« mcond ne Ot«- v*s- C lam POTiAflt p*io Mill City Enterprise o.uo«ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY—OREGON’S FAST GROWING VACATION WONDERLAND NUMBER 40 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE—MILL CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1974 mill VOLUME XXX » < C itv . it Ain’t ] Truck Firm A!!JÍ°ZS I! Destroyed I Director of COG To Be At Local Council Meeting October 9 Receives Plaque ( $5.00 a YEAR — 15c a Copy Idanha Plywood Mill Honors Employees For Safety Record Marvin Gloeg, Director of Council of Governments, Re gion Four, will appear at the A federal law now reported-, I next regular Mill City Coun ly makes It a criminal offense, cil meeting, Oct. 9. He will j carrying a five-year prison discuss the COG organization' term, for any person to lie to 1 IDANHA — Fire of undeter and the services it provides to Saturday, Sept. 28, U. S. the best safety engineer, due a federal official. According Plywood - Champion Papers, to the attitude the husband is to a columnist In the Parkers mined origin destroyed Inter the governments of member Inc. honored its employees in when he leaves for work. burg, W. Va., News, Section mountain Trucking Co. shop cities in the region. and their wives at a dinner Clyde also stated he would Mr. Gloeg and the Linn1 1001 of Title 18 of the U. S. in South Idanha near midnight and social hour held at the be retiring in 21 months, but Code “. . . anoints all federal Friday, leveling the office and Benton Section of COG con-, Santiam Golf Course. The oc he would be there when the officials of whatever stripe garage, and destroying in ex ducted the recent A-95 review casion was in honor of the em plant hit 500,000 hours and with a holy oil and that in cess of $300,000 worth of of Mill City’s application for ployees having worked 354,800 the 750,000 mark. cludes FBI agents, welfare di trucks anl trucking equipment. a grant and loan from FHA for It was the second time in the proposed sewer system. He man hours without a time loss Manager John Madarus told rectors and any other puppy accident. This time starts back the crowd that “without the dog federal functionary feed two years that fire struck a has been instrumental in help in September of 1969 and cooperation of our men and ing trough.” Any citizen business owned by the Bob ing get the necessary clear-1 goes to August of 1974. women, the records could not caught telling an untruth to Johnson family of Marion ances to proceed and get in | _ ____ _ with _____ a federal official is subject to Forks. Marion Forks Lodge line on a priority list. Without Clyde Husky, the _____________________ Oregon State Accident __________ Prevention' Clyde Husky of the accident be made. We are extremely arrest, indictment and trial. on Highway 22 some 13 miles priorities, the city would not Division, presents John Madarus, Manager of the U. S. Ply- prevention division of the proud of these men, as they of Idanha was des be in a position to get grants wood-Champion Papers, Idanha Plant, with a plaque for their Workman’s Compensation are loyal workers and seem to The writer admits that it is southeast ; by fire in Aug., 1972. in aid if, and when, federal 354.800 no loss time accident free record, Board was present at the din know how to work in and not right to lie to a federal troyed . in that fire was estimated funds become available. ner to present the award to the around the mill without get- official, but he objects to a Loss ' Idanha Mill. Husky said he ting hurt. 99 1 Mill City has had support: law which makes it a crime to at ' $250.000. Friday night ’ s fire was first 1 had presented the mill with Herb Paschauoski, safety from both the region four and do so. It is not a criminal of at 11:45 p.m. •«, Firemen many awards and, without representative of the West fense for a federal official to reported 1 u the Mid-Willamette branches j I the spirit of the employees and Coast Manufacturing Corpor lie to an average citizen. described it is a _. *' V?ry 2*°! of COG in efforts to solve the ■ I blaze ” fed by truck fuel their wives, the mill could not ation, brought greetings from . . sewer problem. They currently j Surely no one is going to sug in ’ are jnvestigating the advant-1 have accomplished such a the main office in New York ------------ gest that government officials, tanks and oil drums stored feat. to the employees. He also stat- ages of membership In COG. federal or otherwise — elected, the garage. The fire, in a seven year old Since the majority Mr. Husky said that the na- ed that guarding a plant was of the' appointed, or just plain hired tional safety council reveals not the answer. Also, he had never tell a falsehood or building, destroyed three log- ^"Vlation of Mill City besides - statistics that show a wife Is not seen the type of spirit In shade the truth a bit in speak ging trucks and trailers valued in - Lipn County, it seems that other plants that the Idanha ing to us common, ordinary, at $90,000, the company’s of membership in region four is mill has. He told the em garden-variety private citi fices. and an estimated $100,- most appropriate. 000 worth of tools and parts. Wesley Kvarsten, director ployees and safety committee zens. Firemen said the cause of of The* Mid-WinZm'ette“^^ that they have a record to be Stl^„ I °f COG. was scheduled to ap- j proud of, as it is one of the Never in the history of Na gated. There were no injuries. ar at September council j best nationally for a veneer tional Forest Products Week Johnson said Saturday he me€ting. He cancelled his ap- plant. Mil City residents are (Oct 20 26) has this event held was taking the second major ¿^Vance **in "favor ■ of Mr. Dale Toyer, representative reminded that Sat., Oct. 5, more significance for the business fire “as well as pos- „ but mav be present of Liberty Mutual Ins., also G?°eg’ b“Lm?y is the deadline for peti American people than this sible” and speculated that the also, the manager, John on Oct. 9. I presented tions to be in for the posi year. fire was probably caused by a Madarus, with a plaque from tions of mayor and the With the energy shortage as short in one of the trucks. the insurance company for the three council seats up for a vivid reminder of the im Mop-up crews left the scene NOTICE 354,800 hours set without a election. portance of wise natural re about 9:00 a.m. Saturday. AU The Recycling Center time loss accident John Madarus, Manager of the U. S. Plywood-Champion source management and use, three of the Idanha Rural Fire will be open this Satur The office at Idanha has Papers Mill at Idanha, accepts plaque from Dale Toyer, the nation would do well to Protection District’s fire1 day. Oct. 5, from 10 aun. man yplaques on display that representative of Liberty Mutual Ins., on behalf of the work look to the forest products in trucks were on the scene aid- to 3 pun. ers at the Idanha mill for accident free record they now hold. I have been earned since it was dustry. Modern forestry prac ed by fire equipment from the 1 i opened after purchase from tices emphasizing sustained- U. S. Forest Service, Detroit Simpson Timber Co. The mill yield techniques have im Ranger Station. Ten firemen also had a good record when Safety Committee Members measurably enhanced the pro from the Idanha volunteer fire DETROIT — The Chuck it was owned by Simpson, and ductivity and value of U. S. department, aided by a forest Poole to Brian Smith passing many of the crew who worked timberlands. Global consump service crew, fought the blaze. combination clicked for four for Simpson are still working tion of wood products may touchdowns Friday afternoon at the mill. the Beginning soon will be double by the year 2000, and here to lead Detroit High’s | annual Rainbow Girl ’ s candy recreational needs should eight-man football team past nil/ in • j sale. Marilyn Assembly #60 triple. Under the multiple Mohawk 38-22 In Casco League gaCK Yard BUffllh'.) I of Mill City will be covering land-use concept, the challenge I this area. There are several can be met. The problem U/aiAi* MaFnrr Smith, a junior running j varieties of candy, which comes with those who persist j MrQ| vl l*IUiCrS back, scored five touchdowns. ' make nice gift items and in setting ever-larger chunks' Poole, a sophomore quarter-1 of forest lands aside as wil- ‘ DETROIT — Water Supt. ■ Halloween treats. back, threw the four scores J It was reported this week go to The proceeds will derness areas for use by only Ralph Edminster announced and then tallied nnnp nn that backyard burning will be allowable during the a few hardy, backpacking in- this week that the City of De- Rainbow and Canyon Scholar- a keeper. 6 () 2o months of October and No- dividuals. As a leading wood troit has purchased laths to be sh^^,n^s’1 Mohawk ...... 8 8 When a Rainbow girl comes producer, the U. S. must insist used for marking water valve Detroit ........ 8 18 <2 o_ is vember. to your door, please purchase upon pursuing a policy of. boxes. Mohawk — Stephens 25 pass | Residents who wish to burn any day should first call scientific harvesting, process-1 Purpose of marking the wa ' a box of candy for this worth from Orcutt (Orcutt run) Lane on 897-3160 to find out if burning ing and reforestation on a mas- > ter valve boxes is so that they while cause. 60 run ( Storm pass from is permissable on that partic sive scale. can be located easier, especial Orcutt), Orcutt 1 run (run I ular day. National Forest Products ly during the winter months tailed). I Permits are not required for Week is an excellent occasion1 when snow covers the boxes. Detroit — Smith 80 pass backyard burning in barrels to throw public support firm The marking of the boxes will from Poole (Smith run) Poole however, permits are required ly behind the wood products speed service should trouble 2 run (pass failed) Smith 50 i industry in its timely harvest develop in the water system, Pictured above is plant manager John Madarus, Joe La- run (run failed) Smith 25 for all other burning. To Ob The Detroit Ranger District lack, G. B. Golden. Eugene Kindred, Marvin Lochren, Eldon pass ing of commercial U. S. forest i or on the individual water line .... from Poole (run failed) tain burning permits residents has received many inquiries lands while simultaneously system. Hutchinson and Fred Taylor, members of the safety commit- , Smith V passTrom Poole (pass may call 897-2760 from 10:00 I meeting recreational and wild | failed) Smith 30 pass from a.m. to 2:00 p.m. daily and Edminster said, “the laths concerning cone picking. The tee at U. S Plywood-Champion Papers, Idanha Mill. evenings after 5:00. life needs under multiple-use have been painted red and one district is setting up a cone I Poole (run failed), management. After all, wood end sharpened for easy in buying station and will pay Tri-Angle Lake will host products are one of the neces stallment. The laths are avail $4.00 a bushel for Noble Fir | Detroit Thursday, Oct 3, at I sities of life and, with proper able at city hall and renters and $5.00 a bushel for Engle- j 8:00 p.m, A possible volley- con- mann Spruce seed cones supervision, a renewable re- and property owners are being I | ball game may precede the I source which has the potential asked to pickup a lath and taining a minimum of 50% football game, the school re- I to serve mankind indefinitely, i mark their own water valve viable seed. ports. Other seed cone crops such —;— I boxes. The city recorler will DETROIT — Sealed bids will be received at the office If anyone thinks Uncle be on duty every Thursday as Douglas-fir, Pacific Silver Chemeketa Community Col-' of the forest supervisor, Sam’s hundreds of thousands from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Fir, Western Red Cedar, etc. lege began classes this week •! Commerce Bldg., 210 E 11th, in income tax preparation and I ||1/ I ZM I] of bureaucrats can ever be in should you need assistance on exist but the district is not interested in purchasing these. Eugene, or Detroit District income tax license renewal, i | y Ivll stilled with the habit of this project. Other seed cone buyers may Ranger Station, Star Rte., Box City officials said they penny-pinching, they are sad- *Ihe 60-hour “Basic Income: J 320, Mill City, up to and not Tax Preparation” class is of-1 A I Q? J ly mistaken. After all, a hoped the citizenry would set up buying stations else where for purchasing the var-; later than 10:00 a.m. Oct. 16, fered at the Salem campus j fl U/AITK nlil bureaucrat’s importance is cooperate on this project. i ious species of seed cones. 1974, for an estimated 7,900,000 measured by the size of his Deer hunters will find par Tuesday and Thursday eve board feet of Willamette Na budget. Four On Lyons City c Fo^t S3 tial road closures in effect in nings from 7-10 p.m. beginning tional Forest Timber, in the What happens when 1 this five different areas of the state Oct 1. Tuition is $30. Misery Timber Sale. Oral bid kind of philosophy governs Council Elect on Ballot must obtain a $5.00 harvesting when the deer season opens Two sections of “Advanced I No competition permit from the Detroit Dis- this Saturday. One of the Income Tax Preparation,” a I ding will follow the opening spending decisions is reported i LYONS of sealed bids at 10:00 a.m. by the editor of the North- developed with Monday’s fil- before picking. Regular closures is new, another was 20-hour course, will be offered, The local city council held! ing deadline for — the ------ four City west-Signal, a newspaper in »--« ---------- — ---- - , business hours are 7:45 a.m. to enlarged, but the rest were in at the Salem campus—Monday1 a special meeting Tuesday eve I The sale, located approxi Napoleon, Ohio. As he put it, of Lyons offices to lie on the ? “ "’) pan., Monday through effect last season. evenings beginning Oct. 7 and ning, Oct. 1, at 8:00 p.m. to mately 20 miles southeast of the philosophy of the U. S. Nov. 5 general election ballot. Friday. ^’bmitt'ed' on street Detroit, in the Bruno Mea The closures are part of a Wednesday evenings begin- ' "‘"n dows and Cooper Ridge areas, Mrs. J. W. McPheeters, cur-1 Persons desiring to sell seed government seems to be, nl^rl°Ct'a9‘ a repairs and resurfacing. consists of 5,300 MBF of Dou- “Never spend a dime when a ' rently a council member, is | cones to the Ranger District cooperative program of the The advanced course will: of the lhree com panies dollar will get the job done the lone candidate for mayor. must preregister. Preregister wildlife commission and the also be offered at Silverton contacted> only North Santiam glas-fir advertised at $123.43 Service to provide per thousand, and 2,600 MBF ...” He received a special or Mayor Dennis Clipfell decid ed pickers will be allowed to U. S. Forest protection from ning Oct. 8. Tuesdays begln- Paving submitted bids. D&D of Noble Fir and other coni der, 12xl6-inch manilia en ed not to seek re-election after • pick in exclusive cone picking deer some Paving stated they had more areas. Pre-registering can be road hunting in areas that are Time for all advanced class ! work than they could get done ferous species advertised at velope, mailed at government thrt*e two-year terms. I done during regular business Within too heavily roaded. expense, from the Equal Op Seeking three council posi es will be 7-9 p.m. Tuition is before the weather turns bad, $82.87 per 1,000. Included In the sale is 126 acres of all areas main-traveled HO. portunity Commission office in tions are incumbents Elmer 1 hours at the district office. these and Salem Sand and Gravel coniferous species advertised Washington, D.C. In the en Culwell and Mrs. Ward Slov- 1 The district cone buying sta- roads and most of the popular 1 The state board of tax serv did not respond. . tion will be open 1:00 p.m. to at $378.64 per acre. The Noble ice examiners has approved velope was a one-page 8H x er and Randy Bud long Council members present Fir and other coniferous 4:30 p.m. Monday through Sa- campgrounds will remain open the basic course for prepara Councilman Donald Trahan 11-inch news release that I 1 turday. Ranger personnel will but other roads and all off tion for the state examination voted to accept the following species will be sold at a fixed easily could have been folded is not seeking re-election. bids: S. E. 1st St., 300 ft. $1,- I rate. The council terms are one patrol cone harvesting areas road travel will be closed to and the advanced course for 680: into a regular business-size S. W 4th St.. $1,200; S. E. checking for picking permits. envelope. Upon checking with for two years and two for four motor vehicles. Hunters may license renewal. Fairview, 262 ft. $1,272; S. E. an envelope supply house, the years, with th» candidate re Persons desiring additional 2nd Ave, 280 ft. $1,350; S. Detroit Dam-Weather enter these areas on foot or ceiving the lowest vote total editor found that 100,000 of Mill City Weather Pool horseback. The closed roads information may call 585-7900, First Si., 2,092 ft., $11,850: S. the special envelopes would receiving the two-year term. extension 340. 1» Pep Elev Pep Date Hl Max Min ft. $1,280. W. Fifth St., 240 cost approximately $6,435, 50 o.oo will be marked with signs. Sept 22 ___ 89 54 1539.39 000 I The total amount of the bid Sept. 25 92 while 1(10,000 standard size not care even a smidge about Sept, 23 ___ 89 4» Further details on road 0.00 1538.02 0 00 87 49 Sept. 26 awarded was $18,632. number ten business envelopes saving $5,832 in taxpayers’ Sept, 24 ___ 90 51 0.00 closure areas can be found in High School Library There was no opposition to Sept 27 65 45 153668 0.00 would cost only $603 unprint money. As the editor con- Sept, 25 ___ 86 48 000 the big game regulations Now Open To Publ c 44 1535 19 0 00 the street repairs and the mo Sept. 28 71 ed. 43 0.00 eludes, why should they: "It’s Sept, 26 ___ 70 The Santiam High 1533 94 0.00 47 78 Sept. 29 tion passed unanimously. available free Obviously, the bureaucrats only money isn’t it, and there’s Sept, 27 ....... 74 35 0.00 booklet School library will be The next regular council Sept. 30 74 47 1532.45 0.00 in the office of the Equal plenty more where that came Sept 28 ___ 37 0.00 wherever hunting licenses and .... 78 <V open to the pa bile m 78 48 1530.86 0.00 meeting will be Wed , Oct. 9, Oct. 1 Opportunity Commission did from." ¡Total Pep. for the week .0.00 tags are sold. Thursdays from 3-4 pun. ¡Total Pep. for Week 0.00 at 8:00 p.m. 5 By Fire Friday Petitions Due By Sat., October 5 Detroit Clobbers Mohawk 38-22 Rainbow Girls Candy Sale Due Detroit To Mark Allowed In October Forest Service Now Buying Fir Cones Deer Season Set To Open Sat., Oct. 5 'Chemeketa Has I Income Tax Class i Timber Sale Set For October 16