Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1974)
m 1 6—The Mül Uity Enterprise, Thursday. Dec, 19. 1971 CLASSIFIED RATES Sears Joyce Preairr — 897-2707 (Crowded Out Last Week) I Visiting with Mary Stafford I AUTHORIZED CATALOG on Monday, December 2, was MERCHANT STORE FOR SALE—Men’s 27” 5-speed i her brother. Gilbert Myers bicycle, like new Phone 897- from Silverton 2179 after 4:00 p.m $50. 51p Mary Wilson and Vi Foster ' took in many of the Christmas JOB OPPORTUNITIES tn Stayton Satur- Positions open now for high1 with that special time I I festivities day. December 7. school graduates Pay SAVING GIFT the Spending part of $344 10 a mo., training, tra with Thanksgiving holidays vel and benefits. See if you Give Her A I Luther and Etheline Yates qualify. Call 399-5882 or see were their daughter and fam- vour Naw Recruiter at 120 ' ily, Paul and Jackie Clark. Liberty St.. N.E.. Salem 52 SancLe and Mark from Long She'll Love it/you Beach. Wash They arrived on OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT — Tuesday. November 27. and de $3.49 per gallon. Sublimity All Year. parted on Saturday. November Building Supply. Phane 769- 30. 2174. 41 tf Visiting with Mrs. Opal FOR SALE-’52 30 ft. Kit Mo Several models in stock Childress on Tuesday. Decem ber 3. was Mary Stafford Mrs. bile Home. Furn.. carpeted, Childress is now at home re TV antenna. Excellent con At Y’our Mill City covering nicely ír om recent dition $1300. Ph. 769-6779 or Canvon Sears Store surgery. 897-2072. 49tf 897-2348 Recent visitors at the home 160 N. 1st Mill City of Lola Her.ness were Charlie ALUMINUM Screen Doon and Leia Cannon and daugh complete with hinges, latch set, grill and door closer, YOU saved and slaved for wall ter Brenda from Shelton, i to wall carpet. Keep it new Wash $14.50. Sublimity Building with Blue Lustre. Rent Sunday. December 8. Clare Supply. Phone 769-2174. tf electric shampooer. $1. Mill and Norma Henness accom- City Hardware. 897- 2977. 51 pamed by daughter. Susan, ex SEPTIC TANK and drainfield installation. Gravel. Topsoil, change student. Pedro Gal- Bulldozing Free Estimate. WOOD BURNING STOVES veas. and Glen and Lola Hen Franklin. Box Heaters. Ther Low rates. L M Walker, ness traveled to Gladstone to mostat self-regulated wood | visit with the Clare Hennesses Lyons. 859-2436. 50tf heaters, trash burners, free daughter and husband. Frank standing fireplaces of early i and Candy Tuers. They cele NUMBER ONE prefinished American and Contemporary brated the early birthday of paneling. All 4x8 sheets design. Smith’s Hardware, I Candy by having dinner at a $3.89 and $4.80, Sublimity 140 Candalaria Blvd. S, ' restaurant. It was the first op Building Supply, Sublimity. Salem. Ph 364-5661. 52 | portunity the Glen Hennesses Phone 769-2174. 41tf to see their granddaugh TO BIT TTMBEK had ters new home. Give Mother a Maytag WANT Small or large tracta Gates City Council will hold We hâve self loader their regular meeting on te haul vour logs. Thursday, December 19. 7:30 STOUT CREEE LMB. CO. p.m. at the Gates City Hall ; 1«» Mlle West ot Mehama. Ore. The new mayor and council will be sworn in at that time. Everyone is welcome to attend COMMUNTTY Miscellaneous classification with mum charge ot insertion. GATES Delight your wife Real Estate AT CHRISTMAS AND THROUGHOUT THE COMING YEAR May These Gifts be Yours the Gladness of Hope the Spirit of Peace The Warmth of Love Sincerely from . . . * SUREWAY REALTY Company 265 E. Ida St. — Stavton LOUISE PATTERSON. Broker Ph. 769-3366 or 769-5716 For Selling. Buying. Exchanging and Property Analysis. 45tf FOR SALE — New, 3-bdrm, home. Country kitchen, ex tra lrg. living room, dble. garage, sidewalks and curbs in. Qualifies for FHA or GI loan. Contract may be as sumed. $23.900. Blakely Constr. Ph. 897-2701. 39tf * I » Sale Prices Too I » Quiet and Dependable OLDER 2 Bedroom home located on 143x165 ft lot Large living room, full bath, utility room. Interior has Home panelling, Kitchen wired for both electric and gas range. Natural gas standing heater. Washer and dryer hookup. City water. Detached single garage with stor age khed. Full price............. $8,950.00 MANY BUYERS for home» with small acreage LIST NOW. STROUT REALTY, INC. Ph. 897-2124 Vivian Kealen, Mgr. Gates. Ore. GATES NICE. NEAT 2 Bedroom home. Lge. kitchen with lots of built-ins. dining room. Single detached garage. 90 x 100 ft. lot. $11,950.00. North Santiam Real Estate Mittens for Pickpockets Wood Heaters, Blenders, Mixers, Dishes, Tools, Sporting Equipment, Etc nu-ris KEYS MADE WHILE YOU WAIT. Better «et an extra key made for your house or automobile today Bring your key with you. Everett and Iola Hamilton Phone 897-2977 Mill City, Ore. WE’VE GOT A WHOLE SLEIGH FUL As a matter of law. the judge has considerable leeway in setting conditions Besides the usual requirements, such avoiding association with minals and keeping in touch with a probation officer, spec ial limitation have also been held lawful. Examples: 1 that a bookie should not have a telephone in his home; that an assaulter should go near a certain woman See Us For Your SNOW TIRES All Types of Roof Repair» FREE ESTIMATES that a labor “goon" should not be eligible for union office. On ihe other hand, the lav is leery of conditions that are too freakish (because they are hard to enforce) or too severe (because they are hard to live up to). Also, there are constitutional limits that must not be trans gressed. In one case, a court granted a man probation on condition that he donate blood to the Red Cross But this condition was thrown out on appeal because it called for "invading the phy sical person in an unwarr nted For the hard to please, g ve a Gift Certi- ■ficaie in Any Amount from R&R Chevron. POOR GAS MILEAGE? Bring Your Car In for a Tune-up today R&R Chevron Service Phone 897-2786 MS N. E. SMBttnm Blvd. Am available to help with your building — Decorating — Repair» — Remodel. Small jobs welcome. Framing or Finish work. Licensed — Bonded — Equipped — Reasonable. Art Van De Zande 897-2226 BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL - - - - - - ► DIRECTORY 4- - - - - - CARL’S UPHOLSTERY 486 Center Street, Sublimity Ph. 769-5883 We Upholster Furniture, Boats, Cars and all Farm Equipment FREE Estimates «nd FREE Pickup and Delivery Service 30 Yean Experience Be Merry Motor Service Phone 769-2042 JOHN W. REID, M. D Physician and Surgeon MUJ City, Oregon WAYNE’S GARAGE Ph. 897-2246 Weddle Funeral Home Highway 222 on Old Road To Lyons Mon., thru FrL 8 — 7 Saturday 8—5 Stayton I Oregon During Your Chri$tma$ Shopping Stop At The Dairy Queen in Stayton For A 24 hr. Towing Real Treat. Call 769-5757 GRAVEL OF ALL KINDS Call HUGH JOHNSTON 859-2222 Mornings or Evenings Chuck Osborn ORDERS TO GO Call 897-2212 519 Center St, Sublimity All Makes motors Serviced. Repaired and Rewound. Irri gation and House Pumps in cluded. SERVICE CALLS MADE Ml a FREE Pick Up and Delivery Service Property Owner LAWNMOWERS & SAWS All Makes and Models D D ELECTRIC $j^95 PRICES START AT ALLIED ROOFING Rte. 1. Box 168, Lyons PHONE 897-2097 LET US do your glam work. We cut window glass to your measure ments We will Install the glass in frames brought to the store. * Basketball Season Is Open Tuesday Thru Saturday 8:60 a.m. to 6:00 pr 393 E. Florence Stayion, Oregon IMMEDIATE possession. 2 bedroom Mobile home. Well insulated. Alaskan pack. Lge. 125x140 ft. lot. 7x16 ft. Cotting's Small Engine Repa r storage building $9.000. MILL CITY Eat Drink STAYTON SMALL EQUIPMENT Homelite Sales & Service Suggestions for your last minute shopping -tUataMe.'tke Mill Citv Hardware CREDIT UNION Join your friends and save available at Western Auto with safety at the North NEED CASH’’ Loans available Associate Store, Mill City on older homes and ranch- Phone 897-2735. 7tf Santiam Federal. Accounts ettes. Call debenture mort insured to $40.000.00. 1005 gage co., Stayton, 769-6377.1 FOR SALE — Good, clean North First Avenue. Stay- 39tf stove and refrigerator. Twc tor., Ore. Phone 769-2146. ewe lambs, less than one BUYERS we have year old. Ph. 859-2453. 51 Listings we need Help Wanted Offices Coast-to-Coast ELECTRONICS National Advertising Brings OPPORTUNITIES BlY e RS from everywhere Bom smart' Make it pay off WANTED — Woman for part time work. Wilson’s Hatch Stayion Invitational Call Today in Navy Advanced Electron ery. Phone 859-2134. 32tf 1 Name of Team W L STROUT REALTY. Inc. ics training program worth Team £6 .............. .17 7 Vivian M. Kealen. Manager over $17.000. Challenging WANTED — A housekeeper 8 Gates. Oregon 97346 growth opportunities for who can drive a car, $300 N. S. Real Estate .. .16 .15 0 P O. Box 516 high school grads. Rapid per mo. Morning and eve Derry Trk. ...... Phone 897-2164 14 10 advancement if you qualify, i ning phone 859-2538. 44tf Madison Davis Lierman Ins........... 14 10 High salary, top benefits.1 D. H. Trk......... .12 12 4 bdrm., 2 story, older, dble. Call now or see your Navy i Pets . 8 Stayton Pharmacy 1« gar. lg. shops and barns, etc. Recruiter at 120 Liberty St..1 High individual game — Jan on 5 ac. $22.500. Owner will N.E., Salem. 52 FOR SALE — male, purebred, tiny toy poodle. 6 wks. old. Dery 195; high individual carry. 8^% on bal. Mill City. $25. See at Oak Park Trailer series — Blanche Wallace 529: $13,500 on older. 2 bdrm The December Winner of the $9.99 gift from Larry’s 100*xl00' cr. lot. close to Park Sp. #4, Gates. 51p high team game and series — 526 and 1550. Phillips 66 is Seely Bennett schools and shopping. Assm | of Mill City. 51 •t. Vet. Ln 5.9% Lost and Found Tuesday Pin Pals finance. Mill City. BARN and FENCE Redwood I LOST — Red ruby pin near Name of Tefcm W L stain $2.98 gal White in the Presbyterian Church. Mel Round & Sons 21 7 terior Latex wall finish Reward. Ph 897-2725. 51 Pats Pill Box ....... 20 8 $3.49 gaL Sublimity Build Highland Trk. 18 10 ing Supply, Sublimity. Ph. U. S. Nat’l. Bk. .14 For Rent 14 769-2174. 17tf Stayton Bawl ___ .13 15 GLIDDEN PAINT now avail FOR RENT — One bedroom Girods Hilltop .... .13 15 furnished apt. in Gates, Ph. GAB Trk able at Western Auto Asso ........ .12 16 897-2701 or 897-3189. 49tf State Farm Ins. ciate Store. Bring In your 10 18 color, we will mix the paint Phillips 66 ............ .10 18 think of to match it. Santiam Blvd, FOR RENT OR SALE — 3 Teds Drive-in __ 9 19 bdrm, trailer house located Mill City. Ph. 897-2785. 49tf High individual game and DRUSHELLA'S at Gates Trailer Ranch. $100 — Shirley Moreland 222 per mo. Call 581-9490 in series ROOFING Orushella Real Estate GALVANIZED and 528; high team game — Salem or 897-2989. 51tc 2^" corrugated, 4V cernì Mel Round & Sons, Inc. 738; 1805 N. Pint Ave, Stayton gated custom cut to length, high team series — Pats Pill Elydia E. Smith 897-2460 about our new lower FOR RENT — Furnished 1 and Box 2121. 2 bdrm apts. All utilities Salesman — < Gates, Oregon prices. Sublimity Building inc!. Cable TV available. Ph. Call day or ’ evening —'-3 Supply, 769-2174 897 2961. 51tf THE Í I I FAMILY-^ LAWYER .A Not long ago a man found guilty of picking pockets was granted probation on the con dition that he wear mittens whenever he went out in pub lic during the following five years. This order suggests the wide range of possibilities that may occur to a sentencing judge when he allows a convicted person to go free on probation The idea, of course, is to keep the culprit from getting into trouble again Washer, Dryer or for Christmas lege or professional basketball. The appellate court said that such a restriction, rather than keep him out of trouble, was more likely to get him back in. Informative discussion fire sides, 8:00 p.m. every Wednes day. 428 13th St, Lyons. Tele. 859-2943 All Welcome MICRO WAVE OVEN Count five words to the line tn ordering your ad Telephone 897-2T72. Mill City or mail your advertisement to The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, Oregon 97360 manner. Equally invalid condition in another case that the felon, who was a promis ing athlete, not play any col- Public Notices ri IRfap Rte 1, Box 4M Aumevlile, Ore. Phone 769-5311 Oil Burner Service Stayton, Oregon Scrumpdillyishus I Stayton Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt Service Now Serving Mill City and Vicinity Prompt Service & Dependable We will meet all competit PHONE 769-8X99 Cy'$ Furnace Repair Cy Hilton, owner Ive Price» and service Satisfaction Guarantee’ Ph. 769-2302 Stayton