Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1975)
THEY'RE ALL IN 6—The Mill CMy Hnterprhe, Thursday. Man* IS, 1975 Sears Help Wanted EARN $100.00 possible weekly CLASSIFIED RATES Miscellaneous addressing, stuffing enve Churches, bazaars, suppers, bake sale, etc., will be run i lopes at home. Information: AUTHORIZED CATALOG send self-addressed, stamped under special announcements FOR SALE — Rubber Stamps MERCHANT STORE . . . made to order at the envelope to D Swann, Box classification with a mini Mill City Enterprise. Come 14, Preston, Id. 83263. 11 mum charge of 75c per in tn and see us or call 897- eertion. HELP WANTED — Fry Cook 3772. Fifteen cents per line each and waitresses, experiended. insertion. No advertisements Wanted for year round em accepted for leas than 75c NUMBER ONE prefinished ployment. Call or write: The per week. Minimum charge paneling All 4x8 sheets - . _ — Cedars, P. O. Box 583, De for Cards of Thanks $1.00. *3.99 and $4 99. Sublimity ( lu/npH \paFC XtfiTP troit, Ore. 97342. Ph. 854- Count five words to the line Building Supply. Sublimity. VnlKAl JLCJIO JIU1U 3638. Ask for Bob Layman, in ordering your ad. Telephon« 3tf Carpets Phone 769-2174. Appliances if not in, leave information 897-2772, Mill City or mil how you can be contacted your advertisement to The Mill Kitchen Cabinets 11 Citv - Enterprise, Mill Citv. Lawn & Garden Oregon 97380. HOMEWORKERS - Earn $25 per 100 stuffing letters into Supplies Walter. already addressed, stamped For Rent SOtf Ph. 897-2348 160 N. in I envelopes supplied free. MiU City Kit $1.00 (refundable) FOR RENT — 3 bdrm, house GLIDDEN PAINT now avail GEMCO, POB 21244-M126, w garden spot. References able at Western Auto Asso LOSE WEIGHT safe, fast, and Indianapolis, Ind. 36221. 14p required. Avail Mar. 15. ciate Store. Bring in your easy with the Diadax plan— $125. mo. plus $50 cleaning color, we will mix the paint Reduce fluids with Fluidex. WANTED — Particular print depos 204 S. W. 11th St. Ph to match it Santiam Blvd.. Mill City Pharmacy. 13p ing form buyers for our par 897 2686. lip MiU City. Ph. 897-2785. 49tf ticular printers. We haw FLUFFY soft and bright are the most particular and as FOR RENT — Furnished 1 and GALVANIZED ROOFING, carpets cleaned with Blue tute printers in the businees 2 bdrm. apts. All utilities 2%" corrugated, 4V corru Lustre. Reni electric sham- ready and eager to do your incL Cable TV available. Ph. gated custom cut to length.I pooer $1 Mill City Hardware printing needs. Call the Mill 897-2961. 51tf Ask about our new lower | —phone 897-2977. 11 prices. Sublimity Building FOR RENT — One bedroom CUSTOM ROTOTILLING - Supply. 769-2174. furnished apt in Gates, Ph. large tracts or small, Lyons- 897-2966 or 897-2701. 4tf . Mil! City area. Jerry Pit- SANTIAM CUSTOM MEATS tam. Ph. 897-2324, 9.00 to Featuring for your Beef or 5:00 p.m. weekdays. 11 Real Estate Pork . . . Mobile Slaughter-'___________________________ ing Cut & Wrapped, quick WE HAVE Maytag Washers. FOR SALE — 2 Bdrm, house freeze. USDA inspected , Dryers and Dishwashers on 85x120 ft lot $9,000. 1169 Idaho grain fed choice locker. that are quiet and depend- Woids cannot express our S E. 3rd Ave. See owner at beef 79c lb. USDA Good 75c ! able and available at Wes- gratitude and appreciation to 1116 S. E 3rd Ph. 897-2780. lb. Ph. 769-2600 8 a.m. to 5| tern Auto Associate Store, each and every person who has 12 p.m. Evenings 769-6379 or ! Mill City. Ph. 897-2785. 52tf extended a helping hand to 394-3876. 11 Bi VE k S we have 1 us since we lost our home in ——------—--------------------- | LICENSED INCOME Listings we need ! a fire last Tuesday morning. 5 H P. Roto Hoe Rototiller»— ' TAX CONSULTANT Offices Coast-to-Coast We thank God to live in a $242.95. Also for rent — roto- Bring your income tax material National Advertising Brings community like ours and we tillers and steam carpet to me for fast, accurate pre BUYERS from everywhere cleaners. Toro mower—early ■ paration on your returns. believe all the good people in Call Today bird special before March 311 Mabel Yankus, North San the world must live in Mill STROUT REALTY, Inc. (Grassmaster key electric! tiam Real Estate Office, 675 City. To all of Vivian M. Kealen. Manager grateful. start). Free pressure cooker N. E. Santiam Blvd. Phone Gates. Oregon 97346 Our Sincere Thanks, testing . . . have parts. Sale 897-2497. 2tf P. O. Box 516 Bill, Alma & Bruce Beyer on 21 qt. Presto cooker can- Phone 897-2184 ners $44 95 and juicers. 2(X£ WHITE interior La’ex wall New on mkt Newer, Ig. 2 off on fireplace accessories, finish $3.98 gal. Sublimity old copper and Hoover ap-i Building Supply, Sublimity. bdrm, modem home. 1200 plia.nces. Sale on fireplaces i Ph. 769-2174. sq. ft. in Detroit, Or 75’x Mrs. John Teeters 3tf 135’ lot. $22,000. - Owner and woodburning stoves. ■ Mr. and Mrs Rex Longfellow will usury or St. Vet. Ln. Open Sundays Smith’s Hard- | Need Drycleaning returned Sunday, March 2, In Mill City — solid, 2 bdrm, ware, 140 Candalaria Blvd. Agency for Salem Laundry and from Riggins. Idaho, where h S., Salem. Ph. 364-5661. 13 j Drycleaning. Pick up and had been employed on a smaller, older home plus Ig. lot, lOO’xlOO*. 3 blks. to Delivery on Mondays. construction project for some stores. Asking $13,500 St. OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT - - time. HIRTE’S MARKET $3.98 per gallon. Sublimity Vet. Ln. can be assmd. or Telephone 897-3133. 844 1st Mr. and Mrs. Harry Monroe Building Supply. Phone 769- new st. vet. set up. St., Mill City. Open 8-6:30 returned recently from a five 2174. 3tf day bus trip to Reno, Nev. ■— ------- ---------------- ——_____ ' every day. Closed Sundays. They had nice weather all the WE HAVE a good supply of' Cocoa Mats, all sizes. Mill I ALUMINUM Screen Doon time they were gone. complete with hinges, latch Mr. and Mrs. Donald Teeters City Hardware. Phone 897- set. grill and door closer, were hosts at their home Mon 2977. Hf $14.50. Sublimity Building day evening, March 3, for the Supply. Phone 789-2174. tf regular meeting of the council COMMUNITY of the Mehama Community See The Mill City Enter Church. CREDIT UNION prise. Top Quality Printin/ think of Guest speaker at the morn Join your friends and save priced right Fast service ing worship services of the DRUSHELLA’S with safety at the North too. Phone 897-2772. Mehama Church Sunday, Drushella Real Estate March 9. was Jim Hills and Santiam Federal. Accounts 1005 N. First Ave., Stayton special music was provided by Custom Rototilling insured to $40,000.00. 1005 Elydia E. Smith 897-2460 John Wack. Both men are GARDENS — LAWNS Salesman — Gates. Oregon I North First Avenue, Stay from Western Baptist Bible Phone 859-2019 ton, Ore. Phone 769-2146. Call day or evening College in Salem. After 6:00 pjn. Guests during the weekend Lyons, Oregon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. We Are Pleased +0 Announce the addition Wanted M¡see11anous Edward Titze were her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and to our staff of WANTED — Old traps, fur Mrs. Richard Rogers from A, JACK MARSHALL stretchers, trapping maga- Prineville. They also visited other relatives here. “d City' Jack and his zines. Call after 4:00 p.m. with Mike Walz was here for the 897-2302. Up wue^Lora are building a new home on McCully Mt weekend from Mt. Hood Com munity College at the home of Public Notices «» CaU J*“* our office or his home 859-2027 for his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Personalized Professional Service. Edward Walz. Additional Sun day guests were their son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Informative discussion fire Mrs. Gordon McMorris from 265 E. Ida Street 769 3366 or 769-5716 sides, 8:00 p.m. every Wednes Woodbum. day. 428 13th St., Lyons. Tele. 859-2943. All Welcome March Is ’SAVINGS' Time At Your Home CARDS THANKS MEHAMA SUREWAY REALTY COMPANY BAHA'I FAITH I order of The District Board of March, 1973. WESLEY JAHN I Director*. Budget Officer Dated this 10th day of 1 March. 1975. (Published in the Mill City T. Harold Tomlinson Enterprise, Thur*., March 13. County Clerk & 1975.) NOTICE TO Elections Officer INTERESTED PERSONS (Published in the Mill City Gwen Schaer and Audrey Enterprise. Thurs., March 13, NOTICE OF ELECTION Levon have been appointed 1975.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV Personal Representatives of EN that an election will be the Estate of ROYAL JOHN held on May 6, 1975 by the NOTICE OF BUDGET SON, Deceased, by the Circuit Gates Rural Fire protection COMMITTEE MEETING Court of the State of Oregon NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- district for the purpo-i of f°r ^lnn 5?Unt,‘ U"der N° ’ EÑ' Pur^ani to"oRS *294401, electing two members to the 12703 All persons having that a meeting of the Budget Board of Directors of said claims against the estate are Committee of Administrative district required to present the same School District No 129J of Two member(s) shall be within four months from date Linn County, State of Oregon, elected for a term of four years of first publication to said will be held at Santiam High each. Personal Representatives at School on the 26th day of All terms of office shall the of „„„ their at March. 1975, at 7:30 p.m. o’- commence July 1, 1975. _ _ office _---- - - attorney* - Petitions or declarations for 51 Stayton’ Ore- J çjoçfc for (b# purpose of reeeiv- gon. 97383 , ' - __ - nomination to tha above of- “vk.., __________ the budget I mt-wage and - Your rights may be affect- budget'document'of sa’id dis" fice(s) must be filed with the ed by this proceeding and ad trlct for the yBar 1975. Elections Division of the ditional information may be 197g Marion County Clerk, 3180 obtained from the records of 1 Tliia is a public meeting Center St N.E., Salem 97301, the Court, the Personal Repre- where deliberations of the not iatcr than April I, 1975. sentatives or the attorneys for oudget committee will take By order of The District the Personal Representatives. place, and any person may Board of Director*. Dated this Dated and first published appear and discuss proposed 10th day of March 1975. March 13, 1975. T. Harold Tomlinson progrims with the budget Gwen Schaer County Clerk A committee at that time. Audrey Levon elections Officer A copy of the budget docu Personal Representatives Published in the Mill City ment is available at the Bell & Bell Office of the Superintendent. Enterprise Thursday. March Attorneys at Law Dated this 13tli day of 13, 1975 ) P O Box 497 St ay ton. Ore. 97383 Attorneys for Personal Representatives Electronic Servicing And Sales at »Published in the Mill City Reasonable Rates Enterprise, Thurs., March 13, 20 and 27, 1975.) ^Mìcltótoe I CAPITOL LINN COUNTY STATE OF OREGON ELECTION NOTH ■ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN that the Mill City Fire Pro tection District will hold its regular election on May 8. 1975 for the purpose of elect- ing one director to Position -4 for a four year term. Petitions of candidates for said positions must be filed with the Linn County Clerk not later than April 1, 1975. MARILYN B LARSON District Clerk 10 March 1975 (Published in the Mill City Enterprise Thurs., March 13, 1975.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN :h;<t an election will be held on May 6, 1975, by th< Detrc '<■ School District 123J to vote on a budget and for the purpe.a of electing tw, mem be.-j <A the Board of Directors of said district' One member shall be elect- cd for a term of two years for position $2 and one member shall k elected for a term of four years for position #3. All terms of office shall commence July 1, 1975. Petitions or declarations tot nomination to tha above fleets) must be filed with Elections Division of the M ir- ¡on County Clerk. 3184 Center St., N.E.. Salem, Ore. 97301, not later than April 1, 1975. By a check for renewal North Santiam Real Estate STROUT REALTY, INC. Ph. 897-2124 Vivian Kealen, Mgr. Gates, Ore. SERVICE CALLS MADE Phone 709-2042 Salem, Oregon 97301 No Mileage Charge Canyon Area Every Thursday SYLVANIA and ZENITH SALES GOOD SELECTION Of New or Used, Color or Black and White TV”« at REASONABLE PRICES BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL - - - - - - > DIRECTORY «- - - - - - C&H FURNITURE Upholstery BERRY’S TIRES & GARAGE Hwy. 22 Ph. 769 5427 CARL’S UPHOLSTERY 488 Center Street, Sublimity JOHN W. REID. M. D. Reduction Sale ’74 C’HEV CAMARO Bucket Seata___ ’74 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN WON. air ’73 PONTIAC GRAN PRIX air ......... ’73 OPEL MANTA 2-door, automatic '73 DATSUN PICKUP Low miles ’72 RIVIERA Full power, Air ._ ...... ’72 OPEL WAGON Automatic 29,(MM) miles ’71 FORD Mustang FORD GAL. 500 4-Ht Air ____ *71 Air ’69 OLDS Vista Cruiser Wgn. 59,000 Miles ’69 CHRYSLER 4-Dr. 3 Seat — ’68 BUICK Sport Wagon Air......... .......- '67 T-BIRD 4-Door 4-Dr................. ’62 BUICK I^eSabre We Upholster Furniture, Boats, Cars and all Farm Equipment FREE Estimates and FREE Pickup and Delivery Service 30 Years Experience Physician and Surgeon Mill City, Or>-|C«>n I WAYNE’S GARAGE Ph. 897-2246 Highway 222 on Old Road Weddle Funeral Home To Lyons $4195 $3750 $3777 $2790 $2875 $3899 $1888 $2850 $1550 $1995 $1195 $1095 $795 $399 Modern Funeral Service Stayton Mon., thru Frl. 8 — 7 Saturday 8—5 Oregon Towing Call 769-5757 GRAVEL OF ALL KINDS Call HUGH JOHNSTON 859-2222 Mornings or Evenings Chuck Osborn Rte. 1, Box 466 Anuuivllle, Ora. Subscribe to The Oil Burner Service Motor Service 519 Center St. Sublimity All Makes motors Serviced. Repaired and Rewound. Irri gation and House Pumps in cluded. SW State Street, Ph. 769-5883 Open Tuesday Thru Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 pan. 393 E. Florence Stay ton, Oregon MANY BUYERS for home« with small acreage. LIST NOW. SERVICE 3-75 it is time to send LISTINGS NEEDED, Acreage$, any size, with or without improvements. Al! I’vpes of Roof Repair« »■RLE ESTIMATES » I AUMSVILLE Cottinq’s Small Engine — . FOUR BEDROOM 1 story’ family home located on 100' )• Repar x 100’ Comor lot with lovely shade trees. Family kitch & SAWS en with center fireplace. Natural finish cabinets, elec LAWNMOWERS All Makes and Models tric range included. One full bath, utility room with Call 897-2212 washer and dryer hookup. Some panelling. Natural Gas I furnace, city water, double carport. Good condition, in D D ELECTRIC side and out. Assumable loan. Full price...... ...... $16,500 581-4047 "24 Years Experience” CUSTOM UPHOIÆTERY Commercial, Home, Autos, If th« number following Just Writ of Gatea Boats, etc. "Chuck does them all" your name on The En ALL TYPES OF REPAIR Free Estimates, Pickup Trucks Pickups Can and delivery. terprise label reads WE REPAIR TRUCK TIRES 184 N. First Avenue, Stay tea Gigantic USED CAR Rte. 1, Box 168, Lyons PHONE 897-2097 897-2777 Ph. 897-32*1 STAYTON SMALL EQUIPMENT Homelife Seles & Service ALLIED ROOFING SALEM From Mehama To Idanha TRACHSEL BUICKS Phone 897-2497 Days or Evenings. Mabel or Al Y'ankns 675 N. E. Santiam Blvd. OATES NOTICE OF ELECTION Services MILL CITY 3 BEDR°°M H0ME- fireplace, hardwood floors Ige ï“Si>t?nwrt'100 x 100 fL lot $175"fiw- e «Æ PHONE PHONE TRACHSEL BUICK Salem, Ore. OPEL Ph. 581-4242 Now Serving Mill City and Vicinity Prompt Service & Dependable PHONE 719X388 Cy’s Furnace Repair Cy Hilton, owner Read it Every Week