THEY'RE ALL IN e^^lkSÁViÑGS £R0FI7S«ra^§S created an atmosphere in which every lawmaker is con­ cerned about the loss of even a single job in the private Miscellaneous sector. It’s classic because it repre­ WE HAVE Maytag Washers,; AUTHORIZED CATALOG sents another example of the Dryers and Dishwashers j MERCHANT STORE staggering task facing those that are quiet and depend-! ing by reducing acreage In- we elect to solve technical able and available at Wes- ■ In a session marked largely CARD OF THANK* volved to no more than 50,000 problems In a political system tern Auto Associate Store. J We, the family of Nita by politics and paradox, one acre« by 1977. Burning fees Mill City- Ph- 897-2785. 52tf • Clark, wish to offer our «in- issue before the 58th Oregon and penalties for infraction cere thanks tq the many Legislature in Salem looms would be increased dramati- LOSE WEIGHT safe, fast, and On friends who gave us comfort over most as a classic gxample | cally. and sympathy during our loaa ot the problem» facing law | Both bills would give ulti­ makers this year. and sorrow. generating mate authority for the pro­ Credited with Don R. Clark and family Sears Best Model during the gram to the executive depart­ the greatest heat WHITE interior Latex wall Shirley Laird ment by transferring jurisdic­ ELECTION NOTICE it has fired Through March 31 session so far. finish $3 98 gal Sublimity Joel and Lucille Vincent tion from the department of Linn County Building Supply, Sublimity. public interest and been fuel Verne and Maud Clark environmental quality to the State of Oregon Ph. 769-2174. 3tf At Your Home Owned ed by personal participation of and family NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV the governor and leader« of environmental quality com- NUMBER ONE prefinished SEARS STORE both house and senate. It is. mission — ns ii the practice EN that the Lyons Rural Fire CARD OF THANKS paneling. AU 4x8 sheets I common to such regulation of Protection District will hold Mr. and Mrs Alex Bodeker of course, the questions of other industries. Ph. 897-2348 180 N. 1st $3.99 and $4.99. Sublimity Ph- its regular election on May 6, whether the legislature will want to express their grati­ MUI City 1 Recognizing the emotional Building Supply, Sublimity. tude for so many cards, maintain present law banning | aspect of the issue, Speaker 1975, for the purpose of elect­ Phone 769-2174. 3tf------------------- ing: flowers and prayers during open field burning. Lang early in the session One Director, for a Four (4) LICENSED INCOME Mr. Bodeker’s hospital stay SEPTIC TANK and dralnfleld At the heart of the issue is created a special house com- TAX CONSULTANT to wrMt|e wUh H and year term. installation. Gravai. Topsoil. Bring your income tax material and many well wishes as he is the agricultural practice of Petitions ot candidates of »aid now convalescing at home. sterilizing fields used for plarpd hirn,pK at ita helm Bulldozing Free Estimate. to me for fast, accurate pre­ Such wonderful friends and position must file with the growing grass seed by burning [ On thp SPnatP sldP . thp lasup Low ratea L, M Walker, paration on your returns. neighbors make life worth liv­ Linn County Clerk not later Lyons. 859-2436. 50tf leftover straw and stubble, | has consumed attention of Mabel Yankus, North San­ ing. The controversy involves the a|rricu|tur<. nnd natural re. than April I. 1975. tiam Real Estate Office, 675 Chester L Grimes, Alex and Alta Bodeker GLIDDEN PAINT now avail­ smoke generated in the pro- , ,ources committee, chaired by N. E. Santiam Blvd. Phone District Clerk cess and its intrusion into the 1 Sen. - able at Western Auto Asso­ Mike Thorne (D-Pendle 897-2497. 2tl March 24, 1975 CARD OF THANKS environment. ciate Store. Bring in your ton). (Published in the Mill City We wish to express our sin- At stake is a $60 million in­ color, we will mix the paint; Perhaps fortunate for every­ Enterprise Thurs., March 27, to match it. Santiam Blvd.. ROTO V ATI NG Service. Phone cere appreciation for the dustry and the 2,400 jobs it one concerned. Sen. Thorne Mill City. Ph. 897-2785. 49tf; 897-2183. 14 many acts of kindness extend- represents. And, clashing with by virtue of his Eastern Ore­ 1975.) ed to us by our many friends that consideration are the twin gon constituency — Is one NOTICE TO GALVANIZED 1 ROOFING --------------- NEED CASH? Loans available during our recent sorrow considerations of health and lawmaker who has a perspec­ INTERESTED PERSONS 2V corrugated, 4V corru­ The family of on older homes and ranch- aesthetics expressed by a tive view of the Willamette Gwen Schaer and Audrey gated custom cut to length. ettes. Call debenture mort­ Elsie B. Hutchinson growing population in the. | Valley problem. On the other Levon have been appoint» d Ask about our new lower gage co.. Stayton, 769-6377 area involved Representatives of I hand, he is a rancher and is Personal prices. Sublimity Building lltf Some lawmakers have gone 'to'fOTgTng' a com- the Estate of ROYAL JOHN­ Supply. 769-2174. so far as to claim the issue is prom|sp that wiI1 ,atisfy both SON. Deceased, by the Circuit Need Drycleaning the most important facing this lhp pOMiblp agricultural Court of the State of Oregon SAVE Big! Clean rugs and I Agency for Salem Laundry and I session. Others tend . practice with a commitment to for Linn County, under No. upholstery with Blue Lustre. I Drycleaning. Pick up and it with a perspective tempered reduce air pollution. 12703 All persons having Rent electric shampooer $1. Delivery on Mondays largely by the fact It is a Wil­ | It appears his committee claims against the estate are Mill City Hardware, phone I HIKTE’S MARKET lamette Valley problem in­ | vill send an amended version required to present the same 897-2977. 13 Telephone 897-3133. 844 1st volving some 280.000 acres I ......... of SB ...... 311 containing a three to within four months from date FOR SALE — 10 gaL Sears’ St.. Mill City. Open 8-6:30 dotting Multnomah. Washing- . flvp ypar phaseout plan to the of first publication to said every day. Closed Sundays. ton. Clack mia , Marion. Polk. .:,.nate floor (M,fori. thls m(,nth Personal Representatives at Dry Shop Vac., 1 HP, 2H”' _ _ ____________________ Yamhill, Linn, Benton t hose, tools and dolly, $12.' ALUMINUM Screen Doors is out. And it likely will per­ the office of their attorneys at Line Counties Indeed, origin­ mit present burning practices P. O. Box 497. Stayton, Ore­ Barney Scott, ph. 897-2240.^ | complete with hinges, latch al impetus for passage of SB on at least 3fi*T of total acre gon. 97383. 13 set, grill and door clo»er, _______________________________ I 38 in 1971 came from nine | age to accommodate fields so Your rights may lx- affect­ $14.50. Sublimity Building BUYING gold, silver and old Lane County legislators, only steep any other method would ed by this proceeding and ad­ Supply. Phone 769-2174. coins — U. S. and foreign.1 four of whom are still serving. render them unfit for use and ditional information may be Will visit your home. Cash. And the burgeoning popula-1 create erosion hazards. obtained from the records of Custom RototilLng P. O. Box 268, Salem. Ph. • lion in the Springfield-Eugene | It has been said the ulti­ the Court, the Personal Repre­ GARDENS — LAWNS 399-7024. 15 area still furnishes the great­ mate solution will satisfy sentatives or the attorneys for Phone 859-2019 Stayton Invitational est volume of opposition to neither grass seed growers nor the Personal Representative«. 5 H P. Roto Hoe Rototillers— After 6:00 p.m. Name of Team W L field burning Dated and first published ' environmentalists and the $242.95. Also for rent — roto­ Lyons. Oregon Stayton Pharmacy 7 1 SB 38 called for regulation tillers and steam carpet Madison Davis 6C4 14 of the practice by the DEC?, a statement has consensus sta­ March 13, 1975. tus. It's also likely that solu­ Gwen Schaer Dery Trk. cleaners. Toro mower—early 5 3 For Rent permit and fee system to fi­ tion is not imminent. If Audrey Levon D H Trk. 3 bird special before March 31 5 nance technology that would Thoren s prediction Is correct Personal Representatives 3 bdrm, house Team -6 5 3 (Grassmaster key electric FOR RENT replace the practice with a and if his chamber passes B«-ll & Bell w/garden spot. References N. S. Real Estate 3 5 start). Free pressure cooker smokeless solution and a ban SB 311 to the house, final re- Attorneys at I-aw required $125. mo. plus $50 Lierman Ins. testing . . . have parts. Sale 64 on open burning effective • D4 P. O Box 497 ( solution could be weeks away cleaning depos. 204 S. W. High individual game and Jan. 1 this year. on 21 qt. Presto cooker can­ .Stayton, Ore. 97383 I The issue is fraught with lith St. Ph 897-2686. 13p Series Lona Emerl, 227 and nerò $44.95 and juicers. 20% I____________________________ Intensive effort has been Attorneys for 568; high team game and made to develop a machine politics because an aroused off on fireplace accessories, Personal Representatives Madison Davis, Ins. capable of burning the straw public is applying emotion­ old copper and Hoover ap­ FOR RENT - Furnished 1 and series I 2 bdrm. apts. All utilities 543 and 1494 (Published in the Mill City laden pressure on all concern­ pliances. Sale on fireplaces and stubble but authorities be­ ed. It is paradoxical because Enterprise, Thurs., March 13, | incl. Cable TV available. Ph. and woodbuming stoves. lieve practical use of such economic 897 2961. 51 if conditions have 20 and 27, 1975.) Tuesday Pin Pah Open Sundays. Smith’s Hard­ equipment is still two or three i Name of Team W L years away. ware. 140 Candalaria Blvd. FOR RENT — One bedroom | 10 2 S„ Salem. Ph. 364-5661. 13 furnished apt. in Gates, Ph. State Farm Ins. Consequently, this legista- , Teds Drive In 9 3 897-2966 or 897-2701. 4tf ture is faced with a half-dozen j OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT Mel Round & Sons I 7 bills addressing the problem ' $3.98 per gallon. Sublimity FOR RENT — 2 bdrm, duplex. Stayton Bowl 5 7 and two in particular, from Building Supply. Phone 769- 5 Carpeted, appliances, water, U. S. National Bk 7 which a solution seems most 2174. 3tf 1 G&B Trk and garbage service furnish­ 6 6 likely to evolve. ed. Mill City, Douglas St Pats Pill Box . 5 7 One is SB 311, referred to WE HAVE a good supply of $115 mo. Ph. Salem 364-0141 Highland Trk. . 5 7 as the industry bill. The other Cocoa Mats, all sizes. Mill or 565-8030. 13 Phillips 66 3 9 is HB 2560, introduced by City Hardware. Phone 897- C4H FURNITURE II BERRY'S TIRES Speaker Phil Lang (D Port­ 2fl7Z ltf FOR RENT — Small furnish- Girods Hilltop High individual game — land) at the request of Gov. Upholstery I ed Cottage 134 S. W 4th Cheryl Parrish 198; high indi- & GARAGE "24 Years Experience” Bob “ Straub. I St. Plione 897-2931. 14p vidual series — Joyce Mocaby Ph. 897-3251 Hwy. 22 COMMUNITY CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY In essence, the senate bill 509; high team game—Phillips calls for an indefinite exten- CREDIT UNION Commercial, Home, Autos, Just West of Gates 66, 742; high team series - sion of the present ban. Boats, etc. Public Notices Join your friends and save G&B, 2100. ALL TYPES OF REPAIR “Chuck does them all" higher fees for smoke man­ with safety at the Norik Free Estimates, Pickup agement and development of Trucks Pickups Cara and delivery, Santiam Federal. Accounts WANTED — Particular print­ a promising sled-type burning I ing form buyers for our par macninc and a healthy contri­ WE REPAIR TRUCK TIRES 164 N. First Avenue, Staytoa insured to $40,000.00. 1005 I Informative discussion fire­ ticular printers. We have bution from the general fund Ph. 769 5427 North First Avenue, Stay- sides, 8:00 p.m. every Wednes­ the most particular and as­ to help administer the new day. 428 13th St., Lyons. Tele. ton, Ore. Phone 769-2146. tute printers in the business iaw. The governor’s bill would CARL'S UPHOLSTERY 859-2943. ready and eager to do your repeal ____ the present ban and en- 488 Center Street, Sublimity All Welcome printing needs. Call the Mill I force a phaseout of open burn- JOHN W. REID. M. D. 6—Tile Mill City Enterprise, Thursday. March 27, 1975 CLASSIFIED RATES Churches, bazaars, suppers, bake sale, etc., will be run under special announcements classification with a mini­ num charge of 75c per in sertion. Fifteen cents per line each insertion, No advertisements accepted for less than 75c per week. Minimum charge for Cards of Thanks 81.0S. Count five words to the line in ordering your ad. Telephom 897-2772. Mill City or mag your advertisement to The Mill Citv Enterprise. Mill City. Oregon 97360. Help Wanted HOMEWORKERS - Earn $25 per 100 stuffing letters into already addressed, stamped envelopes supplied free. Kit $1.00 (refundable) GEMCO, POB 21244-M126, Indianapolis, Ind. 36221. 14p WANTED — Faller to fall two scrub maples on unimproved land and cut in approxi­ mately 5’ lengths. Barney Scott, ph. 897-2240. 13 ....... .............. Real Estate BUYERS we have Office» Ceut-to-Coast National Advertising Brings Bt Y ERS from everywhere Can Today STROUT REALTY, Inc. Vivian M. Kealen. Manager Gates. Oregon 97346 P. O. Box 516 Phone 897-2184 New on mkt. Newer, lg. 2 bdrm, modern home. 1200 sq. ft. in Detroit, Or 75’x 135’ lot $22,000. — Owner will entry or St. Vet. Ln. LISTINGS NEEDED Buying Selling or think of DRUSHELLA'S Drushella Real Estate 1005 N. First Ave., Stayton Elydia E. Smith 897-2460 Salesman — Gates, Oregon Call day or evening » In Town Or Out Of Town "Persona Hied'' Professional Service SUREWAY REALTY Company 265 E. Ida St. — Stayton LOUISE PATTERSON, Broker Ph-769-3366 or 769-5716 For Selling, Buying, Exchanging and Property Analysis 45tf Sears SAVE S100 MICRO WAVE OVEN ¡IIIIIK BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL ------ » DIRECTORY «------ BAHA'I FAITH 2 BEDROOM HOME on 50 x 100’ Lot. Gas furnace double carport, covered patio and detached shop bui'd- wg. Full Pnce ............ $8,900.00 Homesite ?yaH*b,e on this 94x115’ lot Located in excellent neighborhood. __________ ____ _ 52 500 00 MANY BUYERS for homes with am» 11 acreage LIST NOW. STROUT REALTY, INC Ph. 897-2124 Vivian Kealen, Mgr. iuibj UF Ph. 769-5883 Services TRACHSEL BUICKS STAYTON SMALL EQUIPMENT Homelife Sales & Service Gigantic USED CAR Reduction Sale Open Tneaday Thru Saturday 8:00 ajn. to 8:00 pun. 393 E. Florence Stayton, Oregon Gatea, Ore. ’74 OPEL Wagon. 4 ap., 15,000 mile» $3250 Bucket Seats ’72 BUICK LeSabre, 4-