Birth Of Son . 3—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Feb. 27, 1975 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Plotts | of Detroit are receiving feli-1 Mr. and Mrs. Lyness citations on the birth of a son, I i/viiciiv mi iiiniiiy A P J their first child. Born Feb. 18 j Welcome Daughter at Salem Hospital, General! Marilyn Club met Tuesday Unit, and weighing 8 lb. 5 oz.,1 Mr and Mrs. Jim Lyness I at the 1OOF Hall with the men he has been named Gordon, The February meeting of the are being congratulated on the I Postmaster and Mrs. Charles ’ hosting the 12:00 covered dish Dale, Jr. Mrs. Elisabeth (yr recently Mill City Woman’« Club was i birth of their first child, a returned to the home of her luncheon. John Schweer was held Tuesday evening of last Grandparents are Mr. and Kelly attended the Mid Winli-r daughter, born Feb. 14, at Sa­ Mrs. Larry Plotts, Jr. of Mill Conference of Chapter #11 lem Hospital, General Unit. daughter, Mrs. Ralph You­ chairman. week at the home of Helen City and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn (Oregon/, National Association Named Heidi Lynn, she weigh­ mans, after several days of The tables were decorated, Klrnmel with Kate Doble and hospitalization. with coffee cans of dried ar-lThertfta saalfeld as co-hos- 1 The second annual Variety Williamson of Idanha. Great- of Postmasters, held at a mo­ ed eight pounds at birth. rangenunts wl’h a variety Attending were 20 1 Show sponsored by the Mill grandparents include Mr. and tel in Corvallis on Wednesday Heidi is the first grandchild City Junior Women’s Club in Mrs. Carl Brooks of Colville, and Thursday, Feb. 19 and 20. Ix>well Cree and William place mats and napkins. members. for both Mr. and Mrs. Don ' die Santiam High School audi- Host postmaster and general Following the luncheon, Mrs. Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Larry Walker attended Scio Lodge President ^^«^'torium 1 Saturday night, Feb. Plotts, Sr. of Mill City and chairman was Charles War­ Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. F. & A. M. last Thursday Merle Garton, president, pre­ opened the meeting, and Mary Lyness, all of Mill City. Great- •vening sided at the business meeting Youmans read a short poem by . 22, was a crowd-pleaser with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lichlyter ren. grandparents include Mr and the usual large audience of President this year of the of Idanha. Mrs. Kate Doble acted as secre­ Helen Steiner Rice Following Mrs. Harola White of Portland, Many Goruon Jr. is the first Oregon group is Postmaster Ed Mr. and Mrs. Dan Moore, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. tary in the absence of Mrs. reading of the minutes and all ages represented. Steinhauer of Greenleaf. Ore. 1 numbers appealed to "toe-tap ­ grandchild for Mr and Mrs. Brown recently announced the 3yIua ............... . the treasurer's report, the by- of Mui City and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Plotts, Jr. and he was Postmaster Ed Spencer of Sa­ Carl Martin of Carlton. Also, engagement of their daughter, The Fred Meyer luncheonI¡aws Were read, with suggested pers.” With Mike Wilson as master lem, as last year ’ s president, is born on their 24th wedding Miss Dixie Gayle Brown and which will be held March 25;ch;ingC!, lo be voted on at the first national director, and there are great-great-grand- Donald Arron Scranton, son in place of the clubs regular |next meeting, jt was decided of ceremonies and his wife, anniversary. I ---- ------------- JI -------- ■ ---- i Bill Fair, Stay ton Postmaster, parents, Mr and Mrs. Mike of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Moore of meeting was 4i«-ussed »nd|t0 maKe Dora Rogers and Laura, as chairman of the | Boyd of Castle Rock, Wash. event and nume, - i t the 23 acts ana nume/- . , . . . - is editor. Salem. The announcement was tickets were given to the Helen Saucier, former long­ Kelly is a past president, is ous < made nt the reception honoring members to sell. Tickets are $1 time residents, honorary mem­ chairman of the constitution Kellys, Andrew Barkley, who moved right along. Favorites ( the bride elect’s parents, Mr. per person. There will be a bers. and by-laws committee, and is an avid stamp collector, at­ of the younger generation baby sitter provided free of and Mrs. Marvin Brown, on A check was presented to served on a Thursday morning tended, as did his mother, Mrs. their 25th wedding anniver­ charge but each mother is ask­ the club from the steering were the cleverly costumed conference on “Timecards and Paul Barkley, both of Corval­ sary. Both are employed at ed to bring a sack lunch for committee as thed share in the ' Rabbit (later learned to be the Postmaster Replacement” as lis. club president, Gloria Urban) Korinek Remedy Co. In Stay­ her child. Fourth of July concessions. It | and Cheshire Cat (tracked, the moderator. Those attending from the It was rcport(*d that Mrs. ton. They will be married was suggested to contact Mr. i March 1 at th* Free Methodist Marilee Lyness who was a Wheeler of the general service down as Diane Moore). Theyj Lions members were enter­ Conducting the pledge of al­ Salem Sectional Facility, in­ tained with a film entitled legiance to the flag at the cluding this area, furnished grand page at last years grand administration about the wa­ assisted the stagehands. Church in MiU City. Opening the ------ program was -The New WllUn cite ” Tlx opening session Wednesday cookies which accompanied the ------------- ---------- „ ------------- chapter session will be honor­ ter fountains to be donated to each morning the well-known group called fum was shown by John Mac- morning was the OSU ROTC coffee-breaks Mill City Garden Club will ed at the stated meeting of the city park. color guard, after which the afternoon meet Thursday, March 6th, at Marilyn C’hapter on April 14. Margaret Snow reminded the Melody Aires, directed by|Gregor The film depicted the host postmaster from Corvallis and Highlight of the conference the home of Mrs. Feme Can­ Mrs. John Schweer, Mrs Wm. oommittee members the re- Mrs. Don Dishong, and organ- different ways being used to _ ___ ized about five years ago by clean-up the Willamette and welcomed the nearly 200 per­ was the appearance of the na­ non for a 12:30 dessert lunch- McClintock and Mrs. Lowell I ports must be in the federation sons registered. tional president. Postmaster tributaries. <>on with Mrs. Eleanor Corning Cree were appointed to serve I | office by'March bv March 1< 15. a meeting Earl Loucks, former director Speaker of the buffet lunch Hal Hemmingsen of Glendale, on the committee to make the at her hous<. to hcld March of senool bands. Their three | Lions Club President Dale as co-hostess. numbers included "Father of Kirsch also announced that a Wednesday noon was Nolan Calif, who spoke at the Wed­ pin ons for the Friendship ■ 5 to work on them Brown, inspector in charge, nesday evening banquet. Musi­ Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Harlan* Night. Ela>ne Russell read a letter Victory,” “Chilcothian - Sen-1 zone meeting is scheduled for from Seattle, Wash. cal entertainment was furnish­ tlnel, ” and “ Little Giant ” Stayton on Tuesday, March 18, Those appointed to serve on from the Camp Fire office entertained as dinner guests Of special interest to the ed by the Girls’ Swing Choir Appearing on the two-hour 7 00 p.m. at the Santiam Cafe. the refreshment committee concerning campships which last Wednesday evening Mrs. program were the following:, Charles Kelly, a charter Kelly.-- was a session Wednes- of Crescent Valley High School J. C. Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs will be Mr and Mrs. Donald are given to Camp Fire Girls "Annabelle Lee,” Charleston day afternoon which featured in Corvallis, and later the Hollis Tumidge and Mr. and Jenkins as chairmen, and Mrs. in the canyon area. Two half- dance by Renee Brown, Susan member of the club was re­ a panel from the Western group danced to the lively instated into the club as an Sylvia Duncan. campships are donated by the Mrs Lowell Cree Henness. and Patty Howell; active member. The next regu­ Stamp Collector of Albany, music of an older group called The April meeting of the club. which was originally printed in "Ragtime 3 plus 1.” club will be held at the home Mary Youmans gave a report "Are My Ears on Straight,” lar ¡netting will be Mon­ Speaker for the Thursday Louis Verbeck. Jr. of Ti­ of Mrs. Leora Stevens in Me­ on the successful tea recently tap-dance, Anita Goffin and day, March 10 at tne Fron­ Mill City, the subject being “What Philatelic Sales Mean noon luncheon, which was the Moore; "Yankee tier Inn. coma, Wash visited at the hama and the May meeting at given at Margaret Snows in Kathleen to a Stamp Collector.” Among closing session, was Postmas­ home of his parents Monday the home of Mrs. Allee Rupp honor of the Jr. Woman’s Club Doodle,” piano solo, by Kevin Wilson; vocal duet. Debbie Cyril Archer, Salem, bass those appearing on the panel ter Ben Luscher, Jr. of Port­ and Tuesday. in Salem. Election of officers membership. will be held in May and in-, Kate Doble announced the McLain and Joel Hamilton, horn: Paul Loucks, alto horn; were the editor, Ken Wood, land, the district manager. The Kellys spent the re­ stallatlon in May. No meeting Fred Meyer luncheon to be "Time in a Bottle ” and “Coun­ John Heidbrink, piano; Eliza and David Blake, who mar­ l.owell Cree and Joe Howes will be held in June due to beth Heidbrink, viola; Alex- ried the former Alberta Van mainder of the day with their try Rose, ” with the latter on given by the Marilyn Club of andra Heidbrink, flute; Lowell DahL Mrs. Al Van Dahl (Ar­ daughter’s family, the Pau) attended Kingwood Masonic Grand Chapter. OES on Tuesday noon. March guitar. Gates. trombone; lene). who helped establish the Barkleys, and were dinner Lodge AF&AM Monday eve­ “Teen Talk,” rhythm dance, Engelen. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Clark 25, at Fellowship Hall of the ning in Salem. at their Corval­ Tania Brown, Judy Roten, Alma Beyer, on flute; and De­ paper, still lives in Albany. guest will host the September meet­ Presbyterian Church lores Dishong, clarinet. The youngest grandson of the lis home that evening. ing at their Stayton home in May Mowry was the speak­ Donna and Terri Syverson; Word was received this week the fail. er of the evening, and chose "Friend'," vocal solo, Jackie Mrs. William McClintock re­ "Energy Conservation” as her Wilson, playing own piano ac­ of the death of Harold Pound topic. She had just returned companiment; “Baby, Take a of Cottage Grove on Feb. 4 ceived the door prize. Formals for the next two from a trip to Houston, Tex., Bow,’’ tap dance, Robin Boes- Mr Pound will I m 1 remembered by many oldtimers as they coming years were discussed where she had attended a con­ ter and Jill Girod; guitar and Attending Tuesdays lunch­ vention on this subject. She rong, “Heartaches by the lived here for several years about shortages Number," and "Teddy Bear during the construction of the eon were Mr. and Mrs. Verne explained Clark from Stayton, Mr. and which would come up if every­ Song” by Jeannie Sweeney of dam. Mrs Merle Garton, Mr. and one does not conservt energy Clackamas, with Joel and Bob Mrs William McClintock, Mr now. and asked all the women Hamilton also on guitars; and Mrs. John Schweer, Mr of the club to try harder to do “Soul Mokossa,” an African anil Mrs Charlie French and this. She also suggested ways dance. Lisa Barnhardt, Susan Mr. and Mrs. Don Carlson, to carry out this project. Many I Henness, and Patty Spurgeon; Mrs. Kate Doble. I Mis. El « questions were asked as well I “Who’s in the Sharwberry i Patch with Sally.” tap dance, Allen. Mrs Charles Kelly, Mrs. as answered. Ruby Brisbin. Mrs. Mary Gul- Following closing of the Patty Howell and Laura Wil­ Ilford, Mrs. Murry Moore and meeting and program, refresh- son; and “Naughty Clock." De­ Nancy and Mrs. A' ments were served by the loris Dishong. as ventriloquist with Melissa. lips. hostesses.________ During the intermission, the $100 certificate for beef from Summer Home Tax I Hirtes Market was won by Bill Now Proposed M II City Weather Terry Rickie of Scio who was DETROIT — A bill aimed not present Date Max. Min. Pen at resolving a long controversy Second part of the program : o Feb 16 43 32 taxing summer homes on Hud. Bad Leroy Brown.’’ Feb. 17 47 0 14 over 31 federal land in Oregon was in­ Feb. 18 38 46 0 25 troduced Thursday in the comic dance, Renee Brown, Susan Henness. Laura Wilson, Feb. 19 40 0.71 House. and Linda Urban; “Anchors Feb. 20 43 036 Oregon 32 HB 2634 would exempt sum­ Away,” tap dance, by Jamie OBJ Feb 21 39 25 mer homes on federal lanus Open Evenings By Brown, a student in Lori Le­ Feb 22 60 35 0 00 state property taxes It von’s Stayton class; "I Need Appointment Total Pep for the w<>ek 2 06 from is sponsored by Rep. Gary Wil­ You.” original vocal solo, BankAmericard Welcome helms, R., Klamath Falls. Jackie Wilson with Bob Ham­ banking services Summer homeowners claim ilton; guitar and song. "In­ SebMmity-Aumsville you need most in Helping Mrs. Harry Mason they ere paying double taxa- flation,” original song of the celebrate her birthday Tues­ ?°n’J"ue7iCt’ .be for Wilson. 6. Ready Reserve MK a month more, i All amounts reduce During the evening, many Sliced The Way You Like] ' at age bs. t Grade A Pork A our personal line of credit upon door prizes were drawn from request this special feature enables you those donated by the Frontier 2. No-Charge Checking to borrow money up to your approved , Inn, the Jr. Woman’s Club. Boneless Sirloin Tip As a Plus Account cardholder, vou pay credit limit anytime anvwhere. bv simply Center Cut and Rib Cut Charlie Stewart. Larry Ur­ no checking service charge. W rite as writing a check ban's Pyramid Logging, and mans checks as you nee», anil there is no Mike Wilson. 7. Reduced Rate on Personal Loans minimum balance requirement I Cui tain men who served If you need a personal installment loan - Lid* • • • • • Lb. . . ' royally during the evening 3. Personalized Checks for « hatever reason - tust show your I were Mike McLain and Garry Select the check style vou want. We ll Plus Account Card to a loan officer Swanson, with Pam Morris Homestyle Bulk Semi Boneless supply you with new checks fullv at any Western Security Bank office. j who also worked back stage. personalized with sour name and address You'll receive a reduced rate on your Cherri Jeeter was the stage­ —as often as you need them Again, approved installment loan. hand. Many other members of there's no charge Lb........................... W 8. FREE -Travelers Checks. the Jr. Woman’s Club headed Lb. 4. Overdraft Protection committees and took part in Money Orders or Cashiers Checks o.her wavs. Jerry Mumey, the This desirable Plus • Account feature Sharp or Mild Longhorn So limit - we ll supply vou with all vou Breaded Cod husband of a member, sold automatically covers checks written in need in any denomination or amount at over $80(10 worth of tickets. excess of your balance bv advancing funds no charge. As as often is you like at from your Readv Reserve Account nip to All proceeds were designated .ins branch vour credit limit > to go toward the purchase of Lb. . • • Lb. . . playground equipment in the new city park The Little Store that I Those in the Melody Aires offers so much more! group included: Earl Loucks on cornet; Cecil Brock of Sa­ I’h. 897-3183 844 S. First Mill City lem, the announcer; Lois Di­ TELEPHONE ms 55’2 • MEME1 « FD’C We Gladly Welcome Jim Dolby, Proprietor shong (Mrs. Don), director and State Street Othce State A L deity • Canda'ana Olttce 27î5 Commercial S.E USDA Food Stamps Groceries—Meats—Lockers—Feed and Seed Broadway Office 2955 Broadway N E • Lancaster Office 750 Lancaster Drive N E. violin; Lark Brown, Salem, on SALEM OPEN 8:30 a.m.—6 p.m. daily—C losed Sunday Bantmobile locations m Aumsville Lyons, Sublimity and Turner drums, Clyde Williamson, Brownsville, baritone horn; í Club Tuesday Donate Drinking Fountain At Park Kelly's Attend Mid­ Winter Conference IA LfOWd i Pleaser Lions Members See Film On The New Willamette River ’s Furniture Furnishings & Complete Home Appliances NEW- -USED si Quality Meats and only at MAKE THE DIFFERENCE Western Security Bank Check These Specials and See for Yourself slab «1 ”, BACON Lb. -*- Pork Chops $r PORK * I o:> CHOPS Lb. A Steak $129 Rump Roast Pork Sausage QQc Fish Sticks Cheese HIRTES MARKET $|29 Western Security Bank