Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1974)
Holds Annual 120th Century party of the worthy patrons Election Of Officer« Christians Studied and worthy matrons of 1971 and 1972 at the McMinnville Postmaster and Mrs. Charles On Monday Evening« Elks Club Saturday evening The social hour started at 5:30 with dinner served at 7:00 ; p.m. The Cree’s spent the night Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lalack at the home of her cousins, were host and hostess for a Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Dickin holiday “brunch” at their home son, in McMinnville Saturday returning to Mill City on Sunday, Dec. 8. Those in night, vited to enjoy the informal Sunday morning. festivities included Mr and Mrs. Fred Krecklow, Mr and( Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lalack Mrs. Howard Farmen, Mr. and' were Sunday evening dinner Mrs Jack Scott, Mr. and Mrs. guests of Mr and Mrs. Fred Charles Kelly, Mr and Mrs. Krecklow and Mr. and Mrs. George Long, and the hosts, Georoge Long. The occasion Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lalack. was to honor the Lalacks on their 27th wedding anniver F»*e Tri-Chem classes be sary which was Dec. 6. ginning soon. Make liquid em broidery your hobby. Regular Mrs. William McClintock classes will be held at Gates, days or evenings. Hosting a spent from Saturday until class in your own home car. i Monday evening in Tigard and earn you lovely gifts. For with . . her son-in-law ,------ ---- more information call Betty' daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelle, 897-2815 or 897-2502. 52. Alban “• and Danelle so she could visit her husband who The Women’s Assn, of the' has ^7 in the VA Hospital past ? six weeks with Presbyterian Church will meet ! the .-. : ----- - a at 1:30 p m.. Thursday, Dec 12 , ck ulJury- Mr. McCnintock with Elyuabeth Heidbrink as scheduled for back surgery Hostess in the manse This Tuesday afternoon. He is shar- will be the first official event mg a room wlth Ansel Hay- there since the arrival of the *arc^' son ^rs Ruby Bris- new minister and his wife I bln of Gates Mr Hayward re- ________________ 1 cently underwent brain sur- The junior high group of the gery- Mrs. Brisbin’s other son, Presbyterian Church meets at OrV'JIe TTHay1ia^’ ,.is 3:30 p.m. after school in the nearby U. of O. Medical School church rooms Leaders are Hospjtal where he also under Carol Humes, Donna Podrab-[ went sur«ery. sky, and John Heidbrink, the minister. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lund quist returned Friday from a' Thanksgiving holiday guests months vacationing in Denver, I Mr and Mrs L r as -- Vegas and Rosemead, r>______ > 1 at . the home of Mr. Rex Ohmart and John were Calif. The Lundquists spent Mr. and Mrs Doug Ohmart, Thanksgiving in Denver with Jimmy and Karen of Rose- her brother and family, Mr. burg, and Ron Ohmart of Van- and Mrs. Howard Petterson, couver, B C. Ron is a child They plan to return to Rose- phychologist counseling in the j mead to spend the Christmas Child Services Center in Van-1 holidays with their children couver. This was the first time and their families. in over two years that all the family had been together. They Walter Kay is in the Salem all attended the anniversary reception for Mr. and Mrs. Memorial Hosptal for treat ment and is reported to be im Fred Duffy on Sat., Nov. 30. proving. Introduced Sunday as new members of the Presbyterian Dinner guests last Friday Church were Katie Ewell and evening at the Lowell Cree Frank Stromquist, both by home were Mr. and Mrs. Wil transfer from other churches. Miss Ewell recently returned bur Harlan. The Harlans were from a month’s visit with re celebrating their wedding an latives at San Juan Capistrano,' niversary. Calif, which is located in the! San Clemente area. Kelly attended the annual Christmas party of the “973” group of the Oregon Chapter of the National Assn, of Post masters held at Don’s Breeze wood in the Keizer area of Sa lem on Saturday evening, Dec. 7. Following the banquet, elec tion of officers was held dur ing a short meeting in charge of the president. Postmaster Joe Dougherty of Newport. Elected president for next year was Postmaster Jack Knight of Jefferson, with Postmaster Robert Landers of Silverton as secretary-treasurer. The evening was brought to a close with the exchange of small gifts. The group will meet again next March. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree and Sue McClintock were din ner guests Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. La- vern Torgison, Stanley and Wesley at Scio. Every Monday evening dur ing the first four weeks of Advent, Mr. Heidbrink will be reviewing the life and work of four twentieth century Christians. At 7:30 p.m. this coming week the life and work of Paul Tillich will be present ed. Dr. Tillich, a refugee from Hitler’s Germany, was one of the foremost influences on Protestant thought and prac tice during the first 60 years of this century. With others, he helped to revive interest in religion following the collapse His door-to-door ministry helped to focus a new light on the ministry of the laity at a time when ministers were few and society had lost the incen tive to continue. After his ar rival in the United States in the mid-thirties, Professor Tillich became a forceful and original influence on seminary life through his teaching and through writings. $099 The new' Christian American flags at the Presby terian Church sanctuary, gifts > of Mr. and Mrs. John Swan, j were dedicated during the worship service Sunday morn MTs. William Olyer entered ing, Dec. 8, in memory of their Santiam Memorial Hospital on youngest son, Gerald Lee, who Monday, Dec. 2. and under died in the Korean War. went surgery Wednesday mor Serving as candlelighter and ning, Dec. 4. reader in observance of the B, H. Saalfeld underwent second Sunday of Advent surgery the first of the week around the wreath of greenery for the removal of a cataract were Rob and Craig Humes. | Next Sunday, Dec. 5, a con on his eye. gregational meeting will fol low the morning church serv ice at which time oral reports will be given. The new fiscal year is from June 1 to May 30 rather than by the calendar year as formerly. By Frank Stromquist Plans are being made to de- _____ corate the church for the Here are some ups to follow forthose "bothered by the Christmas season beginning at menace of acne:_____________ 1 9:00 a.m., Saturday morning, ' Dec 14. Hot cider and dough- •Cleanse the oily epidermal nuts wni be available. Trees areas often to remove dirt will be installed and decorat ed, wreaths and green chains and lipid buildup. made, and candles placed in »Shampoo hair and scalp regu position. It is hoped to utilize larly so they will not contri-; an outdoor manger scene and bute to excessive oiliness of figures donated by Hazel and the adjacent skin. I Bob Hayes. _ j t Donations of poinsettias (or •Don’t aggravate acne lesions by touching or squeezing u,-------- «, cash for same) to decorate the them. Infection spreads this church arebeing accepted. Af- | ter Christmas Eve Service the way. ' donors are free to take their •Modify the diet to avoid ex- plant home or specify that it cessively greasy and aller- given to someone who genic foods. I might need a special cheer this . . Christmas. •Keep the digestive system workng smoothly to avoid constipation Drink plenty of' Local Residents Attend water an nd add some natural ■ bulk to the diet. Set 3 WAY FLASHING Scio Lodge Installation ♦Stay physically fit. A healthy complexion reflects a well-1 Attending the Installation of • -------- moderate Officers of Scio Lodge #39, rounded schedule: and A.F.&A.M. at Scio Sunday af- exposure to the sun, --------------- work, exercise, fresh air,! ter noon at 2:00 p.m. from Mill sleep and fun. . City were Mr. and Mrs. Donald ¡Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell •Avoid stress. Learn to relax, Cree, Sue McClintock, Debbie stop worrying, and reduce McLain and Joel Hamilton. Installing officers were tension - causing situations. Physical and mental compo James Anderson from Jeffer sure promote healthy skin son as installing master; Gene Pilcher of Scio, installing and psyche. marshal, and Lyle Shelton as When Your Doctor Prescribes installing chaplain. The Best, We Do the Rest at Laverne Torgison was in stalled as worshipful master. Jim Prokop is the outgoing master. Debbie and Joel provided Phone 897-2812 the entertainment. Your Home Town A reception followed the in Drug Store stallation. Mrs. Cree cut and I served the installation cake. Mill City Pharmacy TJZXTF TZ’ 1 v /I v I a PAK ^-bs. Roast 6 Lbs. Chops 6 Lbs. Steak 6 Lbs. Sausage gg< WaWs No Limit—Any Amount 55* Lb. Check Our Many Other In-Store SPECIALS The Little Store that HIRTES MARKET offers so much more ! 844 S. First MUI City Jim Dolby, Proprietor Groceries—Meats—Lockers—Feed and Seed Open 8 a-m.—6:30 p.m. daily—Closed Sunday Ph. 897-3133 50 lights—red. yellow, blue—each color flashes separately for a beautiful effect, 2 spare bulbs, add-on plug Ai We Gladly Welcome USDA Food Stamps Child safe cords in three lengths; 12 ft., 9 ft., 6 ft., each has 3-outlet connector, brown, val. 2.67 pkg. of three cords 47*. 67* 25 STICK-ON GIFT ---------------- TAGS, CAROS, SEALS BOWS 425 shimmering strands of silver metalized icicles, 59c value Pkg. This is our favorite “Christmas Family Pack”, 230 pieces in all, value 89c A big, bright bag of 25 stick-on bow super buy! Flashing or steady, push in lights, 2 spare bulbs, add-on plug “DOUBL GLO” ICICLES 5 to a package, assorted or solid colors 25 feet of bright, bushy silver or gold decoration for the tree or home, 4” wide MINIATURE LIGHTS 33\g c 714 INDOOR LAMPS TINSEL GARLAND Ea. Set THREE GE EXTENSION CORDS Pharmacy Topics. I Buy In Bulk And S A V E $177 MINIATURE LIGHTS Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bibler and boys spent their vacation time and Thanksgiving holiday in Yuba City, Calif., where they visited Mr. Bibler’s sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Bosen. Enroute to Calif, they visited Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mills and sons, Shane and Shawn, in Oakridge. special work on the Christ of 5—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Dec. 12, 1974 Faith versus the Jesus of Naz- roads of Palestine placed him. twentieth << ntuiy controversy. areth who walked the dusty in the middle of a major ’ --------------- --------- 6 FOOT “SCOTCH pint : This popular artificial tree has 47 shaped branches, 71 tips of flame resistant vinyl, UL listed, made to look real by American Tree & Wreath, reg. 14.77 25 LIGHT OUTDOOR SET Weatherproof, pre tested, UL listed, when one goes out, the rest stay lighted, exceptional value! For GIFT BOXES 6 boxes to wrap those special gifts, colorful Christmas designs on the boxes, popular sizes Decorative and use ful! Scalloped edges, 10” diam, 2 designs —poinsettia, santa. Deep dish, washable plastic, ideal for gift packaging too! »14« A $ l 1 29 Aft oo c U HOLIDAY SERVING BOWLS 5 ROLLS GIFT WRAP Pkg. Total 50 square feet! 26” widths, great variety, great value CLASSIC NATIVITY SCENE 11 large detailed fig ures, dramatically lifelike, antique ivory finish, wood stable 57« 13 OZ. SPRAY SNOW The traditional ‘white Christmas’ decoration at a low price, reg. 69c STAYTON PLAZA Monday - Saturday — 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday — 10 a.m. ton 7 p.m. JM