to be in great shape, The ning. MANY OTHER GARDEN ITEMS TO low water flow in the river | Riddle of the week: What below the dam showed that f«Us but never gets hurt? CHOOSE FROM—Check Our Selection water was being strongly held Ruin. . . And Prices. back and the impoundment i was filling fast. vrarlv health checkup is A He said, already the water is part of the battle against can- slack £& far up the Breiten- cer in wliich the American bush aim as a person could Cancer Society wants every Ph. «97-3133 Mt 8. Rnt Mill City see from the highway. In the one to enlist. Jim Dolby, Proprietor Santiam arm the backwaters Each ... .WP Only have stilled and buried Hoover; Groceries—Meats—Lockers—Feed and Seed Cancer s m->st curable when Falls. OPEN 8:30 a.m.—6 p.m. daily—Closed Sunday Mr. Stose raid the man it’s caught early and treated made lake was deep blue in promptly. The American Can The Little Store that We Gladly Welcome color and quite clear. Trout cer Society urges everyone to offers so much more! USDA Food Stamps season is scheduled to open have an annual checkup even "Your Gift Headquarters when feeling great. April 26. Mill City, Oregon Phone 897-2812 i 245 Attend Downing Reception Sunday ITf JPRinG 59c Weiners ea Buy In Bulk and SAVE Garden Hose $1E99 Agricultural Lime 50 Lb. Bag S1.09 White Rose Seed Potatoes lb. 14c Onion Sets med. yellow Lb. 89c FERTILIZER I 8 Track Tapes $*199 LP's 21% Nitrogen 80 lb. bag 88.80 Garden 8 Lawn 80 lb. bag S9.80 Bone Meal Lb. 20c HIRTES MARKET MILL CITY PHARMACY I