-;?■ j w THEY'RE ALL IN 8—The Mill City Enterprise. Thursday, Aug. 15, 1974 Sears FOR SALE — Rubber Stamps . . . made to order at the I Mill City Enterprise. Come in and see us or call 897- AUTHORIZED CATALOG under special announcements MERCHANT STORE 2772. classification with a mini ONE ONLY mum charge of 75c per Mobile Home Water Cooler • ruk. insertion Was: $233.38—Now $219.69 II Miscellaneous \ Fifteen cents per line each at your Mill City SEARS insertion No advertisements FOR SALE—Maytag Washer Ph. 897-2348 160 N. 1st I I accepted for less than 75c . and Dryer. Portable Washer, per week. Minimum charge like new. Rotisserie, Chest I NOTICE—I will not be re I for Cards Of Thanks $1.00. of Drawers.—Don Moffatt, i sponsible for anyone elses debts other than my own.— 829 S W. Spring Street. Ph. Count five words to the line Dorothy L. Conover. 34 In ordering your ad. Telephone 897-2930 33p I 897-2772. Mill City or mail FOR SALE- Blueberries U- your advertisement to The Mill CARPORT SALE—Glassware. ■ pick No Sunday calls Phone City Enterprise. Mill City, J China, fabrics, magazine’ 897-2148 33p rack, books and miscellan Oregon 97360 eous items. Friday. 9:30 to MOVING SALE Every Fri., IÖ e / L >O ° b7 6 p m. 829 S W. Spring St Sat., Sun. 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.. Mill City. Phone 897-2930 For Renf all during August. Lots of • -s ________________________ 33p, household items, odds and FOR KENT—2 bedroom house ends at Wallace Hovey re Lyons area. No pets. Phone BARN and FENCE Redwood stain $2.98 gaL White in-' sidence. S. E 3rd and Myr 4 «3Z-* 859-2581. 33 4 33p terior Latex wall finish I tle. S3.49 gaL Sublimity Build-; FOR SALE — Green daveno, V FOR RENT — Furnished, one mg Supply, Sublimity. Ph. | and chair set. Good condi and two bedroom apts. Util 769-2174. 17tf ities paid. Phone 897-2961. tion. $50.00 165 S. W. Ivy. a 33 •o Phone 897-2250. 33 COMMUNITY o CREDIT UNION FOR RENT — 1200 sq. ft. bldg. ; FOR SALE—Electric Range, $75 mo. Phone 897-2002. 33 Join the North Santiam Fed needs repair. $10; lavatories. eral and avail yourselves of S10 each. Pressure no-tank FOR LEASE - 3 bedroom home.! its many advantages. Sav *1 fH1NK |'|| |T. ITS Qomk' toilets, conversation pieces. fireplace, full basement. This ings and Loans — Federally $5 each. 751 N. W. Santiam property includes pasture for ■ Insured Accounts. Call 769- Blvd. Phone 897-3135. 33 some livestock. $175 a month 2146 or come to 1005 N. 1st North Santiam Real Estate. Avenue. Stayton, Ore. 6tf FOR SALE—Boys 20” sport Phone 897-2497 33 single speed bike, ban WANT TO BUY TIMBER ster ana style seat, bright yellow i WANTED — Particular print FOR RENT—Cottage for one, Small or large tracts frame. $20.00. 1110 4th Ave., i ing form buyers for our par furnished $55 per month. We have self loader Mill City Phone 897-3173. ticular printers, We have Cottage for two, furnished, to haul your logs. 34 the most particular and as- $65 per month. Rent in ad-1 STOl 1 CREEK LMB. CO. tute printers in the busines! vance and cleaning deposit. Mi Mile West of Mehama, Ore. ready and eager to do your GALVANIZED ROOFING 755 N. W Santiam Blvd. Ph. printing needs. Call the MUI 2%” corrugated. 4V corru 897-3135. 33 OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT — City Enterprise. 897-2772 gated custom cut to length. $3.49 per gallon. Sublimity Ask about our new lower Building Supply. Phene 769- CARD OF THANKS Real Estate prices. Sublimity Building 2174. 41tf I wish to thank all my Supply. 769-2174 friends for their visits, cards, SEPTIC TANK and drainfield Bl’Y EKS we have and flowers while I was in installation. Gravel, Topsoil, Listings we need Bulldozing Free Estimate CAKES for all occasions— the hospital — Thanks again. Offices Coast-to-Coast specializing in wedding Alvin Davidson. Low rates. L M. Walker, • • a National Advertising Brings cakes. Josephine Hampton. 50tf Lyons. 859-2436. BUYERS from everywhere Phone 897-2569 34 Our sinncere thanks and ap Call Today MAYTAG APPLIANCES preciation to the Mill City CALL FOD BIDS STROUT REALTY, Inc. available at Western Auto Volunteer Fire Department, Automotive The Board of Directors of Vivian M. Kealen, Manager Associate Store. Mill City. the police department and Administrative School District Gates. Oregon 97346 7tf I Phone 897-2785. FOR SALE — 1969 Buick neighbors for their quick re- 129J is issuing a call for bids P. O. Box 516 I sponse to the fire at our home NUMBER ONE prefinished Skylark. 2-door hdtp.. $1,095. Phone 897-2164 covering purchase of the H. A. paneling. All 4x8 sheets Phone 897-2151. 33 I Sunday afternoon. Schroeder house located at 130 I Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moore, Jr. NEED CASH? Loans available S3.89 and $4.80. Sublimity ~ S. W. Evergreen Street in Mill 33 on older homes and ranch- Building Supply, Sublimity. I City. Sealed bids will be op Help Wanted Phone 769-2174. 41tf ettes. Call debenture mort ened at a special board meet- gage co., Stayton, 769-6377. I ing to be held at 8:00 p. m. 39tf ALUMINUM Screen Doors WANTED — Woman for part an August 22, 1974, at San- complete with hinges, latch time work. Wilson’s Hatch ■ tiam High School, or may be set, grill and door closer, ery. Phone 859-2134. 32tf 1 mailed to Wesley Jahn, sup $14.50. Sublimity Building *1—Reduced to $12,900. on 2 I erintendent. Box 1448, Mill Supply. Phone 769-2174. tf bdrm. home. lOO’xlOO’ cor I City. Bids must include a ner lot. State Vet Ln. can YARD SALE Several famil STATE LAW requires that guarantee that all real proper anyone who contracts for be assumed or refinanced. ies. Primitive, some an- ty will be removed from the work on your residence be Owner very anxious. Make tiques. silverware. jars, premises within ninety days registered with the Oregon offer. Mill City. bottles, Highway 22, 1 mile of acceptance of bid. The Builders Board. This is for east of Gingerbread House, Board reserves the right to your protection. Check to be Follow signs. Thurs., Fri„ certain the individual with waive all informalities in Sat. No presale Roy Live whom you contract is so re bids, and to reject or accept ly, Mehama. 33 gistered by calling the De any bids received. partment of Commerce office WESLEY JAHN. CLEAN carpets the save and in your aree or contact the Superintendent. safe way with Blue Lustre. Builders Board. Room 204, Published August 15 and Rent electric shampooer $1. Commerce Building, Salem. August 22, 1974. Mill City Hardware. Phone Mtf think of 897-2977. 33 think of OVERWEIGHT’ Lose ugly fat DRUSHELLA'S with the Diadax plan — Re duce excess fluids with Flui- Drushella Real Estate dex at Mill City Pharmacy, lto5 N. First Ave., Stayton tip Elydia E. Smith 897-2460 Salesman — Gates, Oregon U-PICK Blueberries. Call Call day or evening 769-6510. CLASSIFIED RATES Churches, bazaars, suppers, bake sale, etc., will be run < ir YOU’LL ♦ CONGRATULATE YOURSELF! When you see how fast T> TT you get results, you'll con gratulate yourself on your wisdom in using a Want Ad /S/K * z?2 B U Y SELL • to sell or buy. The Mill City Enterprise Phone 897-2772 1—, CARDS ■0 Complete Printing Service Rely on us When Time Counts Ü Our printing orders are always ready on time. That's because we know how important that order is to you. See us for every printing need. THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE 897-2772 r BUSINESS« PROFESSIONAL - - - - - - ► DIRECTORY <- - - - - - MILL CITY PIRST TIME listed, nice neat 3 bedroom home in excel lent neighborhood. 86x145 ft. lot. Only $11,000.00. For meetings and Socials The Gate* Community (to JOHN W. REtD, M. D. ter Is Now Available. DETROIT 2 BEDROOM home on 80x90 ft. lot only $5,000. SEVERAL LOTS in Mill City, Gates and Idanha. Most of them can be approved for Mobile home. $2,650.00 and up. Physician and Surgeon North Santiam Real Estate 623 N. E. Santiam Btv< Phone 897-2497 Days or Evenings. Mabel or Al Yankua MANY BUYERS for homes with small acreage. LIST NOW. Mill Ci+y—Gates American Legion Port J Box 267 PERSONAL STATIONERY Gates, Ore. CARL'S UPHOLSTERY LETTERHEADS 480 Center Street, Sublimity ENVELOPES Ph. 769-5883 ENCLOSURES BUSINESS CARDS BOOKLETS RIVER FRONTAGE HOMESITE — 100x100'. Water and electricity available. Septic tank in.-------- $6,250 LOVELY RANCH STYLE 2 Bdrm, home, on attract- ! ively landscaped 85x100’ lot in excellent neighborhood. Living room and dining area carpeted. Fireplace, hdwd. floors, full bath, compact kitchen with natural finish cabinets, panelled hobby room. Oil forced air furnace. Washer and dryer hookup. Lg. patio. Separate shop building and many other extra features. Full price ........... ...... _.................. $20,500 PHONE 897-2185 or 897 3IM We Upholster Furniture, Boats, Cars and all Farm Equipment FREE Estimates and FREE Pickup and Delivery Service 30 Years Experience 1 F ACCOUNTING FORMS Weddle Funeral Home RULED FORMS Modern Funeral Service INVOICES GRAVEL OF ALL KINDS Call HUGH JOHNSTON 859-2222 Mornings ar Evenings Stayton Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt Service Oregor We will meet all competit ive Prices and service Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph. 769-6659 Stayton Stayton The Mill Qty Enterprise Berry's Shell Service M-HOUB TOWING Mill City, Oregon Phone 854-3361 Detroit, Oregon to