Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1975)
J— The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, -Ian. 30, 1975 Army Makes Enlistment Quota For December LEGISLATIVE REPORT LETTERS For the third month tin* all volunteer army is u success in Oregon and Southwest Wash ington, according to figures re Jeus< d by Portland Dist. Re cruiting Command. During Dec. the command enlisted 165 men and women into the army. This was 107.8 percent of the objective, ac cording to LTC Fluker, com manding officer. Of these 165 enlistments, 20 were women. Totals for the three month period ending Dec. 31 were 805 enlistments or 104.4% of the commanda objective. Of the 805 enlistments, 113 were wo men. TO THE Navy Man Returns □ . M ail , From Mid-East Duty Sharpen Your Pencil or See Us Navy Fireman James A. Kimery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kmii-'tli Jernstedt Jack Numncr Thomas F. Kimery of Lyons, 911 Pine Street Rte. I, llcpptwr, Ore. 97836 has icturned returned to San Hood Itiver, Oregon 97031 h -------------- ~ ------ * r Phone «76 5361 Diego aboard the attack air This session of the legisla A ni'w item for the 1975 le- craft carrier USS Constellation ture has now settled down to It ’ s high time the state stops gialaluri* la an electronic vote forcing independent voters to after a six-month deployment tallying board which has been an orderly routine. The first You Can Save Wear and Tear on Your Pencils wear ridiculous party labels, to the Western Pacific and installed to display on both week was spent in getting or . . . Your Nerves . . . and your bud by refusing them a choice in Middle East. side* of the house chamber. ganized and the suspension of get, too . . by letting our Expert Account During the cruise he partici so called "paitisan” offices in Thia new tallying system ell* rules in order to get bills into ants handle your tax computations. primary elections. This heavy pated in operational readiness minalts a large amount of the appropriate committees as handed practice artificially in training exercises, and visited west? time. With the need far rapidly as possible. The past flate« party registration roles. Pakistan, Hong Kong, Singa roll calls, the reading of names week has been emphasizing While serving as a voter regis pore and the Philippines. of members, recording votes, committee work, with ail com trar I discovered far more in and the reading of results mittees meeting on schedule dependents than the records (which took 66 4 hours, or 11 and holding public hearings on show, but their desire to vote working days) now eliminated the bills before them. situation, and I urge all the for all offices in primaries A bill of special interest to for the most part, the members public and legislative support forced them to be captive to we can muster on his behalf. can now spend 90% of this the area is now in the agri the partisan political cliques. wasted time with more im culture and natural resources JOHN D. Luker F. E. Arbuckle Tax Service of 106 South committee. This bill appro portant matters. The supreme court has ruled 574 E. Main St Water Street Silverton, Oregon has a The tallying system works priates money to establish that every man is entitled to a Hillsboro, Or*. 97123 with color-coded buttons, feasibility experiment stations vote and th? first ammend tax consultant in the attorneys office at green for "aye" and red for for In* production of cKhohul ment states that we the peo t • to made from cei. «1 grains, 129 N. E. Wall St., Mill City, Oregon "nay." There is a 30 second ple have a right to assemble voting period for all measures. fruits and wood prod*i< s With and petition the government DATSUN SERVICE (next to the Post Office). During this 30 second period the nation exp»*ri“ic lg an for a redress of greviences. crunch. It ap >ear* that AND REPAIR membera indicate their prefer This vicious and arbitrary re HOURS — TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS ence by pushing either the ibis measure shoull lx* desir striction on independence vio AH Week Guaranteed ia4 fM Malcolm k^rghcr green or red button. There is able Mr. late« the spirit if not indeed the SAVE W% «■ Salean Frteaa 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. a running tally kept during tram Dufer frepres -itmg the Call 897-2062 "Mbery is a live stere* and letter of these legal decisions. Oregon Wheat League and also this voting period, and when State Senator Charles Hanlon the 30 seconds are over a final the National Wheel lx?ague) a dead telephone." Is working hard to correct this tally and a record of how each appeared before the committee memtier voted are flashed on on Jan 24 and testified in fa the board. With this keeping vor of the measure. There will secret of how each legislator be m. re hearings on this sub voted until the 30 seconds are ject. Here is an energy source over the “falling into step” by that does not deplete our na tural resources and. in the the legislators Is eliminated. In legislative counsel where case of grains, can be of mul most of each session's bills are tiple use in that the protein drafted, requests for assistance of the grain can still be used both for man and , tn drafting bills have doubled for food over last session at this time animals. It is an exciting con And in the same period of time cept and I will lie study in I it the number of bills that have with Interest. Every session has a certain reached final form has almost tripled So far in this hustling number of bills that generate activity seven bills have come considerable statewide inter est. Many have been introduc to final vote on the floor. With times changing, com ed ty Portland Senator Ted mittees must also change — Hallcock. Such is again the , they have. The consumer and case. He has introduced a bill Business Affairs Committee that would require a manda has merged with the Labor tory deposit on All Containers plastic, glass or cans! ! 1 am and Industries Committee to certain that this will generate become the Committee on La bor and Business Affairs. An lots of communication! ! ! Again — my Salem address other consolidation is the Edu cation Committee which is is: Sen. Ken Jernstedt now the Committee on Educ.i Capitol Building tion and School Finance. This Salem. Ore 97310 committer is charged witn My office phone is 378-8703. , finding ways of bringing Please feel free to contact about financing of elementary and secondary education in me on any subject. Oregon. Th.' legislature has also added a number of new com muters. Among these are: The Trade and Economic Develop-1 inent Committee; Commit’?" | on Aging; House Committee on The Santiarn Wolverines led Elections; and the Committee by only six points at halftime of State Institutions. but held JFK to 12 points in With all the fast moving the second half, as they went changes taking place in th" on to demolish the Trojans 66- legislature this session the 38 at JFK, Tuesday. general public might find it Santiarn, behind a 12-polnt confusing. In order to elimin first quarter effort by David ate this confusion and encour Plot's, led by nine points, 22- age voter participation, a toll- 11. at the end of the first quar free telephone number will be ter JFK outscored Santiarn, used again this session to keep 15-12, in the second quarter to people informed on how any cut the Wolverine's lead to six bill is faring in the legisla points at halftime. ture. The number to call is Snntlam's fast break opened 1 800-452-0290. You can con up the game in the third quar tact mr by calling this num ter as they outscored the Tro ber and leaving a request for jans, 15-5, to take a 47-31 lead me to return your call, or you into the final quarter to win can call me direct at 378-8849, going away. or write Rep Jack Sumner. Santiarn outshot the Trojans 107-K Capitol Bldg, Salem, from the field 49%-32%. San- Ore. 97310 tiam held a 30-11 advantage in field goals made. JFK out- scored Santiarn 16-6 from the Sgt. Aymong Now freethrow line. Santiarn held a slight ad Serving In Thailand Now serving at U-Tapao vantage on the boards, outre AFB, Thailand, with a Pacific bounding JFK 34-31. JFK turn Air Forces unit is S/Sgt. Ste ed the ball over 28 times to phen F. Aymong, whose wife. only 17 for the Wolverines, Gary DeMain paced the Wol today’s Pacific Power customer Sandra, is the daughter of Mrs. In the past four years, the cost of verine attack with 26 points Naomi Schmitt of Lyons. costs more than ever. The immedi an 80 foot power pole has increased Sgt Aymong, an air cargo and 13 rebounds. David Plotts specialist, was previously as added 18 points for the win ate outlook is for further periodic 273%. Since 1970 crossarms have ners. signed to Dover AFB, Del Santiarn 20 12 15 19 66 rate increases. That’s not welcome The sergeant is a 1963 increased 106%. 11 15 7- 38 5 graduati* of Stayton Union JFK news...but when we started plant Santiarn 66 — Plotts 1Ä, That’s inflation for you. Out High School. His wife’s father. 1-arance Schmitt, lives in Wright 6, Rose 5, DeMain 26, ing poles in 1910. we also started rageous inflation. It’s the kind of Gabriel 5, Morgan 4. Lady 2. Stayton. JFK 38 — Wavra 4, Beyer 3, building a tradition of service that maddening news that's causing Heynrierickx 2, Rodriquez 6. Bauman 4, Schiekler 8, Gaffke extends from that date to 1975. your power bill to rise. 2, Grzclew .ki 7. Dieker 2. EDITOR/* TAX TIME INCOME TAX PREPARATION Wolverines Stop JFK In Second Half Pacific °Power has been planting poleg since 1910. ‘They havei i^growr1 an inch. c’But coSts have.. FOR SALE — Rubber Stamps . . . made to order at the Mill City Enterprise. Come in and see us or call 897- 2772. SPECIAL SALE ITEMS Shop our Daily In-Store SPECIALS MILL CITY Turkeys Norbest Tender Timed 7 A. M. — 11 P. M. Seven Days A Week 30% off You can help fight back by learn ing how to conserve. By insulating your home properly ... by elim inating waste. But when all is said and done, providing electricity to We’d like you to know we re not going to let loose of that tradition in the face of rising costs. Electric ity will cost more...but it will be ready when you need it. TI [e ‘’People at ‘Paci fie GPowef‘