The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, April 03, 1975, Page 2, Image 2

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2—The Mill City EnterpriNe, Thursday, April 3, 1975
Santiam Ripples |
Communion Service
Held March 27
By Sally Jenkins
The Maundy Thursday Com­
studies Monday after a rainy
munion Service at the First
spring vacation.
Preparations for the Jr.-Sr. Christian Church last Thurs-
Prom^and"' Banquet""resumed
evening, sponsored by
Tuesday as committee chair- several local
churches, was
men convened.
|weU attended and was very
Student Council voted on "nPr<**tvue
P*rt ,were
boy and girl of the month
R’chard Halstead of the
1 Christian Church, Rev. Donald
A good number of giris are Dishong of the Community
interested in JV or Varsity Church, ar.d Rev. John Heid-
Rally for next year. Try-outs , brink of the Presbyterian
will be before
the student Church.
The combined choir for the
body next Friday.
The JV and varsity baseball event was under the direction
teams played several games of Mrs. Donald Sheythe, and
this week. It looks like a good Mrs. Eldon Hutchinson played
| the organ.
season ahead.
Reading from the scriptures
Meetings continued as the
lntra-School Council got to­ [while seated around the table
Last Supper’” I
gether Thursday
afternoon; , depicting
rnursaay anenuvu,
—”, , “The
Z™-., 1
honor society, chess club, and were ledd Wukinson, Eugene '
GAA met during activity per- Wilkinson. Lee Ross, Frank .
iod the following day.
Stromquist, Shields ReMine.
Heidbrink. Larry Plotts.
Friday and Saturday eve- Mark
ÏTl/Jrvr* X-T
i • ♦ rsV» i ­
rungs found SAG members ( ^ Tr r-> Dnh
Bob Prntt
Pratt, Eldon
contributing their ushering s00- Dicl. Freeman, Darrel I
services during the perform- Plotts. :?nd Wayne Thomas,
Greeters were Dennis and
ances of “The Death and 2 - Life
Large Lyn Mumey, and servers in-
of _
crowds both nights attended eluded Jim Gunderson. Jerry
the play which was held in the Shepherd, Chuck
auditorium The cast included an^ Dave Plotts
nine students from the high
school. It was a great show!
IOOF Plans For
Norma J. Long, Woman's Page Editor
American Legion
Legion Halt Gates
April 9, 10 & 11
10:00 am. to 5:00 pan.
Phone 897-2185. 897-29M
or 859-2201 for pickup
Furnishings &
Complete Home
Open Evenings By
BankAmericard Welcome
Soblimi tj-Aumsville
Phone 749-2975
The Mill City IOOF #144
met in regular meeting March
27 with Noble Grand Albert
Harris presiding.
The business of the evening
was furthering the plans for
1 the 75th anniversary reception
jon April 12.
Glenn Anderson, decorating
[ chairman, named to his com-
j mittee Mrs. Dave Barnhardt.
Mrs. John Childress, Mrs.
Jack Stoddard and Mrs. Otto
Weldman. A planning session
has been arranged. Charley
Stewart, refreshment commit­
tee chairman, named his com­
mittee members. Mrs. Velma
Harrison, Mrs. Hugh Johnston
and Mrs. John Swan.
• Letteis were received from
! Stanford Ely, grand master,
and Chester L. Robertson,
grand secretary, accepting the
invitations to the reception.
Mr. Harris announced that
the first of the anniversary
plates were now ready.
4-H Club Learns How
To Display Rabbits
The Santiam Shamrock 4-H
| Club met last Thursday at the
Ken Harrison home.
The group is studying about
rabbits, learning the parts, the
different breeds
and what
each breed is used for.
They are also learning how to
prepare the rabbit and show
it at fairs. Kim Ward brought
her rabbits for the program.
Members attending were
Gregg and Jeff Harrison, Judi
Bonebrake, Kim Ward, Vicky
and Debbie Hirons, Brian
and Darla Bjar, Rick and
Anita Davis and Jim Cooper.
Now Open In Stayton
Automotive Repair
For All Domestic and Imported Cars
and Trucks
Foci Injection Analyzer Automatic Transminiona
Helarle Welding
Parts on Hand
2nd Ave., Stayton
Ph. 769-2434
In This issue of the Enterprise
•»’-.Ht 5
YOU WAIT. Better eel an
extra key made for your
house or automobile today.
Bring your key with you.
LET US do your glass
work. We
cut window
glass to your measure­
ments We will Install the
glass In frames brought to
the store.
Mill City Hardware
Everett and Iola Hamilton
Phone 897-2977
Mill City, Ore.
To Meet Thursday
Phone 897-2772
Local Artist Chosen To Paint With Pellew This Summer
7Sth Anniv. April 13
Rummage Sale
Home Extension Group
Mrs Leo Poole received
word that she nas been accept­
ed by John C. Fellew to paint
in his two
week workshop
held in Co'orado this summer.
Mr. Pellew is one of the best
known contemporary Ameri­
can artists — a versatile paint­
er in watercolor, acrylics, and
oil. The winner of many dis­
tinguished awards, his work
has been included in major na­
tional art exhibits since 1934
and is represented in the per­
manent collections in The Me­
tropolitan Museum of Art. The
Brooklyn Museum, The Unio I
Cultural, Sao
Paulo Brazil; ,
and numerous other leading I
museums I
Easter Services Bring
Special Music To
Presbyterian Church
Faith Promise
Missionary Rally
April 4,5 & 6
The Mill City First Christian
Churcn is holding its annual
Rally this Fri through Sun.,
April 4, 5 and 6. Interested
persons are invited to attend
the meetings.
Don Summers, who Is with
the Puget Sound Christian
Indian Mission in Seattle. will
be the main speaker. Don and
Jessie Summers have been
working the past nine years in
the Puget Sound area minis­
tering to the urban Indian,
going where lie is, whether in
the street, hospital, prison,
homes or encampments.
The first service of the rally
will be Friday evening. April
4, at 7 30. On Sat, April 5, a
men’s breakfast will be held
at 8:00 a m.. Youth Supper at
throughout the country. He is subject matter. She especially 6:00 p.m., with a service for
a member of the National likes to paint buildings and all at 7:30 Sunday, April 0.
Academy of Design. The landscape in the Milil City Mr. Summers will speak at
Allied Artists of America, The , area,
the 9:45 a m. Sunday school
itmencan Watercolor Society,
The oil painting shown here hour and at the 11:00 am
and The Salmagundi Club. Mr is one she executed of the old Worship service. Also, Sun­
Pellew has won more than 45 shoe shop
to capture a time day at 5:30 p.m. a potluck sup­
top awards including the Sil­ in Mill City history.
The per is being planned with the
ver Medal Amercan Water­ tracks to the
right of the evening service at 7:00 p.m.
color Society, 1970, and the building serve as a reminder At the evening service. Doug
Allied Artists Gold Medal for that the structure was once a | Uno and Renee' Holcomb will
musical program
depot. Remember the barber provide a
Mrs. Poole will leave for shop?
and Dennie Hrlsabeck, prrfes
Colorado in June to join the
Sue submitted photographs sor at NCC in Eugene will
group working under Mr of some of her oil paintings to present the message.
Pellew. The group will paint be juried During the work­
tn various areas — from ghost shop, she hopes to improve her
towns to the Colorado Rockies. technique in composition, con­
Mrs. Poole expressed that centrating on the initial ab­
she enjoys painting various stract pattern.
Subscribe fo The |
Mill City Enterprise i
GATES — Members of the
Santiam Canyon Home Exton
sioh Study Group will meet
Thursday, April 10, at 101»
am. at the Gates Community
Mrs George Ditter and Mrs
Ray Foster und Mrs. Fred
Moore will be project leaders
for the topic ’Tightening Your
Belt" Inflation affacta the
causes inflation, how you can
affect national po>dra and
how you cun protect yourself
from some of the consequence-
of accelerating inflation are u
few of the questions discussed
in the lesson.
There will be an election of
officer:; Members are remind
ed to bring their white ele
phants for the sale to be held
following the lesson.
Hostesses will lie Mrs. Gael
Cutsforth and Mrs. George
Of Events
Thursd.iy, April 3
Garden Club dessert lunch
eon, 12 30 at Fellowship Hall
Card party, Eagles Hall, IOO
Monday, April 7
Round Robin Pinochle Club.
7:30, Carmen Barnhardt home
Bid or Bunch Pinochle Club.
7:30, Edna Gordon home
Wednesday, April 9
City Council meeting at city
hall, 8:00 p.m.
rharsd.iy, April 10
School board meeting, 7:X>
pm. at the hgih school.
Sponsored as a | public eervtew
Phone 897-2137
239 S. W. Broadway
i»:00 a m to 5;UU p.m.
r.venings by appointment
Family Reunion Held Enjoy
s,anley Easter
Chan Holiday
At Club House
I Chance enjoyed the Easter
Mrs. Helen Cox was the solo-
,st for the Easter Sunday serv­
A large group holiday with both their chil-
Presbyterian •.vas present at the Mehama I dren home.
Church, with Jean Scott ac­ clubhouse Easter Sunday for
Joining them for the Sun- '
companying her on the organ. the Christen n Family re- ' day dinner was their son,
There was also special music union. A potluck dinner was 1 David from Seattle, and their
by the choir for the occasion, enjoyed and an Easter Egg | daughter Christine. and her
with Doris Sheythe conduct­ hunt was held for the children. | friend. Jack Van Osdol, from
Betsy Ayers and Bonnie Chris­ Salem
The chancel of the church tensen acted a.- hosteses.
Also present was Stanley's
Sunday morning was generous- ■ Among those attending were mother, Mrs. Hattie Arnold of
ly decorated with Easter lilies, Mr. and Mrs Jerry Harris, Slayton
forming a continuous border,; Christina,
Earlier in the day they visit­
through the contributions of Mona and Kim from Emmett, ed at the Marion Home in
many members and friends. Idaho, Mr. and Mrs Ed Still­ Sublimity where Mrs. Chance’s
Special memorials were from man and Tammy. Eugene. Mr mother, Mrs. Una White, re­
Erma Graham of San Fran­ and Mrs Harold Christensen, sides.
cisco in memory of her mo­ LaPine, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
David, who recently moved
ther, Tena Graham; from Christensen, Eric and Loree, to Seattle from Eugene, is em-j
Wanda Richards and Virginia Seattle Wash., Mr and Mrs. ployed by the American
Jewell in memory of their Bill Noack, Stayton, Mr. and Broadcasting Co. as the direc­
Bess Vandermeer: Mrs. Wallace Waters, Vicki, tor of West Coast Album Pro
and another memorial plant Steve, Mark and Marjie, Stay­ motions His territory includes
from Alma and Bill Beyer.
ton, Mr and. Mrs. Larry Kan- the 12 western states. As he
Mrs. Wilson Stevens of off, Zan. Tonya and Kylynn, is doing a considerable amount I
Lyons, the mother of Lois Newport, Mrs. Dennis Chris­ of traveling, most of it is by
Scott, made the old rugged tensen, Lance, Sheila and air.
cross which was loaned to the Annette, Portland. Mr. and
He is a Santiam graduate of
church and appeared on the Mrs. Albert Krosman, Stay­ the class of 1069. He attended
piano for the Easter service. ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Line Community college in
I Christensen and Vicki, Tur­ Eugene where he studied com­
ner, Mrs. Hanna Scharback munications, and later worked
Nicholson Hostess for and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Schar- at the radio station there until
( back, Scio, Mr. and Mrs. Glade Aug, 1974.
Eagles Card Party
Shimanek, Schyler, Laurie,
Lachlan, Haiidi, Lisi, Gret­
Mrs. Walter Nicholson was chen, Joey, Jake and Mrs
hostess for the weekly card Mildred Shimanek, all of
party last Thursday at the Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Eagles Lodge. Refreshments Christensen and daughters,
Elma Stayton, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Stewart, and the club furnish­ Weitman and Sandy, Eugene,
ed Easter eggs and marshmal­ Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Christenson,
low bunnies to each player.
Salem, Dean Christensen and
There were five tables in Lamar Christensen, Aumsville,
play and Joyce Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ayers and
with Sl.irley Saunders as her family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
partner, held 1,000 aces. Doro­ Reid and Dorothy Christenson,
thy Peterson won both the all of Mehama.
high and pinochle prizes.
The card parties are held
each Thursday at the Eagles Breakfast to Kick-off
Lodge at 1:00 p.m. All those
who ptay pinochle are invited
to join the group for an en- Season Golfing
joyable afternoon.
| The nine hole, group of the
Santiam Women’s Golf Club
will begin their spring golfing
AARP Chapter
season with a kickoff break­
To Hold Potluck
fast Tues., April 8, at the golf
Chapter, club. The breakfast will begin
AARP, met last Wednesday, at 9.00 a.m. and will be fol­
March 26, at the Santiam High lowed by golf or cards.
Mulligan presided and there made by April 3 by contacting
were 26 members present.
the social chairman, Ruth
The club voted to donate 30 Spaniol, at 769-5366 or Mae
dozen eggs for the annual Schachstick, 769-5158, or Rita
Easter egg hunt for area chil­ Teitz at 769-5593.
Bill Beyer reported on the ■
Easter Sunday breakfast which
was neld Easier morning at.
the high school.
A potluck was approved for
the April 23rd meeting.
business I
meeting bingo was enjoyed by
all. Mabel Downing and Fan­
nie Kaestner served refresh­
Blue and White
Nylon end Replitan
■¡■K Dick & Carols
■■■I Shoes and Apparel
3rd Ave.