I (»—The Mill City Enterprine. Thursday, Sept 12, 19T4 Sears CLASSIFIED RATES Miscellaneous Churches, bazaars, suppers, bake sale, etc., will be run under special announcements FOR SALE — Hotpoint 30” electric range. Used 9 mo classification with a mini- Avocado $100. Call Everett 75c per mum charge of Lake 897-2158. 37 insertion COMMUNITY Fifteen cents per line each CREDIT UNION No advertisements insertion accepted for less than 75c Join the North Santiam Fed­ eral and avail yourselves of per week Minimum charge its many advantages. Sav­ for Cards of Thanks $1.00. ings and Loans — Federally Insured Accounts. Call 769- Count five words to the line 2146 or come to 1005 N. 1st In ordering your ad Telephone Avenue, Stayton. Ore. 6tf 897-2772, Mill City or mail your advertisement to The Mill TO BUY UMBER City Enterprise, Mill City, WANT Small or large tract« Oregon 97360 We have self loader AU LHOR1ZED CATALOG MERCHANT STORE September Is Sears Big Carnival Of VALUES This Means Big Savings On WASHERS—DRYERS TV's RANGES DISHWASHERS to haul tout logs. FOR RENT 2 bdrm furn. These sewing machines are mobile home in Lyons. $90 new ard carry a 20-year guar­ mo. Phone 859-2970. 37tf antee. For information call Mr. Helvig. 585-1472. Terms and trade. 38p FOR RENT One bedroom furnished apt Close to post office, bank and stores. Ideal for retired person or couple. ANN'S FURNITURE References required. Frank THIS WEEK'S Blazek Ph 897-2745 STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. Get Ready For Fall SL 22 Steel Lawn Rake SPECIALS Regular $4.98 SALE OF Many thanks to everyone for ' their help of prepared food. I prayers and cards during our ; near tragedy Dee Curteman Mill City Full Size Mattress and Box Springs $55.00 Twin Size Mattress and Box Springs $45.00 Sofa’s $79.00 5-pc. Dinette Set $59.00 Rockers ............... $79.00 Oak Bedroom Set Drawer Mirror Chest Bed and Nightstand Box Spring and Mattress $399.00 7-pc. Living Room Group .............. „.$349.00 Sleeper Sofa by day Bed by night ........ $169.00 Sofa w matching Love Seat ............. $299.00 New Refrigerators ..$199.00 from Good Used Refrigerators from ............... $8900 We also have good used Furniture and Appliances . $J39 Bamboo Lawn Rake McQuire 22" SPECIAL HAFOWAH* StOWf KEYS MADE WHILE YOU WAIT. Better get an extra key made for your house or automobile today Bring your key with you LET US do your glass work. We cut window glass to your measure­ ments We will install the glass In frames brought to the store. Mill Citv Hardware Everett and Iola Hamilton Mill City, Ore Phone 897-2977 Service CAPITOL SERVICE No Mileage Charge Fl—Reduced to $12.900. on 2 AFTER SEASON BARGAIN— ’’bdrm home. 10(7X100' cor- Worth $600 — Conestoga CoHing's Small Engine ner lot State Vet Ln. can Folding Tent Trailer now Repar ‘he. assumed or. refinanced $400. -Can be seen at Mobil I All Makes and Models Owner very anxious. Make Station in Sublimity, financ- 1 Call 897-2212 qjfer City. ing available. North San- tiam Federal Credit Union. ! For Rent 1065 N 1st Ave.,' Stayton. I Ore. Ph. 769-2146. 37tf FOR one. , OVERWEIGHT Lose ugly fat witi. the Diaaax plan — Re­ duce excess fluid« with Flui- dex at Mill City Pharmacy. $/| 50 - WHILE THEY LAST — At Your Mill City Canvon Sears Store 160 N. 1st hi Mile West of Mehama. Ore. Ph. 897-2348 Mill City CARD OF THANKS WANTED — Woman for part MAYTAG .APPLIANCES j Our sincere thanks time work. Wilson’s Hatch­ available at Western Auto GALVANIZED ROOFING ery Phone 859-2134. 32tf Associate Store. Mill Citv. | 2*4” corrugated, 4V corru gratitude to friends Phone 897-2785 7tf! gated custom cut to length. i neighbors for the floral of-1 fenngs, cards, visits and other HELP WANTED — Couples or [ OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT — Ask about our new lower kindnesses at the time of out- Singles Do you need extra prices. Sublimity Building bereavement. $3.49 per gallon. Sublimity money. We need help in our I Building Supply. Phene 769- I Supply, 769-2174 The family of business. Male or Female. 2174. 41tf Nancy Jane Thacher SEPTIC TANK and drainfield Call manager 859-2938 for installation Gravel, Topsoli. appointment 37p ALUMINUM Screen Doors I complete with hinges, latch Bulldozing Free Estimate. Low rates. L. M Walker, set. grill and door closer, HELP WANTED - Taking 50tf Lyons. 859-2436. $14.50. Sublimity Building * • PUBLIC NOTICE ANN'S FURNITURE applications for clerks. Ap­ Supply. Phone 769-2174. tf SCHOOL MODEL YARD SALE — Sept. 12-13- ply Sprouse-Reitz in Stay­ And Antiques SEWTNG MACHINES at former ton. 36 PRIVATE Piano and Organ I 14-15 all day Open Evenings by $68.00 Royal Johnson farm. 2 mi. lessons beginning September Appointment Because of budget cutback, Furniture. east of Gates, 3. Doris Davenport, 351 N. we have an overstock of 73-74 Real Estate BankAmericard Welcome rugs, clothes, books, desks, W. Alder, Mill City. Phone radio-phono, cow stanchions, school model sewing machines Sublimity - Aumsville Jet. 897-2743. 39 PHONE 749-2975 the built-in NEED CASH? Loans available LOFTY pile, free from soil is i and lots of misc. Phone featuring 397-2567. 37 M-I-R-A-C-L-E Stretch Stitch. on older homes and ranch- the carpet cleaned with i ettes Call debenture mort­ Blue Lustre. Rent electric NUMBER ONE prefinished gage co.. Stayton. 769-6377. shampooer $1. Mill City I paneling. All 4x8 sheet« 39tf Electronic Servicing And Sales at $3.89 and $4.80. " Sublimity Hardware, Ph. 897-2977. 37 ---------------- -- --- ---------------- Building Supply, Sublimity. V LEW Reasonable Rates SALE — Septem­ I I Phone 769-2174. 4ltf t ITS A Mountain Chalet feel- j GARAGE ber 16 to 20, 775 S. W. ___ ing in this spacious - up - t Ivy. Girls bicycle, lawn LOCKER BEEF — Phone 859- down three bedroom home.' mower, chests, children’s, 2970. 40 Elevated Deck, shop build- ■ toys, games, clothing, fur­ ing with stove and tele­ niture, dishes, misc. add’l. Lost and Founo phone. large storage. Con­ items each day. 37------------------------- . tract terms available. Call ------------------------------- PHONE : LOST — Male, tiger stripe PHONE David M Reid Real Estate, FOR SALE — Automatic May-; kitten. About two mo. old 897-2111 or 897-2817. 37 SALEM i »■>».--------------- and wears collar. Last seen tag nr Washer $30; innerspring - GATES mattress and box spring, at Mill City Grade School. 1 581-4047 BUYERS we have clean. S35; blond step table r Ph. 897-2915 after 5:00 p.m. 897-2777 Listings we need w'formica top $5; portable > 37p 1 Offices Coast-to-Coast Singer sewing machine $10: — National Advertising Brings Phone 859-2394 37 Services BUYERS from everywhere Call Today FOR SALE — Potatoes, red ■ STROUT REALTY. Inc. or white. You dig. 3*-zc lb. I ALLIED ROOFING Salem, Oregon 97301 3882 State Street, Vivian M. Kealen, Manager i Bring your own sacks Sweet , Rte. 1. Box 168, Lyons Gates. Oregon 97346 PHONE 897-2097 com 4c lb Chris Nietling. 1 P. O. Box 516 935 E. Virginia St., Stayton All Types of Roof Repairs ' % Phone 897-2164 Phone 769-5228. 38 j FREE ESTIMATES Help Wanted F Canyon Area Every Thursday From Mehama To Idanha SYLVANIA and ZENITH SALES GOOD SELECTION Of New or Used, Color or Black and White TV’s at I Be\T onus When lime Counts I I 1 Our printing orders are always ready on time. That's because we know how important that order is to you. See us for every printing need. THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE bedroom apt. Utilities paid. Cable TV* available. Phone 897-2961. 4Ip thmk of DRUSHELLA'S Drushella Real Estate FOR SALE-Chicken fertiliz­ er. We load for you. Phone 897-2587 44 BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL - - - - - - ► DIRECTORY 4- - - - - - BARN and FENCE Redwood stain $2.98 gal White in- ( Ito5 N. First Ave.. Stayton terior Latex wall finish Elydia E. Smith 897-2460 $3 49 gal. Sublimity Build-; Salesman — Gates. Oregon ing Supply, Sublimity. Call day or evening 769-2174. JOHN W. REID. M. D NEWLY painted exterior and beautiful new door on this 2 bedroom home. Panelled living room and hall, full bath. Natural Gas heat 50x100’ lot. Full price $7,250 200 ft. Hwy. 22 frontage. Unimproved. City water avail­ able. Good commercial property. $9.250.00. Terms. MANY BUYERS for homes with small acreage. LIST NOW. PHONE 897-2185 or 897-31M Physician and Surgeon MUI City, Oregon Vivian Kealen, Mgr. Gates, Ore. GATES REALLY NICE 1 bedroom mobile home with dble. car­ port and bachelor apt. Creek through property. Lge. neat storage bldg. Only $12.000.00. WELL KEPT 2 bedroom mobile home on lge. lot. Alas­ ka pack insulation makes this easy to heat. Storage bldg $9.000.00. Owner will carry contract. DETROIT 2 BEDROOM HOME on lge 75x135 lot. Close to stores, school and Lake. This is one of the nicer homes in this area. Living room with fireplace, dining room. S' garage with fruit room. Oil furnace price $22,000.09 Owner will carry. Mill City—Gates American Legion Post Box 267 PERSONAL STATIONERY LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES Ph. 897-2124 For meetings and Socials The Gates Community Ou­ ter Is Now Available. ENCLOSURES CARL'S UPHOLSTERY II 480 Center 8treet, Sublimity GRAVEL OF ALL KINDS Call HUGH JOHNSTON 859-2222 Mornings er Evenings Ph. 769-5883 We Upholster Furniture, Boats, Cars and all Farm Equipment BUSINESS CARDS FREE Estimates and FREE Pickup and Delivery Service BOOKLETS 30 Years Experience Stayton Septic Service ACCOUNTING FORMS RULED FORMS INVOICES Ite MA » Gates, Ore. Weddle Funeral Home SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Funeral Service Prompt Service Stayton Oregon We will meet all competit­ ive Price« and service SatiMfaction Guaranteed r Ph. 769-6659 Stayton 24 hr. Towing Call 769-5757 Chuck Osborn Berry's Shell Service 24-HOUB TOWING i Phone 854-3361 Detroit, Oregoa