I 4—The Mill City Enterprise. 'niurMlay, March (», 1975 Kenneth Jernstedt Hood River, Oregon 97031 911 Pine Street D E T R 01 T| Deanha Extension IDANHA Group To Meet Wed., March 12 Boots Champion The Detroit City Council will hold their regular meet ing of the month March 11, at 7:30 p m ai Detroit City Hall. Some 39 upper canyon area people signed up for the Blitz V/einhard Brewery Tour March 4 Robert Layman re ported, due to the number of people * gning up here, a change in bus plana was made The bus departing here at 5:00 pm was a non-stop run to Portland. Another charter ed bus picked up fares in the Gates - Mehama areas. Layman said total number of people throughout the canyon area taking the tour ranged in the 80’s. TIRED OF WAITING Months for your business forms to come to you. Try the expert printers at The Mill City Enterprise. Just a telephone call to 897-2772 will put the efficient and fast printers at your service. LEGISLATIVE REPORT,c»«*' c/;"'c Occasionally I find it inter esting to compare this session with the one two years ago — which was the all-time record breaker for the number of bills The Deanha DETROIT ' Home Extension Study Group introduced. As of Feb. 27, in 1973, a total of 1964 had been will meet Wed , March 12 at placed in the hopper—1,255 by 10:00 am at the Detroit home Ruth Thomasson, the house and 709 by the sen of Mrs. chairman, The meeting place ate. As of Feb. 27, of this year. for the March meeting was 2,291 have been introduced — changed due to Mrs Thomas 1,335 by the house and 956 by the senate. This is an increase son's recent surgery All members are being re of 327 bills There is more and minded to bring an article to more evidence that a lid should be auctioned. The project les be placed on the number that son will be on "Let Down, Up each member can indtroduce Tight.’* which will be present I will comment, however, that ed by June Mennis, assisted by I doubt very much if this ses Theo Houck. Those who want sion passes as many measures to learn about how to elimin as the last one did Just be ate some of todays stresses and cause they are introduced is tension and learn how to cope no reason for some of them to with the present, and make pass. Once in a while it seems tomorrow a brighter day, this is a lesson they should not that one issue begins to over shadow all others — at least miss. Everyone is invited to at for a period of time. This Is tend. A baby sitter will be pro presently true as far as “field vided for those with pre-school burning” is concerned All our children. For further informa meetings of senate agriculture tion contact Ruth Thomasson and natural resources pertain to this subject at this point, or Barbara Whiteley. and more, including hearings in Eugene and Albany, are scheduled for next week. Our field burning hearings are beginning to bring out some accusations that all the testimony that we hear is not factual For instance, PGE was I named as a big grower of seed 'grass (8,000 acres!) by one I witness When I questioned an I executive from that company. II was informed that they do not have a single acre in grass I seed. And so it goes! ' Tuesday night the Farm Bureau entertained the mem bers of the Legislature with a very nice dinner held at the Salem Armory, I was pleased at the number of legislators that turned out for this bi-an- nual occasion. I was also pleased at the number of farm bureau members attending who reside in my senatorial district. Help Plan The Future Of WHEN: March 6, 1975-7:30 p.m WHERE: City Hall WHO: Public URGED To Attend Army Unveils New Education Plan THIS WEEK ONLY! TIRE SALE 4 Ply Polyester $ig95 AS LOW AS . plus tax and balancing We wish the Santiam Basketball Team success at the State Class A Tournament POOR GAS MILEAGE? Bring Your Car In for a Tune-up today R&R Chevron Service Chevron Phone 897*2786 The U. S. Army has an- nounced a plan called Project AHEAD that enables young people to start college at the same time they enlist in the army. According to local army rep resentative SFC Rowland, in dividuals who qualify apply to one of over 800 participat ing institutions. The college serves as an academic file holder. The soldier/student at tends classes provided by ac credited colleges right on post or near his place of assignment. “In the course of his army career, the individual may at tend classes offered by any number of colleges, SFC Rowland said. “His ‘home’ school keeps a record of his credits for review when he returns as a veteran.” An academic advisor at the "home” school assists the in- dividual in developing a pro gram of education. i "Project AHEAD is a pro gram that benefits everybody involved — the young people, the colleges and the army,” SFC Rowland said. i i I Subscribe to The Mill Gty Enterorise Read it Every Week £3 Jack Sumner Rte. 1, Heppner, Ore. 97836 Phone 676 5364 Participation Fair DETROIT - Thirty-six wo- men from the Detroit Idanha and Mill City areas partici pated in the free mobile can cer detection clinic held at Detroit City Hall Thursday. Although this was considered a fair turnout, it had been hop ped more women would take advantage of the clinic. How ever, women of all ages visit ed the clinic. Tests and examinations were conducted by Marion County physicians, gynecologists, Dr. D. Beard and Dr. H. McGee of Salem, assisted by R. N.'s Ellen Byrd and Theresa Wickman. Traveling with the mobile clinic was Bob McDonald, medical assistant and Pat Winters, medical assistant re cording secretary. Assisting with the clinic program was the American Cancer Society area representative Vera Griffis (three counties) and Joe Ann Heyer. The Mobile Cancer Detection Clinic was sponsored by the American Cancer Society, Ore gon Division, Inc. Area volunteers assisting in the program and lending their support are to be commended for their efficiency in welcom ing the patients and aiding them in filling out queston- naires MN* Volunteers were Bar- bar a Whiteley, chairman; Bertha Duren, Joyce Crist, Tina Michaelson. Myrlene Ableman and Edith Bittner Mrs. Bittner very ably ran the city hall projector showing continuous colored films on monthly breast self-examina tions and procedures of col lecting pap smears The Detroit Woman's Civic Club furnished free cookies and coffer* and free baby sitting was provided. The area volunteers and the civic club extends their ap predation to Harold Baker for his assistance at the Detroit City Hall. THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE P. O. BOX 348 PHONE 897-2772 MILL (TTY, ORE. 97366 Published at Mill City, Marion County, Ore. every Thursday. Entered as Second Class Mall Mattter lit the Post Office at Mill City, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. The Mill City Enterprise assumes no financial responsibility for errors in advertisements. It will, however, reprint without charge or cancel the charge for that portion of an advertiao- ment which is in error if the Enterprise is at fault An Inde pendent newspaper, dedicated to the development of the timber industry and agriculture in this area. This week I will discuss the role the legislature is involved with in consumer legislation. This is informational and does not reflect my approval or dis approval of the same. NATIONAL NEWSPAPER Consumers —- and that in Oregon cludes all of us — are riding Newspaper an economic roller coaster. Prices rise, and the value of Publisher« the dollar continues to drop. Association And there are plenty of curves SUBSCRIPTION RATES thrown in. Marion-Linn Counties, per year _____ Only congress has the power Outside Marlen-Linn Countie«, per year Outside Oregon, par year _____ __ — to control the ups and downs, but the Oregon Legislature can GEOROE LONG ......... _.......................... _ Editor and Publisher aeal effectively with many of RAYMOND £ PRESLER ....................... .................... _... Printer the curves. NORMA LONG________________ Society and News Editor ROSE CREE_________________________ Local News Editor One of our roles is to attempt MARY KELLY _____ ___ __________ ___ Local News Editor to protect consumers from de CORRESPONDENTS ceptive business practices. This Detrolt-Idanha .. Boots Champion covers everything from sloppy Gates _______ _ _ Joyce Presler workmanship to open fraud Lvons ............ ____ Eva Breuler In sum. we can make sure Mehama ....... Mrs. John Teeters you're getting goods and serv ices as promised, and at the prices you were led to believe you'd pay. We have already added a lot of consumer laws to the books. During the last session alone, more than two dozen measures by Jack Zlmmarmaa Zimmerman were enacted. Among the new Capitol ’ s Tunnel Unks ward across the capitol mall. protections are warranties on ferrying Heavy Traffic This tunnel has yet to be consumer goods, age dating of Eighteen months ago this built, however, and there is parishable foods and civil column suggested the 1975 le little official clamour to penalties for violations of gislature might go under launch the project. consumer laws. ground. Another underground move Much remains to be done, The prediction was only ment started in 1951 though, and the 1975 legislature is partly correct. It was offered and it involved plans to create closing in on a number of prob- tongue-in-cheek and based on a sub-surface parking area be lems that contribute either di- plans to build th** capitol tween the mall. That project rectly or indirectly to higher forum, a $2 8 million two-level gained legislative sanction in prices. sub-surface hearing room com 1969, plans were drafted dur One of the most significant plex west of the capitol build ing the following interim but measures, House Bill ___ ___ 2086, _ ing in Willson Park The forum soaring costs last reported at would require major grocery was to be linked to the capitol about $6,(XX) per vehicle space stores and supermarkets to by a series of tunnels and once forced lawmakers to with adopt unit pricing. Commit in operation would have meant hold funding in 1971. Capitol tee approval was given Feb. 27. lawmakers would be doing plann<TS still are discouruged With unit pricing in effect, what is the most time-con and it’s doubtful the parking shoppers would be able to tell suming portion of their jobs facilty will be revived in the at a glance which of several under ground. near future similar items on a grocery Plans for the forum since A third tunnel has been shelf is the best value. have been scrapped following created beneath capitol This would be achieved by a court decision that a portion grounds — although its exist- marking items with both the of the project jutting above the ence is not widely known and selling price and the price per Board of Pharmacy. ground would lx? inconsistent its use somewhat restricted. Consumers would benefit pound, quart or other unit of with present park purposes. The newest underground from tins legislation by being , measure. __ The reason the prediction re link stretches 75 feet between In view of the wide variety made aware of the cost dif- < partly correct involves the supreme court building of shapes and sizes of pack- ferences between generic and ages and containers, quick |brand nam<1 drugs, as well as the fact the assembly for the ind the state office building cost comparisons could result *>r*ce differences among phar- first time has expanded out of and was part of the $1.2 million I the capitol building itself into : emodeling project on both in considerable savings to rnac:es* ! the nearby Public Service buildtngs completed in 1973 consumers. J A bill I introduced seeks to* _j Building. And those two struc- ll faciliates access between A bill has been introduced' Place hT‘tS On con,urner in terest rates. | lure** are linked by a quarter supreme and appeals court.* to require food processors to Hous«* Bill 2550 would limit «’ntury-old pedestrian tun- and the department of justice. list ingredients on labels in servic«- charges on retail charge neb 275 feet long, this It als > provides supreme court descending order of weight, so [accounts and revolving crc{jlt | tunnel today is carrying con- building employees with wea that consumers know exactly sideraole more foot traffic than therproof . access to the office ~ what’s inside. House Bill 2082 accounts to 12% per year. In ...... its proponents ever dreamed building's cafeteria other words, consumers would was given a “do pass” recom when the board of control au Oregon we.ither, of course mendation by the labor com be charged no more than one • thorized construction in 1948. wus the prime i reason for con mittee on Thursday (Feb. 27) percent each month on the At the public service build structing these 1 below-ground unpaid balance. and sent to the house floor. But in addition Proposals to increase public ing basement end of the tun passageway Another bill would require nel is the legislature's distri to keeping people out of th«* that labels carry information protêtt.on through the régula bution center, containing the rain, they also reduce surfac«* on the cost of packaging. This lion and licensing of specific all-important mail and bill pedestrian traffic on many of types of business are found in cost, of course, adds to the rooms Three flights up on the the busy thoroughfares criss a number of house bills. purchase price. offices of crossing the area. HB 24 i > witilc* créât«* a state second floor are Senate Bill 530 would ex eight legislators, three hear Second only in popularity to board or » n bile salesmen with tend Oregon's open date label ing rooms, offices for five le the capitol’s tower among ing law to canned goods. The in the 7« p a ttr ent of commerce gislative committees, legisla school children visiting th«* statute, which requires labels to lice.* ** 'h>«*r-to-do< r sales- tive research and part of le seat of state government, the to carry either the date of hen. HB 2313 calls for licens gislative administration. older tunnels are about eight packaging or the “pull” date, ing and ’'c^iilaiion of disjiens- Lump the functions of each feet tall and slightly less in presently applies only to per ing opt.e.ans Both HB 2159 together and you find law width. The most recent and HB »’.It'S p-opose slate re ishable foods. makers, their staffs, newsmen, supreme court-office building gulations g •• ’ rning t i .* pre Also on the senate side, two lobbyists and the Interested passage is slightly taller and bills are aimed at halting the paration ,.f tax returns. Add iima] «on trois would be public all contributing to the wider and boasts a less claus practice of re-marking consu underground prediction sug trophobic atmosphere. mer goods already in stock to placet on e'evision ar.d raaio gested in the summer of *73. Security people and mainten deale-.i unite- pro vison of HB reflect price increases. SB 460 So far there is no official ance personnel report none of applies only to grocery stores, 2495, Ti.1t inci sure wo ild re traffic count for pedestrian use the tunnels are particularly while SB 362 is directed at quire de>*t.-i m empl <v on«y of the tunnel. And conscien problematic and they arc certified technicians, and merchants in general. tious housekeeping, that has locked tight at 6 pm daily and Legislation was introduced would prohibit there from removed the bulk of miscel on weekends. Drainage has charging in excess of 20. /*> last week in SB 495 to require laneous furniture and other been u problem in the older pharmacists to dispense the above an original estimate articles once stored there, ap tunnels but no serious flood without the permission of the lowest priced product in stock pears to be keeping congestion ing has occurred recently when doctors prescribe drugs customer. at a minimum. But it is a busy Vandalism also Is nearly non The legislature is beint ask by generic names. place with starkly painted existent ed in Senate Bill 265 to repeal House Bill 2269 would re Furthermore, It’s doubtful ceiling concrete Oregon’s Fair Trade Act, which I cel, mg and concn quire pharmacies to display allows certain manufacturers1 iloor constantly resounding J to •apitol tunnels have or will the retail prices of the 100 the voices and footsteps of be used as trysting places most commonly prescribed to forbid local merchants t < users. similar to reported use by state charge less than a specifc drugs in their most frequently Highly utilitarian, the tun- hospital patients of regions be price for a product. dispensed quantities, as deter More than half of the people nel was the brainchild of neaih that nearby facility. mined by the Oregon State Even if ours weren't so In the United States live in Harold Phillip«-, former assist .states with similar retail price ant secretary of state, who re- well lighted and more suited fixing laws, and the president’s . ’ tired in 1908 after 45 years of to privacy, the acoustics aren't council on economic advisors , service in that office. He re- conducive to tunnel therapy,” estimates that such programs , I calls »hat during construction quipped one capitol guard cost American consumers $1.5 ’ of the present capitol in the late thirties he was intrigued billion annually. In the words of the U. S. >vlth the possibility of using Attorney General, repeal 1 an underground room that “could make a swift and im- housed the older, fire-destroy I mediate impact on our infla ed capitol building’s heating plant as a vault for record tionary problems. I SB 265 was unanimously storage. The idea didn’t catch passed by the senate last week on and the old subterranean (Feb. 18) and sent to the chamber was filled. Later he discussed the plan house. If you have any questions with Sec. of State Earl Newbry ' concerning legislative prob- In the lat** forties when the ■ lems, please contact me at ' public service building was | 107K Capitol Bldg, Salem. under construction and Ore. 97310. My phone number sparked the link between * is 373-8849. Information on two buildings. In fact, | bills or legislative matters can tunnel was so popular the i be obtained by calling the toll board adopted it unanimously 1 free information number 1- on the bases of a preliminary $47,000 estimate and simply 800-452-0290. added it to the cost of the pub lic service building. Detroit Dam -Weather I Two years later in 1950, the I si me body okayed a tunnel Pool El<* Pep I linking public service to the Date Max Min That Feb 26 54 34 1507.46 0 (X) highway farther west. 36 1508 72 002 If )-foot tube was built for Feb. 27 56 Feb 28 45 39 1511.39 1.12 al out $20,000 On the strength 43 ISIS M 0 04 of use of both, provisions also March 1 58 44 1518 43 061 were made for an underground March 2 51 41 1521.23 043 link between the highway March 3 51 39 1523 36 0.04 building and still-newer labor March 4 50 2 26 and Industries structure west- Total Pep. for week .... I -A Salem Scene LIVE MUSIC Every Friday and Saturday Night AT THE LAKE LODGE DETROIT, OREGON Eddie Moore's 4 STAR RAMBLERS Featuring HAZEL MIEKLEY On The Piano DINING and DANCING at Your Leisure Advertise where people LOOKto buu