I «I •"‘p~ ph’ fhe Mill City Enterprise MCOW» C lam F mi > u f « io . M ill C ity , VOLUME XXXI oh »«. NUMBER 4 AU Roses (by Georg* Uu) ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY—ORE GUNS FAST GROWING VACATION WONDERLAND THE MILL CITY ENTEKFRI8E—MILL CTTY, OREGON THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1975 Wolverines Down Scio Sherrif Heenan Speaks To North Santiam Chamber >5.00 a YEAR — 15c a Copy Demonstration Booster Club IToMeetMon. Jim Rose scored 18 points Guest speaker at the noon and pulled down 11 rebounds meeting of th* North Santiam A Booster Club meeting will Tax reform proposals, it has to lead the Santiam Wolverines Chamber of Commerce, Jan. be held Monday evening, Jan. been demonstrated once again, to a 62-51 victory over the 15, was Marion County Sheriff 27, at 7:30 in room two at the include Ul-conceived blanket Scio Loggers in a Tri-River Jim Heenan. He explained the high school. Conference bmketball game at recommendations for closing sheriffs department organi Arrangements will be made what are termed "tax loop Scio Friday. zation and gave some figures for the annual ham dinner Santiam got off to a slow concerning It. In 1974 his 27 holes." These so-called "loop which is scheduled for Thurs., holes" are. or course, specific start and trailed 11-10 at the deputies averaged three cases Feb. 13. Mary Wright and (. per ______________ _ _________ provisions written into the tax end of the first quarter. shift. According to Heenan, Wanda Richards are co-chair Gary DeMain scored ten the ratio of policemen to eitl- luws to encourage certain ac men for the dinner and anyone tion on the part of taxpayers. points in the second quarter to | zcnj in Marion County is .7 interested in helping may con lead a Santiam comeback San patrolman per 10O0 people, as In other words, if you use your tact either of them, if they money in a certain wuy, you tiam outscored the Loggers 17- compared with a national cannot attend the meeting. 13 In the second quarter to average of 1.7 per 1000. pay less tax on It. Honor society members will be For example, Investors who lead by three, 27-24, at half A plan to station six selling tickets and local busi put their savings into corpor time. puties and two cars at nesses will be contacted for Jim Rose scored eight points Sublimity city hall was also ate securities or the develop donations. AU proceeds from ment of real property or busi in the third quarter as Santiam spoken of by Heenan, The the dinner go to the canyon ness enterprises are taxed on managed to remain three plan is to have two deputies on scholarship fund. any profit r<«ceived from the points in front of the Loggers duty 24 hours a day to be dis Alene Peterman has been sale of these assets at a lower going into the final quarter. patched through Salem and named cake chairman for the Santiam, led by David Plotts rate than their ordinary in work the area of Marion booster club cake raffles. The come And this Is known as the and Jim Rose with six points County east of Sublimity. The cake raffles are held at each capital gains tax. Such pro each, outscored the Loggers plan is awaiting approval of home basketball game and visions of the tax laws as these 19-11, in the final quarter to the Sublimity City Council. those wishing to donate cakes are often erroneously called win going away. should contact Mrs. Peterman The Wolverines dominated tax loopholes. But, at a time at 897-2122. ixiards, outrebounding when hundreds of billions of ( “ the i Scio, 35-27. Santiam outshot dollars of new investment are a -‘‘ absolutely essential for devel Scio 45% to 40% from the oping new domestic energy field. The Wolverines outscor supplies in the electric indus ed Scio 14-7 from the fuse The January meeting of the try, in natural gas, in oil, coal throw line. Gary DcMain and David Associated Loggers of Oregon and nuclear power generation, GATES — The January 16 it makes eminently good sense Plot.» added 14 and ten poin’J, was held Jan. 16. at the Fron meeting of the Gates City tier Inn In Gates. to have a capital gains provl- | respectively, for Santiam. Council was opened at 7:55 p. Tom Hirons was elected sion in the tax laws to help I David Etzel passed oft for m. by the new mayor Art encourage the flow of savings \ five assists to lead Santiam n chapter ch? i man for 1975. Jim Skinner, Councilmembers Morgan was chosen assistant into these enterprises. As i that category. present were Bob Johnson and things now stand, the tax on | Gregg McDonald scored '7 chairman. Retiring chairman Art Sowle. Absent were Doris e- Verl Moberg was elected dis uccessful investments is much points and grabbed 17 Rogers and Jack Chappell. higher than it should lie. In bounds to lead Scio in these trict representative. — Guests included Tommy ♦ A - _ Z Bob Cornhaum of SAIF had the name of tax reform, the categories Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Paul next game will * I people from the Ore. State 1961 Congress flew in the ' f Santiam'« 3--«1 Haley, Ed Kadir, Dave Cook face of common sense, as it of Friday at Mill City against the Dept, of Health discuss and Oliver Winslow. Also f health regulations going ten does, and actually increas Regis Rams. present was city recorder, 10 17 Ifl 19 82 effect Aprit 1, 1975. ed the capital gains tax by as StntUm Alexis Winn, and Joyce Pres- 11 13 16 11 " 51 I Linn County Sheriffs much as 40'7 in some cases. Scio ler, represented the press. Santiam 82 Plotts 10, De- puty Boh Parrott then gave a Now with high income tax i The Solomon Demonstration Ski ting some of the jumps in “Hot Dog” . After Mayor Skinner open- rates t iking a major shure of Main 14. Rose 18, Davidson 9. talk on preventing theft of Team was at HooDoo Sunday, January skiing. The group travels nationwide giv led the meeting he appointed everyone« paycheck, and with Wngiit ;>, Cline 4. Etzel 2. I logging equipment. _______ Scio 51 Miller 6, Bishop I 119. This was the second appearance there ing the demonstrations. They also com I Oliver ’ Winslow as council the threat of even further in creases in the future, it be 10. Wood 2. McDonald 17, Row i for the Seattle area team. The team pete nationally as a team, and individ I member protem in order to comes app.ircnt that the capital land fl, Torg.son 4, La Brasseur Variety Show Set gives demonstrations in free style skiing. ually, in all "Hot Dog” skiing competi have a quorum to hold the gums tax is far from being a 4. —Glen Bigness photo I meet.iig. | In the above photo, they are demonstra- tion. ; For February 22 I Mayor Skinner then asked loophole Indeed, such a tax The Jr. Woman’s Club is Mr. Kadin if he would accept is actually a lifeline encourag Recycling Center Asks (once again making prepara | the council vacancy. Mr. Ka New Service Group ing capital formation through tions for what promises to be a din declined as he will be gone investment of savings and For Additional Items Started At Santiam the major part of this year. helping to pull America out of I Arc you taking your glass fun-filled night for all. The new service club at The show Is scheduled for Mr. Skinner then asked Dave the present swamp of energy jars and bottles and your tin Santiam. Student Action Cook if he would consider the scarcity, shortages, inflation , and aluminum pieces and Sat., Feb. 22, at 8:00 pm. in Group (SAG), is extending an ! The Mill City Lions Club council position. Mr. Cook I storing them neatly in your the high school auditorium an 1 and unemployment. Last month Santiam Memor invitation to any citizens of met Mondnay evening, Jan. 13. agreed and was sworn in by it is hoped that its success will garbage cans; Are you burn Jobs, not to mention the newspapers when ' equal that of last years show ial Hospital in Stayton con Mill City, Gates, and the out at the Frontier Inn. Des city recorder, Alexis Winn. taxes required for the support ing your tracted three new machines to lying areas. Wowarth, Dist. 36-R White As the next item of business, of government, depend upon there is too big a pile? If you which brought a full house. Any person who needs Cane Committee Chairman, of the new mayor appointed his Drawings for door prizes will broaden its services dealing such investment in business are, then you ure to be com and industrial growth. The ca mended for your neatness, and be held during the evening with respiratory therapy. The transportation to church, the the Salem Downtown Lions, new council members to fill pital formation lifeline to (if you cun lake a small criti and a certificate for $100 worth i machines, along with many doctor, or other destinations, White Can? Sale. Proceeds of the various offices, the council America’s future should be cism ) you arc being wasteful. of meat from Hirte’s Mkt will 'adapters that go with them, may receive a ride from a the sale go to the Dever’s Eye approved the appointments. I w'H enable the hospital to per- SAG member. There will be Clinic in Portland. Art Sowle will take over the than Mill City area residents have be raffled. strengthened rather All persons wishing to take form various tests and treat no cost for this service. Those I Program chairman, Charles duties of street commissioner weakened The capital Kains available to them a recycling ------------- I in t ransportation Tate then showed a movie pro and was also appointed as center where these items may part in the show are asked to1 respiratory problems it could interested tax should be reduced not before I should call Mr. McClain at 897-1 duced by PPScL entitled, president of the council. Bob call Mrs. Mike Wilson, 897- ‘ * be taken. From there, the items One thing the equipment is 2469 or Jim Rose at 897-2549 "Energy in the Northwest." Johnson will be the new build will be channeled back to var- 2231. used for is to clean out the after 4:00 p.m. President Dale Kirsch an ing inspector, Dave Cook will ous locations where they are ■ nounced that the Mill City be the new water commission broken back down to their or I Idanha Council Elects accumulation of mucus in the ,---------- lungs of bedridden patients. c , Lions Club will make an of er. Retaining their positions iginal state and the materials The lungs normally will keep rOOd otamp Assistance ficial visit to the Jefferson were Doris Rogers as health Wilkerson Mayor prepared for reuse. Lions Monday, Jan. 27. Club and safety and Jack Chappell IDANHA Incumbent themselves clean but when 0jV€n At Referral The whole recycling move members will meet in front of as ways and means. Dallas Benton, Bill Moore and forced Into inactivity, waste 1 Center In Mill C.+y ment is yet a struggling one. I The JFK Freshman team the U S. Nat’L Bank at 6:00 The minutes of the Dec. 19 Reba Snyder wore sworn in buildup occurs. Although it is common know outscored the Santiam Fresh As of Jan. 13. the hospital' The Mil] City Post Office p.m. and pool rides to Jeffer meeting were read and approv ledge that eventually most of by councilman Ron Wilkerson man team 8-2 In the third now has a registered therapist __ ____ ___ ___________ _ has received authorization to son. ed. Bills were then presented the natural sources of these at the regular January meet quarter and held on for a 40- for payment. They included: materials will be depleted, cl- ing of the Idanh.i City Council. to operate this equipment. The t.nabje Linn County residents 36 victory over the Wolverines the Mill City area general fund, $400.62: street Ron Wilkerson was elected therapist. Bob Passot, is on call in i tizen apathy and economic in a league game at Mill City, a fund $158.36; water fund, difficulty have proved bar- mayor for a two year term and 24 hours a day, seven days | to purchase food stamps here, i Monday. This will reduce travel and in-j Hi$forical Society To $380.83. The council approved Reba Snyder, president of the week. I t iers which must be overcome. ! Santiam got off to a fast convenience for many reel-' the bill for payment. ’s recycling center council, start and led 8-5 at the end has Mill run City I pienta residing in Linn County i Meet Sunday, Jan. 26 The council decided to have Into some of these! Retiring mayor is Lynn Wil- of the first quarter. Santiam King To Serve A$ I who had to obtain their cou-1 the city recorder be present prohlems. but there is a group liamson. was out-scored 14-12 in the The Linn County Historical parts of two days at the city pons in Albany. second quarter, cutting their of citizens who regularly use meet Sunday, hall for payment of water bills The Linn County residents! Society will Mayor Of Detroit the center. This gives its oper lead to one point at halftime. will be certified in Marion Jan. 26. at 2:00 p.m. at the and any other business. This ators, the Mt 11 City Jr. Womans Then came the decisive quar DETROIT-James King _____ ____________ _ For Maple Lawn Place, 1950 Sa- will be on the first Monday of | County instead of Albany. ter after which the Trojans led Club, the determination to, re-elected to another one-year assistance contact the referral lem Ave., Albany. each month and the second keep it open. All are invited to ‘ by five points, 27-22. term as Detroit mayor Tues- centcr at 897-2354. The bicentennial theme will Tuesday of each month from bring their recyclable news Little Red made a strong day night of last week by city be "The First Continental 10 a.m. to 12 noon. It is hoped print, tin, aluminum and glass Gary DeMain and David come-back in the final quar Congress." Special music will that this will solve part of the on the first Saturday of each Plotts combined for 44 points councilmen. ter. Trailing by as much as be provided by Mr. and Mrs. paying problem. It was also King, who was re-elected to month between 10 a m. and 3, to lead Santiam past John F. nine points, they cut the lead Otto Lyon of Scio and Mr. and i noted by the city recorder that a four-year term on the coun pm. The center can be reached | Kennedy ......... .. High 66-38 In Tri- to four points but could not Mrs. Bert Karr. Salem. Loren she would be happy to accept cil last November, was one of by driving on the small dirt basketball play Tuesday get any closer. Bond will show slides on his any water payments at her three members sworn in road which parallels Wall St. night Tom Seiler led the Trojans trip to Israel. home, located on the corner of Tuesday. (in front of the post office) j DeMain scored 26 points, 1 I with 17 points. Mike Bemis and Oak St. and the county road I TAi o♦ e»i I »♦ inn ixf C7 >1*1-1 97 ’ Visitors are always welcome. and this leads to the large whU(l p lol t, had 18, including Also sworn in were incum-l Distribution of $7,434,698.27 Mike Davis paced the losers (across the street from Mary- Dues for 1975 are $1 for coun building where the center is in the first ' ' bent Joyce Crist, who has a j n highway-user funds to the period. with 12 and 11 points, respec- located. counties of the state was ty, and $7 for state. Dues Stafford). Water bills can also Gary DeMain threc-ycar term and was re-i Santiam flfl tively. Next week's Enterprise will 26, Plotts 18, Wright fl, Ga- elected council president, and announced recently by the should be sent sent to Janice be paid by mail, but can no JFK ........ 5 I i Whitman, treasurer, 1140 W. longer be paid at Ted’s Drive- list methods to prepare your briel 5, Rose 5, Morgan 4. new members Vern Collins, state highway division. 8 12 Santiam in as the city would have to recyclable«. 10th, Albany, 97321. two-year term , who received a on The allocation is based Lady 2. JFK 40 - Zöllner 2, Seiler bond those accepting pay As a final note, many thanks _____ ___ 38 ___ ______ water commis and was named the the statutory 20'7 for Rick Schied- Kennedy 17, Aman 6, Aman 5, Jennings ments The meeting was ad need to be given to Shields Re-1 |t.r'VGr7el<W»ki 7. Rodriquez sioner by the council. period Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 1974. 10. journed at 9:15 p.m. Mine, Carl Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. i W; , vra 4 ne.ver 3 Dicker 2. New Council Members The funds come from the fol Santiam 36 Corning 5, The next city council meet Harry w-i Nelson and a Mr. and Mrs. __ 1 OaMpk J, Heyneerickx 2. lowing sources: Motor vehicle Wright 6, Davis 11, Bemis 12, ” I ing will be held Thurs., Feb. Dale Kirsch for all the assist Santiam registration and operators ’ li FBLA Selling Seat 15 19-66 1 Sworn In At Lyons 20 12 Richards 2. 20. 7:30 p m. at the Gates City ance they have given to the JFK cense fees, gasoline tax, use 5 7 -38 11 15 A special meeting Hall centcr. Without them, the job fuel tax. motor carrier fees, i LYONS JV Kennedy 58, Santiam 46 Cushions At Games would he difficult or impos- and fines and penalties collect I of the city council was held Enterprise Office Ha$ sible. ed for violations of the size Tues, night, Jan. 14, due to Have you bought your San Free Firewood Offered 1 ti.im Booster Seat Cushion and weight statutes where not molding on the first Tues., Detroit Dam -Weather Lions Club Calendars Pool yet' If you haven't, get yours complaints are made by the Jan. 7. The usual business was, To Senior Citizens IV 111k ^ITy vv earn er conducted with important mat-■ Date Max Min Pep Ele weighm.is- this Friday night at the Regis- highway division The Lion«: Club birthday Date Max. Min. Pep I It was reported this week : ters taken care of. 40 1464 09 0.31 Jan. 15 45 ters. $.16 . that firewood is available at Santicm game. 51 40 < ilendar« arrived Wednesday Jan. 12 I 41 1464.62 0.19 The new councilmen. Elmer 1 Jan. 16 46 The allocation to each coun- FBLA ( Future Business 53 43 0.18 no cost, to welfare recipients. al ter noon and are being dis- ' Jan. 13 45 40 1465 61 0.09 Jan. 17 . Culwell, Randy Budlong, and number of Leaders of America) is .selling ty is bused on the 52 45 0.02 I senior citizens and disabled ■ributed to residents who or- Jan. 14 40 1468 98 0.04 these colorful, comfortable vehicles registered in it The i Lois Slover were sworn in. j Jan. 13 55 51 44 0 20 people. < red a calendar as quickly as Jan. 15 54 39 1472.99 0 02 Marion and The new mayor. Mrs. June Mc- an. 19 Jan. 16 54 45 0.19 For more information, con-1 cushions for $1 each. Help sup allocations for I ossihle 38 1475.72 0.02 53 Jan. 20 Pheeters, who was out of town are Linn counties - Linn, Wirth or Jim port the Santiam Wolverines 54 47 0.10 tact Ruth Th ise who ordered calendars Jan. 17 36 1475.42 000 50 48 60 0.05 Saunders at the referral cen- during basketball season by $264,572.11 and Marion. $513,- will be sworn in at the first Jan. 21 through the Enterprise office Jan. 18 .„ meeting in February. • Total Pep. for week .... .... 0.87 790.64. ter. | uotqsno « Zufseqaznd Total Pep. for week ..... .... 0.80 may pick them up at any time. J Loggers Elect Tom Hirons Dave Cook To Serve On Gates Council Mill City Lions To Visit Jefferson Club Santiam Hospital Expands Services JFK Frosh Down Santiam 40-36 Santiam Clobbers JFK; Play Regis Fri. Counties Receive Highway-user Funds m