Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1975)
7—The Mill C’lty Enterprise, Thursday, Feb. 27, 1975 MEHAMA Mrs. John Teeters Mr. and Mrs. Tyke Sherwood and family of West latke, near Florence, came Friday, Feb. 21, and vlrlted during the week end at th» home of Mr. and Mrs Donald Callahan Jr. and children, Kelly ana Michael. Th.- girls of Brownie Tr. >p No. 294 enjoyed a picnic at John Neal purk on Saturday, Feb. 22. Pat McKelvy Is the leader of the troop. Recent overnight guesir at the home of Helen Anoerson were her brother-lnluw and sister, Mr. and Mri. Vcrlin Davis of Klamath Falls. Mrs Anderson was a dinner guest Suturday evening, Feb 22, at the home of Mr and Mrs. Frank Spoelstra In Salem. Rev. Charles Emert wav guest speaker ut the morning worship service of the Mehama Community Church Sunday, Feb. 23. A potluck dinner was held at the noon hour honor ing Rev. and Mrs. Frank Hchutzwohl and Heidi, who will be moving to Salem. Rev. Emert has been called as pas tor of the Mehama Church and he and his family will be mov ing here soon. Mehama Community Church Frank Schultzwohl, Pastor Sunday school 9:43 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. 1975 Easter Seal Child NEWS Evening Services 730 p. m Free Methodist Church North Mill City Rev. John DeMain OBITUARIES 10.00 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning WorBhip 6 p. m Evening Worship Royal C. Johnson Gates Community Church of Christ Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at 10:00 ut the Mill City Presbyterian Church fur Royal C. Johnson, who passed away Monday in u Morning Worship 10:00 ajn. Bible Study 11:15 a.m. Mission of Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod Salem hospital ST. CATHERINE’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 7:00 p.m. Rev. Norbert Frits Sundays Phone 769-5532 Temporary Meeting Place — Home Federal Savings 8c Loan Man Every Sunday—9:00 a m. C. C. D. Immediately following Stayton, Oregon Holy Days—7:00 p.m. William Bernhardt, Minister Information — Ph. 859-2869 Worship Service _ Johnson was born in Gates, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Clsrence Johnson, und lived his entire life ares. He was 50 years had been un invalid tire life Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Gwen Schaer and Mrs. Audrey Levon, and severul neices and nephews. Rev. John Heidbrink offi ciated at the services and in terment wax in the Fairview Cemetery with Weddle Funer al Home In charge. ST CHKIHTOPHMt MISSION Seventh Day Adventist Chureh Paul Haynes, Pastor Morning Worship 11:00 Tuesday Evening Prayer Service _________ 7:00 pjn. Detroit Sunday Mass 10:30 a_m. Holy Day and First Fridav 5:30 P M. Detroit DETROIT COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday LYONS by Eva Broader The social club of Acacia Chapter #63 of the OES, will hold a spaghetti dinner Satur day night, March 1, at the Masonic Temple in Stayton from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Salads, garlic and French bread and dessert will be served. Cards will be played following the dinner. Mrs Flossie Evans and Mrs. Rachael Stankey spent five very nice days in Richmond, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pyeatt spent the weekend at Cave Junction as guests of his ne phew, Mr. and Mrs Willard Anderson. . . A basketball tournament was held at the Mari-Linn school Thurs., Feb 20, and Sat.*, Feb 22 Scio was the cham pion: Mari-Linn second; Salem Academy, third and Mill City fourth. The two little pigs at the Land Lab building at the Mari-Linn school found new homes over the weekend. Mrs. Gladys Nygaard is an nouncing the birth of a great- granddaughter, Jessica Dawn, born Sun., Feb. 16, at Sacra mento, Calif., to her granddau ghter and grandson, Mr. aid Mrs Gregg Thompson. 10:00 a.m., Adult Bible Study Santiam Chapel at the church Axsembly of God 11:00 a.m., morning worship Phone 859-2644 Lyons and children’s church Robert Harkins,_____ Pastor 5:00 pjn. youth Bible study Sunday School, 9:45 am. Mr. and Mrs Reynolds for grades 7, 8 and • Seven-year-old Shelly Stephens of Bandon, Ore., a victim Morning Worship, 11:00 ajn. Honored On Golden of transverse myelitis (inflammation of the spinal columni C. A. (Youth) Service Thurs- 6:00 pjn. evening servi,es Richard Norris, Pastor which affects the nerves), has been selected as the Easter Seal ; days at 7:00 pjn. Women's Fellowship child for Oregon. She is a student at the society-operated I Royal Rangers and Mission- Wedding Anniversary Children ’s Hospital school in Eugene, where she receives ettes Family Night, Wednesday LYONS UNITED Entertained By Guests therapy as well as the three R’s. Shelly is the daughter of #t 7:00 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH LYONS Mr and Mrs Mr. and Mrs Don Starrett of Bandon. The annual Easter Seal MEHAMA •Friendship" Anyone desiring counsel and 8th and Ash St was Uie theme for the meeting Robert Reynolds celebrated sale opens Feb. 24 and continues through Easter Sunday. prayer may call Pastor Robert INCOME TAXES! Phone 850-2540 of the Women’s Fellowship at their Golden Wedding Anni Harkins. Rev. Arthur the Mehama Community versary Sat, Feb. 22, at home Susan Lindemann Welcomes you to corue as Churth Tuesday evening. Feb with an open house. Their Canyon ConservaUve Baptist you are. Livensed Tax Consultant 18. Twenty-six were present daughter and son-in-law, Mr. Rev. Don Prorciw including five guests from and Mrs. < Gerald Branch were Joyce Premier — 897-2707 Sth & Cedar, Lyons Min City Commnnny Church Western Baptist Bible College hosts. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Tax Office Moved To Arriving Friday evening, Rev. Donald L. Dtshong. Pastor in Salem. Blanche Pratt and Robert Morning Worship 11 a.m. Feb. 21, to spend the weekend Full Gospel LINDEMANN Viola Helsel opened the Reynolds were married Feb. Training Hour, 6:00 pjn. Sunday School 10.-00 A. M. meeting with prayer and the 22. 1925, in Portland, Maine, m with Harold and Mary Wilson Evening Service, 7:00 pjn. REAL ESTATE Bldg Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. president, Jeanette Hu it. gave a home wedding. They came to was their son and daughter-in- Wednesday evening Bible 207 E. WASHINGTON law. Robert and Hazel Wil Evening Service 7:30 P. M. a devotional talk The guests Oregon in 1955 or 1956. study and prayer time 7 pjn. I Wednesday Evening 7.30 P. M. from Western Baptist sang They have three sons, son, and their son, Rory from Open 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. three numbers which were Robert of Quincy, Fla.; Arthur Portland They returned home Idanha Community Church folio* ed by a short business at Phoenix, Arte.; and Law on Sunday morning, Feb. 23, The Santiam Wolverines Rev. Larry M. Goin, Pastor session. rence nt Arlington, Tex.; and with a load of wood they had Sunday School, 10:0 a. m. easily defeated the JFK Tro cut. A social hour was enjoyed one daughter, Mrs. Branch. Morning Service 11 o’clock Mrs. Velma Carey spent the jans 72-48 to clinch at least a with the hostesses Joyce Long- The Reynolds have been in Evening Service at 7 o'clock efllow, Julie Shuman, Gayle Lyons about eight years. Mr. weekend with her son, Nor tie for the Tri-River Confer Bible Study, Wednesday 730 ence championship Tuesday man, and his wife, Betty Teetcis and Alice Semolkc Reynolds recently retired from p. m. I night at Mt. Angel. Carey, in Albany. serving refreshments. the grocery business. I A surprise wedding anniver The first half was relative- First Christian Church i sary party was given for Virgil | ly close, with Santiam holding Rev. Richard L. Halstead and Janet Lewi» on Wed., Feb. j a slight 34-28 advantage. San Bible School 9:45 a.m. Stop in and try our Luncheon Special 19. Attending were Mr. and tiam opened up the game in Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Mrs. Paul X. Smith. Mr. and 1 the third quarter, outscoring Youth meeting at 6:00 p.m. BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER Mrs. Jchn Roten, Mrs. Ear I JFK 22-12. to take a 56-40 Evening Services 7:00 p.m. nest Schroeder and daughter. I lead into the final quarter. Adult Bible study each Thurs MaryLou, Suzie and Paul I Santiam outscored JFK 16-8 in day at 7:30 p.m. Youth Bible Spruce them up with prefinised - Ix'wis The party was given a the final quarter for the mar study each Wednesday at 7:15 wall panelling. —OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK— day in advance because the gin cf victory. p.m. Santiam Searchers each The Santiam Wolverines out- Wednesday a*. 3:30 p.m. Lewis’s had made plans to be Santiam Hwy. • shot the Trojans 53% to 42r< Mill City away. Calvary Lutheran Church Vis ting with Mary Stafford from ’he field. The Wolverines \ on Mondnay, Feb. 24, was her outrebounded I he Trojans 34- Stayton We have over I 5 different patterns in brother, Gilbert Myers from ■27, and had five less (23-13) First Ave. and Fern Ridge Rd stock with some of them as low as $2.98 pet I turnovers than the Trojans. Rev. Norbert Dey, Pastor Silverton. Virgil and Janet Lewis spent 'Santiam also held a 10-6 ad- Worship Service .... 1030 a. ni 4x8 panel. Others priced at $3.49, $3.98, Thursday evening, Feb. 20, in ! vantage in freethrows made. Salem celebrating their wed I Gary DeMain led Santiam The Church of Jesus Christ $4.50 and up. J with 29 points. Jim Rose and of letter Day Halnta ding anniversary. Frederick C. Rudy David Plotts also scored in Mrs. Dean Cade called on We also have a wide selection of pre Telephone 859-2025 Mary Stafford on Monday double figures for the Wol I verines, with 14 and 11 points Meetings at American Legion I morning, Feb. 24 finished mouldings to coordinate with the Hall in Gates Celebrating his Uth birth respectively. David Etzel collected ten re- j Sacrament Meeting ------ 12:15 panelling. day on Friday, Feb. 21. was Sunday School----- 9:15 a. m. ( Paul Lewis. A famliy celebra bounds to lead Santiam. 17 17 22 16—72 Sunday School -------- 10301 tion was held with his grand Santiam KELLY LUMBER ! parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul X JFK ........ 14 14 12 8- 48 Sacrament Meeting — ftOO SALES. INC. Santiam — Cline 3, DeMain Relief Society Tuesday ..10:00 Smith also attending. AS LOW AS . . ■wy. 33 East City LWa Visiting the Marlon Home in 29. Rose 14, Etzel 8, Plotts 11, MIA Tuesday _________ 7:30 Primary Tuesday -------- 436 plus fax and balancing PHONE 397-M19 Sublimity on Monday evening. Davidson 5, Morgan 2. JFK — Wouvra 7, Beyer 9, Feb. 24, was Mr. and Mrs. Dean MBiaty, Oro. Cade, Mary Stafford and Ruby Parra 2, Jennings 1, Bauman 6. 1 Brisbin. They took along some Schiedler 10, Reuf 5, Gaffke We wish the Santiam Basketball Team March 4th our Phone number hot homemade pies for the 4, Grzetewdki 4. guests they visited success at the State Class A Tournament will be changed to 897-2363 Suzie Lewis attended the Willameffe National talent show at the high school Forest Moves Into on Saturday night, Feb. 22. 4 The Gates Community New Quarters Mm City Predbyteriaa Church had a successful pot The Willamette National Rev. John Heidbrink luck dinner on Sunday eve Phone 897-2291 ning, Feb. 23. A large attend Forest will be the first agency ance was noted and slides were to move into the new Federal Morning Worship _ llrOO ajn. Office Building in Eugene The Adult Bible Class _ 10:00 a m. shown later in the evening. Thought for the day. From move began Feb. 22 and will Nursery for young children our ancestors come our names; take about one week will oc- under competent supervision. The National Forest Choir Rehearsal — 7:30 p.m. but from our virtues come our cupy all of the third floor of honor. Riddle of the week: When the new building located Chevron Phone 897-2786 are eyes not eyes? When the across the street from the ED LEWIN Eugene City Hall, and it will wind makes them water. Auctioneer, Inc. Gates city recorder, Alexis also have some offices on the 50« N. E. Sant faun Blvd. floor. The forest serv Complete Auctions Winn, will again be at the city fourth Phone 769-5466 hall on the first Monday of the ice’s reception office will be HID City Service month, March 3 from 10 a.m. located on the main floor. It Sale almost every Sun. is expected that the forest will until 12:00 noon. She will also 10 A. M. some difficulty in be at city hall on the second experience serving the public during the Consignments Welcome Tuesday of the month, March week that it is moving. 1050 Wil co Road Stayton 11 from 10 a.m. until 12 noon. Forest supervisor John E Gates Community Church Alcock said. “We will make holds set-vid's each Sunday. every effort to accomplish this Church services begin at 10 as smoothly and with the least a.m., Sunday school at 11 a.m. interruption to our public busi Dean Cade is minister. ness as possible.” The telephone numbers for National Forest Richey Completes AIT Willamette will not change and these are Army Pvt. Rick L Richey, listed in the current edition of son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett the Eugene telephone direc Richey, Lyons, completed nine tory. The forest mailing ad Our printing orders are always weeks of advanced individual dress also will not change: P ready on time. That's because we training at the U. S. Army O. Box 10607, Eugene. 97401. Infantry Trng. Center, Ft know how important that order is Polk, La. *S6 S. W He received general train Each team member completed to you. See us for every printing the training well qualified to ing as a light weapons infan A.1VÄT Bl Bl! CT X A SS OÛU. need. tryman and as a mortar and perform other jobs in case of f casualties. recoilless rifle crewman, in MOIftWfNG WOflSHTF- addition to specialized wea CHOW REHKAÌ l S^ Modae-i| pons instruction. DATSUN SERVICE He also was taught the pro vi <W> rö WKip per use of high explosives and AND REPAIR the placement, detection and L* Ú j Minister X 897-2772 All Work Guaranteed and yea disarming of mines. SAFE 36% on Salem Priem OFFCCS Teamwork was emphasized while he learned to work as a Call 897-2062 < '. w' •’» f member of a rifle squad, mor ELMER TRIPP tar squad or direct fire section GATES Wolverines Conference LUNCHEON SPECIAL Five Days A Week ROOMS LOOK DULL? VIV’S STEAK HOUSE THIS WEEK ONLY! TIRE SALE T^r 4 Ply Polyester $1995 POOR GAS MILEAGE? Bring Your Car In for a Tune-up today R&R Chevron Service FREE Pick Up and Delivery Service Counts . . I THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE First United Presbyterian