7—The ¡VITI City Enterpriae, ThtlrMlay, March 27, 1975 LYONS Juck Sumner Rte. 1, Heppner, Ore. 97836 Phone 676-5364 by Eva Bressler Li“’d For LEGISLATIVE REPORT Kenneth Jernstedt 011 Pine Street Hood River, Oregon 97031 Wednesday Card Club I OBITUARIES LYONS —- High score was held by Bemeice Bridges, second high by Jo Philippi and low by Katie Skillings at the Wednesday afternoon card i Nita Clara Clark club neld at the city hall. | Nita Clara Clark was bom Following a 1:30 p.m. dessert luncheon with Gladys Ny­ Dec. ¿7, 1891, to John and gaard cs hostess, 500 was in Tiny Braden in Smith County, Kans. The family came to play. Stayton in 1901. In a short Attending were Bea Hiatt, time they moved on up the Bertha Allen, Alma Olmstead, Santiam Canyon to Hall’s Leota Worden, Mabel Down­ Camp below Detroit where the ing, Riila Shaffer, Margaret father worked in the woods Kunkle, Zeta Prichard, Jaun- and the mother had charge of ita David, Katie Sieg, Barbara the cook house. Callahan, Jo Philippi, Dorothy Because of the difficulties in Long, Vada Bray, Donna As­ getting the children to school, Millie Jungwirth, they later located in Gates mussen, Bridges, Katie where Nita Berneioe finished her Skillings, Laura Neal and schooling Soon after that, her Gladys Nygaard. motner mother v was appointed post- master at : Gates and Nita at- most of «■ w- « « > -W--M a the «r duties a ! as postal [ spent the winter months in Arizona. Also preceeding her in death were her parents, and a brother, Carl Braden. Mrs. Clark recently fell and broke her hip then suffered a i series of strokes from which she never recovered. She pass­ ed away in a Salem Hospital on Sat., March 15. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 2 p.m at. Weddle’s Funeral Home in Stayton. Interment was in the Fairview Cemetery with Rev, Donald Dishong of­ ficiating. Survivors include her hus­ band, Don of Mill City, two daughters, Mrs. Lucille Vin­ cent, Bronx, N. Y., and Mrs. Shirley Laird of Mill City; one sister, Maud Braden Clark of Stayton; one brother, Gene Braden of EllingwooJ, Kansas; five stepchildren Mrs. Etfie Dockstedder, Mrs. Margaret Ratchford and Verne Clark, all of Big Fork, Mont., tended to most Baily o Mrs. Wanda of Great Falls, Mont., and Don Clark, s. by acting Jr, of Costa Mesa, Calif. Her­ schel Clark of Stayton and Francis Clark of Salem are nephews. This week 1 would like to My mailbag has been over­ discuss the appropriation to flowing the past few days with primary and secondary educa­ responses to the poll sent from tion in Oregon. this office last week. Many of Its at the very top In terms newspapers in Senate March 18, 1075 of spending. In fact the com- -| ni , trlct 28 have printed the Dear Editor; Wilbur and I have just fin­ ,ng biennium s basic school, qUeg|lonnajre a, a pubHc »«'■vice, and many constituents lihed planting toti pounds of million accounts for close ..j to taking the time to com- grass seed at Fairview Ceme­ 56 — tery. The cemetery association one-third of the general fund. , plete the poll and return it to This appropriation 1> $3« ' mToffice' want« al] plots planted. They million more than the gover-1 also will not allow any bushes I appreciate both the efforts or plants. We are alowly re­ nor had recommended in his 'of the newspaper edtlors and budget. The increase is desir­ moving bushes from the old able for seveiul reasons. the public in responding to my part, ai we have time. issues that will be on the sen­ For one thing, many legisla ­ Each year, I write a letter ate floor in the coming weeks, for the paper, begging people tors had pledged themselves to and I can better serve you by rn.ise basic school support to a not to dig sod off graves, plant knowing how you feel on the anything or dig holes for vases minimum of 30c of school dis­ significant iasues before the trict. opt rating needs following but, each year, it it done the defeat of the 1973 pro­ 1975 session of the Oregon Le­ again. gislature. As an old television It it heart breaking to work perty tax relief and school fl- entertainer used to say, "Just 1 nance pian. so hard In had weather then to keep those cards and letters go up there, as we did c__ today, _____ I The increase from 28 to 30 coming.” •” I percent reflects two long- and find big holes dug for pots' standing legislative goals I Probably the most impor- In 1908 Nita was united in Mrs. John Teeters of plastic flowers and flowers provide more money for basic Itan* b'U that ' have introduced marriage to Paul Horner, a planted all over a grave just education and easing the local' *h*s session will bit Senate Bill Mrs. Edward Titze drove to descendant of early day home­ after planting it to grass. I property tax burden. j ®22, which will provide a sig- Seattle, Wash., recently for a steaders. They spent some had to dig them out. level A mr.jor factor behind the ^'cant deterrent to shoplift­ visit at the home of her sister, time in the logging camps but grave and replant grass. From dollar increase Is found ’nX. upon approval by the le- Mrs Mae Wiltse Mrs. Wiltse soon located on a portion of If the number following now on, any graves that have total in the formula used by the gislature Briefly, the measure returned home with Mrs. Titze the family homestead south of grass ruined and have to tie your name on The En­ replanted, the cemetery as­ joint ways and means com-1wou,d allow merchants to de- and spent a few days, return­ Mill City where she spent the mittee to arrive at the average ta'n 3 possible shoplifter in his ing to Seattle by bus. terprise label reads rest of her life sociation will bill them for the coat of educating each primary establishment if the merchant Mrs Chris McDonald, Mrs. j To this union a son and two extra work. and secondary student in the has a * reasonable belief that Violet Waillen, Mrs. Lilly daughters were born. The hus­ 3-75 it is time to send Sincerely, state | shoplifting has occurred. The Wolfkiel. Mrs. Harold Long­ band and son, Wayne, preceed- a check for renewal. Evelyn Harlan The amount was approached merchant would not be sub- fellow and granddaughter, ed her in death. Nita and Paul . .. 1 by first dividing the estimated ,/° cr'mina* annd civil Tanya Longfellow, and Mrs. had a lapidary in their home Lebanon were Sunday visitors c''gt‘“o7 education‘dicing“the I Lability. Donald Teeters went to Mc­ where they created many ««• IK*» I «f 1_ __ the Minnville Wednesday, March works of beauty with rocks i at the home of her parents, • 1974-75 school' year“'¿7 the ED LEWIN arew-ew ww««wi MB«*.* | The ”a'7 measure J ~ is receiving 7 a « ” Mr. and Mrs. John Kunkle. number of students, arriving acclaim and support of mer- 20, and were luncheon guests and semi-precious stones. Auctioneer, Inc. Mrs. Effie Anderson return­ at a per student cost of $1,171. chanta and businessmen of Mrs. Don Stensland. . I In 1958, Nita was married to j ed home Saturday after a Adding to this an annual in- throughout the^ state Garth Engaahl of Healds­ Don Clark, a brother of her • Complete Auctions Phone 769-5486 weeks vacation. She spent a flation rat« of 13.3%, the cost want to cut down on their burg, Calif., came Friday eve­ brother-in-law, Verne Clark couple of days at Pilot Rock, a of educating one student at losses from shoplifting, but ning, March 21, to spend his Don »hared her interest in ; Sale almost every Sun. guest of her daughter and son- current program levels is es­ realize that the suspect’s rights spring vacation at the home of 10 A. ML rocks and semi-precious stones in-law. Mr. and Mrs Jim Cook timated at $1,327 for the 1975- must not be violated. The bill his aunt, Dorothy Christensen. and they spent many hours■ Consignments Welcome and family. She went to see 76 school year. gives more protection to the Mr and Mrs Donald Calla­ looking for them. As long as 1050 WDeo Rond Stayton her new grandson, Adam This latter figure, multiplied Oregon merchant, and chances han, Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. Donald her health permitted, they I Lynn, born March 4. The re­ by the number of students, for passage look good. Callahan, Jr. and children, mainder of the week she spent gives a total estimated cost for The senate agriculture and Kelly and Michael, went to at McCleary, Wash., with her the coming year of more than natural resources committee Scappoose the weekend of sister, Mrs. Alma English. $669 million. The state's share, | should report out their solu- March 15 and 16 where they Dr. George Roseberry of Sa­ at 30%, is $220.732.970. I tion to the field burning con­ visited with relatives. lem was the guest speaker An inflation rate of eight troversy by the end of the Sunday morning at the percent was estimated for the ' . Discussion in recent United Methodist Church due second year of the biennium, , work sessions of the commit­ 1 to the illness and absence of raising the amount of state tee — on which I serve — have Rev. Arthur Hansen. I centered around a five-year support to $217 4 million. Mr and Mrs. Hugh Johnston Sfop in and try our Luncheon Special Because of the possibility Extension of the open burning were Sunday guests in Spring­ that the rate of inflation could ban, with increased smoke BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER field at the home of their son, remain as high as 13%, and in management and increases in Mr and Mrs. Tom Johnston. the burning fee levied on the order to maintain the 30%. an additional $9.4 million has grass seed grower for each been alloted to the emergency acre burned. Traditionally that Narcotics in Car board. For each percentage money has gone for research —OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK— point above eight, another $2 into alternative burning me- j “Possession” of narcotics * thods That practice will con ­ Santiam Hwy. Mill City million would be put into is plain enough when they are tinue. basic school support found in someobdy ’ s pocket or I was pleased that the se­ If the extra $9.4 million is purse. But suppose they are not required, it would become nate passed SB 381 on Mon., found in somebody's pocket or March 17. with just four dis ­ part of the beginning balance Is each occupant of the car for the following biennium In senting votes. The measure considered guilty of the crime has been the subject of pre- •iny event, it’s a cushion again- of possession? th« ; t the effects of inflation — , vious news releases, and I consider it to be one of the ( . and it precludes the need to I appropriate additional state more significant pieces of le­ It's | funds. | gislation in Salem this session. The bill, which now goes to School boards have contin-| ually complained that they can the house, calls for every rule * by •V never rely on the level of state ll and regulation - . . drafted . . , state „ ,, ,p.. p.,„cy You Can Save Wear and Tear on Your Pencils viding cost of living increases TESS eounse. eo-nmltte.. is continued, t____ ______ . . . Your Nerves . . . and your bud­ the I will be guaranteed a minimum We have had problems in get, too . . by letting our Expert Account­ not past with state agencies close to 30% for existing ants handle your tax computations. Broad 897-2291 of I following the "intent of the programs. ad- legislature ” in drawing The difference between the ministrative rules based on 10:00 governor’s recommendation and the final sum is simply a laws passed by the state’s law- ORSHIP—I 11:00 i.m matter of how much the con­ ; makers. I Senate Bill 381, which came Police thought so in one re­ sumer price index will rise in out of the joint trade and cent case when they arrested the next fiscal year. Governor WELC •ry increase of 10%, while )e-l economic development com­ not only the driver of the car| for review of but his passenger as well. gislators agreed that 13.3%— mittee. calls F. E. Arbuckle Tax Service of 106 South the October 1974 figures — these rules and regulations, They had discovered a bag of not changes. In that way it illicit pills on the rear floor­ John ( I was more realistic. will not interfere with the tra­ board. Water Street Silverton, Oregon has a I A potential problem exists ditional separation of powers The passenger, however, with federal revenue sharing between the legislative branch tax consultant in the attorneys office at ( who had been sitting in the funds. Approximately $44 mil- j of government, which passes front seat, denied any know­ 129 N. E. Wall St.. Mill City, Oregon lion — the state’s entire al- j laws, and the executive lotment under the federal pro­ branch, charged with enforc ledge of the pills. And a court (next to the Post Off ce). ruled that there simply was gram is incorporated into the not enough evidence to con ­ How-1 ing ,hosc ,aws Legislative school support budget .- T* ri,,.J counsel will examine all of the HOURS — TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS ever, revenue sharing is due J rules coming out of laws pass- nect him with the offense. Most courts agree that one’s to end six months prior to the I ed this session, and can review 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. mere presence in a car is not close of the biennium. ¡existing rules if requested. to establish guilt enough An ammendment to the ap-1 With more than 550 m rules propriations bill calls for an and regulations resulting from There simply was not enough additional genera) fund appro­ laws passed by the legislature evidence to connect him with 9 priation to make up for any in 1973, it is time for this kind the offense. Most courts agree that one's decrease in federal funding — of continuing review process. Electronic Servicing And Sales at an event considered unlikely 1 look for favorable action in mere presence in a car in because of the heavy reliance the house, and on the gover­ whicn narcotics are found is Reasonable Rites not enough to establish guilt. placed on revenue sharing by nor's desk, with this measure. There must be some additional cities, counties and states. evidence of involvement. Includes Rebuilt Wheel Cylinders, Bleed Passage of the basic school' For example: support measure this early in \*/ PpIlowshiD and adjust All three occupants of an­ the session gives us ample time vvomen S reilOWSnip other car were charged with to consider necessary reduc-1 » , . ax kJ L possession of some drugs that Disc Brakes Slightly More tions in state agency budgets. Meet At Mehama PHONE 1 were found underneath a PHONE as well as other sources of re-1 . , I blanket. But this time, each WE NOW HAVE THE LATEST IN venue to balance the state( Community C-hurch man told the police a different budget. GATES SALEM BRAKE EQUIPMENT MEHAMA — The meeting story — and not one of the In addition to covering the 897-2777 581-4047 increase in basic school sup­ 1 of the Women’s Fellowship of stories checked out. Under these circumstances, Mehama Community port, this revenue would be d 'Y° guilty conscience, said the __ j Aleen Wilson enter­ court, was Indicated by their concerning legislative prob-' ___ hymns *' 8882 State Street, Salem, Oregon 97301 lems, please contact me al i tained with a medley of sacred efforts to “cover up.” Ownership of the car. too, Bldg., Salem, > music on her xylophone. She 107K Capitol hiug., oaiem, ~.“a accompanied on the may help to establish guilt. Ore. 97310. My phone number [was In another case, narcotics is 378-8849. Information on piano by Rues Buhlar of Sa- were found in an open shelf bills or legislative matters can lem. Canyon Area Every Thursday Loretta Emcrt gave the de- :n the back section of a van also be obtained by caling the The owner of the van, who votion.il talk for the evening From Mehama To Idanha Chevron toll-free information number Phone 897-2786 which was followed by a was also at the wheel, insisted 1-8OO-452-O29O. they must have been left there SYLVANIA and ZENITH SALES short business meeting. 508 N. E. Sant lain Blvd. A nominating committee by a passenger unbeknownst DATSUN SERVICE was appointed for officers to to h:m. Mill City But a court found him guilty be elected at the April AND REPAIR nevertheless. The court said meeting. Of New or Used, Color or Black and White TV’» at «11 Work Guaranteed and yaa The hostesses, Ella VanBeek that as both owner and driver SAVE on Salem Price« and Winatred Branch, served of the vehicle, he was hardly refreshments to the 22 mem­ likely to be unaware of some­ Call 897-2062 bers and guests present and thing located in such plain K1.MKK TRIPP sight. a social time was enjoyed. Mrs. Elsie Stoneking from Oaklund, Calif , I* visiting at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McDougall. Mr». VI Wolfer from Canby is spending this week at the home of Lily Faris. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Elmer of Albany spent the weekend at the home of her mother, Mrs. Bea Hiatt. They also visited their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gai) Elmer and children. Monday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Arthur Olm­ stead, were Mr and Mrs. Glenn Cooper of Salem. Mr. and Mrs Ed Olmstead of Co­ burg, and Mr. and Mrs Robert Olmstead from Kentucky. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Lyons Rural Fire Dept held a special meeting March 13 to change the date of their bicen­ tennial puradc to Aug. 2 in­ stead of Aug. 30. Mr and Mrs. Robin Prichard and family from Tillamook spent several days of their spring vacation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prichard. Mrs. Elwin Pederson with her mother, Mrs. Emil Hoben- sirfken of Salem, spent several days in Phoenix, Ariz., at the home of Mr and Mrs. Clarence Geiser. Mr. and Mrs Robert Carle­ ton and daughters, Barbara and Kathy spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs Orville Down­ ing and Mr. and Mrs John Mc­ Clurg Mrs. Arthur Olmstead visit­ ed Saturday in Corvallis at the home of her mother, Mrs. Berthe Young, and sister, Mrs. Pearl Olson, who was visiting from Livingston, Mont Mrs. Olson returned home with Mrs. Olmstead for the week­ end and will leave Monday for her home in Montana Man-Linn school resumed classes Monday morning. M.ircli 24. following a week of, spring vacation Easter services will begin i with a sunrise service at 7:001 am at the John Neal Mem Park, followed by their regu-1 lar Easter services at the Canyon Baptist Church. St Patrick Catholic Church will hold their regular Easter Mass at 10:30 a m Dr. Carl Mason, district superintendent, will be the guest speaker at the Unit rd Methodist Church. Ormel Chapin, director of youth, be the guest speaker at Assembly of God Church day n.ght, Saturday night at both services Sunday with special music. Mr. and Mrs Floyd Chase of i MEHAMA THE A . FAMILY^ ,1 4 1 AW YER ìlei 1¿/mui LUNCHEON SPECIAL Five Days A Week VIV’S STEAK HOUS! » Sharpen Your Pencil or See Us TAX TIME kW First United PresbVtèHan Church INCOME TAX PREPARATION Four Wheel Drum Brake Reline $59,s I POOR GAS MILEAGE? Bring Your Car In for a Tune-up today R&R Chevron Service CAPITOL SERVICE No Mileage Charge GOOD SELECTION FREE Pick Up and Delivery Service REASONABLE PRICES