Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1975)
4—The Mill City Entrrprtee, Thursday, March 18, 1975 pp£L A$k$ For Rate A Quick Two Points Up In The Air I THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE | P. O. BOX 348 PHONE 897 2772 MILL CITY, ORE. 97888 1 Published at Mill City. Marion County, Ore. every Tharaday. Increase (Continued From Page 1) i Entered as Second Class Mail Mattter at the Post Office at Mill City, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. ards alone woud add approxi The Mill City Enterprise assumes no financial responsibility mately 20% to new production for errors in advertisements. It will, however, reprint without faciiity costs. PPAL anticipates charge or cancel the charge for that portion of an advertise investing over $1.2 billion for ment which is in error if the Enterprise Is at fault. An inde pendent newspaper, dedicated to the development of the production plant facilities in timber industry and agriculture in this area. the 1976-1979 period and it’s estimated a minimum of $200 NATIONAL NEWSPAPER million will be spent on facil lMKUnw-—“Gsazac ities associated with pollu Oregon rmrr«M tion and environmental qual NIU SUSTAINING Newspaper **•» ity. MEMBER—1975 Publishers Geiger testified that cost in Association creases resulting from inflation SUBSCRIPTION RATES have, to a very significant ex Marion-Linn Counties, per year ......... -....... ...... tent. hampered the company’s Outside Marien-Linn Counties, per year......... . .......... — ability to maintain adequate Outside Oregon, per year bond interest coverage and ’GEORGE LONG ................... Editor and Publisher capital ratio«. From 1973 to RAYMOND E. PRESLER ............ . .... _.............. Printer 1974, generating plant, trans NORMA LONG_______________ Society and News Editor mission and distribution costs ROSE CREE ..____________________ __ Local News Editor jumped about 18, 24 and 20% MARY KELLY ..... .............. . ............ _..... Local News Editor respectively. CORRESPONDENTS He said the company’s inter ,. Boots Champion Detroit-Idanha est coverage declined from 2.76 Gates ......... . __ Joyce Presler in 1973 to 2.20 for the twelve Lyons .......... ___ Eva Bressler months ended Sept. 30, 1974. Mehama ........ Mrs. John Teeters For the year 1974, coverage is Named To All State Team estimated at 2.11. Without rate relief, coverage is projected to decrease even further. Such a decline in interest coverage would have a very adverse ef fect on the company’s ability to finance. Sustained positive fi nancial performance is essen tial to the ability of the com Gary Demain makes successful basket as the Wolverines pany to serve its customers. scramble in their successful venture against the Vernonia If the rate increase is grant Loggers at the state class A tournament Wm. Bogle photo ed by the PUC, residential I customers using 500 kilowatt t hours of electricity a month would pay an additional four cents per day, 1,000 kilowatt hours would mean an addition David Plotts shown here making i> lay-up as a result of al seven cents per day and a Wolverine fast break during their bout with the Enterprise 2,000 kilowatt hours would add Boots Champion Warriors at the state tournament. Wm. Bogle photo fourteen cents per day. Pockets of flood debris above The commissioner’s staff is normal high flood pool on De Measure for Measure expected to study the com troit Reservoir is being gather Ten-year-old Pete was Anne Mueller Attends Christian Fellowship pany’s written testimony be ed and hand piled by forest fore cross - examining the service crews preparatory to shagging snowballs at passing Meeting Set For Mon. automobiles when one of the Lecture, Demonstration The Mid-Willamette Chris company officials presenting being burned in early spring, ■ cars came to a screeching halt. evidence. A final ruling by the according to forester Mahlon tian Mens Fellowship meeting . commissioner on the rate re- I A large and irate man emerg- Anne Mueller spent Thurs Hale. Contolled slash burning I ed, caught Pete by the arm. day, March 13. in Portland at for March will be held at the I qUest ls not expected for sev- (logging) in the Blowout hustled him into the car, and Stayton Christian Church era i months. Public hearings tending the quarterly meeting March 17. Monday night, at 7. on app]1Cation win move (0 Drainage area is also in pro drove him to the nearest police of the Columbia Stitchery This is I — « j Ladies Night — and Pendleton on Thursday, March gress, Hale said. Guild. This is an all-day af- the men are Rosemary Edminster, is an re to bring their | jj . coos Bay, March 24; Med- fair with a lecture, demonstra- wives < ‘ nouncing that her beauty sa . JLh_e ford, March 25; Klamath Falls. tions and several workshops. their girl friend. The dinner March 26; Bend, March 27; Al lon, Satina's Boutique Salon, Mrs. Mueller will attend as ■ will be served promptly at i will reopen March 19. with many of the workshops as 7:00 featuring fried chicken, I bany and Corvallis, March 31; new ideas from the trade show possible in order to bring back salad, pies of several varieties [ Portland. April 1 and 2. held at Portland recently. The new ideas for her customers. and other goodies. shop has been closed for sever The Knit Knack Depot will al weeks due to Mrs. Edmin Lawrence Crook will be fea- be open all day Thursday. ster undergoing major surgery. | ! tured guest artist at the eve Monday. March 17. the shop ning’s activities. Mr. Crook is The Jr. Girl Scouts will be j will be closed in order that an outstanding tenor, and has j f calling door to door in their Mrs. Mueller can attend an all appeared frequently on TV , I . annua! cookie drive March 1 day workshop on sculptured ¿nd radio; and has several1 12 through the 14th. The scouts s'.itchery in S;:lem. are sponsored by the Detroit I station. high-rated albums. He was But Pete’s parents decided Womans Civic Club Leader In order to reduce her in guest artist at a Turner con- j ! that their son had some rights is ___ Mrs. ______________ Suzanne Norris. ventory to make room for new ' vention rally a few days ago. | The board of education will I Haling the motorist into yarns and other items, a stock Hearing him will be a real. St. Patrick’s Parish "ourt’ fbey demanded that he reduction sale starts Friday, blessing to all attending. Bev. Bernard Neuman. PaaCor hold their regular meeting of, p the month Thursday, March uy damages to Pete for treat March 14. Nou is the time to If any fellows do not have a plan future projects and take wife or sweatheart, bring your I Mass: 1st, 2nd and 5th Sunday 13, at 7:30 p.m. in the faculty ing him too harshly. And the court ruled that room of Detroit High School. advantage of great savings on mother, sister, the gal next: at 10:30 a. m. Mrs. Caroline Smith, will l the . motorist L -ru had indeed inaeea over- oyer-j i Roger Duvidt<,n. narned lo iecond lc.irT1 of thc claM yarns and many unadvertised door, grandmother, or whoever 1 Mass 3rd and 4th Sunday at host members of the Womans reacted. The court said that a all-state team, adds two more points to the already climbing items. else you wish. I 830 a. m. Mission Society of the Idanha while he may have been justi- Wolverine lead thc team accumulated over thc Vernonia Community Church, at their fitd in taking the boy direct- Loggers as they defeated them in class A tournament action Mission of Wisconsin *y to his parents, cariying him 66-55. Santiam placed fourth in state. Wm Bogle photo Evangelical Lutheran Synod regular meeting of the month off to the police station was > Thurs.. March 13, at 7:30 p.m Worship Service _ 7:00 pjn. Lloyd "Kelly” Elstun, a uncalled for. Sundays It is human nature, when a Temporary Meeting Place — former longtime resident of person is provoked, to retal Mill City, and a patient at Ce Home Federal Savings A Loan dar Wood Nursing Home, In iate. Generally speaking, the Stayton. Oregon underwent eye law has no objection. William Bernhardt, Minister dependence, But the retaliation must be surgery at a Salem hospital Information — Ph. 859-2809 Thursday of last week for the in reasonable proportion to the Other removal of a cataract Mr. El original provocation. stun is a brother of Mrs. Pearl wise. says the law, a minor Giebeler, Detroit and is 79 incident may escalate swiftly Paul Haynes, Pastor years young, according to his into a major conflict. Tues., Wed. and Thurs., 4 to 9:00 p.m. Morning Worship 11:00 For example: saster. Tuesday Evening Prayer A homeowner, called a Mrs. Rubin Krieger, Idanha, Service _________ 7:00 *ua‘: will be admitted to Salem Me mocking name by his neigh Friday and Saturday — 4 to II :00 p.m 1 mortal Hospital Sunday, March bor, retaliated by bashing the Santtam Chapel Sunday — 4 to 9:00 p.m. 16, preparatory to eye surgery neighbor over the head with a AMcnbiy of God on Wednesday, March 19, for shovel. For this, the home Phot.» 359-2644 Lyons owner was later held liable in CLOSED MONDAYS Robert Harkins, _____ Pastor the removal of a cataract in a court room. the lsft eye. Sunday School, 9:45 s.m. In another case, a man re Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. sponded to a push by knocking C. A. (Youth) Service Thurs Detroit Womans Club the pusher down and then — days at 7:00 p.m. when he was lying helpless — Royal Rangers and Misslon- Plan« Easter Egg Hunt kicking him in the face. Again, DETROIT — At the regular a court ruled that the man ettes Family Night, Wednesday at 7:00 p. m. meeting of the Detroit Wo must pay for “the sheer vin- j Anyone desiring counsel and mans Civic Club, plans were dictiveness which led him to [ prayer may call Pastor Robert completed flor their annual take the law into his own I Harkins. Easter Egg Hunt. The event hands.” will be held on the school On the other hand, the vic Canyon Conservative Baptist grounds at 1:00 p.m. Easter tim of the original offense does Rev. Don Prorciw Sunday, March 30, providing lot have to calculate his re ■ _______ —J 5th & Cedar. Lyons weather permits. As in the taliation to a fine point, in Sunday School 9:45 a.m. past, some of the colorful judging his response, the law Morning Worship 11 a.m. eggs will be marked with will make fair allowance for Training Hour, 6:00 p.m. money denominations. the tensions of the moment and Evening Service, 7:00 p.m. Shirley Hill was the reci a normal degree of error. Wednesday evening Bible pient of the hostess raffle. As Oliver Wendell Holmes study and prayer time 7 p.m. Hostesses for the evening once put it: . were Margaret Feyerherm, Jim Rose makes a comer jump shot to add to the Wolver "Detached reflection cannot1 Idanha Commsnltr Church Barbara Fields and Joyce be expected in the presence ine score as Santiam defeated the Enterprise Warriors 67-51 . Rev. t-srry M. Goin. Pastor Crist. in State Class A Tournament action. Wm. Bogle photo of an unlifted knife.” Sunday School. 10:0 a. m. Election of officers will be Super Rich Weed and Feed Morning Service 11 o’clock held at the club« next meeting Timber Program Held Detroit Resident Area Youth Attend Evening Service at 7 o'clock April 2. Super Rich Lawn Food Bible Study. Wednesday 7:30 D etroit The annual Suffers Attack Concert in Salem p m. five year action timber sale . DETROIT — Robert Layman Blood Drawing To Be program was held recently in 1 recevied word Saturday that Attending the Young Pro First Otrlatlaa Chwreh the Presbyterian Fellowship his father, Earl Layman, suf pie’s Concert in Salem on Sa Held In L On 40 Lb. Bag Rev. Richard L Halstead LYONS — The Ladies Aux Hall in Mill City. The meet- fered an apparent heart atatek turday, March 8, were Mrs Bible School 9:45 a m. ings are held annually around Saturday morning while he Roliert Young and Melissa of SEE US FOR ALL YOUR GARDEN NEEDS Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. iliary of the Lyons Rural Fire Feb. 27. and his wife, Audrey, were Marion Forks. Becky Music, Dept. held their meeting Youth meeting at 6 00 p.m. This is a program where Evening Services 7:00 p.m. Thursday night, March 6, at loggers and businessmen at- ¿laying at their trailer home Idanha; Priscilla Black. De at Round Butte in the Three troit; Cindy Kirsch, Kim Gun , Adult Bible study each Thurs ' the city hall. __ ,___ ____ _____ Plans were completed for tend to ask questions on cut R-vers area in Eastern Oregon derson and Mrs. Doris Daven day at 7:30 rm. Youth Bible Also See Our Circular for More .„.. said _____ Robert Sunday night port, Mill City. study each Wednesday at 7:15 J^eir annual blood drawing to ting prescriptions, logging me- | w his dad suffered a minor The Young People’s Concert pm Santiam Searchers each be held June 2 at the Mari- hods and other multiple use || Spring Savings C( ronary about 10 a.m. Satur- was presented by the Salem Linn school gym from 3:30 to values. Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. i d. y morning and was taken to Symphony Orchestra in Smith 7:30 p.m. I Madras Hospital at Madras. Plans were also formulated Auditorium on the Willamette Mill City Presbyterian He said "Earl is getting University campus The pm for a parade to be held in Rev. John Hefdhrink ! along fine but will have to re gram Included the Salem The Family Store and Catalog Order Store Lyons Aug 30 in conjunction Phone 897-2291 main in the hospital for two Junlor Symphony performing Morning Worship _ 11:00 a.m. with the county’s bicentennial CONVENIENT TERMS AVAILABLE weeks. After release from the the "Toy Symphony’’ by Jo celebration. The theme "Birth , Adult Bible Class _ 10:00 a m. Home Owned by Dale and Mary Kirsch hospital he will have to re seph Haydn, with triangle, Nursery for young children o fthe Nation” was chosen Phone 897-2785 Mill City, Ore. main In the area for another nightingale, toy trumpet, drum under competent supervision. and everyone will be in old- week” and ratchet Choir Rehearsal _ 7:30 p.m. time costumes. as DETROIT, tup :. ‘ i • IDANHAl FAMILY» i -» LAWYER À. CHURCH . HEWS DAVILA’S RESTAURANT Now Open Again & GARDEN SUPPLIES sp 0FF Tiller and Lawnmower For Rent WESTERN AUTO Subscribe to The Mill City Enterorise Read it Every Week