2—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Manti 13, 1975 I Henness - Kennedy Wed In Albany Womans Paye Norma J. Long, Wornan School Menu s Page Editor Ceremony Held At Gates Legion Hall Reception Honors Mr. and Mrs. Morrison I Visitors Attend OES Meeting Marilyn Chapter -145. OES, held their stated meeting Mon day evening at the IOOF Hall with Mrs. Jane Moore, worthy matron and Lowell Cree, wor thy patron, presiding. The worthy rnatron read a tribute to the flag with back- ground music by Mrs. John Schweer. Visitors for the evening in- eluded Carla Smith from Spo kane Chapter #163, Spokane, Wash.; Mrs. Ruth Ann Bor- dersf associate conductress of Gervais Chapter *118, Oscar Noren and Jim Borders from Gervais Chapter *188; and Flora Schuck from Acacia Chapter »63, Stayton. The Fred Meyer benefit luncheon was announced for March 25 at 11:45 am. Tickets are $1.00 each and may be purchased from any member of Marilyn Club. The chapter voted to raise the allowance for the worthy matron or her delegate to grand chapter due to inflation. Following the meeting, re freshments were served from tables beautifully decorated for St. Patrick’s Day by Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen. Mrs. Shirley Baughman and Mrs. Gladys Lake. ..... I Lyons was the organist and | Mrs. Richard Welter, the solo ist. A reception followed in the church par'ors. Fol lowing a honeymoon al ’ne Ini’ at Spanish Head, the couple is at home in Lyons. Phone 897-2772 Wednesday, March 12 Weiner and Bun Potato Chips Pears Orange Juice Ice Cream Milk brida.»', March 14 Flan Knsps French Fries Mixed Fruit Cinnamon Milk GATES The wedding of E. Kennedy was performed Terry L. Henness and Laurance Feb. 14 at the First Christian Church in Albany by Rev. F. Wayne Bryant Parents of the bride are Mr and Mrs. Keith Henness and WHATS NEW the groom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kennedy, both THIS WEEK i from Albany. Grandparents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Glen Henness of Gates. The bride chose an organza gown with appliqued lace and LUCKY BUCK veil. She earned a bouquet of yellow roses and pink daisies. SALE I Peggy Maurice served as maid of honor and Kathie Mc- Daniel as bridesmaid. Jill This Coupon Worth i Henness served as flower girl with Mark Henness as ring $2.00 On Any Pur bearer. Dale Boedighiemer was candlelighter. chase over $10.00. Randy Kennell served as best man. Ron Henness was groomsman and, with Gerry Except on Sale Items ' Hennas-s, seated the guests. ! They are brothers of the cou- Offer good March I pie. 13, 14. 15. 1975 I The couple honeymooned in i Washington and Canada. Their first home is at 2560 Sherman Brown-Scranton Repeat Wedding Vows At Free Methodist Chtrch Stan Ogden Photo Willeta (Billie) Wolfe and Cecil A. Brock were married in an afternoon ceremony Satur day, March 8, at the Gates Le gion Hall. Mrs. Wendell Fultz, the bride’s daughter, was the ma tron of honor and the bride groom’s son. Robert Brock, served as best man. Bridesmaids were the bride’s granddaughters. Miss Cynthia Mary Gay Fleetwood Honored On Birthday Miss Dixie Gayle Brown and Donald Arron Scranton re peated their marriage vows Saturday. March 1, at the Free Methodist Church, Mill City Rev. John DeMain officiated at the 1:30 p.m. ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Brown of Lyons and Mr. Scranton is the son of Mr. and Mrs Roy Moore of Salem. The bridal gown of satin and Alencon lace was made by the bride .«nd her mother. The lace overlay b'Hiice featured an illusion neckline wuth high collai edged in iate. Cuffs of the long, full sleeves were edged in lace, A floral and lace headpiece held her fin- Nelson. Miss Donna Nelson and gertip veil and she carried a Mrs William Cartledge, Don bouquet of blue and white na Marie Cartledge was the daisy chrysanthemum«. flower girl. Ushers were Wen- | Miss Susan Craig was the deu'*Fuitx '•nd* *the'*'bride’s Smokie Brown, brother of grandsons. Scott Nelson and the bride, served as the l>e*t Randy Fultz. ' man and ushers were George Following a wedding trip, Brown, also a brother uf the the couple will be at home bride, and Bruce Lamkev, cou after March 18 at 524 •k E sin of the groom Mrs. Cal Culbertson of Hazel St., Mill City. Cannon - Corning Host Garden Club Mr and Mrs Howard Morn son hosted a reception at their home Sunday afternoon, Mai ch 9, honoring their son. Eddy, und his new bride, Ella, who were married Febru ary 24 at th«» Parkland Chapel in Rero. Guests calling to greet th«» honored couple. Mr. und Mrs Eddy Morrison, included Joe wd Judy Ragsdale of Aurora, Mi and Mrs. Jack Gulliford, Mr und Mrs. Walt Nicholson, Mr and Mrs. Jack Bain and sons, all of Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ketchum and Detroit, Tena, Kathy of Blanca and Bea Floret of Woodburn, Mr and Mrs. Larry Dehut, Dan Gubser, Lucy Blume and Tina, Susie DeBord and Missy, Diane Morrison, Darrn) Jackson and Elmira Alniiraek. all from Salem, and the hosts Mr. and Mrs Howard Morrison. Unable to attend were Mr and Mrs. Vcm Morgan, Mr and Mrs Lauran Holman and Marilyn Schemmel. Colors of pink and white wen» used in the decorations with a large sheet cake cen tering the refreshment table with a smaller bell shaped cake on each side decorated in pink with the honored couples name : Th* newlywed.« are making their first home in Salem. Calendar Of Events By Sally Jenkins The Mill City Garden Clubj Hectic days preceded thc A lively affair of Sunday af met last Thursday at the home at | Thursday. March 13 tournament ternoon. March 9, was the open of Mrs Fem Cannon with Mrs. basketball last week Home Extension m<»eting. st m Albany. Mill City Masons house at the river-side home Eleanor Corning as co-hostess Santiam Preparations for the event 10:00 a.m., Gales Community of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Fleet for the 12:30 dessert luncheon. began as the students received Church. Dedication Mrs. Corning presided at the wood who entertained in honor South .Albany High School, and SHOES APPAREL I the groom attended Albany Saturday evening following of the 21st birthday anniver business meeting in the ab- a brief talk concerning rules Dis! 129J Board Meeting. Pendleton from the admin 7:30 p.m., Santiam High School. schools. Both are employed by the dedication of the new Sa sary of their daughter, Miss j sence of the president, Mrs at istration Monday. IOOF #144 m«»cting, 8:00 lem Masonic Temple, a dinner Mary Gay Fleetwood. 12 Many Doris Rogers. __ — j OSU in Corvallis. Th” following day. Santiam ; pm. at hall. was given in honor of Ross friends and relatives called i Charles Tate will report to ext* '»MHi¿AR3 Gilkison, grand master of ma between the hours of 3:30 and) the club as soon as he hears T-shirts arrived, Many people Friday, March 14 Mill City-Gates Ix»gion Post sons in Oregon, from Medford. 6:00 p.m. to offer their con- from PP&L about the land- displayed team support by DATSUN SERVICE purchasing these shirts which I and Auxiliary meetings, 7:30 The dinner was given for the gretulations and to share in! scaping project. i p m. Legion Hall. worshipful masters, senior the birthday cake (baked by' At the April meeting. Mrs.: were sold by the seniors. AND REPAIR a huge ser Monday, March 17 Phone 769-2762 Tues, evening vardens and their wives and Hay, from the Marion County the honoree), punch, coffee, Ml Work Guaranteed and yea AFAtAM *180 meets at IOOF Extension Office, will be the pentine wound its way through SAVE J#% on Salem Prices other members of the masonic or tea 400 3rd Avenue town, stopping for cheers at Hall, 8:00 pm lodge at the Scottish Rite Tem Many former residents of guest speaker, This meeting various businesses. Directly Tuesday. March 18 Call 897-2062 ple m Salem. this locality enjoyed visiting will be held at the Fellowship Stayton, Oregon Woman’s Club meeting, 8:00 ELMEB TUFF Following the dinner, en- and renewing old acquain Hall with the Lyons Garden afterwards, a presentaiton was tertainment was provided by tances. The colorful daffodils Club members as guests. Hos- given in the auditorium com p.m., Mrs J. Kimmel home. the McNary _ Highlanders used for decoration were a tesses will be Mrs. Pauline nlon’ by coach Bid Sanders Sponsored ss a public «ervlcs Choral Group from McNary gift from Mrs Ingr Anderson Hansen. Mr«. Faye Verbeck. •bout t„hP,te‘T an.d ,Mt yc,r^ By Mrs Muriel Phillipa and Mrs Refreshments were pro High School under the direc of Silverton. Eat Drink and Be Merry Kate Ewell vldpd bX f*P c,ub . . . tion of Mrs. Alice Jones. The guest of honor, a stu Katie The next morning found the Ed Jordan of Salem, District dent at ihe U. of O. in Eugene, The Federation of Garden Deputy of the Grand Master, received a number of gifts Clubs will hold their spring student body congregating for was emcee and introduced Mr and many lovely cards. Over meeting on March 26 with the a send-off as the team depart- BEAUTY CENTER later. led for Pendleton GUkinscn who spoke briefly. 50 people signed the guest place to be announced ened bv all j Student spectator«, pep club Phon* 897-2137 A card was sl| Rillie Wnifl ' members, band, and Wolver- Attending from Mill City book. 239 8. W. Broadway were Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Attending the delightful present for Mrs Billie Wolfe,' ettes left to join the players »■00 ajn. to 8:UU p-m. Cree, worshipful master of event from out-of-town were a member of the club who was | Thursday Evenings by appointment Mill City Lodge #180; Ray Keith Grimes of Albany, Mrs. to be married Saturday. Katie Ewell and Faye Ver- I In an astonishing fourth- Presler, senior warden; Mr. Altha Grimes of Scio, Miss |netz War and Mrs. Danny Moore, Sr.; Virginia Bauman. Mrs Jane be^V^rt^on^tt^mg’^1^*^ steering committee meeting. IL, 01 ? ed 8 ed , e Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carlson; Bellinger Fields. Willard verett^ performed during and Mr. and Mrs Pat Moore. Fleetwood (brother of Mary May 10 is the deadline for en 1 | »>-.-- About 350 attended the din Gay), and Miss Anita Hutchin tcring a princess ner Mrs. Toni Thomas, chairman1 The Wolverines beat Enter son, all of Salem, Miss Eliza prise and Vernonia during the beth Lupton, Miss Olive Arm of the bird committee, sent her next two days to settle for the strong (Mary Gay’s great- report. This year the two fifth consolation prize. Meanwhile, Announce Birth of aunt), Dr. and Mrs. Earl P. grades will be making bird Santiam walked away with Third Great-grandson Barker, and Mr. and Mrs. W. feeders On March 14, they will the well-deserved sportsman Mr and Mrs. Leland Kap- R. Sha'ttuck (her grandpar- be judged by Mr Ray and Mr. ship and rally trophies. Roger linger have received word of « nts), all from Newberg. Miss Twedie. Cash przies of $5.00, Davidson was announced as the birth of their third great- Nettie Hatteberg and Miss $3 00 ana $2 00 will be awarded all-star player for the state , grandson. a son bom to their Bessie Gregerson. both of I to each room. second string team ORDERS TO GO granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Silverton, Mrs. Velma Carey1 For the program. Mrs Mae In celebration of the award.«, Mowry spoke on conserva Dwight Langley of Hunting and Mrs. Dorothy Grant of I a party wax held in the Walla tion. ton. Ore. Gates, and Mrs Fem Sletto of Walla Room of the Indian ► Door prizes were won by Hills Motel where S.intiam The baby was born March 7 Lyons. Phone 769-5311 a rose spec'ators stayed. Joel and Others attending included Mrs Faye Verbeck, on the fourth birthday of his . T primrose potted Bob Hamilton, accompanied by sister. Marie. The baby weigh Mr. an.' Mrs. Charles Dolezal, bush, and plants by Mrs. Jennie Cauble, Garry Morgan on drums, en Sr., Mrs. Phyllis Dolezal, Mr. ed nine pounds, 11 ozs. and has Stayton, Oregon Open Evening« By been named Andrew. He also and Mrs. Kenneth Hutchinson, Mrs. Mae Mowry, Mrs. Eva tertained Wolverine fans with Appointment Duffy and Mrs Elizabeth Cyr. has a brother, Dusty, who will Mr. and Mrs. Don Sheythe, music, while the Boosters fur BankAmericard Welcome Scrumpdillyishus Mr. and Mrs. John MacGregor, Mrs. Nell D'-Witt won the nished free pizza for everyone. be three next October. Grandparents are Mr and Paul Loucks, Miss Daisy package of wild bird seed. Sunday morning Santiam pack Sublimity-Aumsville Guests present were Mrs. ed up and returned to Mill Mrs. Harold Judge of Salem Geddes, , Mrs. Nell DeWitt, Junction Mae Mowry, Mrs. Eva Duffy Fred Gruver, Mrs Edith Ma City. Evelyn Pfoertner,1 It was ail so much fun that son, Mr. and Mrs. John Heid and Mrs. Phone 749-2975 brink, Miss Ann Heidbrink, who later became a member of we plan to go back next year. the club. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B Members present were Mrs. I Scott, Mr and Mrs. Roy Ep person. Mr and Mrs. Lee Ross. Else Allen, Mrs. Jennie Cauble, Mrs. Helen Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth Cyr, Mrs. Nell Rex Ohmart, Mrs. Donna Po- DeWitt, Mrs. Kate Doble, Mrs drabsky, John Brannan. Mr. Phyllis Dolezal, Miss Katie and Mrs. Charles Kelly, Dan Ewell, Mrs. Pauline Hansen, Cox, Mrs. Marie Stewart, Mr Mrs. Velma Harrison, Mrs. and Mrs Gale Dorothy, Miss Muriel Phillips, Mrs. Carol Mary Gay Fleetwood, the Thomas, Mrs. Faye Verbeck, By James Rosenberg guest of honor, and her par- and the hostess, Mrs. Fern *36 8. W. way Mrs. Eleanor *nts, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cannon and Corning. Fleetwood. Produced by the Mill City Civic Theater People who telephoned CLAAS In Cooperation with Dramatist« I’ublishing Co. greetings but were unable to MORAirNG WO r»ttend were Mr. and Mrs. ED LEWIN Gerald Lemmons of Kelso, Auctioneer, Inc. Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Complete Auction» Roach of Salem, Robert I. Wil 8:00 P.M. Santiam High School Auditorium son, Jr., and Miss Lexie Heid Phone 769-5466 brink of Mill City. Sale almost every Sun. TICKETS ON SALE AT THE DOOR $1.50 10 A. M. Conalgnmenta Welcome Why don’t TOO «■boeri be To Reserve Tickets Call .. . 897-2469 1050 Wilco Road Stayton J. SPECIAL THIS WEEK Monday through Friday, March 10-14 I Anil’s I Furniture Furnishings & Complete Home Appliances NEW- -USED BRAZIER BURGERS F Dairy ■« 4 lueen J 1 ■ - COMING SOON - The Death and Life of Sneaky Fitch Fri., March 28th and Sat., March 29th t* The Mill City Enterprise ?