Bridal Shower Honors Miss Layman Detroit Falls To Alsea in League Play DETROIT — The social ment table was centered with room of Detroit City Hall was I a floral arrangement of freshi the setting Friday for a bridal cut pink carnations. pmk rose- > shower honoring Miss Connie buds and gypsophtla Tall Layman, bride-elect of PTC pmk candies Ranked the ar- Thomasson, Mav Ron Robbins, El Toro Manne r aagemen: Hanging above the Base Santa Anna. Calif The ■ : gift table was an inverted ever.: was hostec by Mrs bubble umbrella the center Earl Layman and Mrs Paul base filled with co-orful plas­ tic Flowers and each outside I Knapp Pink ana white decor and nh point accented with a arrangements set the stage for single pink flower Two Large the occ^on Tables were 1 pmk ribbon bows completed adorned with white paper ’ the arrangement A vase of lunch clothes accented with pmk plastic roses centered the pink wild rose borders Each ' table and colorful autumn Table «-as decorated with, leaves and other floral ar- t . three short cercus candles and rangements placed about the each place settmg was marked . room completed the decor Following the opening of with mmiature sprinkler cans fated wit.r m.-mature assorted gifts refreshments of pecttes- candies and nuts The refresh fours cakes centered with pas­ tel rosebuds. jello fruit salad, punch and coffee were served to the honored guest. Conme ED LEWIN Lavmaa and Mmes. Aita L. Tbc Mill City Enterprise, Thun*dx\. Oct SI, 1974 GATES Jeyee Prester — »7-2707 Clare and Margaret Rush traveled to Corvallis on Sun- > ..... DETROIT — Alsea High led day. October 27. for dinner! Dons Cook and J’F Sapp scored sixteen with their son Bill and Vera fourth quarter points to down Rush Mary Stafford enjoyed a scenic trip on Thursday, Octo­ ber 24. when she and her bro­ ther and his wife. Louis and Laura Myers of Elkhorn, fol-1 I lowed the McKenzie Pass to and agriculture tn thia area near Eugene then came back | to Detroit's to Sisters by the Old McKen-1 tie Pass They stopped at View ' 0 0 0-6 Point and picked the perfect j 0 0 16—24 day as the views were excep- | 3 nm (nm uonaL Ruby Brisbin's grandson. Dick Hayward, son of Orville i Hayward who is in critical I subscription ba condition m Portland, is home - Marion-Lunn Counties, per year ------- on leave from his station in I the Philippines with the navy | Outside Manon-Linn Counties, per year Outside Oregon, per year..................... — a htenecemmg He has leave > until Nov. 1. i N* - ■ « -- a ' Ruby is now ■ staying with her| GEORGE LONG . --------- Auctioneer toe. son Ansel and Clara Hayward RAYMOND E FRESHER_____________ visited with friends Before NORMA LONG -------------------------------- Soc in Hubbard. Complete Auctions Clare and Margaret Rush ROSE CREE _ PVw 769-5466 were surprised on Monday. MARY KELLY □ost everv Fields. Irene Stout. Joyce _ _ Oct. 38 by a visit from long | 10 A. M. Í Crist. Nancy Monroe. Caroline m the high school Theme is time friend. Roy and Myrtle Detroit-Idanha I Smith. Bertha Loken. Ruth "Spirit Week’ and all classes VanOttmgham from Salem Gatea _ • Riewald. Daisy Wagner. Pearl are partiepa• -f -- decorating; Many friends attended the Lyons _ Giebeler. Darriene Maun. Sa- lockers for the event 1 services of Dave Steward who Mehama —_______________ I passed away on Friday at the f I age of 71. Old fnends Fred ON IHfc JOB and Bertha Momson from Heidbrink Speaks Reno Nev, came for a visit, At OCE in Monmouth unaware of Dave's passing He was born on Aug 23. 1903. and Yoc can stop the TAX-FRE E, 'use of County cars being mujacally inclined, had for purely personal purposes by County Comr-t*- his own band by age 16 His sioners and other County employees* musical training was obtained of Ecucatioe at the U of O He married his And Thinkers of wife Siirley on June 5. 1943 stop government of the government by the gov­ Century Mr He will be missed by many speak three ernment and for the government fnends in Gates and the can­ Thought of yon area de Chardin, a IS TO VOTE FOR A fellowship dinner was' held Sunday October 27. at the Gates Christian Church. About 18 were present at the smorgasbord dinner. This is to MARION COUNTY COMMISSIONER occur the last Sunday of every a month. 6:00 p.m at the church.'' Pd. by Les Bahr. 2561 Brown Rd., Saierr. Every: ne is welcome to pirti- r . cipate Everyone is welcome to at­ tend church services at 10:00 am. and Sundr y school at II i am Dean Cade is minister For parents there will be no school at the Gates Elemen- la ! tary School on Nov. 6. Wed- [ nesdav due to parent - teach- I er conferences Plan your day accordingly. be on the Don’t forget look out for chadren tonight— Halloween. Our children are precious to us. Sunday School Contest Though’, for the day — Great 'Wealth makes us neither more Ends W th Increase Stock On Hand Only wise nor more healthy. IDANHA — Rev Larry M J Riddle of the week: What is I Goin, pastor of the Idanha the best thing to take when Brush Fire Calls Ourt I Community Church, announc- ‘ you are rundown' The number ELECTION DAY. NOVEMBER 5 |ed this week that the Sunday! of the car that hit you. Imagine waking up to a day m which over one-third of Idanha Fire Dept. .America's work force has capriciously decided to take the [ school attendance contest end-I | IDANHA — The Idanha < ed Sunday with an attendance day off. You amble to your front door, only to find your morning Rural Fire District was called (increase of some 50%. i newspaper missing; the paper boy has gone fishing. After - Theme of the contest was I i ed Friday to quell a small waiting an hour for your bus, you decide to walk to work; brush fire between the Pearl “Space Travel,’' and the com-1 the driver, too, is away from his job. You arrive home at the Giebeler and Joe Arsenault peutive teams were named end of a hectic day to find no groceries for dinner—your wife Domes. They were called again Gemin. One and Apollo Two. •says the store was closed The point is obvious: none of us can function without the performance of responsibilities by those to the scene Saturday after it Team members were known as on whom we rely was noted the fire was smold­ astronauts and the top team Yet many of us apparently expect our country to operate ering again. A report said the member getting the most smoothly when over one-third of us are “‘off the job" as citi­ apparently been children to attend Sunday fire had zens and voters. In 1972. for example, *0 million Americans— smoldering since Tuesday of school would be awarded a 37% of the electorate — failed to vote In the presidential prize Capturing top pnze was last week. election. Worae, in the laat non-preaidential election year — Cause of the fire was not Davis Fields of the Gemini 1970 — nearly 50% of eligible voters failed to cast ballots. I team A prize also went to This year be “on Election Day 1974. determined but it is suspected Everett and Iola Hamilton it may have been caused by a Helen Lachiyter. a top “go Phone 897-2977 Mill Ci+y, Ore. cigarette, or by children who getter” for the Apollo Two team. “The Count Down” was frequently play in the area. the name of the theme song The contest ran a seven-week i course A baby dedication service ■ was conducted during morning worship Sunday in which five families participated. DETROIT:»’ ID AN H A I I THE ONLY WAY 0 LES BAHR fbLLlUö PLACE Discontinued Paint SPECIAL All Dutch Boy Paint Gal.S5.10toS5.7SQtS1.50toS1.75 Flex-O-Glass Is In For Your Windows Jñuíl/aSuÁ. (TRUJES 7> k Gid 1 ¡/miri Mill City Hardware We Would Appreciate Your Vote For SUPPORT DEMOCRATS I Farmer, Tax Consultant. Former Plywood employee JVLITS GEHRING For State Senator 16 th District Silverton, Ore. Extend burning ban: Save our forests; Promote world trade; communicate with constituents. Teacher, Central T.inn High School. We must watch spending. JOHN POWELL For State Senator 19th District Halsey, Ore, Close loopholes of the wealthy. Land use planning should remain at loca. leveL Farmer and Incumbent State Representative An Independent thinker JEFF GILMOUR For State Rep. 30th District Jefferson, Ore. Served on Agriculture, Natural Resources, Consumer and Busi­ ness Affairs Committees; Ch. of Banking Sub-Committoe Electrician, Wah-Chang Corp.; Teacher, Linn- Benton Comm. College R. E. (Jack) HINE8 For State Rep. 36 th District Albany, Ore. Increase State financing of schools. Increase Workman’s Compensation benefits. Lead electrician, Wah- Chang Corp.; Incumbent State Rep —2 terms BERNARD (Bad) BYERS For State Rep. 37th District Lebanon, Ore. Ch. Joint Interim Committee on Agriculture. Must be a balance of environment and economy. IAN TIMM For Linn Co. Comm. Albany, Ore. Improve communication between taxpayers and officials. Opinion Research Consultant Coordmate efforts be­ tween county and city governments. (Linn County Democratic Central Committee, P. O. Box 904, Albany, Oregon) Political Education Committee ---------------------------------- Pumpkins Carved At Todd Files Residence ART SKINNER FOR DETROIT — The home of Mr and Mrs. Todd Files was the setting Friday evening for a ‘ Pumpkin Carving Party” preparatory to Halloween when goblins of all ages will make their annual debut. Co­ host was Mrs. Barbara Knud- sen. 1 In attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ableman, Mr. and Mrs Vince Drago, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pattison, Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hucka, Al Cadola. Stan Gable and Mr. and Mrs. Knudsen and daughter, Cindy. ; Winning first prize for his artistic carving was Doug Knudsen Al Cadola was awarded the booby prize. I Spiced wine and homemade donuts completed the social evening. i — MAYOR CITY OF GATES Detroit Womans Civic Club To Meet Nov. 6 DETROIT — The regular meeting of the Detroit Wo mans Civic Club will be held Wednesday, Nov. 6, at 7:30 p.m. in the social room of De­ troit City Halt Hostesses will be Yvonne Hills and Verna Ketchum. A discussion will be held on the clubs annual outdoor Christmas lighting and on the forthcoming bazaar and hobby fair, scheduled for Nov. 14. STATE SENATOR. Closer to the people «■■i ■ limi lib ■! J Jr • ’* wn fee rnftirrwircifi 5ffi