I both WWI and WW1I Attend­ to property owners. 7—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, S«xpt. 19, 1971 ing were Dr. and Mrs. V. E. Council discussed the water Hockett, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd system, as to what can be done Hockett, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. If the number following or should be done, to improve BEST THINGS IN LIFE A family dinner was held Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Emil lhe system. your name on The En­ Call • TA»« »AIM Saturday at the Santiam state J. Helseth and Mr. and Mrs. Mayor King ask school HILL ALLMAN Fred Birch, all of Salem; and terprise label reads Park for the Culwell family. superintendent, Bill Hill, who Phone 769-5729 was present, if watering of the Attending were Lydia Cul­ Mrs. Chester Riggs of Lyons. 9-74 it's time to send 715 1st—Stayton Following the luncheon, a 1 school's football diamond well, Jessie Short, Harlin Gib­ DETROIT — The regular could be curtailed over the Earl Brunk F ir.n i,»,. Insinuici. C ot p., n y a check for renewal. son, Mr. and Mrs. Howard business meeting was held. monthly meeting of the De­ weekends when water is in Funeral services were held Naue and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer I troit City Council was called heavy demand. Mr. Hill agreed in Salem at the Barrick Fu­ Culwell all of Lyons. Mr and to order by Mayor Jim King and said, there is no problem neral Home Wed. at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Dave Tyson, Adria and at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 10, 1974. in complying with the request. for Earl Brunk of Salem who Kevin, and Bryan from Le-1 Council members present King announced three passed away last Saturday. moore, Calif., Hershell Cul-i Mrs. John Teeters were: Joyce Crist, Joe Arsen­ Mr. Brunk was well known well, Shirley and Andrew Cui- I Guests Monday afternoon,1 dult- Frank VanPelt and councilmen’s terms would ex­ well, Mrs. Louis Maceira Sept. 9 of Mrs. Elmer Taylor Robert Layman. There were pire Jan. 1, including his own. in Mill City by members of the Petitions are available from Garden Club for his many Michael, Shelley and Danny’, were Dorothy Hill of Albany, nine. citizens present. I the city recorder, Ruth entries in their flower shows. all of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Minutes of th? the August meet- Thomasson. Deadline for filing Following his retirement from Millie Propst of Park Place * = Dennis Johnson of Dallas. Stop in and try our Luncheon Special and Freda Wagner from Port-,ing were read an<£a treasurers is Oct. 15. Ladd and Bush Bank, he rais­ Mrs. Arthur Olmstead en­ land. report given. The minutes ed flowers as a hobby on an Water Supt. Edminster said BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER tertained with open house Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Beek were approved as read by city almost full-time basis. He tra­ Monday afternoon, Sept. 9, were hosts at their home recorder, Ruth Thomasson, the city is having problems veled around to the many gar­ from 2:00 to 5:00 honoring Mr. Monday evening, Sept. 9, for with one correction being with children removing covers den club flower shows where from water valve boxes. He Olmstead’s mother, Mrs. the meeting of the council of made. said, in some instances, the he won many ribbons on his Rachael Olmstead, on her 88th the Water commissioner Van Mehama Community —OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK— covers are being broken and beautiful flowers as he did at birthday anniversary. Pelt gave a report on an ail­ others thrown into the bushes, the state and county fairs. % I Church. ing chlorinator. He said he is Mr. and Mrs. Leo Burgess Two brothers, Harold and Santiam Hwy. Mill City Mr. Brunk was 82 years of and that rocks are being and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prof­ Floyd Anderson of Redwing still unable to find parts for thrown into the valve boxes. age and passed away in a Sa­ fer from Brightwood were Minn., visited Wednesday, that particular manufactured He asks that anyone noticing lem Hospital. Sunday afternoon visitors at Sept 11, at the home of their chlorinator. However, he said these acts of vandalism to He was a member of the the home of Mr. and Mrs. cousin, Mrs. Jennie Moe and the chlorinator is still work­ please note their names and First Christian Church in Sa­ Howard Naue. | with her daughter, Mrs. Larry ing. Water Supt. Edminster call him at 854-3603. Edminster lem and a 50-year member of Sunday visitors at the home Kimsey. The cousins had not said he had some literature on also said a centrifugal suction the Rickreall Masonic Lodge. of Miss Lulu Cory were Mr. seen each other for a number chlorinators which may be of pump is sorely needed to aid Rev. Charles Sharow, minis­ ¡some help in locating parts. and Mrs. Don Dickman of of years. him in his work. Council ter of the First Christian Gresham. | Mr. and Mrs. Edward Titze A discussion on building granted the request. Church, officiated at the serv­ Mr. and Mrs. Leland Man-, returned Tuesday, Sept. 10, permits. A case was cited Street commissioner Robert ices and ritualistic services ning were weekend guests at from a four-day camping and where a party had applied for Layman, reported that notices were by the Rickreall Masonic Seaside at the home of Mrs. fishing trip at Lake Chinook a building permit to erect a have been posted by Marion Lodge. I $30,000 home but moved a County that Patton St (owned Manning’s cousin, Jack Rie- east of the mountains. Interment was in the Rest­ I Mr. and Mrs. John Mar-'trailer house of much less by county) will be turned over lawn Memory Gardens which sterer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen quart of Oakland, Calif., spent value on the property. This, to the city in October. Layman were near his home. were among those attending a week recently at the home the council said is illegal, also said that improper park­ He was survived by one sis­ the Golden Wedding Anniver­ of Mr. and Mrs. John Shafer. Discussion followed on build- ing has been noted in the ter, Mary Sudborg, of Salem, sary of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Mr. Shafer’s brother and sis- lng codes. Council suggested city especially over the week­ and a number of neices, ne­ Keep the front end of your car or pickup (Syl) Bender of Portland held ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry nenry , . tbati P°tentialhomje „ builders ------ h ends. He cited a case where a phews, great neices, and ne­ 1 check with Manon County be- car was parked in another phews and great-grandneices Sunday at Our Lady of Shafer of Alameda, Calif., ( aligned and get better mileage out of your 11, , __ for _ a iore making plans to build, persons driveway and another and nephews. ! Lourdes Catholic Church in came Wed., Sept. i including garages and sheds. tires. Jordan where they were mar­ visit here. in the middle of the street, ap­ Mrs. Ben Boots left Thurs., I City Recorder Thomasson parently both in the Tumble1 ried in 1924. Mr. Allen and Mary (Betty) Salter Mr. Bender were army buddies Sept. 12, for her home at Chula suggested to the council that St. (up the hill) ’irea. LYONS — Funeral services and stayed together all through Vista, Calif., after several a top or a cover of some type Thomasson were held Friday at Weddles City recorder WWI. I weeks visit at the home be put over the box at city reported that the city received Funeral Home in Stayton for George and Robert Salter of her mother, Hattie Golliet. hall where bills are left, and a check for $2,107.90 gas tax, Mrs. Mary (Betty) Salter who left for their homes Monday She planned on visiting with that a lock be put on the box. and a quarterly check of $315 passed away Tuesday, Sept 10, morning after being called friends at Redding and Mon­ Also, office file cabinet lock revenue sharing, and $846.03 at the Santiam Memorial Hos- I needs some repairs. Mayor liquor tax. here by the death of their terey on the way home. ¡pital in Stayton. Rev. Donald Keep Your Car In Top Running Condition King instructed councilman The Mehama Women’s Club mother, Mrs. Mary (Betty) ' Prociw officiated at the 2:00 Salter. George goes to Ft. will be holding their fall Arsenault to take care of the I For The Best Performance. p.m. service. chair H;storica| Society To . A auiuble , »Klee ., Sheridan, Ill and Robert to meeting at the clubhouse Wed- matter. Mrs. Salter was born at nesday afternoon, Sept. 25, at ^.0_T!?UeSted’ the request Westminster, Calif. Whittier, Calif., and moved to I Meet Sunday, Sept. 22 this area from Lakewood, Starting Monday, September 16 We Will *” Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cru- 1:30. All ladies of the com- was granted. son returned home Sunday munity are invited to attend.1 In other city hall business, L’' The Linn County Historical Calif, about six years ago. Close at 8 p.m. i the recorder said the neon Society will meet Sunday, evening after spending two Survivors include widower (lighting system on one side _ . months at Medicine Hot Clarence; sons: George from ,»I lhe hell U not workm, and Springs in Montana. Lyons Garden Club Maple Lawn Place, 1950 Salem Ft. Sheridan, Ill., and Robert | needs to be checked. Mayor Mrs. Charlotte Thiel, Mrs. from Westminister, Calif.; King ask councilman VanPelt Ave., Albany. Vivian Walton and Mrs. Terry Meets at Church There will be special music mother, Mrs. Vivian Walton, to see what can be done to LYONS — Mrs. Alta Bode- (Sally) Bair returned to their by Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lyon of North Bend; brother, Robert homes at North Bend the first ker and Mrs. Eva Bressler correct the problem. ___ „„ Scio and Loren Bond of Al- Walton of Lyons; sisters: Mrs. A discussion was held on of the week after spending were hostesses for the meeting dogs show slides and talk Charlotte Maze, North Bend running at 1 large** _ and ban? of the Lyons Garden Club held several days at the home of and Mrs. Lucille Vogl of Red­ on his recent trip to Israel. some of them not being licens­ Phone 897-2786 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walton, in the dining hall of the Lyons ed. Mayor King said that on 1 Members are asked to bring wood City, Calif. Methodist Church Wednesday MUI City 508 N. E. Santiam Blvd. They came to attend funeral severai^occasions this“ hZfbeZn cookie8- are most weH Burial was in the Fox Valley services for Mrs Mary (Betty) afternoon. Mrs. Katie Skillings referred to the Marion County, come t0 attend.______________ Cemetery at Lyons. Salter Mrs. Salter was a presided over the meeting Dog Control office in Salem., daughter of Mrs. Walton and with Mrs. Hazel Wirth, secre­ tary. | It was asked, “what can be aunt of Mrs. Bair. Roll call was answered by done about dogs howling all Mr. and Mrs Irvin Robert­ showing Marigolds grown this day?” Mayor King said, “this An Kqusl Qpportunlly CariWV son from Salem were weekend year. Prizes were won by Mrs. annoyance would come under guests at the home of Uly Irene Silbernagel and Mrs. the nuisance ordinance.” Faris. Stella Neal. I There was a discussion on Mrs. Leora Stevens was hos- Plans were discussed for the litter on Clester Road and tesses for a luncheon last Fri- other places within the city day to veterans and wives of October meeting with Mrs. limits. Council agreed owners Dorothy Downer and Mrs. Alma Olmstead the hostesses. of the property would be no­ At this time. Bunko Embroi­ tified by registered letter to dery will be shown and Peggy clean up the mess and would to ------- comply ------------ — -- or Wright will show how to have one-week | other measures would be tak- chrystalize dry material. At the close of the businessj en. meeting Mrs. Edna Tyre gave j Discussion on petitions sign- a demonstration on flower ar- (ed by some 25 people and pre- rangement. An arrangement' sented by Mike Michaelson to the August was given to Mrs Rachael the council in i tits Olmstead honoring her on her meeting requesting that Or- 1 dinance #53 be amended to i 88th birthday anniversary. I prohibit parking on Front and | Breitenbush Road within 50 feet of the corner. Mayor King said he did not feel the council HISTORY IN THE MAKING had any authority to stop or The 130-year-old history of the Baha’i Faith is a regulate parking on any road. 1 matter of public record. Its teachings are available to Council decided to drop the ALLr -without charge or obligation. request Its teachings are influencing people in more than Discussion on city tax base 300 countnes/territones They could not deny the valid­ i to be placed on the November ity of the Revelations of Baha’u’lah (1817-1892) and His ballot followed. Motion was Martyr-Herald, the Bab (1819-1850). I made that the proposed tax In the 1890’s, Americans learned of and investigated the truth of Their teachings. Many became willing ser­ ' base be re-entered on the Nov. 5 ballot at the same rate of vants. They found, and tens of thousands of other $9,250 and that the tax be Americans now know, that God’s Will for a NEW civili­ broken down into dollars, in­ zation was already shaping man’s destiny. stead of mills, so that citizens You, too, can discover the refreshing, powerful, re­ will have a better understand­ vitalizing spiritual forces in the Message of the Baha’i Faith. Any Baha’i will gladly share them with you — ing of the urgently needed tax without charge or obligation. base. The motion was seconded and carried. Letters of explan­ I ations of the proposed tax Telephone: 859-2943 base, and what it will be used I for, if passed, will be mailed LYONS by Eva Bressler Detroit City Council Discusses Local Building Permits OBITUARIES INtVSANCa MEHAMA! LUNCHEON SPECIAI Five Days A Week VIV’S STEAK HOUS] » FREE - Front End Alignment with the purchase of four new tires POOR GAS MILEAGE? 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