The Mill City biiterprée. Thursday. Dre. 19. 1974 ■> Final Monday Evening GATES Joyce Fi cater - w-rwi Snow Plowing Costs Mill City Council Rise For Detroit Meeting Minutes Having an early Christmas dinner with Harold and Mary DETROIT — The regular of Wilson was their grandson and monthly meeting of the De- in his family. Ronald and Chris :roit City Council was called Wilson and their son Jeffery Scott. Ronald is a captain sta-. to order by Mayor Jim .w, King at tinned at Ft Leans, but lives I ‘ pm 060 ’?■ __ W..K Wash. TK-v They .rrM Council members p m -TV Tacoma. arrived, Cou^U members present Regular Monthly Council Meeting: Dec. 11, 1974. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Clyde Bate, oouncilmembers present were Carey. Cummings. Goff in,1 Howell and J »quelle Also stayed unui Sunday afternoon. Cnst and Frank VanPelt present were Mick Davis and December 15. A short trip was Councilman Joe Arsenault was Dennis Corderman. city attor- NATIONAL NEWSPAPER taken to Detroit while .hey absent There were three neys. THUUMH _______ r—1 1 ' | citizens preser.: The mayor led the pledge of were here Minutes of the November allegiance to the flag. a Spending Christmas The -Í Chrstmas and New Year* with *«re -ead and a trea minutes of the last regular L-— report Melvin and Dorothy Newberg Wr. give? council meeting of Nov. 13. wiH be their daughters. Toni minutes were approved as read 1974 were read and approved. Newberg of Salem. Pete and, bF record, Ruth Tho- Rev Halstead of the First | Pennv Peterson annd children rr*s»n- communications;^ Church asked conn- Outside Manan-Unn Coux Butch. Tina and Maryann, also Getters « < uoon 1 1 approval for ,n admt c’ears ra:e _^T law Copies will be distribut­ ed after the meeting. hour, for the big skidder read planning commission or­ before Christmas Be a part- The bills were read in the dinance #132. Howell moved time citizen-soldier — serve (wide blade). A discussion fol­ amount of «1.337.71. Carey to invoke the emergency lowed on what level the blade your community, county, state moved to pay bills as read, clause to accept planning com- and nation while your saving would be set so as not to dis­ seconded by Goffm. passed mission ordinance «132 as account grows with what you turb the newly layed gravel on with all aye votes IDANHA-Mrs. Lee (Paarl) the streets and roads. A mo ­ read. Jaquette seconded, pass­ earn on one weekend a Eoas of Idanha returned home Howell read police report month Interested' Call 897- tion was made seconded and Traffic 27. municipal citations j ed with all aye votes. Friday after donating one of earned to accept the increas- The recorder administered 3707 and ask for Ray Presler. her kidneys to her nephew tn 1. court record cases 28. acci-1 ' the Twentieth Century. __ after 6XW pm. i _ ed rates for snow plowing. Hill denis investigated 2. com-1 the oath of office to Donald an operation performed Nov “Did'ycu" know the Wngh:____________ ct**J «»»line “7“^ ‘^“mvestigTt«?Ind Huckeby for the position of U. of Minnesota Mill City. His * term of 27 at the Bros, made their first flight ¿nci otber cye ». anal expenses j made 28. money from mayor of ***" Medical Hospital in Minnea­ office will begin Jan. 1. 1975. on Dec 17. 1903? That finber ecess..ated the increase in | ,municipal court fine* 3478 00. 00 polis. Mrs Eoas. 33, quoted Day is on Dec 1« and 19* That juveniles processed and cited 1. j Meeting adjourned at 10:30 doctor* as saying the kidney j Street Coer-nusMoner Lay-1 I the Pilgrims landed on Dec Sgt Grossmcklaus gave report pan transplant is TOO percent man reported same 100 yds. of “ I ' on survey that crime preven- • Respectfully submitted: 21, 1620' successful so far." Her nephew gravel has been spread on dty Edna L Moffatt Thought for the day: Luck tion officers were doing in Mill1 Vern Ripphnger, 18, and son streets and roads, and that. City Recorder Brunners Flowers of Mill perhaps visits the fool, but other streets and roads to be ■ City He mentioned that the) of Mrs Eoas' sister, Mrs. Wil­ i crime rate was rising tn City will deliver in the De­ does not sit do m with him ma Wilkie, Williston. N. D.. graveled will be graded pre- ! troit-Idanha area Monday,: Riddle of the Week: Which paratery to graveling. Mayor Marion and Linn County. He came home on a train from More School Board candies burn longer—wax or also gave report on the five Dec 23. Order early. Minneapolis Friday night King instructed that a letter of j A part of the Detroit-Idanha tallow ’ Neither Both burn appreciation be sent to the lo-1 mos. that Linn County has Report Continued Gases C—wwslfy Mrs. Eoas said the youth has been under contract to Mil! Chare* of Christ news was apparently lost in shorter. suffered from kidney prob­ (Continued from Page 1) cal state highway division mjc - Christmas mail rush. Our: Thg — Gates -—-— — Community ------------- v City. Morning Worship 10:00 the lems since childhood, havuig personnel for their cooperation Jim Hoover asked if a city services, curriculum material, undergone five major opera­ apologies to our readers and Church J5- Christ 3 and assistance on city street , special Sunday School Christ- ordinance was required to data processing, group testing, tions since the age of two and correspondent in that area. work. adopt the public official’s fi- • inservice programs, legal and a half. Beth of his kidneys We will publish the articles mas program at 11:15 a_m. this LFOMS C SITED A lengthy discussion follow- next week if they are located Sunday. Dec. »They will also ed on the atv s water system. I nancial ethics and reporting budgetary advice, microfilm­ were removed some three METHODIST CHURCH have a short film showing of law. City attorney, Mick ing of records, special educa- months ago. He then was plac- Sth and Ash St ■ "The Littlest Angel" at 5:00 Discussion pertained to lm-1 ’ Davis stated that we would Uonal-developmenially dis- ! ed on an artificial kidney ma- Phone 859-2540 DETROIT COMMUNITY I p.m., a chili feed at 5:30 p.m. provement on water lines, the probably have to adopt such abled. Rev. Arthur Hansen (chine until the operation. CHRISTIAN CHURCH cleaning of clutter from the I followed by a caroling party, an ordinance, but wanted to1 The board decided by motion Welcomes you to come as Mrs. Eoas said, "before the Macky Creek turbine, plus 1 Sunday i The days events are for anyone wait until we can get clearer j to change the date set for the ‘operation, her nephew’s skin you are. 10XX) aam, Adult Bible Study , that would like to participate the screen, and immediate ac­ picture of the law. school election. The date had had turned yellow and tion on the ailing chlorinator | at the church in one or all of them. Russ Fetrow of been set for March 18. but has ; leathery." Now. she said, “it Santiam Chapel m the area. The city has had 11:00 am., morning worship Gates City Council will hold i eports on reef nt now been changed to June 17. I is pink and as smooth as a Asewmbty of God and children’s church their monthly meeting tonight a problem tB finding parts for wells. He was accompanied by | It was thought that, by this baby’s skin, ” Mrs. Eoas said Phone 859-2644 Lyons 5:00 pan. youth Bible study j Thursday, Dec. 19), 7:30 p.m. that particular chlorinator, his assistant Gary Messer, also • Robert Harkins,_____ Pastor time, prices and inflation her kidneys were pronounced for grades 7, 8 and 9 I at the Gates City Hall. Besides Council suggested that Boat- Steven Downs and Fred Lis-[ might _ _ _ very _____ _ __ Sunday School, 9:45 am. be _______ settled enough to healthy __ and „ extra large. weights Engineers be contact- 6:00 pm evening ; regular business the mayor and soar. Fred L.ssner explained make an accurate budget plan. I ana this is gtxxi," she quoted Morning Worship. 11:00 a.m. know who ed to see if they Richard Norris, P?stor I new counciimembers will be the purpose of setting monitor- C. A. (Youth) Service Thurs­ * ’ ' i doctors. ‘ sworn into office Everyone is manufactured the chlorinator, ing wells and the nature of the • The board members discuss- j days at 7:00 pm. i ed the possibility of repairing ' The doctor said he has a or if they would know where First Christian Church i mvited to come. Royal Rangers and Mission- wells. lor installing a new fence be- marvelous chance of full re­ Rev. Richard L. Ha.stead School will be dismissed for parts may be obtained for it Jaquette moved to recom­ tween the schools property and ’covery. Mrs Eoas said. “I’m ettes Family Night, Wednesday of At the same time, the cost Bible School 9:45 am. the Christmas vacation at 2:30 at 7:00 p. m. a new chlorinator is to be mend that new council proceed the Seventh Day Adventist JQst hoping he will be able to Morning Worship 11XX) a.m. Anyone desiring counsel and Youth meeting at 6:00 pm. pan. this Friday, Dec. 20 and with investigation of methods I property, The existing fence is function as well as others.” looked into. I prayer may call Pastor Robert Evening Services 7 XX) pm. will take up Jan 2, 1975. It was reported that the and costs for accomplishing I part-way down. This will be j Mrs. Eoas’ husband, Lee. is Harkins. the city ’ s portion of this sur- Adult Bible study each Thurs­ discussed before any action is employed by Stuckhart Lum­ city’s water tank has sprung a I leak A folowed on ber Co., Idanha. Mrs Eoas’ sis- day st 7:30 pan. Youth Bible A discussion discussion folowed on | | ve>’’sec°5ld^ b* ,HoweU’ taken. leak. the renewal of the tank and study each Wednesday at 7:15 Mesons Install Mr. Jahn presented to the ' ter’s second husband. Joe Wil- the possibilities of relocating Strwt Commissioner Cum- board guidelines for the work­ 1 kie. died about two months DATSUN SERVICE pm. Santiam Searchers each Officers Monday Wednesday at 3:30 pm. the tank. Mavor King said that. repcf ° ’«L«™- study and work-release pro- 1 ago. She said a trust fund was AND REPAIR Evening, Dec. 16 Harry Patton has offered the p^shments on streets. Cum- , gram A committee will be , established at First Nauonal AD Week Guaranteed l ___j a lot _____ ,____ ____ __u i mings also brought up subject , formed consisting of Fred Bank of Williston. N. D. to city as a site for the tank. Mill City Lodge #180 held SATE «•% eu Salem of vandalism on the foot bridge work study coordin-1 help her lister pay off medi- installation of officers Monday No action was taken on the • behind the old depot build­ 1 Gruver, •- A __ one —— — V board — w n member, — A the »- Z-. cal C» I ►*» 1 1 « not -«*» covered m »» »» ». » » J k.»» ---- • ator, aivi, vue hzv»Qs luvuwri, ujc bills by any Ca^897^062 project | evening at the hall. Lowell ing Mr. Cummings will talk j high school principal and four insurance . “It would certainly Cree war installed as worship-! , Discussion on moving the to Mr. Plymale about barri­ I business lay member* They help if persons wanted to con­ electrical meter box out of the | ful master. cading the bridge, but still will advise the board on the tribute to that fund,” added Installing master was Ed city hall, to oe installed on a keep the foot path open work-study and work-release Mrs Eoas. Jordan of Kir.gwood Ledge pole outside of the city halL Jaquette read a letter from , program* Member* have not Electrician to be called to in ­ «204. district deputy. Henry Jack Fellers of FHA, approv­ Tate of Santiam Lodge «25 of stall new fl crescent lights in ing our pre-application activ­ been appointed. The bill* were presented for Stayton was installing mar­ city hall and move electrical ity for a federal grant and loan payment and a motion was meter box Councilwoman shall. for a sewerage collection sys­ Guest« present were Addon Joyce Crist to contact electric­ tem. No grant money is avail­ carried to pay them. Following executive *es«ion, ian. A report was made that Seny, Kenneth Purdy, LeRoy able at this time. The letter it was noted that the board had Doe to the Christmas and New Year Holidays. Plane, and Hugh Webb from a fire hydrant is leaking be­ Boor refuge wfll be picked up one day early each granted the cost of living in­ i Pearl Lodge «66. Turner: Ed hind Detroit of those weeks. Jordan. Kingwood Lodge «204. King said ail fire hydrants Since this cannot be done un­ crease for the classified and Salem: Verny Scott, Floyd have been flushed out. and less the city votes to do so, it certified employees for 1975- Have a Happy Holiday, Dear Friends. Fair. Glenn Julian, Charles suggests that Water Supt. < appears that a delay should be 7«. This was based on the CPI Hecht, and Henry Tate from Ralph Edminster check all fire requested pending the water figures from Oct. 30 through Thanks for letting us serve you. Oct. 30. | Santiam Lodge 25 of Stayton; hydrants before the winter, table survey results. A community survey will be Lowell Shinn. Budd Paimer snows set in. A short di: russion on water' Jaquette moved to recom- held after the first of the year and Wes Palmer. Ainsworth mend to new council to join Lodge «207 of Salem; Claude rate* followed. No action region four of COG because to determine the wishes and desires of the public concern­ Smith and Gale Abrams of taken. :hey could help us secure ing the following four items: meeting The next council Lyon Lodge «29 from Inde­ sewer or other grants if we so pendence; John Schweer of will be held Jan. 14, 1975, at wished. Seconded by Cum­ I) student nisurance; 2) eighth grade graduation; 3 bacca­ Grants Pass Lodge «84 now 720 p.m. at he city hall at mings, passed with all aye laureate and high school grad­ living at Lyons; and Harry which time incumbent council­ i votes uation; 4) whether or not the i Tague of Omaha. Nebr. who man Jun K ng and councilwo­ There w%s only one qualified public wanted kindergarden in man Joyce and new coun ­ | now lives in Mill City. bid for 1962 CMC pickup. It Last week the names of the cilman Vern Coll;ns will be i was a bid of «357 submitted by the community. Slips will be jsent home with the students I newly elected secretary, sworn in. Harry F Tague of Mill City. Action on council position Carey moved to accept bid of and must be returned signed. | Charles Kelly and the treasur- ler, Herbert Pack were omitted ** take: at this meeting. 3357.(i00, seconded by Coffin, They will also be available at var.ous businesses in the city, Meeting ad. turned at 9:25 passed by all aye votes i Charles Kelly has served as, Don’t forget to voice your I seere .ary for more than"‘ Goffm brought up subject opinion on this matter con- I years. of Richard Sims property and cerning the schools. | Murry Moore, worshipful read letters pertaining to the master, presented 25-year pins O reg on Logger's proper.y. Mr Sims felt he had to Wallace Bevier. Don Jen­ Honor Wive« Thursday done what the city had asked Sgt. Deister Receive« kins and Bill Hirte. The Oregon logger’s Assn of him and requested more Following the meeting, re­ he.d their monthly meeting time to bring the building up Commendation Medal I freshments were served. The son of a Lyons couple F. E. Arbuckle Tax Service of 106 South last Thursday evening at the to code. Goffin instructed the Frontier Inn with their wives recorder to have Marion has been decorated with the building inspector U. S. Air Force Commendation I i Scio Raps Detroit In as guests for the dinner. About | County Water Street Silverton, Oregon will I check the building again and Medal at Ft Meade, Md. 45 were present. I Non-League Action Technical Sgt Wm G Dei­ Verl Moberg local president, I let the city know of their have a tax consultant in the attorney« of­ DETROIT — Soo took a 68- presided The program was m ruling. ster. son of Mr and Mrs 49 prep basketball win over charge of Tom H.rons of Me-1 Leiters of res.gnation were Henry T Deister Sr. of Rte 1, fice at 129 N. E. Wall St., Mill City, Detroit there Tuesday n ght | hama A film ras shown on read from Street Commission­ Lyons, is a communications t Greg Bishop of Scio and I er Glen Cummings and Dale analysis technician. He was ! Smith from Detroit led • logging in Alt ska. Oregon (next to the Post Office). Several ua e men were HoweiL council president ano cited for meritorious service Each police commissioner, effective | while assigned to the 8921 ,, introduced himself and Dec. 31, 1974 Mr. Cummings Security Wing at Misawa AB., HOURS — TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS Sc.o 68 - * , - ' "tany he repre ­ was appointed to the council Japan. * 18. Torg^on 4 Wood 10. Row' September 1974, and had, The sergeant now serves at I sented and then introduced rus 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. *nd 8. La Brassew 8. Craig 3. to serve Mead with a ****** unit v* of the | — agreed w *'• - until Decern- < Ft. k. ana^wui wiuj « ***^ U. V. Henderson 1, Cardwell 2 The January meeting wi.” 3^> Howell stat- S. Air Force Security Service I Detrott 49- Ssmth 18. Adam* be >" « »he previous He he h*M st the Froatier Frontier lr Inn he pr«viou« commitments commitments as as I’? is a z 1981 graduate of * Beginning—FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1975 9 Hi.1] 12. Higginbotham 8, third Thursday of the month reason for his res.gnation Stayton Union High School. Poo> 2. Mohr 2 Jaquette moved to accept Hi* wife, Evelyn, is the da ugh- Sew-------- 17 14 14 23—48 res.gnaUona, seconded by ter of Mr and Mrs Charles E Detroit _ 14 11 14 10 -49 Goffm. passed with all aye Brown of Rte 2, Aumsville. NEWS I Idanha Woman Donates Kidney D E TROIT I IDANHA Residents In The Gty of Lyons and Near Lyons 1 Ï 1 2 I I SANTIAM SANITARY SERVICE I Î 1 2 I Watch For Our Opening INCOME TAX PREPARATION I I