The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, November 14, 1974, Page 5, Image 5

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    The monthly meeting of the
' Presbyterian Women will take
place today at 1:30 p.m. with
Mrs. Earl Loucks as hostess
in Fellowship Hall of the
Census Survey
Scheduled For
Mill City Area
Nov. 14, 1974
Christian Church To 5—*n»e Mill City Enterprise, as Thursday,
being for or against said
Public Notice NOVEMBER,
Observe Old-
Edna L. Moffatt
City Recorder
(Published in the Mill City
Fashioned Sunday EN NOTICE
that a public hearing will Enterprise, Thurs., Nov 14,
Homer H. Hollinger suffer­
ed a stroke at his home on
Mm. John Swan left the I Monday and was taken to a
William H. (Pan) Pancoast
Portland Airport for Missouri Salem hospital.
Did you vote Nov. 5? Were
An exciting day has been be held in the City Hall, Mil) 1974.)
Funeral services were held
the weekend of Nov. 3 when
you registered but did not Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 12, planned by the worship de­ City, Oregon, at 8:00 p.m. on
she received word that her
Mike Long returned to his vote?
at 2:00 p.m. for William H. partment of the Mill City Nov. 26, 1974; that at said
sister's daughter was killed in Parkland, Wash, home Satur­
The Bureau of the Census (Pan) Pancoast of 2304 S. W. Christian Church for this hearing the Application For A New Lyons Council
an automobile accident.
day after
spending several will ask these and other ques­ J Troy St., Portland, formerly of Sunday, Nov. 17. The day has Permit To Locate A Mobile To Take Office In Jan.
“Old Hjme As A Permanent Resi­
LYONS - The Lyons Coun­
days visiting family and tions about voting activity in I Mill City where he was a been
- - ■ designated
• — • •• as
dence on a parcel of land cil held their meeting Wednes­
Rev. John Heidbrink and friends here and in Corvallis. the 1974 election of persons bookkeeper for the Hammond ) — Fashioned
18 and older in a sample of Lumber Company many years
the Sunday school known as Lots 9 & 10 of Block day night
Shields ReMine were recently
hour beginning at 9:45, all the 1, Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 of Block 2,
delegates from the United
The new mayor, Mrs. June
Visiting at the home of Mr. households in this area during ago.
Presbyterian Church to the bi­ and Mrs. Ralph Budlong and the week of Nov. 18-22.
-IL Marcella, classes will be meeting to- Section 21, T9S R3E Forest McPheeters, was greeted as
Pancoast’s wife,
John E. Tharaldson, director was an elementary
annual meeting of the Presby­ I S. G. Higdon is Mr. Hidgdon's
school gather in the sanctuary just Linn Park, Linn County, Mill well as the new council mem­
_ _______________
like thpv
they did whpn
when thp
the COtl-
con­ City, Oregon also known as bers, Elmer Culwell, Randy
tery of tl e Cascades, one of sister, Mrs. Leia La Plante of of the bureau's regional of­ teacher from
Eastern Oregon, liko
the largest of the many hun- Albany, Geo. This is Mrs. La fice in Seattle, stressed that and they met during the time gregation was first organized 1370 SW Second Street, Mill Budlong and Lois Slover. They
An exciting Sunday City, will be considered by the will be installed in January.
bodies Plante’s first trip to Oregon no questions will be asked she taught here.
dreds of judicial
has been plan­ City Council.
throughout the U.S.A. Over and she is enjoying It immen­ about party affiliation or for
A discussion was held on the
Besides the widow, Mar­
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV­ toll free police emergency
300 people were present for sely. Linda Budlong took her whom a person voted. The sur­ cella, Pancoast is survived by ned with singing and the joint
the meeting.
grandfather and his sister to vey will provide a profile of a brother, Walter A. Pan­ Sunday school lesson on Jonah EN that any person residing number, 859-2911. Also, a
the coast Saturday where Mrs. the typical American voter coast; a sister, Mrs. Elsie being taught by “Pa” Jeter. or owning property within 250 speed control study will be
Another “clean-up” day LaPlante saw the Pacific and non voter: age, sex, resi­ Smith; and several nieces and Mr. Jeter worked on a whal­ feet of the property line of conducted by the state speed
dence, education, labor force nephews.
ing station in Alaska several the above described parcel control board to unify the
was held at the Presby­ Ocean for the first time.
ago and will illustrate may be heard at said meeting speed on Main St.
terian Church last Saturday,
Services were in the Chapel
In a similar survey follow­ of Riverview Abbey Mauso-. the Jonah account with his
William McClintock is in
Nov. 9, when the moat of the
church plant was thoroughly the VA hospital in Portland ing the 1972 presidential I leum under the auspices of pictures and other items (you
election, about 63 percent of Orenomah Lodge #177, A. F. will have to come see them to
covered. Roy Epperson was in with a back injury.
the civilian population of I & A. M. Friends who wish find ou* what they are—but I
charge of co-ordinating the
Authorized Catalog
Spending the weekend at voting age, excluding persons could contribute to the Oregonj promise you, young and old
workers Barney Scott repair­
Heart Assn. Finley’s Mortuary will enjoy seeing them),
ed the public-address system. the home of their mother and
Sales Merchant Store
brother, Mrs. Paula Smith and reported as having voted. This was in charge.
• .. The . regular
, morning
,,7-, wor-
Meetings scheduled for this Douglas, were Tony Grant,
week at the Presbyterian i who attends school at Klamath in previous bureau surveys of a member of Mill City Lodge following the format of an old
church bulletin of 45 years ago
Church include the Women’s. Falls, Dale Grant who attends 68% in 1968 and 69%, in 1964. #180, A. F. & A. M.
The voting questions are in
Assn at 1:30, Thursday after- school at Ashland, and Jerry
noon, Nov. 14; the Deacons at Grant, who attends OSU at
John J. Sechrist
featuring Coleen and Becky
With The Purchase Of Any
7:00 p.m. Thursday; and Corvallis. Dale Grant under­ ed in the monthly survey on
Word was received of the Lynn. Rev. Halstead will be
choir rehearsal at 7:15 p.m. went surgery on his knee sev­ employment annd unemploy­
that same evening. It was an­ eral weeks ago and is still on ment conducted nationwide by passing of John Jay Sechrist, preaching on the theme, “The
nounced that Barney Scott crutches. Tony brought him the bureau for the U. S. De­ 78, of Ballston, Ore., last Old Time Religion.” People
partment of Labor.
week, a former Federal Land are encouraged to attend from
will run a tape of the Christ- from Ashland to Mill City.
Results of this monthly sur­ Bank employee and farmer in the community and to wear
Offer Good Through Saturday, Nov. 16
mas Concert from 1962 in the
Injury Hillesland has been vey provide a continuing mea­ that area most of his life. your old-fashioned clothes. If *
Sanctuary about 8:15 p.m.
visiting here with his family, sure of the economic health Memorial services were Sun­ you have them for this event. |
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Hilles­ of the country. The September I day afternoon, Nov. 10, in If not, come anyway. There
The birthday anniversary of land, inc Scott Hilleslands and survey showed that both em­ Ballston Community Hall, with will be a photographer present
James A. Swan was observed with Bruce Roscoe in Corval­ ployment and unemployment Sheridan Funeral Home in to take pictures.
continued to rise. Total em­ charge.
Following the worship serv­
during the coffee hour follow­ lis
Surviving are his widow, ice there will be an “Old-
ployment rose by 350,000 from
ing Presbyterian church serv­
Marilyn Club will meet next I August to September, while Cassie, Ballston; two daugn- Fashioned” basket dinner held
ice Sunday morning, Nov. 10.
Nov. 19, at the home the nation’s unemployment, ters, Aileen Cox in Hawaii, ’ in the church fellowship hall.'
A beautifully decorated cake
comparea iand
Jean Dawes (Mrs. Bob The public is invited to join
greeted everyone at Fellow­ of Mrs. Charles Kelly with rate rose to 5.8% compared
I Dawes), North Hollywood, | in these services. The regular (
ship Hall and the birthday Mrs. Clyde Phillips as co­ with 5.4% in August.
Information supplied by in- i Calif.; two sisters, Grace evening service will be held at
song was sung. A special hostess for the 12:00 noon
guest for the occasion was Mr. covered dish luncheon. Mrs. dividuals participating in the | Sears, Ballston, and Faye Lin- 7:00 p.m.
is confidential
and -- re-| to, Portland; and six grand­
“*’^ *-
Swan’s granddaughter, Mrs. Merle Garton will preside ati* survey
Ron Phelps of Salem, and her the business meeting. Men are | suits are used only to compile children.
Contributions in his memory'
invited to attend.
| statistical totals.
small daughter, Brandy.
________________ .
I Census bureau interviewers may be made to tthe Shriners
Linda Budlong, who is em-1 who will visit households in Hospital for Crippled Children ,
Staying at the Al Glover
home the past week or so have ployed at OCI in Salem, spent' this area are. Patricia Baker in Portland.
Phone 897-2348
160 N. 1st St. Mill City
both of Sa-
Robert Dawes is a former
been Mrs. Glover’s mother, the weekend at the home of and 1 Doris D
resident here and he and his
Mrs. Ranton, their daughter, her parents.
wife and family have visited Detroit high schools will go to
Mrs. Casper Sharpies from
here many times. His mother OCE in Monmouth for a meet-
Luncheon guests Friday at
Coos Bay and their son. Mike
is Mrs. Ann Ferguson of Sa­ i ing with representatives of
Glover, also from Coos Bay the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mild September
i the slate colleges and univer­
lem, formerly from here.
All were here due to Mrs. Lowell Cree and Mrs. J. C.
«, S
sities on Monday, Nov. 18,
Glover’s illness. Mrs. Glover Dickinson were Mrs. Cree’s Weather Noted
1974. at 1:00 p.m.
was reported as feeling a little 1 neice, Mrs. John Wehrli and
Unique throughout the U. S.
Over one million visitors I
better over the weekend.
, her brother-in-law, O. W. took advantage of mild Sep-1
is the Oregon State System of
------- —
' Gerton from Salem.
Higher Education “visitation1
tember weather to enjoy re- j
Billy Watkins from Salem, I_________________
team” which meets with high’
creation facilities at dam and ;
Siiacay guests at the _?vno- lake projects in Oregon and
spent the weekennd in Mill
school students from every.
City with his grandparents, vat. Moffatt home were Mr. i southwestern Washington, ac­
high school in the state. The'
I and
Mrs. Albin Cooper of cording to the U S. Army
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Harlan.
team impresses upon second-
Lyons Cub Scout Pack 98 is ary students the need for some !
Si uth Beach and the.r daugh- Corps of Engineers’ Portland
having its annual newspaper type of education or training
Mrs. Mike Glover from, .er, bandy, who han just ar­ District.
Country Cubbard
drive. Newspapers may be left beyond high school.
Coos Bay and Mr. and Mrs. | rived in Portland Saturd;:y.
Casper Sharpies from Coos, Saer,y has just completed a months of 1974, 7.7 million at George Gray’s Arco Sta­
The visitation supplements
Bay spent the weekend in(three year assignment in visits have been counted at tion in Lyons. The cubs will the guidance programs at
Portland and Mill City. Mrs. Germany with the special the Portland District’s 13 pro­ be collecting the newspapers Santiam and Detroit high
Beef, Corned Beef
until Jan. 1. Also, the boys schools. Students will be given
Glover stayed with her par­ services.
jects, up slightly from the will be selling Christmas
and Turkey —3 Oz. Pkg
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bud­
first hand information about
period a year ago.
wrapping paper again this I course offerings, admission re­
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Watkins same
Bonneville Dam continued
entertained recently with a as the leading attraction, with year.
quirements, housing, costs to
Anyone interested in par­
birthday dinner honoring his
visitors in September, ticipating in the scouting pro- attend, financial aids and
stepfather, Wilbur Harlan. 421,000
scholarships and other infor­
up from 213,000 last Septem­
Others present were Mrs. ber. The nine-month total at( gram is welcome to attend the mation pertinent to planning
pack meeting. The pack for the college experience.
Harlan and Billy and Michael 1 Bonneville for 1974 was (next
Watkins. The dinner was at 2,337,000, down from 2,627,000 > meetings are held the fourth
Parents are invited to at­
| Monday of each month at 7:30 tend the visitation and are
their home in Salem.
in 1973.
• p.m. at the Mari-Linn School. urged to discuss post high
By Frank Stromquist
Upstream from Bonneville, ;
Debbie Golden, daughter of September attendance at The ’ It is not necessary to have a school plans with their sons
and Mrs. Charles Golden, Dalles Dam was 67,000, com­ | boy in scouting to participate and daughters before and af­
marijuana’s Mr.
on he
I and training sessions are
Ph. 897-3133
844 8. First
MUI City
her ;
active molecule, has poten- knpp las( weeR and now has pared to 69,000 last year, while available to those interested. I ter the conference.
the nine-month attendance
tial as an immunosuppressive her
g cast ghe
Groceries—Meats—Lockers—Feed and Seed
dropped from 588,000 in
FOR SALE — Rubber Stamps
drug to help reduce the . her , knee last
summer when
The Little Store That Offers So Much More!
. . . made to order at the
body’s rejection of trans­ she fell from her bicycle.
1973 to 438,000 this year. At CnJftavor Rallv Set
John Day Dam, September tnaeavOr Kaiiy 3eT
Open 8 a m , 6:30 p.m. daily—Closed Sunday
Mill City Enterprise. Come
planted organs, according to
We Gladly Welcome USDA Food Stamps
in and see us or call 897-
the Medical College of Va.
On Wed. evening, Nov. 20, 90,000 last year, while nine-1 Sat., November 16
•A virus may be the casual at 6:30 p.m. the Presbyterians month attendance was 948,000
A CE district rally is being
factor in as much as 15% of in Mill City plan to meet to­ this year, down from 995,000
this Sat., Nov. 16, at 7:30
newly diagnosed juvenile,
in 1973.
v ..
¡ p.m. at the Eastside Christian
diabetics, for an old-fashion potluck,
In the Willamette Valley, i
in AlKanv Thp rallv
says Dr. Jurgen Steinke, U. This will be an informal occa- Fem Ridge Lake had over a Church in Albany. The rally
singing, fellow­
of Southern Calif.
million recreation visits for ship. inspiration, etc.
I numbers, possibly an organ- the
eighth straight year. De-
The highlight of the rally I
Stimulant drugs given to marimba duo from Salem as
troit Lake had 410,000 visitors will be Ben Alexander speak- >
can special guests, but a general in the first nine months of; .
j on the subject, “The1
calm their behavior and in-. get-acquainted time for new
' Truth About Spiritualism.
Spiritualism." ” He I
crease their attention span. I people, visitors, and old- 1974, up from 368,000
same period last year, a though jis a former spiritualist medium)
children’s timers.
September attendance at De­ • from London, England. Hear j
school performance does not I
in what the Bible says about: I
improve, says Dr. Herbert | Guest M)loi;rt a< the Mil| troit dropped from 37,000
1973 to 34,000 this year.
witchcraft, clairvoyance, ouija
E. Rie, Ohio State U. They j q jfy Fjrst Christian Church
boards, trance mediums, astro­
only look like they are doing
Sundav was Helen Cox.
We Carry A Complete Line Of Homelife Saws and Parts
logy and faith healers.
, She sang, “Seek Ye The Lord” Methodist Women
People interested in the'
*A study of fetal vulnerability' anc* was accompanied by
We repair all makes and models of Chain Saws
spiritualist movement are es­
to drugs is being sponsored ( Grace Hutchinson.
Rev. Dick
LYONS — The United Me- pecially invited.
by the National Foudation—|
Halstead of the Mill City
March of Dimes. Dr. Mont i
meeting Thursday afternoon Christian Church says there
r . Juchau, u. of Wash., Seat-; Christian Mens Meer
at the church. Mrs. Leora will be several carloads of,
tie, says he hopes to develop'
young people going to the
guidelines for the use of Scheduled For Monday Stevens presided with Evelyn rally from this area, so, if you |
Julian as secretary.
drugs during pregnancy, and j
Short devotions
were by want to go and need a ride,'
ch«-rt the nature and timing) The Mid-Willamette Valley
were contact him.
of fetal hazards caused by i
meeting this month will be made for the Christmas party
metabolic immaturity.
held Monday night, Nov. 18, which will be held Dec. 3. It
•Be sure and ask for your free I at 7:00 p.m. at the Liberty was voted not to have a gift Presbyterian Men
All Parts Extra
emergency number sticker Christian Church, 4764 South exchange and to fill baskets Begin New Study
showing the new police num­ Skyline Road, Salem.
for the shut-ins instead.
ber, and other emergency
There will be the usual
At the close of the meeting,
The menfolk of the Presby­
Check Our Prices on Parts, Chains etc. and SAVE
dinner followed by a program a workshop was held in the, terian
Church meet weekly at
featuring Yoon Kwon Chae, basement getting ready for j g:30 a.m. on Tuesday for in-
When Your Doctor Prescribes missionary to Korea. Mr. their bazaar and luncheon to | formal Bible study and pra-
“!'1 “
• “ y
er f following
ouowing breakfast. After ■
on Friday.
The Best, We Do the Rest at Chae has spoken at various ¡be h
schools of missions in the | Attending the meeting were I having completed their study
j northwest this fall and is very Reta Cruson, Katie Skillings.' of The Letter of James, the
393 E. Florence
| much in demand as a speaker. Willameane Johnson, Leora new study will be The Letter)
Johnston. I
Phone 769-2563
All the men of the area are Stevens,
Peter, the first one.
invited to hear this Christian Florence Naue, Florence Dari-1 Frank Stromquist and Lee,
NEW HOURS—8 to 6 Tues, through Saturday.
Phone 897-2812
present his story on the Lord’s ing, June McPheeters, Lula Ross were hosts this week. Bob
CLOSED Sunday and Monday
Your Home Town
work that is going on in Korea Cory, Alta Bodeker, Peggy Hayes and Roy Epperson will
Drug Store
right now. Men, bring your Wright, Daphna Pyeatt, Eve­ be hosts next week.
Homelife Sales and Service Dealers
boy if you have one—he will lyn Julian, Eva Breasler and
Dr. David Thompson will
enjoy the meeting too.
Alma Olmstead.
lead the Bible study.
Micro-Wave Oven
On Saturday, November 16
Students To Visit
State Colleges
Lyons Cub Scouts
Want Newspapers
of tn ms
Walnuts and Filberts
Pharmacy Topics.
Get Ready For That
Ignition Tune-up
and Sharpen $1299^
Stayton Small Equipment
Mill City Pharmacy