The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, August 22, 1974, Page 5, Image 5

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    Mr. and Mrs. Donald (Iree, i
Anthony and Andrew attended
the Ragsdale reunion at Silver , I
■ Creek Falls.
I 5—The Mill City Hnterpriu*, Thursday, Aug. 22, 1974
Mrs. Mark Anderson, Karen fl
and Tony, Portland, spent last
Even though it is a bit late,
I week visiting here with her
the following report on the
! grandmothers, Maudie Flatman
10th anniversary” reunion of
I “ the
Nt. Catherine’s Catholic
Cuesta Sunday afternoon at und Mrs. Ruth Tohl.
Class of 1964 of Santiam
Masses Every Sunday
the home of Mr. and Mrs,
August 18, 1974 maybe it’s all for the better
High school which was held
by Hazel Hayes
9:00 A. M.
that I was replaced. Actually
Lowell CrM ttDd Mrs. J. C.
To the Editor:
A Piece of the U. S. A.—
Holy Day and First Friday
Dickinson were Mrs. John'
1 was being a pain in the neck
should be of interest.
It is only 10 miles wide and last week’ o s Enterprise
Wehrli and Barbara and O. W. I
was amon« he. ’ 8tU>
7:30 P. M.
that I (’nother substitution) when I
Gorton from Salem.
| dt,"U /arnln« slralght
Church Services — 9:30 am. and guests attended a banquet 51 miles long but the Panama h“ad ^en ’’replaced I on the held out as the lone dissenter
grades during the summer 80S-
Canal Zone is very important. school district budget com- on the serial levy issue. My
Sunday School — 11:00 am.
in Salem on Saturday even­ Without it, World War II m
at OCE.
OCE. Kay
Kav Ann
A recent visitor at the home 1 «
‘«n at
Bell of
jttee. It was not a great big suggestion about starting a
ing, arrangements for which would have lasted much long-, sur
of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shep- M,d C * was one
prjse as j had noticed an logging class was not all that
herd was Mrs. J. Personnel Rodents earning a GPA of at NT CHRINTOI’HKK MISHfON were made by Grant Merrill. er and cost much more.
article in on c,2
of the popular an idea. And I’m sure
Dancing in the lounge follow­
school it made people uncomfortable
from Sisters. She is a former' leasl 3-"-
Sunday Mass 10:30 a.m.
ed the banquet.
crossed the Isthmus in 1513 and board would be discussing the when I suggested that the bud­
resident of Mill City.
Holy Day and First Friday
On Sunday afternoon, Scott
and DeneAnn Hillesland host- Z, Uple^fm^rcounWes budgCt committee membership get committee ought to func­
Mrs. Everett (Iola) Hamil­
5:30 P M- Detroit
Peter Brusasco has been in ton and Margaret Snow re­
th»» nntinck familv nicnir »C V*”’ pe?p , or many countries i at its next meeting. I debated tion more in making up the
id the potluck family picnic at dreamed of an artificial water- at - the time whether
__ -- to ■ let
- ___
one budget rather than acting as a
Seattle the past two weeks turned from San Francisco on
of the board members know rubber stamp for an already
checking on an injury he re­ Tuesday, August 13. Mrs.
tween Mill City and Gates. | The gold rush to California ' that I had enjoyed my work on prepared budget. (I really feel
ceived while working on his I Hamilton’s husband, Everett,
i About 45 people attended, in- speeded it up. The yellow fev- ’ the committee and was looking
that our school budget com-
Sth and Ash St.
underwent open heart surgery
eluding about 20 small child-I er slowed it down. Some can- forward to future years. But mittee
is used for nothing
Phone 859-2540
1 at Harkness Hospital on Au­
ren. The group enjoyed play-i nibalistic Indians interferred. I recalled one of the board more than to satisfy a legal
Mrs. Edwin Watkins and gust 5. He is reported to be in
Rev. Arthur Hansen
ing volley-ball piching horse-1 Then the dream of centuries members telling me at the requirement).
Michael from Salem were fair condition. Cards and let­
Welcomes you to come as Ir
shoes, eating
lots of good^food, came true on August 3, 1912. time of my appointment, “You
Now that I think of it I
luncheon guests Saturday at ters may be sent to him at you are.
! and visiting. Several of the _
Yesterday morning while we
the home of her husband’s mo­ Harkness Hospital, Ward Hark
fellows floated down the river were having breakfast, Paul don’t get off the budget com­ guess I shouldn’t kick, The
ther, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Har­ Three, 1400 Fell St San Fran­
Santiam ( hapel
(on rubber rafts from the Gates said: “Why did they have to mittee until you die, leave pay was not commensurate
Assembly of God
lan. Michael remained for a cisco, Ca.
| bridge to the Hillesland home. build all those locks? One town, or ask to be replaced.” and the fringe benefits were
Well, it’s all over and done, next to nothing. As the old
Phone 859-2644
visit with his grandparents
Letters were passed around
J 10 feet higher j jna
and wiitH
what me
the iicCK,
(those wnu
who timer once said, “If I had ’er
Robert Harkins............. Pastor' from a few class members who ocean is only
and his brother Billy returned .
Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. ■ were not able to attend. It was than the other. Why couldn't, know me realize that word to do again, I’d let ’er go just
home with his mother. Mr. |
it be like a river, simply let heck is a substitute for a more like she went.”
Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. |
Harlan and Billy spent Thurs- ■
C. A. (Youth) Service Thurs-; decided to have a “news letter” the water flow from one ocean expressive four letter word)
Gale Larson.
day night “camping out" at' Joyce Presler — 897-2707
! made, which would include
to thn
the other? ■ ”
days at 7:00 p.m.
j in-1
j In
Elk Lake. Mr. Harlan is on
Enjoying a recent visit from Royal Rangers and Mission- formation of interest and ad-1 [ The problem
problem was the moun-
his annual two week vacation
sister and brother-in-law, ettes Family Night, Wednesday dresses- Laura Lyons .
get the ships over'
as custodian
at the local ..
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Franzen of at 7:00 p. m.
plans to have it mailed to the them, they have to be lifted 83
1 San Juan Capistrano, Calif.
Anyone desiring counsel and members in the Fall.
Peter Navolanic and his
Wednesday afternoon und
¡the following: Mr. and Mrs. wjfe have just finished a year
A weekend fishing trip to Harkins.
Thursday evening visitors of Devils Lake was enjoyed by
_ :—
| Chester (Brosig) Willis and of internship in the Gorgas
Mr. and Mrs. George Long Walt and Toni Thomas and I
St. Patrick’« Farlsh
¡family of Eugene; Mr. and Hospital (American) in Pana-;
were Mr. ar.d Mrs. Dennis (heir grandson, Chris. It was ' Bev mulLj N —r\ilu i Mrs‘ Dave Glenn (Ruth Co«ar> ma.
Gardner, Mike, Carey, Timmy also a trial run with their new !
' from the coast; Janet Hutchin- j Here is the very latest about
and Kevin and a friend, Da­ camper.
tod and 5th Sunday
WaId®’ a"d dau^er- that interesting country:
vid Kitchens of Newberg. The
.««V a.
■ m.
1 Sherfy Pittam, Mr. and Mrs.
j. There are many jobs in
Gardners were vacationing at gust 19, to spend a week as the ] Maas
___ ___
_ at Jerry Koenig and baby girl, the Canal Zone for people
3rd _____________
and 4th Sunday
Detroit State Park.
I Mr. and Mrs. Grant Merrill, wanting to go there to work.
, houseguest of Harold and Mary g:30 a. m.
all of Salem; Mr. and Mrs.' 2. Incredibly lush, beautiful
Wilson is their friend, Helen I
Rev. and Mrs. Richard Hal­ Watson, from Portland.
Don Podrabsky (Sherry Ben- forests.
stead became grandparents
nett) of Springfield; Larry I 3. The Panama government
Dropping in for a visit with i Calvary Lutheran Church
again last Thursday, August Ruby Brisbin on Saturday, I
Vetter from Gates; Mr. and does not allow the natives to
15. Their daughter, Sharlene August 17, were Mr. and Mrs. P1”t Ave. and Peru Ridge Rd I Mrs. Stanley Warde of Veneta; shop in American stores, but
Hoffmaster, gave birth to a Ben Boier Mrs. Boier is the o Rev. “
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sheythe they can come into the Zone
““ Dey, Pastor
baby girl at Douglass, Kansas. former Leta Rich, a former Sunday School ..
9:15 a. m. from Federal Way (Seattle) to work if they carry a “Work
The new arrival weighed 7 Gates resident and friend of Worship Service
10:30 a. ■ and family; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Card.
____ ”
pounds 2 ounces and has been Ruby’s.
Wilson and family of Van-j 4. Bananas are the big in-
named Christina Diane. Baby
couver, Wash; Mr. and Mrs. dustry.
Enjoying a long weekend
Detroit Community
Christina has one older sister, with friends over August 8
Hirte (Laura Lyons) t 5. Panamanians are very
Christian Church
Jennifer Lynn, who is 2 Vi through 11 was Katie Ewell.
and two boys, also of Vancou- friendly, many of them edu- (
years old. The Halsteads’ son- She spent the time in Grants j
Children’s Church, 11:00 am ver, Mr. and Mrs. Richard cated.
in-law, Darrel Hoffmaster, is Pass with Mr. and Mrs. Rich­
Come as you Are and Walker of Arcata, Calif., Mr. I 6. In the Zone commissary,1
the pastor of the First Chris­ ard Lathan.
and Mrs. Terry Morris of Mill prices are American. Outside
with us.
n rvH Dam
_ rr Zone,
___ ___
1__ ___
tian church at Douglass. The
City, and
Pam ’ ’s c cictor
sister, Pat, ^.1 the
are <_•_»
Guests arriving on Sunday,
Hoffmasters visited the Hal­ August 18, at the home of Ray
7. There is a duty-free center
steads here in Mill City the and Vi Foster are her sister Idanha Community Church land for the banquet.
at each end of the Canal.
first part of June while on and brother-in-law, Bert and Rev. Larry M. Goin, Pastor
A number of pictures were
8. Domestic help has been
Sunday School, 10:0 a. m
; Jonnie Lund from Yorba Lin­
Morning Service 11 o’clock. taken at various stages dur-' very cheap, but now a mini­
da, Calif. They plan on visit­
Evening Service at 7 o’clock ing the many activities. Laura mum wage has been establish­ i
Fa rview Cemetery Associ­ ing and fishing for
Mill City, Oregon
Phone 897-2324 or 897-2754
Bible Study, Wednesday 7:30 Hirte mentioned that the Rich­ ed.
ation is calling for bids for gra­ two weeks before reterning p. m.
ard Walkers also took in the
Dr. Novalanic said: “The
ding and leveling, approx. home.
Exposition at Spokane, during Staff at the American Hospital
their vacation trip, and also is very missionary-minded.
60x190 feet of the remaining
Attendnig the re-union of j
Gates Community
enjoyed visiting his mother in Always on days-off, they head
section of the cemetery. For the old Gates High school was'
Church of Christ
details contact Wilbur Harlan, Ansel and Clare Hayward of Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Detroit. The Hirtes and sons, for the interior to help the na­
Bobby and Ryan, spent a week tives. Malnutrition is very bad.
caretaker. 235 S. E. Kingwood, Hubbard. They also spent the
Bible Study 11:15 a.m.
vacationing on the coast fol- ( , When an epidemic breaks out,
Mill City, Ore. Phone 897-2682 time visiting with his mother,
lowing the reunion.
j J everyone
___ ____ _______
Ruby Brisbin before returning
pitches ____
inn, _______
A specail note of apprecia- ing the Satff of the Panaman-
Brides 'delight.. . our
The Mill City Garden club home.
tion was extended to the Scott ian Medical School.”
It has been reported that the
will hold their first meeting
Hilleslands for hosting the j There are few roads. Travel
of the Fall on Thursday, Sep­ Bill McCalls have sold their
tember 5, at the home of Mrs. home and will be moving to
I picnic, and to Grant and Helen is mostly by boat or plane.
Merrill of Salem for their ef- They call them “White-knuckle
Jennie Cauble on Highway 22 Canby, where he has been
forts in making arrangements.' trips”—bumpy.
west of Mill City. The meeting transferred by the phone com­
Barbara wanted to tell a
will start with a 12:30 o’clock pany.
i Visiting with Mary Stafford
story: “Before we leave, let
dessert luncheon.
Marshall Bradley
| for three days from August 11
me tell you about the Cuna
Honored With
through 14 was Mary’s cousin
Indians. They live on the San
Luncheon guests Tuesday at Flossie Garner. She had been
Blas Islands on the Atlantic
the home of Mrs Lowell Cree living for the past eight
side‘ You «° there f°r a week’
Mr. and Mrs. Lc
were two of her cousins, Mrs. months in Twaipay, Taiwan!
"d t0 s*’lm ln the *arm’
Eleanor Clarke and Mrs. Louise and before that for a year in Cauyou i Conservative Baptist Friday evening for her father, clear *ater’ -ndsnorkle a-
Rev. Dea Prerdw
Unerverrich of Portland They Australia. She has recently
Marshall Bradley. The large ™ng. the coraL You admire
5th Sc Cedar, Lyons
came to visit their aunt, Mrs. moved to Jacksonville, Ore.
birthday cake, decorated with the v r*\e5se appl!?ue, "J
Hey Deeter, Teeth Patter
J. C. Dickinson, who has been
Visiting on Sunday, August
a log truck on top, was pre-lwork oi
16, with Mary Stafford and |
rented io Mr. Bradley by his women W ’1“*
her brother and wife, Mr. and
two grandsons, Tim and Todd ‘reverse applique’. You’d have
Morning Worship 11 a.m.
Mrs. Louis Myers of Elkhorn,
to see it to understand it)
Training Hour, 6:00 p.m.
I were their sister, Grace Mar­
Attending were Mr. and Mrs. I “The Cunas are different
Evening Service, 7:00 p.m.
ston, and her son and family,
Wednesday evening Bible Glenn Henness and grand- * from ail other Indians. Who
Mr. and Mrs. Don Pierce and study and prayer time 7 pm. I chil Iren Jill and Mark and Mr. Xnowns i from whence they
Davis all from Gresham.
Albany; '«me? You eat their ...
«nu M7s\G^ne"MartiiC
uii, ruu«,,/.
Gates City Council will hold
.„a Mrs.
W— Marvin Stafford, food
Includes plantain
Mr. and
iood which incudes
By Frank Stromqutat
their regular meeting on
Rev. Richard L. Halstead
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lockrem, and
You sleep in a
Thursday, August 22 (tonight)
Bible School 9:45 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Brad- ■ nwnmoclc.
The Maximum Life Span of at 7:30 p. m. at the Gates City Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. ley and daughter, Candy, and1 It’s a great life down there.
a species seems to depend on Hall. This is prior to the 8 p.m. Youth meeting at 6:00 p.m. the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Staf- [
<DRr. onô <DRro. îïLij Ssvtorô í2ou<jí»low
its protein turnover rate, meeting of the Water Assess­ Evening Services 7:00 p.m. ford and their sons, Tim and Most Pars Was Days
Adult Bible study each Thurs­ Todd.
says Dr. I. M. Spector, In­
Play for Golfers
stitute of Traumatology, Ka­ 1 On Sunday, August 25, the day at 7:30 p.m. Youth Bible
Most Pars was the days play
zan, USSR. He feels the Gates Christian church will study each Wednesday at 7:15
JlCr and TKrt ZAriiiur
33rodi rid
Tuesday for the 18 hole group
molecular basis of aging Is hold a potluck dinner and pjn. Santiam Searchers each Girl Arrives At
of the Santiam Womens Golf
determined by the time re­ Homecoming at the church. It. Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.
Donald Round Home
quired for half of the body’s will take place at noon follow-
IDANHA—Mr. and Mrs.
Carol Franz was class A
protein to be replaced: in ing the services. The annual' Mill City Community Church
When you choose from our famous Regency Flower Wad­
mice, 3 years; dogs, 18 years; election of officers will be' Rev. Donald L. Distant. Pastor Donald Round of Idanha are winner with a seven and Mab-
Fun Goapel
receiving felicitations on the el Pendleton scored three for
ding Line you need have no qualms about quality-thia rich,
man, perhaps 110 years. ’. held at that time.
| The WWI Auxiliary will
Sunday School 10:00 A. M.
birth of a daughter born Au- class B. Glenna Ward and Dor-
raised HELIOGRAVING* has ail the distinction of the to­
* Adults Should Consume M hold their next meeting on
Morning Worship 11:00 A. U gust 16 at Salem General hos- othy Applegate tied for class
ast craftsmanship—yet costs about half as much as you’d
much calcium as children (3 September 14. A pie sale will
Eveuing Service 7:30 P. M. pit al. Named Angela Maxie l C with a one and Betty Hicks
guess! Do sea the many other elegant type sty lee... for yoes
glasses of milk a day) to be conducted just before noon.
Wedneoday Evening 7.30 P. IL she tipped the scales at 7 , scored one for class D.
avoid chronic calcium deple­ Everyone is invited to come.
complete wedding stationery needs. *Ha/k>g/aving-no< «•
Everyone welcome.
pounds 11 ounces at birth.
First low net winner was
tion leading to osteoporosis The proceeds will be to help
Maternal grandparents are' Carol Franz with a 72 and
to confused with engraving.
Free Methodist Ourch
—a painful and disabling the American Legion to build
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hopson, Sr., | Marie Galloway had a 75 for
disintegration of the verte­ a woodshed and a room addi­
North Mill ORy
Mill City Enterprise
of Idanha, and paternal grand- second low.
brae and long bones—says tion onto the American Legion
Rev. Jehu DeMaia
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Mel |
Dr. Herta Spencer, Veterans Hall. (Gates Community Cen-
10.00 a. m. Sunday School Round also of Idanha.
Hospital, ter).
Great grandmother is Gold-'
11 a. m. Morning Worship.
Don't forget it won’t be too
Hines, Ill.
5 p m. Evening Worship ie Round of John Day.
The new arrival joins a little'
* Sucking the Juice out of a ' long before Tole Painting clas­
ses will be starting.
Andy, at home.
piece of orange may help
Thought for the Day: You
confirmed cigarette smokers cannot joke an enemy' into a
________________ ,_____
quit, says Dr. Edward Hern­ friend, but you may joke a' *Sunday achool 9:46 a. m.
andez. The citric acid on the friend into an enemy.
Morning Worthip, 11 a. m.
palate produces a “satisfy­
Riddle of the week: What' Evening Services 7:30 p. m
ing bite” similar to that of makes the Tower of Pisa lean?
nicotine in smoke.
It doesn’t eat enough.
Leagues Are Forming At
Pharmacy Topics
The Church of Jesua Ohriat
of Latter Day Hainta
George J. Rolfe
When Your Doctor Prescribes
The Beet. We Do the Bert at
Mill City Pharmacy Subscribe to The
Phone 897-2812
Mill Qty Enterprise
Your Home Town
Read it Every Week
Bi anch President—585-4442
Meetings at Stayton Branch If the number following
Chapel • Westown Subdlvlaon
Priesthood Meetings ----- 9:00 your name on The En*
Sunday School -------- 10:30 terprise label r • 4 d I
Sacrament Meeting .... &00
Relief 8ecie<y Wednesday 13XW
8-74 it's time to sendi
a chock for renewal. I
Xo</ Are Invited To Sign Up Now