.¿i.......... mu..i Tumwm uu.^i4..u x u i EUL:xa 2—The Mill City Enterprtíe, Thursday, Dec. 5, 1974 | School Menu Womans Paqe. Norma J. Long, Woman's Page Editor Night Gowns Santiam Ripples Bv Sally Jenkins Dick & Carols Shoes and Apparel 400 3rd Ave 769-2762 S+ay+on Phone 897-2772 Engagement Revealed Mrs. George Davrs Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Mof­ Hosts Pinochle Club Thursday, December 5 Raviola in Sauce Green Beans Corn Bread Diced Pears Ice Cream Milk Friday, December • Barbecued Hamburgers French Fries Fruit Jello Peanut Butter Cookie Milk Monday, December 9 Chicken Gravy Over Rice Bread and Butter Carrot Sticks Cranberry Bars Milk Tuesday, December 10 Weiner and Bun Potato Chips Orange Juice Peaches Ice Cream Milk Wednesday, December 11 Meat Hash Tomatoes Bread and Butter Fruit Krisp Milk Thursday, December 12 Spaghetti Garlic French Bread Carrots Applesauce Ice Cream Milk Friday. December 13 Submarine Sandwich Green Beans Fruit Jello Milk fatt and sons. Mark and Rick, The Round Robin Pinochle The students of Santiam i hosted Thanksgiving dinner for Club met Monday evening at High School attended classes i Mrs. Vee Golden and Mr and the home of Mrs. George only three days last week due Mrs. Athel Savage of Mill Davis. A dessert was served by to Thanksgiving vacation. City, Mike Logan, Nancy the hostess before the evening Picture retakes were con­ Smith, Terry Savage, Debbie of cards. Carnes and her twin sons ducted Tuesday morning. Guests were Mrs Joe Chal- That evening, the class of Brent and Jason, all of Sa- lender. Mrs A. T. Barnhardt, ’75 held a senior'parents get- lem. and Mrs. George Stewart. together in the auditorium After dinner, Terry and Mrs. Arcy Podrabsky receiv­ commons to discuss a possible Debbie announced their en- ed high; Mrs. Al Yankus, low; senior skip this spring. gagement. Debbie is the dau­ Mrs. Thomas Drynan, pinochle The seniors were fitted for ghter of Mr and Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Joe Challendar re­ graduation caps and gowns Holmdahl of Salem. She is em­ ceived the door prize. Wednesday morning. ployed by a Salem Dental The next meeting of the The school week ended with Clinic. club will be December 16 at student council convening to Terry is the son of Mr. and the home of Mrs. Al Yankus. I elect girl and boy of f the Mrs. Athel Savage of Mill City This will be the club’s annual month. I and works for Salem Iron Christmas party. Names have I | Works. _ been drawn and there will be ... . . A June wedding is being ' a gift exchange. planned. Attending Monday evening Marilyn Chapter To were Mrs. George Stewart, Mrs A. T Barnhardt, Mrs. Joe Hold Stated Meeting Challender, Mrs. Burton Bor­ Marilyn Chapter, OES, will Community Service oughs, Mrs. Donald Carlson, hold their Dec. 9 stated meet­ Mrs. Charlie Stewart, Sr., Mrs. Well Attended i ing at the hall Monday evening John MacGregor, Mrs. Arey at 8:00 p.m. All members of Podrabsky, Mrs. Al Yankus, The Thanksgiving Com- Mrs the OES in the area are cor­ Thomas Drynan from munity Service held at 9:30, dially invited to attend. Stayton, Mrs. Dave Barnhardt Garland Byerly from Salem Thursday morning, Nov. 28, and the hostess, Mrs. George at the First United Presbyter ­ Chapter, Salem member of the Davis. Estarl Committee of the Grand ian Church was quite well at­ i Former Resident Chapter of Oregon, will be tended, and was adjudged very present to make his official worthwhile. Now In Independence The program was as follows: Monday Night visit. It has been learned that A gift exchange will be held organ prelude, Mrs. Jean Study Continues Lloyd (Kelly) Elstun, who liv­ during the social hour Ladies Scott; call to worship and The Mill City Presbyterians ed here for many years, has are to bring gifts for a lady prayer, the Rev Donald Dis­ continue their Monday evening been moved to an Indepen­ and men for a man with a hong. pastor of the Community study of important twentieth­ dence nursing home following Church; hymn, “We Gather century Christians at 7:30 p. closure of the Albany nursing limit of $1.50. Refreshments will be served Together to Ask the Lord’s m through Christmas home where he had been a pa­ by Mr. and Mrs Jack Gulli- Blessings"; words of welcome, Mr. Heidbrink will present tient for the past several i ford. Mrs. Leora Stevens and Rev. Dishong; vocal solo, “Give the life and thought of Wm. months Thanks." by Mrs. Helen Cox; Temple, ___ ____________ ,_________ Mrs. Lois Scott. Archbishop of Canter- Although 80 years of age 'jWhat Thanksgiving Means to ; buiy^TiMO-42) In *the Church and nearly blind, Mr. Elstun Me,” by Miss Dolores Dishong; of England. Temple was a is in comparatively good free-will offering for use by i great teacher of college stu- health for his years, and is Santiam Extension the Ministerial Assn, for spe­ I dents, laber and workers’, pas- able to walk from his room work and need: ushers, El­ j tor, biblical scholar, and one to the dining-room and back. Group To Meet Thurs. cial don Hutchinson. Vem Golden. of the leaders of the church He would no doubt enjoy re­ GATES — Members of the Thomas B Scott, and Frank | unity movement from 1900 to ceiving cards or a small pack­ Santiam Canyon Home Ex­ Stromquist. vocal solo, “Bless j the time of his death in 1942. age of candy or nuts from tension Study Group will meet . This House." by Mrs. Helen anyone who remembers him in ------------------------- for their Christmas party at I Cox: scripture, the Rev. John I this vicinity. 10:00 a.m., Thursday, Dec. 12 Heidbrink of the Presbyterian Christian Church The address is Cedar Wood — _ . ! at the home of * ** Mrs. Jack Stod- Church; anthem. Presbyterian , , Nursing Home, 1525 Mon­ ! dard. Mrs. Fred Moore will be Church Choir with Mrs. Doris HflS OUeST Speaker mouth Ave., Independence, Sheythe as director; message, The Mill City Christian Ore., 97351. The telephone I co-hostess. There will be a potluck “It is more Blessed to Give Church had as its guest speak­ number is 838-0001. by Rev. er in their pulpit last Sunday I luncheon and dollar gifts will than to Receive,” Heidbrink; hymn, “O God. Be­ I the Rev. Jerry Nelson from I be exchanged. neath Thy Guiding Hand,,; Salem. Rev. Nelson is familiar benediction. Vern Golden; and • to many here, having served organ postiuue, Mrs. Jean as ad-interim pastor a year Scott. and one-half apo. He spoke Eldon Hutchinson and Vem at both the morning and eve­ Golden represented the First ning services in the absence Christian Church, as the Rev. of Rev. Halstead, who had Richard Halstead, their pastor, gone to Idaho over the Thanks­ was visiting family members giving weekend. in Idaho. Rev. Nelson and his wife, The colorful display of sea­ Eva, were dinner guests of Mr. sonal vegetables and leaves de­ and Mrs Larry Plotts, Jr. corating the chancel were Sunday. Also present at the loaned from the winter’s store dinner was the Bill Shepherd family. of Gladys and Cecil Lake. Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise CHRISTMAS iljtS Gowns and Pajamas COTTON FLANNEL NYLON BRUSHED RAYON $goo $1^00 From LADIES $^00 J From Slack Suits $1Q To From Dresses $1A 00 From 1U "Sit $OEOO To WW MEN’S Jackets $JgOO Meeting Scheduled Rob Humes and Mark Po­ drabsky served as candle­ lighters in lighting the first Advent Candle during the morning service at the Presby­ terian Church Sunday. Addi- • tional candles will be lighted each Sunday before Christmas ‘ culminating in the lighting of the Christ candle on Christmas Eve Each candle represents one wt*ek during the month before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. On Sunday, Dec. 15, a con­ gregational meeting is sched uled immediately after the 11 a.m. service New members for the session and deacons as well as budget reports will be voted and discussed Reports will be given from all areas of the work. New members will be re ­ ceived next Sunday, Dec «, during morning worship. ' Calendar Of Events Thursday. December 5 Card party, Eagles Hall 1:00 p.m. Garden Club 12:30 desaert luncheon and Christmaa partv at the home of Mrs. Al Y an kus FOE #3384 Aerie and Aux- iliary officers meetings at the lodge, 8:00 p.m. Monday, December 9 Marilyn Chapter #145. OES. meets at 8:00 p.m IOOF Hall. Lions Club dinner meeting. 6:30 p.m., Frontier Inn. Women's volleyball, 7-9 p.m., grade school gym. Wednesday. December 11 City Council meeting, 8:00 p.m. at city hall. Marilyn Assembly «60 meets at 7:30 p.m IOOF Hall. Men and Womens volleyball 7-9 p.m.. grade school gym Thursday, December 12 Dist. 129J board meeting. 7:30 p.m. at Santiam High School. Camp Fire Girl’s “Date with Dad,” 7:30 p.m high school auditorium. Sponsored as a public service By J.’S BEAUTY CENTER Phone 897-2137 239 S. W. Broadway »:00 a.m. to 5:uu p.m. Evenings by appointment DON'T Bid or Bunch Group Blouses Presbyferian C ongregational $EQ00 Takes In New Member Members and guests of the Bid or Bunch Pinochle Club were entertained Monday evening at the home of Betty Pittam. Dessert refreshments were served before the evening of cards. Guests included Jane Pum­ phrey, Esther Cline and Kathy Kindred. During the evening, Mrs. Lillian Muehlenkamp was taken in as a new member of the club. Betty Clark won high prize, Edna Gordon, low and Gladys Podrabsky, the pinochle. The club’s Christmas party and gift exchange will be on Dec. 16 at the home of Gladys Podrabsky. tail TOO mta tolte MmCtty tatari prtM t Get Your Car Tuned Up Now! For Better Starting and Better Gas Mileage During The Winter Month» Ahead Vem’s Shell - Towing Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise Read it Every Week Mj neighbors Lloyd Center Fnkn the Christmas Magk of Lloyd ( Boys' and Girls' Clothing Sizes I to 14 BALDWIN’S 351 3rd Stayton, Oregon Christmas Hours: MoMhy thru Saturday 9:30 to ■'30 Surahxy II too £ Alyenro^ Storybook Lane, Santa nh, spectacular decorations, giant t>ve P jr/, under t o ( Tiristinas isnt ( hrtsimas until you ve visited Lk>yd ( enter V