Stayton Invitational would remain un changed, by this legislation W L Name of Team ' tire Baker. Columbia, Coos, 5 Madiron Davis .... 19 Crook, Grunt, Hood River, 7 Dery Trk .17 Josephine, Lane, Lincoln, 9 Lierman Ins............ ..15 Morrow, Union and Wheeler. Jack Sumner Kenneth Jernstrdt .14 10 D. H Trk.......... Rte. 1, lleppner, Ore. 97836 In Lane County, all 16 dis llo«d River, Oregon 97031 11 13 tricts are unified. Phone 676 5361 911 Fine Street 1*2 N. 8. Real Estate .. .12 This week I would like to linn County’s 36 Sepurute 18 Stayton Pharmacy - 6 Under the strong committee visit with you about some le districts would be reduced to High individual game system which is the system gislation involving education. seven. Marion County's You Can Save Wear and Tear on Your Pencils Phyllis Lierman 192; high in that Oregon uses — It is pos In 1973, the legislative as districts would be cut to . . . Your Nerves . . . and your bud dividual series — Jan Dery, sible to more or less control sembly passed a bill establish In Clackamas County, get, too . . by letting our Expert Account 518; high team game — Mer legislation before it comes to ing model children develop present 30 would become 10. man Ins, 507; high team ants handle your tax computations. the floor of either chamber. ment programs in six areas of In eastern Oregon counties, series — Dery Trk., 1471. Thia has happened in every the state. Operating through where distances are much committee of which I am a schools and using available greater than in the Willamette member more than once so far community resources, these Valley, small schools could be this session. When this is programs help children in the retained — but only as parts Koffre Klatchers Tuesday Pia Pals Uken into consideration it primary grades with their of larger districts with unified Name of Team W Name of Team is eaaiar to understand how jwrsonal problems. elementary and secondary we can handle so many bills HJR 1 would petition the programs. Phillips 6« Ray's Drug 18 during one session. Sometimes governor to name a special Highland Trk. 14 House Bill 2551 would re Earl’s Chevron it doesn't take long to dispose group to study the role of the quire a child first entering Ditter's Market Teds Drive In ___ 18 13 F. E. Arbuckle Tex Service of 106 South of a bill. state and its agency in child public school to be six years Freres Lmbr Co 12 G&B Trucking At a meeting this week with development, identify existing old on or before Sept 1 of that Bob & Bill’s Arco Water Street Silverton, Oregon has a Pats Pill Box 10 -epresenUtives of the Rey services and programs, deter year instead of Nov. 15. Stayton Bowl Philippi Ford 9 tax consultant in the attorneys office at nolds Aluminum Co., we learn mine ways to coordinate ef U. S. Nat*l Bk. 13 8H If you have any questions Aumsville Tavern ed that the aluminum indus forts and recommend new concerning legislative prob Girod's Market ..... 8 129 N. E. Wall St., Mill City, Oregon Mel Round Sc Sons try is doing a great deal of services. Girods Hilltop ....... lems, please contact me at Dick Sc Carols ...... 6 (next to the Post Office). wu’-k in experimenting with The aim is to make the best 107K Capitol Bldg, Salem, Frontier Inn ......... State Farm Ins........ 3 17 solar energy Too many peo possible use of existing re Ore. 97310. My phone number High individual High individual game Zelda HOURS — TUESDAYS «nd FRIDAYS ple otlieve that nil we are go sources without adding a new Is 378-8849. Information on Hall; high individual series — Sandt Trussell 214; high in* ing Io do la start using this agency or layer of government bills or legislative matters can Judy Elmer 544; high team divid ial senes — Betty Rolow 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. form of energy to take care uf and, more importantly, to be obtained by calling the toll game and series — Ditter’s 509; high team game — State our .apidly growim needs and solve problems without remov free information number 1-800 Mkt. 975 and 2744 Farm Ins. 788; high team series to ■ epjace our fossil fuels We ing children from familiar 452-0290 Stayton Bowl 2176. were told that relatively home or school setting. s ' i all amounts wi'.l be gener Prior to the 1977 legislative ated . ut that them I «n«rfc; session, the committee would is c> r.ainly not go'.-«, to be make its recommendnations out " ajor answer Till, **» known to Gov. Straub. The s.on has a great number of governor would in turn outline m * called “energy bi «« ' f irit h an action program involving it *. hope someth ng can be state agencies and the educa dene on a state ltv«-j out it tion community, and propose appears that this p' bloin is needed legislation. going to have to be treated on Another measure, HB 2048, a national level, with all of us details both public school and doing what we can as indivi state roles in general child duals to conserve energy in development. all the ways we can Under its provision, “early Our committee on economic childhood education" would bi development heard testimony defined for the first time in this week on a measure that Oregon law, providing a tool would put the gasoline and for educational planning and fuel oil industries of the State other state assistance to local i of Oregon under the regula school districts The definition tions and supervision of the recognizes "children who are public utilities commissioner at least three years of age but This is hardly worthwhile, as not older than eight" as a far as I am concerned, because single educational and admin this industry already has its istrative planning unit. HB 2048 goes on to require prices fixed by the federal government, and to have an the department of education other state bureaucracy regu to prepurt operating guidelines lating our service stations and standards for early child seems very undesirable — es- hood education Voluntary registration of p<»cially at the present time, The costs of administering state-approved private pro this bill would be exceedingly grums is on«- of th«- intents of high, and I don't think the HB 2129, a measure aimed pri marily at providing recogni bill will go anywhere. As the work of this session tion for such programs and pi- gresses, it is very easy toi protection for operators, see that there nr«- tremendous teacher , parents and students, pi - un Ml the ways and' A bill calling for mandatory means committee to fund all | registration of .ill private pro agencies unnd programs in the grams failed in the 1971 ses- inaneei that they would like | sion, and again in 1973. Oppon- or tmnk that they need It ents claimiM the state was try is my hop«- that one of the ing »o usurp the rights of par first major mutters settled ents by placing controls over facilities and would lx- that of basic school curriculum, support. The more the state teachers. Under the current bill, only can provide in this area, the lower all our property taxes those programs seeking regis are going to be and the tration would be considered. sooner the many school dis However, registration would tricts of the state can get at be necessary before private their tremendous problems of kindergartens could contract balancing their budgets. Until with school boards under HB a decision is made about the 2048 Many feel that unified school amount of basic school support to be provided, very few final districts provide better educa determinations can be made. tion opportunities, flexibility We are getting more and and long-range planning, in more financial Impact studies addition to improved faculty with our bills This is some and administrative efficiency thing that is very gratifying and cost savings. Only 187 districts currently to me It is extremely import ant to know just how our de have unified programs. The cisions affect the local taxing other 152 are fragmented, districts, as well as the local with union high schools draw taxpayer. Too often these dis ing from independent elemen tricts have been saddled with tary districts, or elementary additional costs — with no districts sending pupils as means of paying for this in tuition students to districts creased burden I am a prin with secondary programs. mental controls more expensive. Men and teams of horses put in I The first measure. House cipal sponsor of a bill which For example, almost one-quarter long days to build many of the would require such impact Bill 2137, would require the statements regarding many merger of union high school the cost of a new coal fired steam dams on Northwest rivers. types of measures It has been districts with the elementary plant is for air quality and other districts they serve by March Today, Pacific Power is adding, assigned to a ways and means subcommittee but no hearing 31, 1076 not dams, but higher cost steam- control equipment. The companion bill, HB has been scheduled on it yet As surely as mechanical horse powered generating plants to its 2138, would require the annex At this point in the session, I will classify It as the hardest I ation of elementary districts power replaced the horse, today’s system. Fact is, about half the working session of the five in outside union high school dis energy we supply this region conies higher electric bill reflects this tricts into adjacent unified which I have participated. districts by July 1, 1976. from coal...not water. new technology. This is all the In many areas of the state, 'The reason for steam? Practically more reason to learn how to save consolidation already has been accomplished. Among speaking, there's no more room energy and money through proper counties where the number of 3—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Feb. 27, 1975 districts LEGISLATIVE REPORT TAX TIME INCOME TAX PREPARATION W^led cii|to water1111922 is nothing to horse around witi^ DOG LICENSE APPLICATION OWNER for dams. We're paying more to make elec tricity today because the technology of a steam-plant is more complex and the kinds of necessary environ- home insulation and other con servation measures. We can help sou save. Just contact any local Pacific Power office. ADDRESS . CITY Inside Salem City Limite YES AGE SEX BREED NO COLOR : NEW KENEWAL___ PHONE FEE $4.00 Atklitional Penalty After March 1 — $10.00 : MAIL TO: Marion County D or Control, P.O. Box 1043, Salem, Or. 97308 Polk County Clerk, Courthouse, Dallas, Or. 97338 (Please enclose Check or Money Order) Tl [e People at Pacific 6Powef’