Odd Fellow-Rebekah1^;"^^'0"and Party Potluck Planned Christmas Friday, Dec. 13, at 7:00 p.m. Paye School Menu Monday December 2 Twenty-six ladles attended Santiam Rebekah Lodge the American Legion Aux. and Chicken Vegetable Soup an interesting meeting of the «166 met in regular meeting Post will be hosting their first Peanut Butter Sandwich Nov. 20 with noble grand, Mrs. Christmas party in their new Pineapple Upside T Down Mill City Woman's Club at the home of Mrs Arey Podrabsky Luther Yates, presiding hall at Gates. Cake P6one »97-2772 Norme J. Long, IV Oman's Page Editor Tuesday evening. Nov. 19. Dcistnct Deputy President Gwen Swope, food chairman, Milk when Mrs A. Miller, president of Dlst. 7A. Mrs. Lee Light­ is reminding all members that Tuesday, December 3 S of the Oregon Federation of foot, made an official visit. it is a potluck with the turkey Pizza Woman’s Clubs, made her of­ Wed Recently in Lafayette, La. Mrs. Irl Plymale, Three Links being furnished. Spinach ficial visit She was accom­ president, reported on the Peaches Members who bring children panied by Mrs. Bernice Merk, meeting of Nov. 14. Mrs. Otto should bring a $1 gift for them. Ice Cream corresponding secretary, also Weidman was appointed chair­ Santa will appear with goodies Milk of the Eugene area Addition­ Wednesday, December 4 man of the Firemen’s Dinner for the children and there will al guests included Mrs. Lucy served Nov 24 Mrs Yates an be a progam. Decorating of the Beef Stew Schultz and Mrs. Marian Whit­ Bread and Butter nounced there would be a hall will be done on Thursday ford of Mill City Chocolate Cake practice for the degree staff and all members are urged to Margaret Snow, president of Applesauce on Dec. 3 at 7:30 p.m help. From Lafayette. La., the local club, conducted open­ come news of the recent mar­ Milk On Dec 4. the Rebekah de- The members collected over ing ceremonies, with Mary riage of Miss Lucinda Kath­ Thursday. Dec ember 5 gree will be conferred on $100 in gifts and goodies to be Youmans reading minutes of leen Young and Orville Randy Raviola in Sauce Dorothy Janosek sent to the VA Hospital in the previous meeting as secre­ Myers. Jr. The wedding was Green Beans The annual Odd Fellow-Re- Roseburg, The president tary. The treasurer's report an event of Oct. 26 at Glou- Corn Bread bekah Christmas potluck din­ thanked ail for helping with was given by Kale Doble. Diced Pears ner and gift exchange for all the project. chester Manor, in Lafayette, An invitation was read for with Walter M. Fox officiating Ice Cream members, their families and A “Remember Pearl Harbor Milk members to attend the annual at the double ring ceremony. friends will be Dec. 14 at 6:30 Party” will be Dec. 7 at the Friday. December 6 Camp Fire Girls' “Date With p.m. A $2 maximum on the gift Salem Post #9 This is a pot­ The bride is the daughter of Barbecued Hamburgers Dad” at 7:30 p.m.. on Dec. 12, Mr. and Mrs Robert C. exchange. luck party and members are a: the high school auditorium. Young of Marion Forks, near French Fries Installation of 1973 officers invited to attend. It was voted to hold the next Idanha, and the groom is the Fruit Jello has been tentatively set for In other business. Lorraine spring meeting of the fourth son of Mrs. Helen Jones of Peanut Butter Cookie Jan 11 at 8:00 p.m for the of­ Bibler was instructed to aee district convention here on Lafayette. La.. and Orville R. Milk ficer.- of Mill City Od.i Fellow about tablecloths for the le­ Monday. April 28. Locge #144 and Sana am Re­ gion auxiliary Myers. Sr., formerly of Sweet The next meeting for the Home, now of Fresno. Calif bekah Lodge «166 at Mill City Presbyterians Prepare group will be a Christmas The bride’s floor-length by district deputy giand mas­ potluck dinner at Margaret gown was of white crepe-back­ ter, Charles Stewart, and dis­ Dec. 17 Party For Christmas Snow's home on Tuesday. Dec ed satin, designed along em­ trict deputy president, Mrs Centrally placed in the cen­ 17, at which time exchange pire lines, and featured pearl Lee Lightfoot. The installing For Marilyn Club ter of the sanctuary Sunday, gifts as well as small gifts for appliques and long sleeves, grand officers will be from Marilyn Club met last Tues the Presbyterian Church will the Chemawa Indian School with self-ruffies. A fingertip Stayton IOOF «64 and Eva day at the home of Mrs light the first of four candles and the Children’s Farm Home veil completed her attire. Rebekah Lodge #92 Charles Kelly with Mrs. Clyde signaling the beginning of are to be brought. The grand installing staff Phillips as co-hostess. Serving as maid of honor Advent, the traditional four The visiting dignitary spoke was Miss Donna Hook, and i from Mill City IOOF «144 Following the 12 noon cov­ weeks before Christmas when to the group on benefits of best man was William Jones.. and Santiam Rebekah Lodge ered dish luncheon. Mrs. Gor- Christians for centuries have federation, reading a patriotic brother of the groom. #166 will assist in the dette Garton presided at the prepared for the birth of article by Clare Boothe Luce, After a reception at Glou- installation of the officers of business meeting The group * a Br' Jesus of Nazareth. and extending a personal invi­ chester Manor Club, the new­ Stayton IOOF #64 and Eva voted to have their Christmas Each Sunday a candle will tation to attend the state con­ lywed couple departed for a Rebekah Lodge «92 on Jan. party on the 17th of December be lighted at which time vention of the O. F. W C. wedding trip to New Orleans, 18 at 8:00 p.m. I__ -J instead of the 4th Tuesday special biblical references are scheduled for May 20 through and are now at home in La­ qualified This will be a Christmas pot­ Mrs. Lightfoot used as well as a short message 22 at the Thunderbird in Port­ fayette. where they will at­ Mrs. Dave Barnhardt, Otto luck held at the hall at 12:00 on the meaning of the Christ land. The community improve­ tend the U. of Soutnern Loui­ Koenek. Mrs. Lang Stafford noon for all members of the Spirit. ment program was stressed as siana I and Mrs Otto Weidman for in- Eastern Star and their fam the chief project of the federa­ The bride is a graduate of I stallation to office lUes Fallowing the dinner tion. Detroit High School, and for-. . x. v I Mrs Glen Anderson and there will be a $1.50 gift ex­ ED LEWIN In charge of the evening’s merly attended the U. of O. I _______ ______ __ Mrs. Orville Myers. Jr. The bride, Otto Koeneke were examined change Hosts will be Mrs. Auctioneer. Inc. program was Mary Youmans, of Mr. _ and The groom graduated from 26 wedding Murry Moore, Mrs Larry Lucinda Kathleen Young, is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. in the unwritten work. who asked Ann Mueller to and . Robert i v-.. Complete Auctions read a poem on Thanksgiving, Minden. La.. , High School, M , rs. Lightfoot entertained Doble and Mr. and Mrs John t c C. Young luunfe ui of maiiuii Marion ruras. Forks. mr. Mr. pavers Myers is xnr the son Ol of Phone 769-54B6 attended LSL at Lafayette. I Mrs. Helen Jones of Lafavette and Orville Myers Sr of Fresno wlth a reading on the “Star Schweer. after which the members car­ has was „--- i~—i — ,----* • Spangled Banner ” employed in the woods California, Attending Tuesday were Mr Sale almost every Sun. ried out the “show and tell” He in the North Santiam Canyon j Hostesses committee for Dec. and Mrs. Al Yankus. Mr. and theme by exhibiting clever area for the past two summers. - 10 A. M. * . —. Z “ 14 are Mrs Eldon Hutchinson Mrs. Verne Clark, Mr. and of hand-made items Attending the wedding from Study \7FOUp I O Meet i Consignments Welcome I I examples ; and Mrs. Irl Plymale. Mrs. Clyde Phillips, Mr. and for Christmas gifts. Many 1050 Wflco Road Stayton ' clever items were shown, in- this area was the bride’s sis- At PresbyterianChurch i Following the meeting, re- Mrs. Charlie French, Mr. and ter. Miss Bonnie Young of j 1 I freshments were served by Mrs. John Schweer, Mr. and By Sallv Jenkins Corvallis, and an aunt, Mrs. I A study group which will School activities began early Mrs. John Childress and Mrs. Mrs. Donald Carlson, Mr. and Roger A. Knox of Lyons. I meet the four Monday eve- last week as the five student Yates, Mrs. Merle Garton. Mr. and ■ nings of December at 7:30 p.m body offeiers, Jim Rose. Lisa j Mrs. Charles Kelly, Danny Smith. * z-1 « j in Fellowsh:p Hall will meet Barnhardt, Penny Stayton TOPS Moore, Sr., Sr.. Mrs. Murry <•/ le / ± for 'he *irst -ime Monday. Sally Jenkins, and Tim Clin» Jocelyn Clark Leaving i Moore, Mrs. Larry Doble, Mrs. \*IUb tlects \JttICerS Dec 2. Mr. Heidbrink will traveiea traveled to vnurcruu Churchill High r a n | Sylvia Duncan ;ind Mrs. Else Election of officers was held speak on Twentieth Century School in Eugene for a state- FOf Active LJUty Allen. at a recent Stayton TOPS Christians and their contribu­ 1 wide student council work- Mrs. Kelly won the door Jocelyn J. Clark, daughter at Club meeting at the Stayton tions. I shop. The officers stayed over- of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. prize which was furnished by Middle School. Doris Buck- The first talk will be on . night in private homes and of Mill City, reported for l Mrs. Phillips. no.vz of Scio was elected lea­ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a 1 returned home Monday after- ; Clark active duty with the U. S der; Marvel Lewin. Stayton. French palentologist who died , noon. Army assistant leader; secretary, in 1955. As a scientist who Basketball practice began served recently after having Margie Forrest. Stayton; trea- studied fossils. Father Teil­ Monday after school. There is Entry in the Army’s Delayed Program since April surer, Betty Wietang and hard. a member of the Roman a good turn-out this year, and 19. Vada Donohue of Lyons. Catholic Society of Jesus it looks like another great | Upon completion of basic weight recorder. (Jesuits), made original dis­ season for Big Red. training. Jocelyn will receive Installation of officers was coveries regarding the origins Several juniors and colleee advanced schooling as an x- scheduled last week with of human life and did so with- journeyed to OCE for Barbara Carlson of Salem as (in the context of a strong bib- presentations from vanous ray technician under the Monday. December 2 army’s two-year enlistment [ lical faith. Some of his writ­ schools that day. installing officer. . ____ conducted af She atao entered ac- The weekly meetings are ings will be reproduced and Meetings were Bid or Bunch Pinochle Club. open to new members and studied during the hour. ter school on Tuesday for , tive duty with an immediate 7:30 p.m. at Betty Pittam’s to home anyone wishing more informa­ ,, uivritpxh OHU r - - . ' ! _ promotion ■ . 1 from - recruit . The community is invited. Wolverettes and FBLA. tion may call any of the fol­ Round Robin Pinochle Chib, lowing numbers: 394-3640. 769- conferred Wednesday morning other young people for enlist- 7:30 p.m. at Evelyn Devic’s 5466. 769-5685 or 859-2232 concerning their spring trip. . ment into the army Lyons Library Board X» I >?*** home SAG (Santiam /__ 1— of Santiam High School. Plans Open House Group), formerly SAE met at i eluding dolls decorations for Further information con­ trees and tables, aprons, can­ 1 LYONS — At the regular club advisor Mike McClain’s cerning army programs may be Wednewlay. December 4 dles, bookmarks, dried fruit meeting of the library board, house Thursday evening The obtained by contacting Sgt. Rebekah Lodge «166 meetr , , - “candy.” wreaths and stuffed plans were made to hold an organization will begin tutor- _ _ _. at 8:00 pjn., IOOF HaD ing students next week at at SbcP open hout° in the near future. toys. Clty each »«Inewday Mrs. June McPheeters of the Gat« and Mill City They will m At the close of the evening, also be doing community city council resigned and an ­ Sponsored as a public aarrtee refreshments were served by Stayton Elaine 769-2762 Russell, Ann Mueller, nounced that Mrs. Lois Slover service projects. An executive student coun­ group of Santiam students Virginia Cyr. and the hostess, will replace her as council cil conference was called chartered a bus to Skateland the library representative on Irene Podrabsky. Friday morning to discuss the in Salem. board. Officers of FBLA held a Nineteen new books were future vacancy of the office of catalogued last month. Mrs secretary. The position will be meeting in discussion of var­ BEAUTY CENTER Ealine Duncan, librarian, re­ filled by either a junior or a ious executive business i The week ended with every- Phone 897-2137 ports that a “Story Hour” will senior in January be conducted at the library The classes conducted meet- one stomping up a storm at 239 S. W. Broadway every Saturday morning from mgs during activity period Fri- the junior-hosted dance Fri­ »:00 a.m. to 5:uu p.m. day evening. 11 a.m. to 12 noon. All child­ day afternoon. Evenings by appointment After school an unsponsored ren. age 3 to 5, are welcome. Young - Myers Recently Wed in Lafayette, La. ttct Santiam Ripples tí »I « For Your Man CHRISTMAS Calendar Of Events Sweater Vests ’i' jjx u x JST '“"""r a Dick & Carols Shoes and Apparel J. KNIT KNACK DEPOT Eat Drink and Be Merry 4th Anniversary Special 134 Wall Street FREE Milkshake With The Purchase Of A SUPER BRAZIER tetntes tiouis. Stmaav 11 too spectacular deOaridtcns. to <■ StwybtxJF Lam, Santa phor f, ft P(r\ I DainjN Queen^ ORDERS TO GO Phone 769-5311 Stayton, Oregon Scrumpdillyishus I Ph. 897-259? TO MY CUSTOMERS: Just to remind you, as the time grows short, yarn and knits make nice gifts. Many gift items are available including tote bags, crochet hook and knitting needle sets, jewelry, hand made items, etc. Don’t forget needlework books make wonderful gifts, I have some of the best for sale. Kits for afghans, toys, ornaments, cal­ endars, Christmas stockings and pictures are all on hand for your selection. COME IN SOON HAPPY THANKSGIVING Anne Only 27 Days Left Until Christmas Regular Hours 10:00—5:00 Sat. 10—2