Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1974)
n»e Mill City Entrrprwe. Thurxias. Oct 24. 1974 Detroit Studenti Viiit Weather Station • fw 1 1 ■ 1 .. ■ w -, i a,' ■ * . . ’ I ' ’ . *• DETROIT Salem Academy IDANHA Wins Cross Country \ ito W . ■ Ìé» JpR\ w'*’ < nr-. S j -J-a, WJ ’. iK 1 Boot* Champion '’FW“- Saturday visitors at the Champion home were Mrs Alice Wright of Vancouver. Wash, and her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth (Leila) Bostwick of Milwaukie. Both Mrs Wright and Mrs. Bostwick resided at Detroit a number of years ago. It was a lovely autumn day and the ladies made a special trip to view the color ful autumn leaves, which ap pear to be more brilliant than ever. NATIONAL NEWSPAPER tmtuTiaa Iti *rwu GEORGE LONG RAYMOND K. PRESLER NORMA LONG ________ ROSE CRZE __________ MARY KELLY ________ Alan Edminster of Glendale. Calif, was a Thursday to Sa turday visitor at the home of his father, the Ralph Edmin sters Alan is a 17 year veter an of the Glendale Fire Dept., his father said CORRESPONDENTS Detroit-Idanha Gat« _______ Lyons ______ Mehama ____ r DON’T Sixtr. students of Detroit sebo:. viewing the U S Weather Bureau at Mc Nary Field tn Salem. The class was showr various instruments used to gather weather Get Your Car Tired Up Now! Vem’s Shell - Towing MIL Citv NOTICE Suggestions For A Winter Driving Safe Halloween Tips Given By Police Subscribers, please check the label on your Enterprise this week. If the figure following your name is 10-74 your subscription has expired. Why not send in a check for your renewal today By Subscribing to I THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE YOU SAVE MONEY You can save more than the subscription price of The Enterprise by reading the ads and then taking advantage of the bargains offered. Try it and see. SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Marion and Linn Counties Outside Marion and Linn but still in Oregon $5.00 Outside the State of Oregon $6.00 . . The Mill City Enterprise Phone 897-2772 Santiam held it's first home cross-country meet last Thurs day Salem Academy won the meet with 16 points; Mt Angel was second and JFK was third Since Santiam had only four runners, their score did not count. Gary DeMain was the high est Santiam finisher with a seventh place His time of 16:50 on the 27 mile course was 42 seconds off the winning pace Other Santiam finishers were Jim Rose finishing 17th, 18:21; Don More 23rd, 19:42. and Gary Morgan. 25th with 22’3R In the girls race. Michelle Large of Santiam came in first over the 2.0 mile course. Her time of 14:12 was good enough to beat all six members of the Salem Academy cross-country team. Santiam will host one more cross-country meet this year On Oct 31. Santiam will take on Jefferson at 4 00. The course begins and ends at the high school track, and the pub lic is invited to the meet Remember Saturday is car nival night at Detroit grade school gym. and is scheduled to start at 7 30 p.m. Many fun attractions have been planned for the whole family Come and bring your fnends DETROIT — Eddyville volleyball'High, down 12-0 at halftime. A spokesman for the wo-1 DETROIT — Or. Tuesday of roared back to upend Detroit man ’ s competitive i . las: week Mr Howard’s sixth 20-12 in Casco eight-man foot speaker, Mrs grade class vis.ted the U. S team said Monday more ladiesl ball play here Friday. are needed to join the sport Weather Bureau at McNary from Mar-on Brian Smith had scored the Dep: Field in Salem The excursion so that a second team can" two first-half touchdowns for be organized How about it members will expanded classroom science Detroit, but Mitch Quetschke. lessons relative to the earth's ladies Here's a chance to let Tom Edwards and Mike Mor the daddy’s babysit while you atmosphere gan led the Eagle comeback The class was shown various have e night out on the town I Both clubs are now 3-3 m nstruments used to gather Games are played every Mon league play weather data communication day and Thursday evenings Eddyville 0 0 0 14—20 L systems used to pass data from 7 to 9 p.m 6 6 0 a i2 Detroit 8 hroughout regions of the Mrs Helen Jackson and • Eddyville Quetschke fl run 11 country, and many weather sons. Bill and Don of Idanha, (run failed) Morgan 10 run 11 maps. spent Friday to Sunday, visit (pass failed) Edwards 80 pass 13 The bureau presented the ing Mrs Jacksons daughter. from Quetschke (Cashman 13 class many temperature and Mrs Barbara Caldwell and pass from Quetschke). 11 pressure maps, as well as daughters, Jill and Tracy in Detroit Smith 25 pas copies of satellite photographs ■ Hood River. Mrs Caldwell’s from 1£ (pas« Higginbotham 17 show.r.g cloud cover over the home was the setting for a failed (Smith 45 pass from 18 United States. These tools are wedding Friday evening when Poole (run failed). presently being used in class her daughter. Jill Marie. b< 1» a> Alsea will host Detroit Fri room post-field tnp d. scus came the bride of Randy Can day, Oct 25. at 8:00 p.m. ¡OTii non. also of Hood River While »-¡re the on the trip. Mrs Jackson and Why don’t TOT subscribe Overnight Camping un- to The Mill City Enterprise • also visited another dau and sons ghter and son-in-law. Mr and Season To End Nov. 3 Mrs. Bruce Anderson and dau The overnight camping sea ghters, Dana and Jody in son in most of Oregon's State Gresham Parks will end on Nov. 3 after It has been reported that a season that saw park attend the Lake Lounge and Cafe ance slightly below that of a will go under new man year ago The figures for overnight agement Friday. No further Kenneth Gout Sheriff Lina details were learned as to who camping use for the three pop County, has outlined 1 some the new manager is other than ular vacation months of June. It won’t be long before the rules that will help give I PO« he is single. Live music is July and August, for which fi snow will start to fall in and your children a safe and slated for Friday evening. gures are avainable, show a i Oregon’s mountainous reg. or.; joyful Halloween. Detroit High will hold drop of 4.1% from that of the . and that means extra caution When you consider l cos- their annual homecoming bon same period m 1973, witn should be exerased when dnv- ♦urn» for your child, consider fire Wednesday evening. Oct. 1.170.0W using the camping Iing in these areas. Oregon’s a color that can be »cer., a 30 Homecoming football game facilities in 1974 compared to i highway maintenance crews ',. o, bright color and use of Detroit versus Tillamook Ca 1.220.000 in 1973 Day use attendance was up do an outstanding job of keep-| tape on dark cos tholic is slated (here) on ing the highways open during _____ / Adjust ■ 2.3% with an estimated 13 mil face rr.<isk so Friday. Nov. 1, at 3 p.m mciemert weather but cl! *T1 your child can see and make Taking advantage of a two lion using the parks this sum motorists snould allow- extra sure that the costume is not so week closure of the Detroit mer compared to the 12 7 mil I time for a tnp during winter long that they fall. Patio and gift shop, Mrs lion a year ago Overall at weather it . snow country When your children leave Frank Hancock is visiting re tendance was up !.’<%. Studded tires are legal in i your house, know their loca latives and fnends in South There are seven overnight Oregon during the period Nov. I tion. follow these five rules: ern California. The Patio will camps which remain open 1 to April 30. This period may i A Stay in local area They reopen the first »-eekend in throughout the year. are Ft Stevens. Cape Look . be lengthened or shortened by B Two or more children in November. I the transportation commission a «roup out Beverly Beach, Jessie M ' depending or. weather condi Honeyman. Bullards Beach teenagers able for everyone C. Adult or Please report any serious____ and Harris Beach, all along the tions. should accompany small chil- traffic problems or harrass- coast, , and VLL Although Oregon law does dren Valley . — of ” the act require the use of chains, D Carry flashlight in your ment to the sheriffs office or Rogue, which is located south local police department of Grants Pass. advisory signs will appear I group which state. “CARRY TIRE E Designate time to be CHAINS" or “CHAINS RE home QUIRED" The former sign Advise your child to follow will appear as one enters the pedestrian rules, obey these snow zone and there is the! few basic rules: possibility of chains being re- j A Cross at corner and in quired The latter sign will' crosswalk appear when conditions war-1 B Obey s.gnal lights rant and motorists are advised I C. Remember, walk don’t to heed th< warning and apply run chains or they may be cited • D Walk on .<d‘-walk or for a violation of the basic extreme shoulders rule, applying to the operation i E Walk facing traffic of a motor vehicle in the state. | when no sidewalk available. As a further reminder, it is a: In the past few years, we violation of law to fail to have become more concerned maintain control of a motor about foreign objects being vehicle while being operated placed in different treats, a on the state highways, or to good rule is that unopened park on any portion of the packaged items are safe. Have traveled highway other than your child bring Teats home for emergency purposes which and inspect all items for any does not ndude the installa foreign object, adviae the tion of tire chains Most arees child not to take any items of the highways have turn out from individuals on the street. areas where motorists may in Motorists must use extreme stall chains and they should be caution on Halloween and re utilized as the need arises member tha' a child can dart As a safe*y up, when having out into the street anytime to jack up ar. automobile for from any place. If you should the purpose of installing _ be delivering _ or _ picking _ up chains and when using a bum-1 children, remember to pull to per jack. place the spare tire the curb and let the children under the base of the jack | out on the passenger’s side of plate to keep the jack from | the vehicle. Don’t stop in the slipping out from under trie. traveled portion of the read- car This may have broken way arms or crushed hands Sheriff Kenneth Goin be Remember to drive cautions- lieves parents using bes» >y through the snow areas and rules, and cautioning their Mill City .Oregon to allow a little extra time to children about respecting . complete the trip The rewards other peoples property, will | wi.l be well worth it make Halloween more enjoy- j Sixth Grade Class Visits McNary Field Weather Station Deanha PTC Will Meet Thurs., Oct. 24 For Better Starting and Better Gas Mileage During The Winter Months Ahead The city's gray goose i panel truck) is laid up for repairs, water supt, Ralph Edminster, reports. He said, “he will be ¿ata, and cotnmunseation systems used to pass using his own pickup for wa data throughout regions of the country The ter department service while field trip »as made Tuesday of last »eek. (the ailing goose is being re paired." Meet Thursday $5.50 I Detroit Eleven Falls To Eddyville