LYONS DATSUN SERVICE AND REPAIR by Eva Bressler The United Methodist Wo men have continued their AU Work Guaranteed and yea basement sale through August, SAVE 10% on Salem Prices Monday, the 26th and Friday, the 30th, from 10:00 a.m. to Call 897-2062 4:00 p.m. The sale will close ELMER TRIPP the first week in September Fall Clearance Special ONE ONLY $O Garden Tiller 5 h.p. Two Speed Q95 MW f WESTERN AUTO The Family Store and Catalog Order Store CONVENIENT TERMS AVAILABLE Home Owned by Dale and Mary Kirsch Mill C ity, Ore. l’hone 897-2785 J. 7—The Mill City EnterpriM*, Thursday, Aug. 29, 1974 with a ten and twenty-five cent sale on Tuesday, Sept 3, and Friday, Sept. 6th, from Friday evening, Aug. 23, from 10:00 til 4:00 _ p.m. a vacation trip when they vis VI Wolfer from Canby spent ited with Mrs. Schutzohl’s By TED KAVANAUGH, DIRECTOR. several days at the Henry Mrs. John Teeters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Croisant home assisting with ALPO PET NEWS BUREAU Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright Pylley. Jim and John in Se the work and caring for the and two daughters arrived dalia, Colo. sick. At Last: Films On Dog Training! Monday, Aug. 19, from Mem Mrs. Minnie Gage from Winnie Branch was accom The trouble with most train step looks 8 feet high. So, they phis, Tenn., and *re guests at panied by her grandson, Valley City, N. D., is visiting ing films is, there’s either a make training a game to be the home of his parents, Mr. Robert Branch of Stayton, at the home of her son-in-law feast or a famine. For golfers, enjoyed by the pup. and Mrs. Charles Wright. He when they went to Ashwood and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. plant workers, soldiers, cam is in the Marines, and has Saturday, Aug. 24, and were Paul Schiewek. era buffs and others — you just been primoted to gunnery guests at the John Marston Mrs. Ethel Huffman of Sa name it — there’s a feast of how-to-do-it films. But for sergeant and is on a two weeks home during the weekend. lem spent several days this films on how to train your leave. week in Lyons in charge of the Hattie Golliet and her dau dog, it’s been a long famine. laundromat for her sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hughes of ghter, Mrs. Ben Boots, who is Except for a few oldies, noth Clarence Decker of Eugene. Newberg were guests Sunday, visiting here from Chula Vista, ing. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McEldow- Aug. 18, at the home of Mrs. Calif., went to Tumwater, But now, at last, there’s good ney and children from Philo | E. J. Hughes and Mrs. M. V. Wash. Tuesday, Aug. 20, and news for America’s dog own math ware Monday evening Frame. ers who are frustrated ama visited at the home of Mr. visitors at the home of his aunt teur trainers! A new series of Rev. and Mrs. Frank Schutz- and Mrs. R. E. Golliet, return and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ar five excellent 15 minute films wohl and Heidi returned home ing home on Friday. show you everything you need thur Olmstead. to know about training your Helping Mrs. Lydia Culwell Purebred Boxer dog. And they’re available to celebrate her 80th birthday an groups on loan without charge! We see how the way a person niversary Wednesday evening Entitled "Dog Obedience talks makes a strong impres were Hershel Culwell, Mrs. Training," these films star sion on a young dog. Dogs Thelma Maceira and children, America’s foremost dog train have feelings. Even the way and Shirley Culwell from Sa ing team of Milo and Margaret you look at them is significant. lem, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cui-i Pearsall, presented by the mak Glaring can upset a dog. ers of ALPO Among many beginner’s tips well, Mr. and Mrs. Howard i Naue and Jessie Short of | Each film demonstrates a dif are: ferent training stage, guiding — Choosing a name that Lyons. you as far as you and your doesn't sound like a training Mr. and Mrs. Glen Nygaard pet want to go: Kindergarten command from Carmichael, Calif., and Puppy Training, Basic & No — Getting him used to a train their daughter, Mrs. Andrea vice Obedience, Open Dog Obe ing collar and lead breaking Suel and son Eric from San dicnce, Utility Dog Obedience, — Teaching the pup to come I Gabriel, Calif., are spending and Training for Tracking. to the trainer this week at the hime of Mr. The Puppy Training Film Any group may borrow these Nygaard’s mother, Mrs. Gladys A young, inexperienced films from the ALPO Film Li Nygaard. couple with their first puppy brary dog clubs, schools, civic, 7 A. M. — 11 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sieg asks "Can anyone learn how church and service groups, etc. returned home the last of the to train his dog?" and ‘7s my Just write me at ALTO Pet Seven Days A Week dog smart enough to learn?" Foods, Box 2187, Allentown Pa. week from a two and a half With a reassuring “Yes,” the 18001, requesting “Dog Obedi month vacation trip which Pearsalls prove it as this film ence Training Films.” State took them visiting relatives moves from step to step. your 1st and 2nd choice dates and friends in Minnesota, Wis- ) Their approach to training which should be at least 30 consin, Iowa, North Dakota, j ’s from the dog’s viewpoint, days from your letter date. Illinois, Montana, Washington ' what he sees, and how he sees Next, I’ll review the "Basie and Idaho. it. For example, a door is 15 A Novice Obedience" film. Mrs. Henry Deister, Sr. has ' feet high to a puppy, and a Watch for it. returned from a three weeks trip to LaPorte, Texas., called I Morning worship is at 10:00 there by the death of her fa-1 a.m. and Sunday school is at ther, John Gibson, who was 83 11:00 a.m. Dean Cade is min years old. While there she at- I Joyce Presler — 897-2707 ister. Everyone is welcome to tended a family reunion with' Ray arjrj Joyce Presler were attend. over 150 in attendance. Some _ guests __ at a wedding _ reception Santlam Canyon Home Ex had not seen each other for 35 and dinner held at the Tacoma tension will hold its first years. i Elk’s Club on Friday, Aug. 16, meeting of the fall year on Mr. and Mrs. Dennis John- honoring the marriage of Ar Thursday, Sept 12, 10:00 a.m. son from Lynwood, Calif., lene Atkinson and Morgan at the Gates Clubhouse Keep the front end of your car or pickup were recent guests at the home White. The couple planned on (American Legion Hall) in of his grandparents, Mr. and leaving Aug. 21 for a honey- Gates. Interested persons are I aligned and get better mileage out of your Mrs. George Johnson. t moon trip to Niagara Falls. invited to attend as well as ♦’res. I Visiting at the home of Walt former members. [ and Toni Thomas on Wednes- Keep watch for information HAVE LOTS OF JUNK laying da^’ Aug’ was Chance, on the Tole Painting Classes around the house, in the gar-1 a. former pates resident, now to begin soon. age or in the attic. Why not hvmgto Santa Barbara. Jhe S ts . and the Walt get the most W^t out of it with Thomas, AdVtoe Thomas’ Jr. family took Mr. Has Calif. Visitors MEHAMA — Mr. and Mrs. Mill City Enterprise. A call Chance fort a swt?mlng and Complete Set of Four Heavy Duty Shocks Robert Reid of Lemoore, to 897-2772 will change your picnic party at Mongold on Calif., came Monday, Aug. 19, I Wednesday evening before his Installed unwanted items into cash. for a ten day visit at the home I return home on Thursday. I Arriving on Thursday, Aug. of her mother, Dorothy Chris 22, for a short visit with Clare tensen. Mrs. Christensen was and Margaret Rush was Mar hostess at her home Saturday Regular $62.00 garet’s sister, Mrs. Bertha Jor evening, Aug. 24, for a picnic Limited Supply genson, and her daughter, Jean dinner honoring her son-in- Gross, both from Calbot. They law aYid daughter. Present were Mr. and Mrs. returned home on Saturday, Gordon McMorris, Woodbum, Aug. 24. i Leaving on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Waters, August 21, were Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Marjorie of Stay G. J. Geston. They traveled to ton, Carol Walz, Salem, Mr. Seattie, Wash, to attend a and Mrs. Edward Walz and wedding on Thursday before Mike, Mr. and Mrs. John Teet Phone 897-2786 returning home Saturday, ers, Mrs. E. J. Hughes, Mr. MB N. E. and Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Chris Aug. 24. | Clare and Margaret Rush en tensen. joyed an outing on Wednesday, At<. 21, and traveled to Wal ton Lake, near Prineville, to visit with their son Bill and t Vera Rush from Corvallis. I Visitors at the home of Vir- gil and Janet Lewis was Vir- i gil’s s ter, Mr. and Mrs. George Hewitt, from San Jose, Calif. They arrived Fri- day, Aug. 23, and left for home 1 on Sunday, Aug. 25. While here, they also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith. Arriving on Monday, Aug. „ I'M SICK AND OYlN6' 26, to spend a couple of days THE DENOROCTDNUS BEETLE 1 with Glen and Lola Henness is LARVAE HAYE TUNNELED Ruth McCombs, a former UNDER At Y BARK CUTTING Gates resident now living in OFF AAY SAP FLOW AND Vale. She hopes to spend part MY NEEDLES ARE TURNING of her visit visiting with old YELLOW f&WAGE friends. Arriving Saturday, Aug. 24, to spend a couple of days with (T Clare and Margaret Rush is Tftee KILLERS ARE A . their glanddaughter, Jan MENACE WE CANT AFFORD-' Gross from Calbot. IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, Enjoying the Oregon State denproctonus beetles Fair on Saturday, Aug. 24, KILL THOUSANDS OF TREES were Walt and Toni Thomas FACH YEAR WHICH and their grandson Chris. COULP HAVE BEEN _ * Making a visit to Breiten- ( USEFULLY HARVESTCO. bush on Wed., Aug. 21, was ONLY IN MANAGED Louis and Gilbert Myers and FORESTS WfTH ACCESS Mary Stafford. TYPICAL LARVAE. ROADS CAN BEETLE- X PATTERN Its best to keep your eyes INFESTEO TREES BE Randy Neal and his open removed tp P«veMT cousin, Allan Neal, were work THE SPREAD OF THE DREAD ivvr ing on the Neal Hartman Farm PENPROCTONUS BEETLES on Fern Ridge loading hay TO SURROUNDING HEALTHY TREES/ when they were startled by two yard-long rattlesnakes. *i9io-14,4 6MXION earr. Both were killed, in looking harvested ( ore . wash .) around, they found a hole 1.2 BILLION 80. FT. . containing a small one about killed by Men«! a foot long I Did you know that the first oil well was drilled on Aug. 27, 1849? Thought for the day. Haste Young & Morgan Timber Company makes waste, and waste makes Frank Lumber Co want, and want makes strife Mill City- Idanha, Oregon Mill Qty, Oregon between the good man and his wife. Stout Creek Lumber Co. Wills Sh’ngle Mill Riddle of the Week: What Is worse than a giraffe with a Lyons, Oregon-Mill at Mehama Mill Qty, Oregon sore throat? A centipede with Mill Ci+y .Oregon sore feet. Mill City Enterprise Gates Christian Church U. S. Plywood-Champion Papers, Inc Mill Qty, Oregon I holds services each Sunday. Idanha—Lebanon, Oregon You and your pet MEHAMA SPECIAL SALE ITEMS Shop our Daily In-Store SPECIALS oid faint/ 1 OLsmPit. i STAin i If H's time to redo yeur home, you may be able to • nd your paint problem* with Olympic Solid Color Stain. It spreads right over old oxidized paint on rough wood. Como on In and let'« talk it over. KELLY LUMBER SALES, INC. Hwy. 22 East City Unite PHONE 897-2610 Mill Qty, Ore. FREE - Front End Alignment GATES with the purchase of four new tires SPECIAL SALE On Shock Absorbers NOTICE FREE Pick Up and Delivery Service R&R Chevron Service Subscribers, please check the label on your Enterprise this week. If the figure following your name is 8-74 your subscription has expired. Why not send in a check for your renewal today. By Subscribing to OUR FABWOUS FORESTS ’ TltfX THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE YOU SAVE MONEY You can save more than the subscription price of The Enterprise by reading the ads and then taking advantage of the bargains offered. Try it and see. ME I -M I SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Marion and Linn Counties Outside Marion and Linn but still in Oregon Outside the State of Oregon The Mill City Enterprise Phon« 897-2772 I ay