■The Mill Ctty Enterprise, Thursday, April 8, 1975 Il SIKH 1 DN T < OMI. IO IIIIS ■ ■■■ DETROIT! IDANHA j . •. ,*« THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE 1 ■ !■ 1 III ■ ■ 1— ' STRIKES 1 k P. O. BOX 348 PHONE 897 2772 MILL CITY, ORE. 973M Published at Mill City, Marion County, Ore. every Thursday. Entered aa Second Class Mail Mattter at the Post Office at Mill City, Oregon, under the act of Congress of Murch 3, 1879. The Mill City Enterprise assumes no financial responsibility for errors in advertisements. It will, however, reprint without charge or cancel the charge for that portion of an advertise ment which is in error if the Enterprise Is at fault. An Inde pendent newspaper, dedicated to the development of the timber industry and agriculture Ln this area. « • * . • •».’A’.V Boots Champion Easter Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Presley were Mrs Presley's parents, Mr. and Ruth Irene (Albin) Comer Rosary will be held at 7:30 W. A. Bates of Lebanon. The Oregon Presley’s daughter. Pam, re p.m. Friday for Ruth Irene Newspaper (Albin) Comer, 44, of Gates turned home with her grand Publishers parents for a visit until Wed Mrs Comer died of injuries Association suffered in an automobile ac nesday. Monday morning, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Arriving Friday at the home cident Marion-Linn Counties, per year .......... of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Williams, : March 31. Outside Marten-Linn Countie«, per year to spend the Easter holiday I Born Jan. X 1931. in Salem. Outside Oregon, per year ________ __ were their daughter and son- ( J she had spent most of her life 1 in the Woodburn area before in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ted i LONG ..................... „...... Editor and Publisher Johnson of Centralia. Wash. ' moving to Gates a few years KAYMONDE.PRESLER ...... Printer ago. She was the owner and They returned home Monday. 1 Society and News Editor i B— ■1 ---------------------- Local News Editor Sixteen members of the1 operator of Jerry’s Tavern in MARY rri J i Y ....... Local News Editor Young Peoples Group (COC) Gates. CORRESPONDENTS Survivors include the wido of the Idanha Communtiy Detroit-Idanha --------- —---------- Boots Champion Church took a field trip Satur wer, Jerry Comer of Molallo; Gates _______ -------------------- -------------- Joy co Presler brothers. Sonny Benson, Al day to Portland where they, Lyons ............. ---------------- —_----------- Eva Brcsalor Since 1947, the number of Americans em The problem is worsening. Some prom bany, Robert Benson, Sandy: visited the zoo and the ice, —---- Mrs. John Teeters ployed by federal state and local govern inent labor spokesmen are backing proposed Mehama ____ skating rink at Lloyd Center. sisters, Dorothy Kust, Sher ments has more than doubled. One out of legislation asking congress to authorized man-1 ST. CATHERINE’S Enroute home they stopped in wood, Tootie Stange, Netarts. every U. S. nonagricultural workers today- datory union membership for every govern-, CATHOLIC CHURCH Salem for pizza, where they, Luet’.a Townsend, Independ more than 14.2 million—is publicly employed ment employee. This proposal would author-1 Rev. Norbert Frits also viewed a miniature car ence. Vivian Wolfe, Wood- Between 1962 and 1969. public civilian ize public sector strikes as a matter of course. | Thursday, April 3 Phone 769-5532 The right of employees in private Indus nival in the parking lot. Trans-: burn. Edna Netsworth, Los monthly payrolls at all levels expanded by Meat Balls with Gravy 2h?-n 100%- Today- standin excess try to engage in collective bargaining to re Mass Every Sunday -9:00 a_m portation was furnished by Angeles, and several nieces Bread and Butter solve labor-management differences and to C. C. D. Immediately following Connie Presley, counselor, and and nephews including Bill of $7 billion. Sweet Potato laws ,r* nearly unanimously tn reinforce their demands by striking is gen Stange of Mill City .1 Holy Days—7:00 p.m. Ron Thomasson, assistant. erally accepted. Mixed Fruit Funeral sen-ices will be prohibiting strikes by government workers. Eas:er Sunday visitors at Yet, in 1972. 375 strikes Idled 14X000 govern In contrast, the government employee has Ice Cream Sat, April 5 at 1:30 p.m. at the Idanha home of Mr. and Dmorr community ment workers nationwide for better than 1.2 chaaen to serve only one interest — the pub Friday, April 4 CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mrs. Rubin Krieger, were Mrs. ] Cornwell Colonial Chapel. F1!11!?" work-days—up from 42 strikes costing lic interest. That interest is ill-served by dis Fish Krisps Sunday Krieger's brother, Waren Ed- ] Woodburn, with Interment at 146,000 work-days and involving 11,900 work ruptive strikes and wage demands which of St. - Lukes Cemetery in ers in 1965. ten would violate the public trust if granted. 10. -00 ajn.. Adult Bible Study French Fries warts, and their sister and , the — Applesauce brother-in-law. Mr and Mrs.j I Woodburn. at the church Cinnamon Rolls Robert Sauters, all of Port 11. -00 sun., morning worship Idanha Church To Orange Juice land. The day also marked the I and children's church Milk I 35th wedding anniversary of 5.-00 pjn. youth Bible study Observe 27th Anniv. Monday, April 7 »he Kriegers. for grades 7. 8 and 0 Weiner and Bun Sunday, April 6 Visiting at the Champion 8.-00 p.m. evening servtee Com home from Friday of last week Richard Norris, Pastor fl IDANHA — The Idanha French Fries to Saturday of this week, is Community Church Is making Upside Down Cake IDANHA — The club room Mrs. Champions sister, Mrs. I Residential backyard burn plans to observe its 27th birth of the Idanha Fire Hall was ___ 9ML___________ LVONH UNITED Milk Emma Ramage of Salem. anniversary. Sunday, the setting Tuesday of last HL Patrick’. Partab ME1ÄODIHT /’HURCH ing and landclearing burning day Tuesday, April 8 Pearl Giebeler was admitted will be permitted during April 6 •v Barnard Newnan. — i 8lh ■ntl St. Spaghetti week for a stork shower hon to Salem Memorial Hospital April and May. the Mid-Wil- a 1 Phone «»2540 In observance of the anni Garlic French Bread Friday for medical attention. lamette Valley Air Pollution versary. specia' morning serv oring Mrs. Gordon Plotts of Mass: 1st. 2nd and 5th Sunday i Arthur Ha nose Peas Hostesses were Earl Layman, who has been Authority announced recently. ice will be conducted follow- Detroit. i 10 30 a. m. I Welcomes you to come aa Fruit hospitalized at Madras Hos A fire permit is required and ing Sunday school at the usual Connie Presley and Carolyn I Mass 3rd and 4th Sunday al ' Vou are. Ice Cream 1 Lichlyter. pital, Madras, following a cou SS1 “ît'f"An En,.er .b.mr decor «0 » > ML Milk ple of minor coronary attacks, fire departments. Ph. 897-3160. The program will include lo- Ulroughout the room M1U Ctty Community Oarrk Wednesday. April 9 is expected to be released from Burning may be prohibited on cal speakers. special songs and ■ uh fresh daffodils the Rev. Donald L. Dlshong. Pastor Chill Beans the hospital on Tuesday of this certain days during these the showing of home movies I edomlnating flower. There Mission of Wisconsin Full Gospel Buttered Toast week, his wife Audrey reports. months if air quality would at Bergreen Ha following the £.eshment table was borated Evangelical Lutheran Synod I Sunday School 10-00 A. M. Applesauce She said he is on the mend suffer, said M D Roach, di- , service. A pjuuvr potluck luuuievu luncheon wj(h replicas of chicks Worship Service_ 7:00 p.m., vi«-. .-i Morning Worship 11:00 A. M Sugar Cookie Bar from an attack of the flu rector of the authority. Land-1 will also be served at the hall, Sundays' Milk land the table centered with a Temporary Meeting Place — j Evening Service 7:30 P. M which delayed his release. clearing burning is prohibited ; The church extends this mes- , large bouquet of daffodils. The Wednesday Evening 7.30 P. M Ihurxday, April lo Recent visitors at the Idanha i within _____ _________________ city limits and all ____ com-; sage, "come and fellowship ' gift table was adorned with Home Federal Savings A Loan Everyone welcome. Turkey A Noodles home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest mercial and industrial bum-1 with us all.” Stayton, Oregon Bread and Butter a stork. Presley were Mrs. Ralph I' ing is still prohibited. William Bernhardt, Minister 1 Mehama Community Chorcb Mlxid Salad Following the opening of Wpil. son Tony and daughter Regulations restrict the time[ Cran.‘>erry Sauce gifts refreshments of Jello, Information - Ph. 859-2869 j Fr.nk SchulUwohl. Pastor Kelly of Aurora. burning to one hour after i ■ r-> I fl I Sunday school 9:43 a. m Milk Easter cookies, coffee and The regular monthly meet for sunrise to one-half hour before NPU/ rArk nil PC Seventh Day Morning Worship, 11 a. m Ice Cream ¡punch were served to the hon ing of the Detroit City Council sunset Prunnings must be air J •' ’ _ Adventist Church Evening Services 7:30 P- ■ Friday. April 1! ored guest. Sherry Plotts. and will be held Tuesday, April 8,' I for 30 days and it is il- ' Paul Haynes, Pastor Toasted Cheese Sandwich to Mmes. Dorothy Williamson, at 7:30 p.m. at Detroit City i ; , dried legal to bum garbage, asphalt. i Orange Juice Santiam Chapel Sherry Hamper, Martha Tay Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Hall. rubber, plastic, wet leaves, A sm nilily <>( God Mixed Fruit DETROIT — According to a lor, Connie and 1’am Presley, Tuesday Evening Prayer green grass clippings or any report, Phone 359-2644 Lyons Oatmeal Cookie Service ........ __7:00 p.m-i Carolyn Lichlyter, Frelda Hie- pets brought into sta - e Deanha PTC Officers : material that causes excess * parks will have to be kept on bert of Gates, Helen Lichlyter,1 Robert Harkins, Pastor Milk Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. *Elec+ed For 1975-76 smoke or obnoxious odor. Jean Roth. Barbara Fields, Our Lady of Ixturden Pariah ' leashes no longer than six Civil penalties may be im I feet « Morning Worship. 11:00 a.m. f DETROIT — At the regular Jordan under new park rules ap Jinny Goin, Shirley Lawrence,] posed ter violation of these re monthly meeting of the Dean t_____ _______ ________ _____ Berna Howery, Edith Bittner, Mass 3rd and 4th Sunday at C. A. (Youth) Service Thurs proved Monday of this week days at 7:00 p.m. ha PTC Thursday of last gulations. These regulations by state transportation com- Tena Michaelson, Wendy and day at 8:30 a. m. Royal Rangers and Misslon- week, the following officers affect Benton, Linn, Marion, mission ¡Jeanette Lichlyter, Mrs. L. la Lyons ettes Family Night, Wednesday were elected for the ensuing Polk and Yamhill counties. Mass: 1st. 2nd. and 5th Sun- I The commission rule also I Plotts, Sr. and Mrs. L. Plotts, at 7:00 p. m. Pub’ic hearings regarding I j imposes some new fees, in-1 Jr. of Mill City, and Jerrilynn lay. year: Rosemary Edminster, Anyone desiring counsel and president; Maigarette Feyer- I these regulations are being] [eluding charges for group. Round, prayer may call Pastor Robert herm, vice-president; Rachael I held in each ccunty to receive i picnics and for firewood. Sending gifts but unable to Find ChrlstUa Cbarch ---- 4 Harkins. citizen comment on the burn Music, secretary; and Yvonne Rev. Richard L. Halstead Dogs, cats and other pets attend were Jeanell Hopson, Santiam Memorial Hospital Hills, treasurer. Verna Ket ing periods. However, no regu will have to be kept on leashes June Mennis, Verlene Peter Bible School 9:45 a m. SHEPARD To David and HT CHRIHTOPHMt MIHM IO N lation revision can be expect chum is retiring president no longer than six feet, pre man, Opal Leming. Ethel Mc Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Gladys Shepard, Aumsville, a Detroit Following the meeting, an ed before June. viously there was no minimum Cauley, Mapleton, Reba Sny Youth meeting at 6:00 p.m. daughter, Tuesday, March 18 Sunday Maas 10:30 ajn. "open house” was held in the on leash length, the report der, Ruth Thomasson, Goldie Evening Services 7.D0 p.m. WALKER - To Ken and Holy Day and First Friday kindergarten through third says the state will begin Storey. Carol Benton, Barbara Adult Bible study each Thurs Janice Walker, Lyons, a dau 5:30 P M Detroit grade rooms. Picture slides of ghter, Monday. March 24. M'll City Weather charging for firewood at a rate . Whiteley and David Plotta. day at 7:30 pjn. Youth Bible their activities were shown. study each Wednesday at 7:15 of 50 cents for two cubic feet BRANDT - To John and Pep Date " Max. — Min. ~ Refreshments were served p.m. Santiam Searchers each In overnight camp areas. The | Susan Brandt Stayton, a aon. i Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. 38 March 23 43 048 rate will be $5 00 for 21 cu. Tuesday. March 23. Birthday Party Honor* 0.74 ft in group and organization March 24 ___ 49 39 HOHNER — To Lloyd and 32 March 25 ___ 48 MUI Ctty 0171 camp*. There will be fees for Trisha Williamson Deborah Homer, Scio, a non. March 26 50 31 001 group picnic area reservations. Bev. Je* Thursday, March 27. IDANHA — The Idanha March 27 50 26 0.00 The charges will be $25 00 for home of Mr. and Mrs Mike Phone 897 2291 March M ...... 56 25 000 up to 200 persons; $50 for 201- Williamson was the setting Sa Morning Worship _ 11 KM) ajn. 28 March 29 __ 60 000 500 persons; $100 for 501 to turday evening for a birthday Adult Bible Claes _ 10 00 a.m. Total Pep. for the week „..1.40 1,000; and $150 for more than party honoring the couples Nursery for young children 1,000 persons. one year old daughter, Trisha, under competent supervision. Average high. 49.52 degrees; Applicants to reserve group on her birthday anniversary. Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. average low, 33 48 degrees; picnic areas will have to send Traditional birthday cake median temperature, 41.50. full payment in advance plus centered with a candied Easter Calvary Lutheran Churrh High day, March 29, 60 de a $25 refundable deposit to bunny, ice cream, coffee and i Stayton grees. low day, March 28, 25 I cover breakage and cleanup, punch was served to Mr. and First Ave. and Fem Kldgr Rd degrees Precipitation forI Applicants will have to ar- Mrs. John Johnson of Milwau Rev. Norbert Dry, Paalor month uf March, 8.49”; to date range details with the park kie, aunt and uncle of the lit Worship Service ... 10:30 a m since Sept. 1. 1974, 50.77”. I manager no later than five tle girl. Sherry Hamper; Mr. Total rainfall March 1974 days before the reservation and Mrs. Mike Monroe, Mr. The Church of Je-.ii« Christ was 10.44”: rainfall to date I date. Applicants must be 13 and Mrs. Fred Taylor and of laitter Day Halnta since Sept. 1, 1973. 79.96”. Frederick C. Rudy ind reservations must be can children, Sharon and Ann, Mr. Telephone 859-2025 celled at least three days be and Mrs. Gordon Plotta and fore the event in order to get Gordon, Jr., Gina Slayden, Meetings at American Legion a refund. Rick Monroe and Robin Wil Hall in Gates The first group trailer camp kerson. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Sacrament Meeting ......... 12:15' Eat Drink and Be Merry in a state park has been esta Lichly-er and Mr. and Mrs. Sunday School ___ 9.15 a in | blished at Silver Falls Park, Lynn Williamson, grandpar Sunday Sch<x>l ........ 10:30' iinent Meeting 6f*i southeast of Silverton, at the ents. Relief Society Tuesday ... 10:00 North Falls area, according to MIA Tuesday .................. 7:30, the report. There will be a Primary Tuesday ______ 4:30 51 00 per night charge, with Daughter Arrives At $10 minimum for groups. Super Deluxe [ Other new rules will allow Nyberg Home In Salem Canyon Conservative Baptist Rev. Don Prorciw campers to stay In one park GATES — Announcing the Gold Lined Labels 5th A Cedar, Lyons for ten days out of any 14 birth of their new granddau Only $2.00 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. day period. The previous rule ghter are Cress and Edna Morning Worship 11 a.m allowed a stay of seven out of Cullison of Gates. The proud Training Hour, 6:00 pm. ten days. The new rule applies parents are Don and Julia Ny Evening Service, 7:00 p m. only from May 15 to Sept. 15, berg of Salem Their new Wednesday evening Bible at other times campers can re daughter, Elisa Marie, joins a study and prayer time 7 p.m.' main 14 consecutive days. sister, Crista, and weighed in Free Methodist Chnrvh Check out time from camp at eight pounds two and one North Mill City grounds is changed to 2:30 p. half ounces and was 211» Rev. .lohn DeMain m. all days, the time had been inches long. Sne was born on 1000 a. m Sunday 'ich ol 4.30 p.m. on Sundays and state Monday, March 31, 3:45 a m. 11 a. m. Morning Worship holidays. at the Salem Hospital, General 5 p. m Evening Worship unit. ORDERS TO GO Paternal grandparents are I Mr. and Mrs. Thor Nyberg of { Idanha Communltv Church Detroit Dam -Weather Ix-wist- n, Idaho. Rev. Larry M. Goin, Pastor Pool Sunday School, 10:0 a m. Phone 769-5311 500 GOLD LINED Ele Pro Dite Max Min Morning Service 11 o’clock RETURN ADDRESS LABELS Mar. 26 44 33 1534.62 1.02 Evening Service at 7 o’clock Quick and easy way to put your Name and Return Mar. 27 42 32 1535 60 0 14 If the number following Bible Study, Wednesday 7:30 Stayton, Oregon address on letters, books, records, etc. Any Name Mar. 23 44 32 1536.69 0.00 your name on The En*| p- m. Address and Zip Code up to 4 lines beautifully printed Mar. 29 45 34 1537 12 0 00 with large Gola Strip. 500 labels only $2.00. Mar. 30 56 33 1537 36 0.02 terprise label reads Gates Community Scrumpdillyishus Mar. 31 49 33 1538.16 0 15 Church of Christ Dublin Valley Press, 11683 Boden Drive, Dublin. Calif Apr. 1 45 33 1538 88 005 4-75 it is time to send Morning Worship 10 00 am. 94566. Total P<cp. fo r Week ......... 1 38 a check for renewal. Bible Study 11:13 a.m. I School Menu Stork Shower Honors Mrs. Plotts Burning Allowed Next Two Months |f i CHURCH . HEWS Are Now In Effect Subscribe to The Mill Gty Enterurise Mill City Enterprise SPECIAL THIS WEEK BRAZIER BURGERS $100 DairiiN